Iso TR 8502 1 1991

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First edition

-___I_-- -.----_--A----.--

Preparation of steel substrates before

application of paints and related products -
Tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness -
Part 1:
Field test for soluble iron corrosion products
ISO/TR 8502-1:1991
Preparation des subjectiles d’acier avant application de peintures et de
produits assimik - Essais pour apprkcier la propret d une surface -
Partie 1: Essai in situ pour d@terminer les produits de corrosion du fer

--- ..-

Reference number
_.- -.__ ---.--.-
-----------_- lSO/TR 8502-l : 1991 (E)
ISO/TR 8502-l :1991 (E)


IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Stan-

dards, but in exceptional circumstances a technical committee may
propose the publication of a Technical Report of one of the following
- type1,w hen the required support cannot b e obtained for the publi-
cation of an I nter ,national (
Standard 9 despite repeated e fforts;

- type 2, when the subject is still under technical ISO/TRdevelopment

8502-1:1991 or
where for any other reason
there is the future but not immediate
possibility of an agreement on an International Standard;
- type 3, when a technical committee has collected data of a different
kind from that which is normally published as an International Stan-
dard (“state of the art”, for example).

Technical Reports
of types 1 and 2 are subject to review within
years of publication, to decide whether they car! be transformed into
International Standards. Technical Reports of type 3 do not necessarily
have to be reviewed until the data they provide are considered to be no
longer valid or useful.

ISO/TR 85024, which is a Technical Report of type 2, was prepared by

Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes.

The reasons which led to the decision to publish this document in the
form of a type 2 Technical Report are explained in the Introduction.

0 is0 1991
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-321 1 Geneve 20 l Switz erland
Printed in Switzerland

ISO/TR 85024:1991(E)

IS0 8502 consists of the following parts, under the general title Prep-
aration of steel substrates before application of paints and related prod-
ucts - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness:

- Part 1: Field test for s&b/e iron corrosion products

[Technical Report]

- Fart 2: Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces

- Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting

(pressure-sensitive tape method)

- Part 4: Guidance on the estimation of the probability of

condensation prior to paint application

Annex A of this part of IS0 8502 is for information only.


ISO/TR 8502-1:1991
ISO/TR 8502-l :1991 (E)


The performance of protective coatings of paint and related products

applied to steel is significantly affected by the state of the steel surface
immediately prior to painting. The principal factors that are known to
influence this performance are:

a) the presence of rust and mill scale;

W the prese nce of surface contaminants, including salts, dust, oils and

c) the surface profile.

International Standards iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

IS0 8501, IS0 8502 and IS0 8503 have been
prepared to provide methods of assessing these factors, while IS0 8504
provides guidance
cleaning steel substrates,
on the preparation
the capabilities
that are available
of each in attaining

specified levels of cleanliness,

ISO/TR 8502-1:1991
These International Standards
do not contain recommendations for the
protective coating systems to be applied to the f2add46116a5/iso-tr-8502-1-1991
steel surface. Neither do
they contain recommendations for the surface quality requirements for
specific situations even though surface quality can have a direct influ-
ence on the choice of protective coating to be applied and on its per-
formance. Such recommendations are found in other documents such
as national standards and codes of practice. It will be necessary for the
users of these International Standards to ensure that the qualities
specified are:

- compatible and appropriate both for the environmental conditions to

which the steel will be exposed and for the protective coating system
to be used;

- within the capability of the cleaning procedure specified.

The four International Standards referred to above deal with the follow-
ing aspects of preparation of steel substrates:

IS0 8501 - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness;

IS0 8502 - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness;

IS0 8503 - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel


IS0 8504 - Surface preparation methods,

Each of these International Standards is in turn divided into separate


ISO/TR 85024:1991(E)

Rusted steel substrates, particularly of rust grades C or D (see

IS0 8501-l), even when blast-cleaned to preparation grade Sa 3 (see
IS0 8501-l and IS0 8501-2), may still be contaminated by soluble iron
corrosion products. These compounds are almost colourless and are
localized at the lowest point of the rust pits. If they are not removed prior
to painting, chemical reactions can result in large accumulations of rust
which destroy the adhesion between the substrate and the applied pro-
tective coating.

In surfaces cleaned to preparation grades lower than Sa 2X, it is likely

that soluble iron corrosion products will be concealed under layers of
iron oxide and will not be detectable until further cleaning is carried out.

In the field, it is difficult to determine accurately the concentration of

soluble salts on the substrate present after blast-cleaning. Nevertheless,
because a procedure is required for detecting and estimating soluble
iron salts, one is described in this type 2 Technical Report. It is given
as an aid and is not, at this stage, to be considered as an International
Standard, as further experience needs to be gained with the method.

In addition to the procedure described in this Technical Report, other

methods of detecting soluble salts are in use, and some of these are
described briefly in annex A with a commentary on their advantages
and limitations.

Using the swabbing procedures described in clause 5, it has been esti-

mated that the surface concentration detectable is of the order of
10 mg/m* of iron ions. In practical use, there are indications that re-
sults obtained in the field of less than 15 mg/m* are probably insignifi-
cant for most coating purposes, but that results of the order of
250 mg/m* indicate that it would be undesirable to paint the surface,
except if the coated structure is to be maintained in the very driest ex-
posure conditions. Surfaces indicating this latter level of contamination
will also
8502-1:1991 rapidly re-rust after blast-cleaning in relative hu-
midities above 50 %.
NOTE 1 After rrying out the te st, it is advisable to further cl ean the test
area to remove sh rus ting befo re application of a paint system.

It is important, when specifying the maximum permissible amount of

surface contamination by soluble iron corrosion products, to avoid im-
posing unnecessarily strict limits. Lower limits are appropriate only to
marine or similar aggressive environments. A requirement for excess-
ively low contamination levels can be very costly and, in many rural and
non-industrial inland areas, would be disproportionate to the benefits to
be obtained.
iTeh This
page intentionally leftPREVIEW

ISO/TR 8502-1:1991

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness -

Part 1:
Field test for soluble iron corrosion products

1 Scope IS0 8501-2: --‘I, Preparation of steel substrates before

application of paints and related products - Visual
This Technical Report describes a field test for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Prep-
assessment of soluble
surfaces abrasively blast-cleaned
iTeh STANDARDafter
iron corrosion PREVIEW
aration grades of previously coated steel substrates
products on
to Sa 2 % or better localized removal of previous coatings.

cator test strips that are sensitive

(see IS0 85014 or IS0 8501-2). The test uses indi-
to ferrous ions.
3 Principle
This field test is not applicable to manually ISO/TR
cleaned 8502-1:1991
steel surfaces. A proportion of the soluble salts on the test
f2add46116a5/iso-tr-8502-1-1991 is removed by controlled washing of the
surface with water. The collected washings are
tested for iron ions by the calorimetric reaction
with 2,2’-bipyridyl indicator paper.
2 Normative references
4 Reagents, apparatus and materials
The following standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions Use only reagents of recognized analytical reagent
of this Technical Report. At the time of publication, grade, and water of at least grade 3 purity in ac-
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are cordance with IS0 3696.
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
on this Technical Report are encouraged to investi-
gate the possibility of applying the most recent edi- 4.1 Indicator test strips for iron ions, prepared
tions of the standards indicated below. Members of by impregnating small paper test strips with
IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid 2,2’-bipyridyl. The test strips shall be sensitive within
International Standards. the range 5 mg/l to 250 mg/l. The test strips shall be
kept in dry, tightly closed containers when not being
IS0 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use - used.
Specification and test methods.
Commercial indicator test strips are widely avail-
IS0 850%1:1988, Preparation of steel substrates be- able. If these are used, they shall be calibrated (see
5.1) by immersion in solutions of known iron ion
fore application of paints and related products -
concentration before use.
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1:
Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated
steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall 4.2 Soluble iron salt, e.g. ammonium iron
removal of previous coatings. sulfate.

1) To be published.
ISOlTR 850201:1991 (E)

4.3 Sulfuric acid, dilute. avoid water running freely from the pad, especially
if the test area is not horizontal. Place the absorbent
4.4 Three absorbent pads of pure cotton, of mass cotton swab into the second container (4.5b) and
approximately 2 g to 3 g. repeat the swabbing procedure with a fresh cotton
pad. Add any remaining water in the first container
4.5 Two containers (a and b), approximately to the second container.
400 ml capacity each, one of them (4.5a) containing Complete the whole swabbing operation in a pproxi-
50 ml of water and the other (4.5b) empty. mately 4 min.
NOTE 2 Plastic bags have been found suitable for site Dry the surface with a dry absorbent cotton pad and
work. place the pad in the second container. Thoroughly
mix the three absorbent cotton pads and water, us-
4.6 Small glass rod. ing the glass rod (4.6) to prepare the test solution.

4.7 Ruler and chalk, or other suitable means for 5.3 Assessment of the test solution
marking the test area.
Dip an indicator test strip (4.1) into the test solution
5 Procedure prepared in 5.2 in the second container (4.5b) and
assess the colour against the reference indicator
strips (see 5.1).
5.1 Preparation of reference indicator test
6 Expression of results
Calibrate indicator test strips (4.1) for reference use
immediately before each series of tests, using the Using 50 ml of water and a test area of 25000 mm2
following procedure. as described in 5.2, twice the iron concentration,
in milligrams per litre, indicated by the indicator
Prepare fresh solutions
with iron
of soluble
of 5 mg/l,
salt (4.2)
10 mg/l,
strip is equal
iron corrosion
to the concentration
products in milligrams
of dissolved
per square
100 mg/l and 250 mg/l and stabilize (
sulfuric acid (4.3). If the stability of the soluble iron
dilute metre.

salt is questionable, determine its iron content by

any standard redox method prior to making up the 7 Test report
ISO/TR 8502-1:1991
solutions. Into each solution,
dip an indicator test
strip (4.1) and withdraw The test report shall contain
and retain for comparison at least the following
with strips obtained during the test. information:

a) a reference to this Technical Report

5.2 Preparation of the test solution (lSO/TR 8502-l);
Carry out the washing procedure described below
b) identification and attitude (e.g. horizontal, verti-
and the subsequent assessment of the resulting test
cal, angled) of the area tested;
solution (see 5.3) in duplicate. Minimize contami-
nation with iron salts by wearing clean plastic
c) the rust g rade and preparation grade of the sur-
gloves or by using plastic tweezers, as appropriate. face unde r test:
Following blast-cleaning, mark out a test area
measuring approximately 25000 mm2 (e.g. d) any deviation from the test method specified;
250 mm x 100 mm) using a suitable means (4.7).
Soak an absorbent cotton pad (4.4) with the water in e) the result of the test as indicated in clause 6;
the first container (4.5a) and then thoroughly swab
the test area with the soaked pad. Take care to f) the date(s) of the test.
ISO/TR 8502-M 991 (E)

Annex A

Other methods of determining soluble iron corrosion products

A.1 General piece of the test paper and press with the thumb
for 2 s to 5 s.
Recent work in the UK has indicated that the semi-
If soluble salts remain, these will be drawn by
quantitative method of test for ferrous ions, using a
capillary action into the test paper and will react
swab test for sampling and using test strips that are
with the potassium hexacyanoferrate(lll) to give
specific to iron(H) ions (as given in this Technical
“a characteristic prussian blue complex as blue
Report), remains the most suitable for a field test. In
dots on the paper, corresponding to the con-
addition, soluble-salt contamination on a steel sur-
taminated pits on the blast-cleaned steel”.
face is unlikely to be uniformly distributed but
largely concentrated in individual pits. The analytical The method is simple to use and has the advantage
technique requires sampling of a substantial surface of indicating the exact location of pits containing
area, about 25000 mm? which could give an as- soluble iron corrosion products. It has the disad-
sessment of the average contamination of the sur- vantage that it relies on wetting the surface to the
face but fail to reveal the presence of pits containing right degree in order to dissolve the salts. Too little
a high concentration of aggressive material. water and this will not be achieved, too much water
and there is an overall blue coloration over the test
A number of other field tests for the detection of
these salts have been investigated
years. These are described
in A.2 to A.5.
over the past
paper. Also, the intensity
according to the sampling
of the blue spots varies
procedure and the inten-
( sity may remain consistently
actual soluble salt contamination
high even when the
has dropped to a
A.2 Conductivity measurement low level. In addition, the test papers deteriorate
ISO/TR 8502-1:1991
rapidly during storage and have to be freshly made
This method measures the conductivity of water
for each test.
washings from the blast-cleaned surface. An in-
crease in conductivity could be correlated with the
A.4 Corrosion-product indicators in
soluble-salt content. This method has the advantage
of measuring all soluble salts, e.g. ammonium as emulsion-type formulations
well as ferrous. It has the disadvantage of requiring
special apparatus for field use. This method incorporates soluble iron corrosion
product indicators, such as potassium hexa-
cyanoferrate(lll) or 2,2’-bipyridyl, in a white
A.3 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(lll) test emulsion-type formulation. This has the possible
papers advantage over the potassium hexacyanoferrate(lll)
test papers in that the sampling technique may be
This method uses test papers impregnated with more efficient. However, the method has the other
potassium hexacyanoferrate(lll) to indicate the disadvantages of the potassium hexacyano-
presence of soluble iron salts. The test, described in ferrate(lll) method. It can give an overall blue color-
appendix G of BS 5493:1977, Csde of Practice for ation unrelated to the degree of contamination, and
protective coating of iron and steel structures it has been found that the indicator deteriorates in
against corrosion, is as follows: storage.

a) Spray a fine mist of water droplets on to a small Similarly, if a thick film of a specially formulated
area of blast-cleaned surface using a hand spray white emulsion paint is applied over a contaminated
(a scent-spray type of bottle is satisfactory). surface, the presence of soluble iron salts is dem-
onstrated by a pattern of flash-rusting developing in
b) Allow the water droplets to evaporate and at the the film. As far as is known, no repeatability or
moment when they have disappeared but the reproducibility tests have been carried out on this
surface is just perceptibly wet apply a small method but it is understood that it is used by some
coating applicators as a “pass/fail” test for critical

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