Iso 834 1 1999

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First edition

Fire-resistance tests — Elements of

building construction —
Part 1:
General requirements
Essai de résistance au feu — Éléments de construction
Partie 1: Exigences générales
ISO 834-1:1999

A Reference number
ISO 834-1:1999(E)
ISO 834-1:1999(E)

Contents Page

1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Normative reference.................................................................................................................. 1

3 Definitions................................................................................................................................. 1

4 Symbols and abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 2

5 Test equipment.......................................................................................................................... 3

6 Test conditions ........................................................................................................................ 12

Test specimen preparation ...................................................................................................... 15
8 Application of instrumentation ............................................................................................... 17
ISO 834-1:1999
9 Test procedure......................................................................................................................... 20
10 Performance criteria................................................................................................................ 22

11 Validity of the test ................................................................................................................... 24

12 Expression of test results ........................................................................................................ 24

13 Test report ............................................................................................................................... 25

© ISO 1999
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland
Internet [email protected]
Printed in Switzerland

© ISO ISO 834-1:1999(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of

national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body
interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to
be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with
the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for voting. Publication as International Standard requires approval by at least two-thirds
of the Member Bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 834-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 92, Fire
safety, Subcommittee SC 2, Fire resistance.
ISO 834-1:1999
This first edition of ISO 834-1 cancels and replaces ISO 834:1975, together with
Amendment 1:1979 and Amendment 2:1980, of which it constitutes a technical revision. The
revision has been made because of the need for more accuracy and reproducibility in the test
method. Its provisions are supplemented by the commentary material contained in part 3.

ISO 834 consists of the following parts under the general title Fire-resistance tests — Elements
of building construction:

— Part 1: General requirements

— Part 3: Commentary on test method and test data application
— Part 4: Specific requirements for loadbearing vertical separating elements
— Part 5: Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements
— Part 6: Specific requirements for loadbearing beams
— Part 7: Specific requirements for loadbearing columns
— Part 8: Specific requirements for non-loadbearing vertical separating elements
— Part 9: Specific requirements for non-loadbearing horizontal separating elements
— Part 10: Method to determine the contribution of applied protection materials to structural
metallic elements
— Part 11: Method to assess the contribution of applied protection materials to structural
metallic elements

ISO 834-1:1999(E) © ISO

Significant changes with respect to ISO 834:1975 are requirements for the following:

– accuracy of measuring equipment;

– tolerances applied to the deviation of the curve of the average furnace temperature with
respect to the standard heating curve;

– pressure conditions for vertical and horizontal elements;

– specification of test load;

– conditioning;
– application of instrumentation; (
– criteria respecting loadbearing capacity. ISO 834-1:1999
In general, the revision reflects the objective 8d53c91e9306/iso-834-1-1999
of Working Group WG 1 in providing a standard
that is arranged in logical sequence and providing for increased precision in the development
and application of the test data, as well as repeatability of the results using the same and
different equipment. It is planned to enhance the repeatability aspect by the development, in the
near future, of a precision calibration routine which will address parameters such as temperature
uniformity, pressure gradients, oxygen concentration, furnace lining materials, and others.


Fire-resistance tests – Elements of building construction –

Part 1:
General requirements

1 Scope

This part of ISO 834 specifies a test method for determining the fire resistance of various elements of
construction when subjected to standard fire exposure conditions. The test data thus obtained will permit
subsequent classification on the basis of the duration for which the performance of the tested elements under
these conditions satisfies specified criteria.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
ISO 834-1:1999
part of ISO 834 . At the
time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 834 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

ISO 13943:—1), Fire safety — Vocabulary.

IEC 60584-1:1995, Thermocouples — Part 1: Reference tables.

3 Definitions

For the purposes of this part of ISO 834, the definitions given in ISO 13943 and the following definitions

3.1 actual material properties: Properties of a material determined from representative samples taken
from the specimen for the fire test according to the requirements of the concerned product standard.

3.2 calibration test: Procedure to assess the test conditions experimentally.

3.3 deformation: Any change in dimension or shape of an element of construction due to structural
and/or thermal actions. This includes deflection, expansion or contraction of elements.

1) To be published.

ISO 834-1:1999(E) © ISO

3.4 element of building construction: Defined construction component, such as a wall, partition, floor,
roof, beam or column.

3.5 insulation: Ability of a separating element of building construction when exposed to fire on one side,
to restrict the temperature rise of the unexposed face to below specified levels.

3.6 integrity: Ability of a separating element of building construction, when exposed to fire on one side,
to prevent the passage through it of flames and hot gases or the occurrence of flames on the unexposed side.

3.7 loadbearing capacity: Ability of a specimen of a loadbearing element to support its test load, where
appropriate, without exceeding specified criteria with respect to both the extent of, and rate of, deformation.

3.8 loadbearing element: An element that is intended for use in supporting an external load in a building
and maintaining this support in the event of a fire.

3.9 neutral pressure plane: Elevation at which the pressure is equal inside and outside the furnace.

3.10 notional floor level: Assumed floor level relative to the position of the building element in service.

3.11 restraint: The constraint to expansion or rotation (induced by thermal and/or mechanical actions)
afforded by the conditions at the ends, edges or supports of a test specimen.
NOTE — Examples of different types of restraint are longitudinal, rotational and lateral.

3.12 separating element:

An element that is intended for use in maintaining separation between two
adjacent areas of a building in the event of a fire.
ISO 834-1:1999
3.13 supporting construction: That construction that may be required for the testing of some building
elements into which the test specimen is assembled, such as the wall into which a door is fitted.

3.14 test construction: Complete assembly of the test specimen together with its supporting construction.

3.15 test specimen: Element (or part) of a building construction provided for the purpose of determining
either its fire resistance or its contribution to the fire resistance of another building element.

4 Symbols
Symbol Description Unit
A area under the actual average furnace time/temperature curve °C•min
As area under the standard time/temperature curve °C•min

C axial contraction measured from the start of heating mm

C(t) axial contraction at time t during the test mm

dC rate of axial contraction, defined as: mm/min

dt C(t2 ) − C(t1)

(t 2 − t 1)

© ISO ISO 834-1:1999(E)

d distance from the extreme fibre of the design compression zone to the mm
extreme fibre of the design tensile zone of the structural section of a
flexural test specimen
D deflection measured from the commencement of heating mm

D(t) deflection at time t during the test mm

dD rate of deflection, defined as:

dt D(t2 ) - D(t1) mm/min
(t2 - t1)
h initial height of axially loaded specimen mm

L length of the clear span of the specimen mm

de percent deviation (see 6.1.2) %

t time from the commencement of heating min

T temperature within the test furnace °C


5 Test equipment ISO 834-1:1999
5.1 General 8d53c91e9306/iso-834-1-1999

Equipment employed in the conduct of the test consists essentially of the following:

a) a specially designed furnace to subject the test specimen to the test conditions specified in the appropriate

b) control equipment to enable the temperature of the furnace to be regulated as specified in 6.1;

c) equipment to control and monitor the pressure of the hot gases within furnace as specified in 6.2;

d) a frame in which the test specimen can be erected and which can be positioned in conjunction with the
furnace so that appropriate heating, pressure and support conditions can be developed;

e) arrangement for loading and restraint of the test specimen as appropriate, including control and
monitoring of loads;

f) equipment for measuring temperature in the furnace and on the unheated face of the test specimen, and
where needed within the test specimen construction;

g) equipment for measuring the deformation of the test specimen where specified in the appropriate clauses;

h) equipment for evaluating test specimen integrity and for establishing compliance with the performance
criteria described in clause 10 and for establishing the elapsed time.

ISO 834-1:1999(E) © ISO

5.2 Furnace
The test furnaces shall be designed to employ liquid or gaseous fuels and shall be capable of

a) heating of vertical or horizontal separating elements on one face; or

b) heating of columns on all sides; or

c) heating of walls on more than one side; or

d) heating of beams on three or four sides, as appropriate.

NOTE — Furnaces may be designed so that assemblies of more than one element can be tested simultaneously, provided all the
requirements for each individual element can be complied with.

The furnace linings shall consist of materials with densities less than 1 000 kg/m3. Such lining materials
shall have a minimum thickness of 50 mm and shall constitute at least 70 % of the internally exposed surface
of the furnace.

5.3 Loading equipment

The loading equipment shall be capable of subjecting test specimens to the level of loading determined
according to 6.4. The load may be applied hydraulically, mechanically or by the use of weights.
The loading equipment shall be able to simulate conditions of uniform loading, point loading, concentric
loading or eccentric loading, as appropriate for the test construction. The loading equipment shall also be
capable of maintaining the test load at a constant value (to within ± 5 % of the required value) without
changing its distribution for the duration of the loadbearing
ISO 834-1:1999
capacity period. The equipment shall be capable
of following the maximum
deformation and the rate of deformation of the test specimen for the duration of
the test. 8d53c91e9306/iso-834-1-1999
The loading equipment shall not significantly influence the heat transfer through the specimen nor impede
the use of the thermocouple insulating pads. It shall not interfere with the measurement of surface
temperature and/or deformation and shall permit general observation of the unexposed face. The total area
of the contact points between the loading equipment and the test specimen surface shall not exceed 10 % of
the total area of the surface of a horizontal test specimen.

Where loading has to be maintained after the end of heating, provision shall be made for such maintenance.

5.4 Restraint and support frames

Special frames or other means shall be used to reproduce the boundary and support conditions appropriate
for the test specimens as specified in 6.5.

5.5 Instrumentation
5.5.1 Temperature Furnace thermocouples

The furnace thermocouples shall be plate thermometers which comprise an assembly of a folded steel plate,
the thermocouple fixed to it and containing insulation material. The measuring and recording equipment
shall be capable of operating within the limits specified in 5.6.

© ISO ISO 834-1:1999(E)

The plate part shall be constructed from (150 ± 1) mm long by (100 ± 1) mm wide by (0,7 ± 0,1) mm thick
nickel alloy sheet strips folded to the design as shown in figure 1.

The measuring junction shall consist of nickel chromium/nickel aluminium (type K) wire as defined in
IEC 60584-1, contained within mineral insulation in a heat-resisting steel alloy sheath of nominal diameter
1 mm, the hot junctions being electrically insulated from the sheath. The thermocouple hot junction shall be
fixed to the geometric centre of the plate in the position shown in figure 1 by a small steel strip made from
the same material as the plate. The steel strip can be welded to the plate or may be screwed to it to facilitate
replacement of the thermocouple. The strip shall be approximately 18 mm by 6 mm if it is spot welded to the
plate, and nominally 25 mm by 6 mm if it is to be screwed to the plate. The screw shall be 2 mm in diameter.

The assembly of plate and thermocouple shall be fitted with a pad of inorganic insulation material nominally
(97 ± 1) mm by (97 ± 1) mm by (10 ± 1) mm thick, density (280 ± 30) kg/m3.

Before the plate thermometers are first used, the complete plate thermometer shall be aged by immersing in
a pre-heated oven at 1 000 °C for 1 h.

NOTE — Exposure in a fire resistance furnace for 90 min under the standard temperature/time curve is considered to be an
acceptable alternative to using an oven.

When a plate thermometer is used more than once, a log of its use shall be maintained indicating, for each
use, the checks made and duration of use. The thermocouple and the insulation pad shall be replaced after
50 h exposure in the furnace.
Unexposed surface thermocouples
The temperature of the unexposed surface ISO of the test specimen shall be measured by means of disc
thermocouples of the type shown in figure 2. In order to provide a good thermal contact, thermocouple
wires, 0,5 mm in diameter, shall be soldered or welded to a 0,2 mm thick by 12 mm diameter copper disc.
Each thermocouple shall be covered with a 30 mm x 30 mm x 2,0 mm ± 0,5 mm thick inorganic insulating
pad, unless specified otherwise in the standards for specific elements. The pad material shall have a density
of 900 kg/m3 ± 100 kg/m3. The measuring and recording equipment shall be capable of operating within the
limits specified in 5.6.

The insulating pad shall be bonded to the surface of the test specimen, with no adhesive between the copper
disc and the specimen surface or between the copper disc and the insulating pad. Roving thermocouples

One or more roving thermocouples of the design shown in figure 3 or alternative temperature-measuring
devices which can be shown to have at least the accuracy and a response time equal to or less than the design
illustrated by figure 3 shall be available to measure the unexposed surface temperature during a test in
positions where higher temperatures are suspected. The measuring junction of the thermocouple consists of
1,0 mm diameter thermocouple wires soldered or welded to a 12 mm diameter, 0,5 mm thick copper disc.
The thermocouple assembly shall be provided with a handle so that it can be applied over any point on the
unexposed surface of the test specimen.

ISO 834-1:1999(E) © ISO

Dimensions in millimetres


ISO 834-1:1999

1 Sheathed thermocouple with insulated hot junction
2 Spot-welded or screwed steel strip
3 Hot junction of thermocouple
4 Insulation material
5 Nickel alloy strip (0,7 ± 0,1) mm thick
6 Face A

Figure 1 — Illustration of plate thermometer

© ISO ISO 834-1:1999(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

1 Thermocouple wire, of 0,5 mm diameter
2 Copper disc, 0,2 mm thick iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
a) Copper disc measuring junction

ISO 834-1:1999

1) Cuts to allow pad to be positioned over copper disc
2) Alternative cut location

b) Copper disc and insulating pad

Figure 2 — Unexposed surface thermocouple and insulating pad

ISO 834-1:1999(E) © ISO

Dimensions in millimetres

1) Heat-resistant steel support tube, of 13 mm diameter
2) Twin-bore ceramic insulator, of 8 mm diameter
3) Thermocouple wire, of 1,0 mm diameter
4) Copper disc, 12 mm in diameter,0,5 mm thick

Figure 3 — Roving thermocouple assembly


( Internal thermocouples
ISO 834-1:1999
When information concerning the internal temperature of a test specimen or particular component is
required, it shall be obtained by means of 8d53c91e9306/iso-834-1-1999
thermocouples having characteristics appropriate to the range of
temperatures to be measured as well as being suitable for the type of materials in the test specimen. Ambient-temperature thermocouples

A thermocouple shall be used to indicate the ambient temperature within the laboratory in the vicinity of the
test specimen both prior to and during the test period. The thermocouple shall be nominally of 3 mm
diameter, mineral insulated, stainless-steel sheathed type K, as defined in IEC 60584-1. The measuring
junction shall be protected from radiated heat and draughts.

5.5.2 Pressure
The pressure in the furnace shall be measured by means of one of the designs of sensors shown in figure 4.
The measuring and recording equipment shall be capable of operating within the limits specified in 5.6.

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