Iso 8503-2 (1988) - e
Iso 8503-2 (1988) - e
Iso 8503-2 (1988) - e
Partie 2 : Méthode pour caractériser un profil de surface en acier décapée par projection
d'abrasi - Utilisation d'échantillons de comparaison viso-tactile ISO
Reference numbcr
iso 8503-2: 1988 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national stndards bodies (iSO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normaJ/y carried out through 'SO teehnical commitee. Each member
boy interesed in a subject for whlen a technical committee has ben esrabJished has
the right to be represnted on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non.governmetal, in liaison with ISO. alsa take part in the work.
Drah Internional Standards adopted by the technical comminee are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Caunei!. They are approved in aeeordance with ISO proèedures requìring at
Jeast 75 % approvat by the member bodies voting.
Internationar Standard ISO 85.2 was prepared by Technical Commin~ ISO/TC 35,
Paints and vsrnishes.
Users should note that ail International Standards undergo revision from time ta time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edjtion, unles otherwse stated.
factors that are known ta influence this performance are
ISO 85-2: 198 (El
al When and where the assment of grading is ta be ISO 851.1, Preparation of steel substrates before application
carried out (i.e. the frequency of assssments as blast- of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface
c1eaning procees and the nominal distance between in. clean/iness - Part 1 : Rust grades and preparation grades of
dividual assesmentsl. uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall
remova/ of previous coatings.
bl Wherever posible, whether shot or grit abrasive (or a
mixture of shot and grit abrasivesl is ta be used for the 150 85, Preparation Of steel substrates before application of
blast-cleaning procedure!sL. paints and re/ated products - Surface roughness charae.
teristics of blast-cleaned steel substfâtes
cl The required grading (se the note below) of the
blast-cleaned substrates in terms of "fine". "medium" or Parr 1 : Specifications and definitions for ISO surface
"coarse" and, where known, the rust grade (see ISO 851-1) profle camparatars for the assessment of abrasive blas(-
of the substrate priar ta blast-cleaning. c1eaned surfaces.
dl If required. the type of camparator ta be used, i.e. corn. Part 3: Method far the ca¡'öration of ISO surface
paratar G or comparator S. proMe comparatars and for the determination of surface
profie - Focusing microscope procedure.
NOTE - The rus! grade of the steel is indicative of the "primary" pro-
file of the surface and hence this wil affect the profile of the cJeaned Parr 4: Method for the calibration of ISO surface
substrate. The "seeondary" profile is the profile resulting frcm the ef-
profile comparators and for the determinatlon of surface
feet of the blast-deaning proeess on the primary profile and ii is this
profie - Stylus instrument procedure.
"seeondary" profile which is to be assed by use of a reference com-
ISO 852, Preparation of steel substrates before application
of paints and re/ated products - Surface preparation
Sharp edges due ta mechanical or flame cuning, boring, etc.,
are not cansidered part of the primary profile and should be methods - Part 2 : Abrasive b/ast-cleaning_ 11
remaved by grinding priar ta abrasive blast-cleaning.
3 Definitions
1 Scope and field of application For the purpose of this part of ISO 850, the definitÎons given in
ISO 4618 and ISO 8503-' apply.
1.1 This part of ISO 85 describes a visual and tactile
method for asseing the grade of the profile that has been pro-
duced by one of the abrasive blast-deaning procedures
describe in ISO 85-2. 4 Princip le
Visual and! or tactile comparìson of the surface profile of the
The method uses 150 surface profile comparators for assess-
¡ng, on site, the roughness of surfaces before the application of
test surface with the profile of each of the segments of a
calibrated ISO surface profile comparator. Identification of the
paint or other pratectjve treatments.
two segments between whose profiles the test surface lies, and
NOTE - Where appropnate. iSO surface profile comparators may be
conversion to the approprÎate grading : "fine", "medium" or
use for assing the roughness profile of other abrasive blasi-c1eaned
"coarse" .
substrates and, in addition, their use is not restricted solely 10 surfaces
that are to be painted.
5 Apparatus
1.2 The rnethod is applicable to steel surfaces that have been
blast~cleaned by use of either shot abrasives or grit abrasives
but is only applicable for grades Sa 21/2 and Sa 3 of ISO 851.1 5.1 Surface profile comparator. calibrated, complying
when the entire surface under test shows an overalt blast- with the requriements of ISO 85.1.
cleaned appearance.
It is applicable to surfaces that have been deaned with either 1 ln iso 85-1, Iwo eomparators are specified : one with surface
metallic or non.metallc abrasives. profiles corresponding to surfaces that have been blast-cleaned using
grit abrasives (reference comparator GI and one with surface profiles
corresponding ro surfaces that have been blast-cleaned using metallic
shot abrasives lreference comparator SJ. The nominal values for these
profiles, which identrt the ¡¡mits of the three grades "fine". "medium"
2 References and "coarse", are giiien in iSO 85-1.
When a mixture of shot and grit abrasives is used ta blast.dean a
150 4618, P8ìnts and varnishes - Vocabulary. substrate, the grit-abrasive reference comparator G should be used.
ISO 85-2: 198 (El
Some abrasives (for example. cast steel and cut wireì will change their clause ai prevents assssment of the roughnes of the secon-
shape during use sa that "new" abrasive will give an angular profile but
dary profile, carry out the assment on a fiat coupon of steel
a "working mi x" will give a rounded profile. Hence. the relevant com-
parator should be seleeted for these abrasives (see ISO 852). of equivalenr specifcation that has ben cleaned by the same
procedure as the tes surface, using the same abrasive, and
2 Other comparator designs and configurations may be use, pro-
state in the test report that
vided ihat four sements are ¡ncluded that comply wih the
profiles specified in iso 85-1.
al direct assessment of the secondary profile was not
possible due ta the condition of the surface prior ta blast-
5.2 Hand lans, with magnification not exceeding X 7.
c1eaning and
7.1 Aemove ail loose dus! and debris fram the test surface. 2 When surfaces are subject ta re-b1asting operations, the
initial profie may override the secondary profile normally
expeted from the abrasive and conditions used in the re.blasting
7.2 Select the appropriate surface profile comparator (5.1) operations.
and place it against an area of the surface. Compare, in tUrr,
the test surface with the four segments of the comparator,
using the hand lens (5.21 if necessary lsee the note). If the hand 7.6 ln cases of dispute, a representative sample of the sur-
lens is used, place it 50 that the test surface is viewed simul- face shaJ/ he provided and measured as described in ISO 853-3
= taneously with a sement of the comparator. or ISO 85-4.
= Asses the profiles on the comparator that are neares to the NOTE - ln the absence ot agreement, measurement bv the method
= profile of the test surface and, from these, determine its grade
(see the tablel.
described in iSO 853-3 is the reteree procedure.
If any profile is assesd as below the lower limit for the "fine" fI in cases of dispute lsee 7.6). the method of measure.
grading, report the grading as "finer th an fine". ment used and the profile value determined;
If any profile is assss as above the upper limit for the gl any deviation, by agreement or othervise, from the
"coarse" grading, report the grading as "coarser than coarse". procedure described;
7.5 When the condition of the steel that has ben blast- h J the name of the operator;
cleaned is su ch that the primary profile (se the note ta 1) the date of the test.