DLL English 5 q2 w1 None

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DLL English 5 Q2 W1 - none

Education (Bohol Island State University)

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School: Grade Level: V
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by DepEd Click Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON Teaching Dates and
LOG Time: NOVEMBER 7-11, 2022 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates command of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates
various linguistics nodes to the conventions of standard text elements to comprehend of different formats to write understanding of the
comprehend various texts English grammar and usage various text for a variety of audiences various forms and
Demonstrates understanding of when writing or speaking and purposes convention materials to
various verbal elements in oral critically analyze the
communication of information meaning constructed in
print, non-print and
digital materials
B.Performance Standards Analyzes text types to effectively Uses the correct function of Uses literal information from Drafts texts using Applies different views of
understand nouns, pronouns, verbs, text to aptly infer and predict appropriate text types for the real world to
information/message(s) adjectives and adverbs in outcomes a variety of audiences and effectively interpret
Prepares and participates general and their functions in purposes (deconstruct) constructed
effectively in a range of various discourse (oral and meaning in print, non-print
conversations and collaboration written) and digital materials
with diverse partners
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and
sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate coherent sentences using
grammatical structures: grammatical structures: grammatical structures: grammatical structures: appropriate grammatical
aspects of verbs, modals and aspects of verbs, modals and aspects of verbs, modals and aspects of verbs, modals and structures:
conjunction. EN5G-Ia-3.3 conjunction. EN5G-Ia-3.3 conjunction. EN5G-Ia-3.3 conjunction. EN5G-Ia-3.3 aspects of verbs, modals
and conjunction. EN5G-
II.CONTENT Composing Clear and Composing Clear Composing Clear and Coherent Composing Clear Composing Clear
Coherent Sentences Using the and Coherent Sentences Using the Different and Coherent and Coherent
Different Aspects of Verbs Sentences Using the Different Aspects of Verbs Sentences Using Sentences Using
Aspects of Verbs the Different the Different
Aspects of Verbs Aspects of Verbs
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
2.Learners’s Materials pages English 5 Module, p. 1-23 English 5 Module, p. 1-23 English 5 Module, p. 1-23 English 5 Module, p. 1-23
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Picture, chart Printed materials, worksheets, charts Printed materials, Printed materials, video

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graphic organizer worksheets, graphic clips
What’s In What’s It What’s More Assessment Weekly Test

Activity 1 Verbs do not just express an Activity 1 Activity 1

Directions: Identify the verb or action or state of being. They Directions: Identify the aspect of Directions: Respond to each
verb phrase in each sentence. also carry the the underlined verb in each question or statement by
Write the answer idea as to when the sentence by writing constructing clear sentences
in your notebook. actions expressed by the the correct answer in a separate using the correct tense and
1. Marcelo sings beautifully. verbs take place and how sheet of paper. aspect of the verb. Use the
2. Mark Zuckerberg introduced they 1. Marvin paddled his example below as your
Facebook. take place. banca across the Cancabato guide.
3. Many students chose to use The “when” relates to Bay. Simple Present Simple Write your answers in
modules in studying their verb tenses such as those Past Simple Future a separate paper.
lessons. in the present, past, and 2. Renka and her sister Karen Question:
4. Alita lives in a scrapyard. future time while the “how” live in a crowded container van. What have you been doing
5. I will watch your actions refers to verb aspects that Simple Present Simple Past during the lockdown?
from now on. emphasize how the Simple Future Answers:
action, event, or state 3. We bought some food I read books. I watch TV all
Activity 2 denoted by a verb takes for tonight’s meal. day. I play with my pets. I
Directions: Copy your answers place or extends over time. Simple Present Simple also surf the web.
in Activity 1 in your notebook. Aspect refers to the flow Past Simple Future There are still plenty of
Opposite each verb, of time. It gives us 4. The barangay officials will call things that I can do during
write PRESENT, PAST, or FUTURE. additional information your attention if you remove the lockdown. (simple
The first one has been done for about a verb by telling us your mask in aspect)
you. whether the a public establishment. 1. Can you recall your
1. sings (verb) - PRESENT action or condition takes place Simple Present Simple most exciting and
2. - in a single block of Past Simple Future memorable activity in
time, is completed, or occurs 5. Please check the school? Tell us what
3. - continuously. The following expiration date of food happened and what you
are the aspects of the products before buying and your classmates did.
4. - verb: them. (simple aspect)
1. SIMPLE ASPECT Simple Present Simple
5. - The simple aspect is used to Past Simple Future
express events that are 6. I have learned to be
deemed as patient and kind.
Activity 3 complete wholes and Present Perfect Past Perfect
Directions: Analyze statements A confined to a single block of Future Perfect .
to D in the box and answer the time. 7. She will have realized her 2. If you will get a chance
questions in your mistake by the time she to join a singing contest,
notebook. submits her paper. what can you do to
Present Perfect Past Perfect improve

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Future Perfect your chances of winning?
8. You had left when I arrived. (progressive aspect)

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Present Perfect Past Perfect
Future Perfect
9. Bruce Wayne was
sleeping when
1. In what way are the Commissioner Gordon
sentences above similar? sounded the alarm.
a. They all use a single verb. Present Progressive Past .
b. They are written in the Progressive Future Progressive 3. What have you
simple present tense. 10. The DOH is hiring observed, felt, and realized
The perfect aspect
c. They express an action thousands of contact tracers. being at home since the
indicates that actions or
which happened in the past. Present Progressive Simple start of the pandemic?
events which started at an
d. They express an action or Present Future Perfect (perfect aspect)
earlier time are still
condition at the present 11. The country will be
connected to a later time.
time. experiencing thunderstorms as
2. Which sentence in the box is the LPA approaches.
different from the rest? Simple Future Future
a. Sentence A c. Sentence C Perfect Future Progressive .
b. Sentence B d. Sentence D 12. The guests had been drinking 4. I have never seen you
3. Based on the answer in all night. since March. What have you
Number 2, why is this sentence Present Perfect Progressive been doing for the past two
different? Past Perfect Progressive months? (perfect progressive
a. It is written in the Future Perfect Progressive aspect)
present progressive form. 13. The crew from the City I
b. It uses a different verb form. Engineers’ Office have
c. It expresses a been installing the cables
continuing action. since this morning. .
d. All of the above. Present Perfect Progressive
3. PROGRESSIVE ASPECT Past Perfect Progressive
The progressive aspect Future Perfect Progressive
describes an ongoing 14. The band will have been
action or event that has a playing music for an hour by
duration. The progressive the time we get
aspect is made up of auxiliary through the heavy traffic.
verb “to be” + Present Perfect Progressive
the present participle (- Past Perfect Progressive
ing form) of the main Future Perfect Progressive
verb. 15. We have been praying
hard for your safe return.
Present Perfect Progressive
Past Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect Progressive
16. DepEd will be offering
more radio and TV lessons in
the coming months.

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Future Progressive

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Present Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect Progressive
17. Eddie Hall has lifted a 500-
kilogram barbell in the
deadlift category.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Future Perfect
18. The earth spins on its
axis once in every 24-hour
day. Simple Present Simple
Past Simple Future
19. Pete had cooked
“sinampalukang manok” when
his friend arrived who
brought two buckets of
The perfect progressive is a
fried chicken.
combination of the
Past Progressive Simple Past Past
meaning of the perfect
and progressive aspects. It
20. The Inter-Agency Task Force
describes an action or activity
(IATF) is discouraging face-to-face
that is related
to a prior event and that is in
Present Progressive Past
progress over a particular
Progressive Future Progressive
period of time.
Activity 2
Directions: The table below
shows you an example of the
verb (eat) in all aspect
and tenses. Using the table
below as your guide, use the
verb “fly” to make your
own example for each aspect. Do
this in your notebook.

What’s New What I Can Do

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Remember there are actions that Activity 1
happen in a definite time. In the Directions: Study the
sentence, sample sentences in Set 1
“Jonas eats the apple,” the where the different aspects
action happens at the moment of verbs
the speaker uttered the are used. Take note of the
statement. The sentence “Jonas pattern and the changes in the
ate the apple,” shows that the main verb under each
action is already tense. Then, using these
finished. In the sentence, “Jonas examples, work on the next set
will eat the apple,” the action will of sentences (Set 2) by
be done by Jonas supplying the correct form of the
sometime in the future. given verb needed under each
But not all actions or condition tense.
or state of being happen in a SET 1 (Verb –
definite time. watch) Simple
There are actions, conditions, Present
or state of being that are The security guard watches the
continuous. There are also children from a distance.
those which had already Simple Past
happened before another My friends and I watched a
action, condition, or state of movie last night.
being Simple Future
also took place. These definite The NBI agent will watch the
and continuous actions that you recorded video of the
encounter are investigation.
examples of verb aspects. Present Perfect
I have watched that
Activity 1 movie already.
Directions: In your notebook, Past Perfect
write the underlined verb or verb My sister had watched all the
phrase under the Harry Potter movies before she
appropriate column for the read the books.
Simple Aspect to match the said Future Perfect
verb with the time or They will have watched the show
aspect it denotes. The first item by the end of the day.
has been done for you. Present Progressive
1. You will need the help of The world is watching the US
your parents while studying at elections.
home. Past Progressive
2. I saw a celebrity at the airport. Cheska noticed that a
3. Lita uses her Facebook strange man was watching
Messenger to contact her.
her relatives abroad. Future Progressive
4. “I shall return,” Gen. Douglas My cousins and I will be

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MacArthur promised the Filipino watching the fireworks at the
plaza tonight. Present Perfect

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people. Batman has been watching
5. The teachers delivered some Joker’s activities all
modules despite the heavy day. Past Perfect
rain. Progressive
The tourists had been
watching migratory birds in
Kalanggaman Island until
it was closed to the public.
Were you able to place the Future Perfect Progressive
verbs in the right column? The scientists will have been
Notice that the Simple watching the asteroid for
Aspect has three types: simple ten years by the time
present, simple past, and simple the Hubble Space Telescope is
future. replaced by the Webb Telescope.
Activity 2 SET 2 (Verb – report)
Directions: Just like what you Simple Present
did in the previous activity, write Juan Pedro Cruz always
and classify the breaking news.
underlined verb phrases in the Simple Past
appropriate column for the The student about the
“Perfect Aspect”. The first Solar System during the group
item has been answered for you. presentation.
1. Before mother went to Simple Future
work, she had gone to the The TV Station the
market. news later tonight.
2. The plane had left when Present Perfect
I arrived at the airport. The meteorologist (just)
3. I have seen the the position of
“Avengers” many times the typhoon.
before. Past Perfect
4. Aryanna has practiced her The security guard
dance moves since this the same problem
morning. before. Future Perfect
5. By the time Thelma finishes The victim the
answering her modules, incident to the police by 5
Nanding, her younger P.M. Present Progressive
brother, will have slept on The news correspondent
the sofa. live.
Past Progressive
The class treasurer
about the expenses when the
power went off.
Future Progressive
Our group about
the gods and goddesses in Greek

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Were you able to put the verbs

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on the appropriate column? mythology.
What have you Present Perfect Progressive
noticed with the underlined verb Chelsea Cruz news
phrases? since 1990.
The main verbs come with Past Perfect Progressive
auxiliary verbs like has, have, Private Ryu to
had, and will. Do you Colonel Guile before he
wonder why the columns are was reassigned to General
labeled as “Present, Past, Bison.
and Future Perfect”? You will Future Perfect Progressive
learn about this in the discussions Antonio Santos as
that follow. the longest-serving news
Activity 3 anchor by next year.
Directions: Write and classify
the underlined verb or verb Activity 2
phrase under the Directions: Read the
appropriate column in following short paragraphs
“Progressive Aspect.” The first which are written in a
one has been done for you. particular
1. I am reading this aspect of verbs. Complete the
sentence right now. paragraph by writing the missing
2. Laila and Shyla were verb or verb phrase
shooting a new movie in our that has appropriate
ancestral house yesterday meaning. Paragraph 1
when the director decided to Ants are amazing creatures.
change the location. They carry objects many times
3. The wind is blowing their weight. They
gently today. behave like a single organism
4. We are praying for your even if there are thousands
health and safety every day. of them. They travel fast.
5. Many students will be learning They surround their enemies
the lessons virtually. like an army. Best of all, they
all day.
Paragraph 2
Jimin has been Jung’s best friend
since childhood. They have
worked together
for so many years now.
Recently, Jimin and Jung have
parted ways because Jimin’s
What have you noticed with the family has settled in Seoul
underlined verb phrases in while Jung’s family to
Activity 3? The Busan.
main verbs end with “-ing”.
These verbs are in the present
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participle form.
How will you compare the verbs
in the Progressive Aspect with
those in the
Simple Aspect and Perfect
Aspect? Is there a distinct
pattern or form?
The Progressive Aspect indicates
continuing actions (e.g. am
reading, were
shooting, is blowing, etc.) that
use present participle form of
the verb.
The Simple Aspect
expresses events that are
deemed as complete
which happened in a single block
of time. Notice the word
“simple” in the heading of
each column.
The Perfect Aspect is used to
show that actions which began
in an earlier time
are still connected to a later time
because of prior
experience/activity, prior events
that are completed, or prior
conditions that may not have
ended yet. Notice the word
“perfect” in the heading of each
column. In the sample answer
given, the word “had”
was added to the verb
“gone”. “Gone” is in the past
participle form of the verb.
The Progressive Aspect presents
verbs ending in “-ing” with an
auxiliary verb
before them. It expresses an
action which is continuing or “in
progress.” Notice the
word “Progressive” in the

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heading of each column.
So far, you have encountered
three aspects of verbs. This
time, you will
discover the fourth aspect of the

Activity 4
Directions: Write the
underlined verb or verb phrase
under the appropriate column
in “Perfect Progressive Aspect”.
The first one has been done
for you.
1. General Gregorio del Pilar
had been fighting the
Americans before he was
defeated at Tirad Pass.
2. Your friend will have
been waiting for two hours.
3. Our health experts have
been trying to find a better
cure for COVID-19.
4. Mayor Roberto Tandok
had been studying law
before he entered politics.
5. Amanda Jones has been
joining beauty pageants
since high school.

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A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the Lesson carried. Move on to Lesson carried. Move on Lesson carried. Move on to Lesson carried. Move on Lesson carried. Move on
evaluation the next objective. to the next objective. the next objective. to the next objective. to the next objective.
Lesson not carried. Lesson not carried. Lesson not carried. Lesson not carried. Lesson not carried.
% of the pupils got 80% % of the pupils got 80% % of the pupils got 80% % of the pupils got % of the pupils got
mastery mastery mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery
B.No.of learners who require Pupils did not find difficulties Pupils did not find Pupils did not find difficulties Pupils did not find Pupils did not find
additional activities for remediation in answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their in answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering
Pupils found difficulties in lesson. Pupils found difficulties in lesson. their lesson.
answering their lesson. Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson. Pupils found difficulties in Pupils found difficulties
Pupils did not enjoy the answering their lesson. Pupils did not enjoy the answering their lesson. in answering their lesson.
lesson because of lack of Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of Pupils did not enjoy the Pupils did not enjoy the
knowledge, skills and interest lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson. knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and
Pupils were interested on about the lesson. Pupils were interested on interest about the lesson. interest about the lesson.
the lesson, despite of some Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some Pupils were interested Pupils were interested
difficulties encountered in the lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in on the lesson, despite of on the lesson, despite of
answering the questions asked difficulties encountered in answering the questions asked some difficulties some difficulties
by the teacher. answering the questions by the teacher. encountered in answering encountered in answering
Pupils mastered the lesson asked by the teacher. Pupils mastered the lesson the questions asked by the the questions asked by the
despite of limited resources used Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used teacher. teacher.
by the teacher. despite of limited resources by the teacher. Pupils mastered the Pupils mastered the
Majority of the pupils finished used by the teacher. Majority of the pupils finished lesson despite of limited lesson despite of limited
their work on time. Majority of the pupils their work on time. resources used by the resources used by the
Some pupils did not finish finished their work on time. Some pupils did not finish teacher. teacher.
their work on time due to Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to Majority of the pupils Majority of the pupils
unnecessary behavior. their work on time due to unnecessary behavior. finished their work on time. finished their work on time.
unnecessary behavior. Some pupils did not Some pupils did not
finish their work on time due finish their work on time
to unnecessary behavior. due to unnecessary

C.Did the remedial work? No.of learners of Learners who earned 80% of Learners who earned of Learners who earned 80% of Learners who earned of Learners who earned
who have caught up with the lesson above 80% above above 80% above 80% above

D.No. of learners who continue to require of Learners who require of Learners who require of Learners who require of Learners who require of Learners who require
remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching strategies worked Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

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well? Why did these work? of Learners who caught up of Learners who caught of Learners who caught up of Learners who caught of Learners who
the lesson up the lesson the lesson up the lesson caught up the lesson
F.What difficulties did I encounter which of Learners who continue to of Learners who of Learners who continue to of Learners who of Learners who
my principal or supervisor can helpme require remediation continue to require require remediation continue to require continue to require
solve? remediation remediation remediation
G.What innovation or localized materials Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
did used/discover which I wish to share Metacognitive well: Metacognitive well: well:
with other teachers? Development: Examples: Metacognitive Development: Examples: Metacognitive Metacognitive
Self assessments, note taking Development: Examples: Self Self assessments, note taking Development: Examples: Development: Examples:
and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and and studying techniques, and Self assessments, note taking Self assessments, note
vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and vocabulary assignments. and studying techniques, taking and studying
Bridging: Examples: vocabulary assignments. Bridging: Examples: and vocabulary assignments. techniques, and vocabulary
Think-pair-share, quick-writes, Bridging: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, Bridging: assignments.
and anticipatory charts. Examples: Think-pair-share, and anticipatory charts. Examples: Think-pair-share, Bridging:Exam
quick-writes, and anticipatory quick-writes, ples:Think-pair-share,quick-
Schema-Building: charts. Schema-Building: and anticipatory writes,andanticipatorychart
Examples: Compare and Examples: Compare and charts. s.
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer Schema-Building: contrast, jigsaw learning, peer Schema-
teaching, and projects. Examples: Compare and teaching, and projects. Schema- Building: Examples:
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer Building: Examples: Compare and contrast,
teaching, and projects. Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer
Contextualization: Contextualization:
jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects.
Examples: Examples:
Contextualization teaching, and projects. Contextualizati
Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media,
: on:
manipulatives, repetition, and manipulatives, repetition, and
local opportunities. Examples: local opportunities. Contextualizatio Examples:
Demonstrations, media, n: Demonstrations, media,
manipulatives, repetition, and Examples: manipulatives, repetition,
Text Text and local opportunities.
Representation: local opportunities. Representation: Demonstrations, media,
manipulatives, repetition, Text
Examples: Student Examples: Student Representation:
Text and local opportunities.
created drawings, videos, and created drawings, videos, and
Representation: Examples: Student
games. games.
Text created drawings, videos,
Modeling: Examples: Examples: Student Modeling: Examples:
Representation: and games.
Speaking slowly and clearly, created drawings, videos, and Speaking slowly and clearly,
games. Examples: Student Modeling: Exa
modeling the language you want modeling the language you want
created drawings, videos, mples: Speaking slowly and
students to use, and providing Modeling: Examp students to use, and providing
and games. clearly, modeling the
samples of student work. les: Speaking slowly and samples of student work.
language you want students
clearly, modeling the Modeling: Exam
to use, and providing
Other Techniques and Strategies language you want students Other Techniques and Strategies ples: Speaking slowly and
samples of student work.
used: to use, and providing samples used: clearly, modeling the
Other Techniques and
Explicit Teaching of student work. Explicit Teaching language you want students
to use, and providing

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Group collaboration Group collaboration samples of student work. Strategies used:
Gamification/Learning throuh Other Techniques and Gamification/Learning throuh Explicit Teaching
play Strategies used: play Other Techniques and Group collaboration
Answering preliminary Explicit Teaching Answering preliminary Strategies used: Gamification/Learning
activities/exercises Group collaboration activities/exercises Explicit Teaching throuh play
Carousel Gamification/Learning Carousel Group collaboration Answering preliminary
Diads throuh play Diads Gamification/Learning activities/exercises
Differentiated Instruction Answering preliminary Differentiated Instruction throuh play Carousel
Role Playing/Drama activities/exercises Role Playing/Drama Answering preliminary Diads
Discovery Method Carousel Discovery Method activities/exercises Differentiated
Lecture Method Diads Lecture Method Carousel Instruction
Why? Differentiated Instruction Why? Diads Role Playing/Drama
Complete IMs Role Playing/Drama Complete IMs Differentiated Discovery Method
Availability of Materials Discovery Method Availability of Materials Instruction Lecture Method
Pupils’ eagerness to learn Lecture Method Pupils’ eagerness to learn Role Playing/Drama Why?
Group member’s Why? Group member’s Discovery Method Complete IMs
collaboration/cooperation Complete IMs collaboration/cooperation Lecture Method Availability of Materials
in doing their tasks Availability of Materials in doing their tasks Why? Pupils’ eagerness to
Audio Visual Presentation Pupils’ eagerness to learn Audio Visual Presentation Complete IMs learn
of the lesson Group member’s of the lesson Availability of Materials Group member’s
collaboration/cooperation Pupils’ eagerness to collaboration/cooperation
in doing their tasks learn in doing their tasks
Audio Visual Presentation Group member’s Audio Visual Presentatio
of the lesson collaboration/cooperatio of the lesson
in doing their tasks
Audio Visual
of the lesson

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