1996 - Gould Et Al.
1996 - Gould Et Al.
1996 - Gould Et Al.
The Spkirring Index (SI), a self-report scale based on the wrirings of Kernberg
(e.g., 1976) on seif and object rcpreselatations and the defense mechanism of
spiitrrng. was construcxd. After deveioprnect over the course of 6 pilot stxiies,
the SH was validated through 2 fur:ber studies hcior analyses revealed z
24-iiem scale w:th :hree &item sohscales, mezsuting the spiirting of self,
%miIy: and others' images The S I znb its slihscaies were denmstrared to be
internally consistent and stabie over a 4-week period. Convergent validity was
snpporred by significant correiations wirh measures of borderijne and marclssis-
tic personzlity disorcIess, self-imagc s~abiiity,self-esteem. depression, arid neg-
otiz:e affect:vity Disctiminmt vaiidity waa ciencnstra:ed by near-zero
correia:ior,s w i i h two measures of cognitive compiexiry. Cnnrrary ti: predjc-
tions, the SI was sigr?ifxanlly correlated with me Dogmatism Scale (Rckeach.
1969j. a third measure of cogci~vecorxplexlty. Research and ciinica! applica-
tions oi'the St. zre discussed.
The defense mechanism of splittrng has been widely associated with patients
who are fcnctioning at the low end of the psychopaihology s p e c t r ~ m
(Kernberg. 1976). AIhough spEitting 1s especially associ;ated with :he diag-
nosis of borderline perssnaiity disorder, Kernberp has e r n ~ h a s i r e dthat this
mechanism of defense is best considered reflective of a particular kind of
ego o r g a n i z a t ~ o En
~ theorizing about the o r i g i ~ ss f the splitting defense,
Kernberg draws from Piagetian (e.g., Pmget 1937/1954) concepts of early
schema developaenr, hypothesizing that children initiajiy organize experi-
ence into consteikaticens of good and bad on the basis of their common
affecf ve kalence. Kernberg (19776) proposed that, in normal deve'Iopmene.
good and bad self s a d object (ozherl representatioas gradually became i n k -
gr3ted into whole self and object representatrons as cognitive maturation
proceeds in the third year i?f life, and splitting is gradtraily replazed b:i
repression as the centrai mechanism of defense.
However, when there has been ri predorninancc o i h a t r a t i n g experiences
e,irip In deveiopment. there is an interference In the normal integratior: of
good 2nd bad self-objeci representations into more reaiistic perceptior:~cf
self 2nd others. Kernberp i1955) hypothesized that urider these circt;!n-
stances, the norma! develo~merataiprocess i n which spilxinp gi\.es w a y to
integrated represenlaricns becomes disrupceci. Instead, splitring b e c o m e
enlrencheii and utiiized defensively in an effort tt: maintain intrapsychlc
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 17:14 04 January 2015
i 979) was sdrninistered The NPD consists of 19 staternencs from the hlinne-
w t a h3ealtzpha~rcPerscmahty Inverrtory (Hathaway & McKrnley. 1 9 4 3 ) that
reliably differentiated narcissistic personality dnsorde: patients from a con-
trol gnoup. For each of these scales. rterns are ansnereci rn a d ~ h o t o m o u s
format (yes-no or true-false)
Furthermore. borderline and other severe pe-sonalit'; drsorderi that ap-
pear to use the sptrtting mechanasm of defense are often associated with
~ncreasedlevels of depress~onand anhedonia ie 2 . Gunderwn & Srnger,
1975. Kernberg, 1984:. Therefore. the SI was pred:cted to correlate posi-
trvely with the Beck Depression Inventory tBDI; Beck & Steer. i9e4),a
widely used meascre of depresvon. The 3 Itens on this scale are rated on a
4-point scale (ranging from 0 t s 3:. produc~nga p 0 s ~ i b krange of score5
from O to 61 The SI was a h predictea to carrelate povtive'lj wi:h the
Xepstive PLffectw~tyscale (%A, Tekgen. 1 9 8 2 . and io correlate negatlvelq
w;ih the Posita~eAffecrlv~tyscale (FA. Tdlegen,. 1962). TeDegen reported
that pa.itt:ve and negative affectrvit) are tvco general factors of the Multidn-
mens~onalPersanalrty Questionnaire (RIPQ, TeiIegen. I51$21 [hat "seem tcr
index the drengrh cf the rndlwdual-s disposition to experience. respectrvely,
pleaswe snd p a n , reward and punishment. self-enhancement and self-m-
perilment. and to behave and think i n wags that are conducnke to these
exprrknces" (p. 3) FolEowing the research by Watson a ~ cniIeagues d !e.g .
ViTatson. 19SS), posit~Teaffectiwty was assessed in thi5 research by the
I l -ttem Wellbeing scaie of the MPQ and nega':ive affect~vrtywas measwed
by the 14-item S ~ r e Rextnon
s~ scaie of the MPQ The items on these scales
are answered In a true-false formit.
Discriminant validity was also examined. It was hypsaheslzed that ~;plrt-
trng is a mechanism employed b j the ego :Q reduce mxietj t\> separztxg the
aggresslveiy determmed self and object represeretst~onsfrom those that are
deterrimed by posit~veor pleasant experiences. Therefore. :he SI s9ouId not
be associated with the cogn:rrue compEexrty-simplicity dinension that refers
to the degree of attitude differentration exhihted by an :ndav~dualiBzer:,
1355) Three commonly used scales of cagnitibe complexity were uwd ia
Studj I . The Ia:oierance of Ambruity Scale ilAl was created by Budner
(1962) to measure "the tendency to gercs:ve ( i e . ~nterpret)ambigums
srtuations as sources of threat" (F 2 9 ) The Ih is a i 6 - ~ t e mscale with half the
items keyed in the reversed directior:. The California f k a i e measuring
autborirxianism (Adorno, FrenkeI-Bnacswik, Levinson. 6 Sanford. 1950: is
campr)sed of 30 statements and each itexi is positi\.ei> k q e d . Rokeach's
11960) D o g n a ~ i s mk a l e [Form E j was cseci as the fin,?.]: ~ x a s x eilf ci7gni-
:jve coxplexiry. The Dogmotism Scale is composed of -13 statements. e x h
iniiicati7i.e of dognztism. Each of the cognirl\.e comp'iesity meascres :+ere
rsred cn a 5-point Likert-iype scale. Scores were averaged resrrlticg ir: a
possible range of i to 5 .
. ,
The SI and the construct validity n-ieasures were n:tm:nrsrered ro 811
undergraduie students from [he V2i\.ersity of Texas at Ausrir: i5C.65 men)
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 17:14 04 January 2015
Factor Item I 11 m
Self i2 ""8 "03 - .M
16 " l
I .02 "O?
5 .76 .@ .OI
:4 .74 .I0 .w
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 17:14 04 January 2015
It .71 .M .02
24 .67 - .83 ,Ol
.5Q - .02 .Q7
B .54 - .Mi .02
Family 17 "03 .?4 "07
23 -74 - .Ot
22 .1I "7% - 07
B - .09 .6B .05
4 - .11 .66 .OR
2 - .04 .62 - .55
8 .?@ .5? - .Ol
6 .QS A? .@
I3 - .06 .CO .7l
19 .oa - .02 70
21 - .0I .ii .67
3 - .03 - .Q4 .62
20 .I4 .063 .59
I E; I! l4 "58
I0 .I3 - 15 55
B5 - .Of "09 .48
Kofe. h' = 841. Factor I (eigecvalue = 6.9$)is labeled Spllrting of the Self Image, Factor
EI (eigerevakne = 2.46) 1s iabeled Splatcmg of Family Images, and Factor III (eigenvaine = 1.55)
is labeiec! §plattang of Others' Images. See Table 2 for list af items.
= 7.%, SD = 651. The SI Items and their rtern-total correlaucpm are presented
IE Table 2.
The alpha coefflcients fcsr each of the subscales were also high the Self
factor. a = 89 ( M = 2.93, SD = .98); the Family factor, a = .r(5 rM = 1 73. SD =
. V I .and the Others Sac:m, ex = 3 4 :M = 2 19. SD = .76>.In addktbn. each af
the subscaies was s~gn~flcantIy cp < OGI) correlated with one mother and
with the fell scale Thjs rnformat~onis presented In the top half at'Ta9le 3.
i. I feel differen: about myself when I with different geapie. (S)
(-) 2. My mother has faults, Su: I have never doubted her h e For me. (F!
I - i 3. Being able to keep friends is one of my strong polnts. (0)
i - i 4. My p a r e m always took a r e of m y neecis. F)
5 . My feelings about myself skfi dramatically. (S)
6 . Ir is impossible LO love my parents dl the time. (FJ
7 . Tna different parts of my personality are dfficillr to put
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 17:14 04 January 2015
copether. is)
8. My feeiings asout my mother change from dzy to day. (F)
( - 1 9. My parents did the best they could for me. CF)
10. 1 hinve doub:s about my closes; friends. (0)
11. Somerimes I am not sure who I am. (S)
12. My Feeidngs abou: myseif are very powerfui, but they c m change
from one moment to the next. (S)
r - ) 13. MI friendsbps are airnost aiways satlsfyng (0)
( - ) I& Mj feekgs about nnyseif do not change easnl) {S,
6 - r IS I hake had man? long-iast~agfnendshpi, ( 0 )
15 1 sonretmes feel "pulied apart" bu my feehngs about rnyseif (SI
r - ) Is Mia? relat~oashpw t h rn) fami!) is solid (F)
r - 8 18. M j fedings toward those close to me rernam c ~ n s t a n t(0)
t - l 19. L have aways beer, aware that my dose friends red& cared
fo- me. (0)
I - ) 26. M) opinions of my frrends rarei? change. (01
i - ) Si I almost alwsys feel good about those close to me. (0)
22 I have extremely mixed feelangs about my mother. (T)
23. My family was often hu:tfuL to me. IF)
24 Who I am depends on haw 1 run feehng. (S)
Splitting Index (Slj Subscale CarreBation Matrix
scored higher than men ( M = 1.70) on ihe Farn~lqfactor, but chic dlfter-
erece djd no( reach s r p i f l c a c c e , l(824) = : 32. effect srze = - 08.
Meanwhile. men Ih.f = 2 . 2 4 ) scored s ~ g n i f r c ~ n t lhyg h e : than women
!Ad = 2.10) on the Others factor, ~ ( 8 2 4 )= 2 60, p < 0 5 , effect slze =
i 8 Thus, the u o n u x in thrs \anr,Ie splnt the self-rmbge mclre than mer, Jici,
whereas the men kphl others' images more than women d ~ dOnly the resuIts
of the splitting of the seif-image were consistent with the reported higher
prebaler~ceof the borderline persocdity disorder dragnos]\ among women
i,APA. i 994)
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 17:14 04 January 2015
Convergent Validity CorreBaticana for Study 1
Scde BSH STB NPD Be>i .VA P.4
Self -67 .BI .58 .53 "56 - .39
F amlIy "48 33 .37 .JO 20 -22
Ochers .49 .41 .47 .36 .39 - .33
'The temporal stabiiiiy of the SH v.as in~estigatedic Study 2 . This study also
;ittempred to replicate the i.oi:vergent validity reziilts in\.cll\.iilp the r:-iezsiires
ai^ the borderline persona!ity disorder ilsed in Study I . Fr:,r:hrr ;on).erprcr
~ a l i d evidence
r~ A,as soughr through the inciusinn elf ;Idditic?ml. measures
~ r e l i i c t e dto have significant positive correiations with rhe Sl.
Gonvergen: Validlty Coefficients for Stuuy 2
, .
ta examine emplricalk i:e.p.. Jaff'e: i99O'). The SI may provide zn object:\ e
measure for in~estigatingpsychomalyric oh-ject-relations theories relate2 to
the splittir:g defense mechanism. For exompie, Kernbe-p (T9?C) b e l i e ~ e i !
t!aa': the consistent inierpreration leading to the reductinn af splittiilg rnecha-
!:isms j s c x c i a l to the suceessfui treatment of borderii2e and narcissistic
perssmlity disoxkrs. He also stateci that splittir,g I s z ceiltrei mechanism in
the mere severe personality disorde-s &mi.be:g. 1975, !983'i. These nnd
other teneis related to spEktting could be ;ni;estigated x i n g the ST.
The SI ma! p a v e valuable as an easily administered screecing device I F
a clinicd setting. Many authors ha\e emphasized the difficulties :hat arise iii
the hospital treatment of patients with a heavy reliance n:1 spiirting (e.g.,
Gallop. 4'85; Kernberg. i984, Masterson. 197%).Spiitting n?ay also ha\.e an
adverse impact on individaai psychotherapy if rhe therapist does tior rtxng-
nize the patient's reliance on ':his defense rnechrnism and its abiijry to c r e x e
e x t r e m e cc~untertrunsferencereactions. In addi;lon. eieva:jons <,r! pnrtic~iar
s;l&scales crf the SI, such as the Family factor. could indicate problem areas
and serve as a m e f d guide to rreatrnent focus.
Finoily, the SI shot~ldbe a usefnl tool for diagnostic ptrrposes. The prs-
~orniraanceof spiitring and related mechonisrns signifes a se\:ere level of
psyohopathiogy with important consequences for appropriats therapeutic
stra!egies (see Akhtar 6 Byrme. 1983). As part of a psychodiagnostic batter):,
for example: the Sk couid provide important information regarding the diag-
nosis of a severe personali~yiiisorder.
From a theoreticai perspective. this set i>f r:ubies offers prelirnir:ary
s u p p c ~ t i i . eevidence for Kernberg's i l 9 7 5 , 1976: 1984: object-xiations
theory it: relation to the splitting d e k c s e mechanism cocst-act. The Inter-
ne! structure crf the SI, demonstrating a division of spiitting items be-
tkveen serf and object represen.:ations. is consistent with Kernberg's
ciescription of the splitting m e c h a ~ i s mof defense. -4: the s a n e rime. the
temporai stability of the SI, which measures unstahfe znd d i s t ~ r t e dper-
ceptions of self and others. supports Kernberg's (1975'; asser:ioz thar :he
borderline personality organization describes "patients tvho do have a
specrfic. srahle jitzlics added]. ~ a t h a i o g i c z Ipersonality organizarion:
their personajity organization is not a transitor? state Fiuciuzting beraesr:
Reurosis and psychosis" (F. 3).
l a a d d ~ t ~ oKernberg
n, 1 1 9 7 3 emphaslzeci :he promnence of the y l l t t m g
mechacIsm rrr borderline and narcrssis:ic personality disorders, whzch is
corroborated b! the our resuits He rargaed that spirttlng 1s a central m e ~ h a -
nism EP, 3 %jade range sf severe psycbopathologq that 1\ cmsistent w ~ t hrhe
rehzb:e posjtjve correlations found between !he SI and :he nxxmx-es of
dcpressror: and neg3e1.iTeaffectrvmty Kerrrberg ( E 975 : alao behewd rejiznce
on the spl~ttrngdefense rnechanjsrn lead5 to rdentrty drffuseon and low
self-esteem The re!:able rregatlve. correlatrons Seeueen rhe SI and the mea-
\ures of self-image stabihty and pos:tIve \elf-esteem le:nfc~cethis w r l i o n .
In szmrnary. i h ~ csei of seudres offers encouraging ers,prtrcd evidence for
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Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 17:14 04 January 2015
John R. Gouid
C/O Norman: M. Prentice