Iso 1811 2 1988
Iso 1811 2 1988
Iso 1811 2 1988
Part 2 :
of wrought
products and castings
Cuivre et al.iages de cuivre - Selec tion et prbparaISO 1811-2:1988
tion des &han tillons pour l’analyse
chimique -
Partie 2 : ichantillonnage des produits 46ed3f1f96b3/iso-1811-2-1988
corroytk et des produits moulks
Reference number
ISO 181l-2: 1988 (E)
ISO 1811-2 : 1988 (EI
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
ISO 1811 consists of the following Parts, under the general title Copper and topper
alloys - Selection and prepara tion of samples for Chemical analysis:
Printed in Switzerland
Part 2 :
Sampling of wrought products and castings
ISO 197-3 : 1983, Copper and topper alloys - Terms and 3.3 gross Sample: The total amount of all sampling units
de finitions - Part 3: Wrought products. taken from a lot.
ISO 197-4 : 1983, Copper and topper alloys - Terms and 3.4 test Sample: A Sample prepared from the gross Sample
de finitions - Part 4: Castings. and from which the test portions will be taken.
ISO 181 I-1 : 1988, Copper and topper alfoys - Selection and
preparation of samples for Chemical analysis - Part 1: Sam- 3.5 test Portion: The quantity of material taken from the
pling of unwrought products. test Sample and on which the analysis is actually carried out,
Unless otherwise agreed between supplier and purchaser, the 5.1 Wrought products and castings shall be sampled either
following number of sampling units shall be selected from a by sawing and milling the entire Cross-section, or by drilling en-
Single lot. tirely through the sampling unit at several Points along its
length. Products too thin to be handled conveniently for
machining shall be sampled by clipping.
4.1 General procedure
5.2 Before sampling, the sampling units shall be clean and
Sampling units shall be selected randomly from a lot. When free from scale, dirt, Oil, grease and other contaminants. lf
sampling units are to be taken from final products, necessary, the sampling units may be cleaned in ethyl ether or
arrangements shall be made for the necessary excess length or acetone, rinsed in ethanol, and dried. Scale and dirt may be
amount of material to be provided. removed by suitable mechanical or Chemical treatment. If
Chemical methods of cleaning are used, such operations shall
By agreement between supplier and purchaser, sampling units not alter the metal surface in any way.
taken at the time of casting, or broken tensile test pieces or
other physical test pieces may be used as sampling units 5.3 The saw, drill, Cutter or other tool used for sampling shall
instead of taking sampling units from the product. be thoroughly cleaned Prior to use. The Speed of sampling shall
be so regulated that excessive heating and consequent
Oxidation of the Sample is avoided. Lubricants shall not be
4.2 Wrought products used. Carbide-tipped tools are recommended; steel tools, if
used, shall be made of magnetic material to assist in the subse-
quent removal of extraneous iron.
4.2.1 Rods, bars, shapes, sheet, Strip, plate and wire
5.4 For alloys with magnetic phases, carbide-tipped tools
The sampling units shall be taken from’ four individual lengths shall be used; magnetic cleaning shall not be used. Drillings,
of finished product. lf the lot consists of less than four lengths, millings, sawings or clippings of alloys with no magnetic phases
one sampling unit shall be taken from each individual length. shall be treated carefully with a strong magnet to remove any
( particles of iron introduced during sampling. The drillings, mill-
ings, sawings or clippings shall be carefully examined, and any
4.2.2 Tu bes
foreign material introduced in taking the Sample shall be
ISO 1811-2:1988
The sampling units shall be taken from each lot accordi ng to
the schedule in table 1. 46ed3f1f96b3/iso-1811-2-1988
5.5 In certain cases a complete Cross-section from a sampling
unit may be required for spectrometric examination. Esch
Cross-section shall be taken and properly marked before using
the remainder of the sampling unit in other sampling
Table 1 - Sampling frequency - Tubes
Number of tubes Number of sampling
to be takenl) 5.6 The gross Sample shall be prepared by thoroughly mixing
equal masses sf drillings, millings, sawings or clippings taken
51 to 200 2 from each sampling unit. The Chips obtained by milling, drilling,
201 to 1 500 3 etc., shall be uniformly small in size.
over 1 500 0,2 % of the number of tubes,
to a maximum of IO pieces 5.7 The gross Sample shall weigh at least four times the
1) Esch sampling unit shall be taken from a different tube. amount required for the analysis, and shall be divided into four
test samples of equal mass, each of which shall be placed in a
Container and sealed: one for the supplier, one for the pur-
chaser, one for reference purposesl if necessary, and one as
4.3 Castings
5.8 In the event of the Oxygen content of Cu-OFE (and
At least one sampling unit shall be selected from each furnace Cu-KP if necessary) being determined, an additional group of
Charge of molten metal, or during a two-hour period of con- test samples shall be taken from the selected sampling units.
tinuous melting and casting, or at the beginning, middle and Esch test Sample for Oxygen determination shall consist of a
end of each shift. When sampling units are cast, the liquid Single piece of adequate size, tut from the sampling unit by a
metal shall be poured at a temperature above that of the li- method agreeable to both Producer and purchaser at a mutu-
quidus, so that it is homogeneous, into a small chill mould. ally agreeable location in the sampling unit. Esch test Sample
shall be tut into three test portions of approximately equal
In cases in which several furnace charges are mixed in a ladle mass: one for the Producer, one for the purchaser, and one for
Prior to pouring, one sampling unit shall be taken from the reference purposes, if necessary. Esch Party shall determine
combined melts Prior to pouring the castings. Oxygen on his test Portion using an agreed procedure.
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ISO 1811-2:1988
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ISO 1811-2:1988
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ISO 1811-2:1988
ISO 1811-2 : 1988 (EI