APA DSM5TR Level2RepetitiveThoughtsAndBehaviorsAdult
APA DSM5TR Level2RepetitiveThoughtsAndBehaviorsAdult
APA DSM5TR Level2RepetitiveThoughtsAndBehaviorsAdult
If the measure is being completed by an informant, what is your relationship with the individual receiving care? __________________
In a typical week, approximately how much time do you spend with the individual receiving care? __________________ hours/week
Instructions: On the DSM-5-TR Level 1 cross-cutting questionnaire that you just completed, you indicated that during the past 2
weeks you have been bothered by “unwanted repeated thoughts, images, or urges” and/or “being driven to perform certain
behaviors or mental acts over and over” at a mild or greater level of severity. The questions below ask about these feelings in
more detail and especially how often you have been bothered by a list of symptoms during the past 7 days. Please respond to
each item by marking ( or x) one box per row.
During the past SEVEN (7) DAYS….
1. On average, how much
time is occupied by these 0—None 1—Mild 2—Moderate 3—Severe 4—Extreme
thoughts or behaviors (Less than an (1 to 3 hours a day) (3 to 8 hours a day) (more than 8
each day? hour a day) hours a day)
2. How much distress do
these thoughts or 0—None 1—Mild 2—Moderate 3—Severe (very 4—Extreme
behaviors cause you? (slightly (disturbing but still disturbing) (overwhelming
disturbing) manageable) distress)
3. How hard is it for you to
control these thoughts or 0—Complete 1—Much control 2—Moderate control 3—Little control 4—No control
behaviors? control (usually able to (sometimes able to (infrequently able (unable to
control thoughts control thoughts or to control thoughts control thoughts
or behaviors) behaviors) or behaviors) or behaviors)
4. How much do these
thoughts or behaviors 0—No 1—Mild 2—Moderate 3—Severe 4 - Extreme
cause you to avoid doing avoidance (occasional (regularly avoid (frequent and (nearly complete
anything, going anyplace, avoidance) doing these things) extensive avoidance;
or being with anyone? avoidance) house- bound)
5. How much do these
thoughts or behaviors 0—None 1—Mild 2— Moderate; 3—Severe 4—Extreme
interfere with school, (slight (definite (substantial (near-total
work, or your social or interference) interference interference) interference;
family life? with functioning, but incapacitated)
still manageable)
Total/Partial Raw Score:
Prorated Total Raw Score (if 1 item is left unanswered):
Average Total Score:
© 1994 Wayne K. Goodman, MD and Eric Storch, PhD. This material can be reproduced without permission by clinicians for use with their own patients.
Any other use, including electronic use, requires written permission from Dr. Goodman ([email protected])
Instructions to Clinicians
The DSM-5-TR Level 2—Repetitive Thoughts and Behavior—Adult measure is an adapted version of the 5-item
Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (FOCI) Severity Scale (Part B) that is used to assess the domain of
repetitive thoughts and behaviors in individuals age 18 and older. The measure is completed by an individual
prior to a visit with the clinician. If the individual receiving care is of impaired capacity and unable to complete
the form (e.g., an individual with dementia), a knowledgeable informant may complete the measure. Each
item asks the individual (or informant) to rate the severity of the individual’s repetitive thoughts and behaviors
during the past 7 days.
Note: If 2 or more items are left unanswered on the measure (i.e., more than 25% of the total items are
missing), the total scores should not be calculated. Therefore, the individual (or informant) should be
encouraged to complete all of the items on the measure. If only 4 of the 5 items on the measure are answered,
you are asked to prorate the raw score by first summing the scores of items that were answered to get a
partial raw score. Next, multiply the partial raw score by the total number of items on the measure (i.e., 5).
Finally, divide the value by the number of items that were actually answered (i.e., 4) to obtain the prorated
total raw score.
Frequency of Use
To track change in the severity of the individual’s repetitive thoughts and behavior over time, the measure
may be completed at regular intervals as clinically indicated, depending on the stability of the individual’s
symptoms and treatment status. For individuals of impaired capacity, it is preferred that completion of the
measure at follow-up appointments is by the same knowledgeable informant. Consistently high scores on the
measure may indicate significant and problematic areas for the individual that might warrant further
assessment, treatment, and follow-up. Your clinical judgment should guide your decision.
Instructions, scoring, and frequency of use on this page only: Copyright © 2013 American Psychiatric Association. All rights reserved.
This material can be reproduced without permission by researchers and by clinicians for use with their patients.