Being The Supporteeacs
Being The Supporteeacs
Being The Supporteeacs
Quick Special Education Info
• 2014 Statistics
Ø 1 in 68 children
Ø 1 in 42 boys; 1 in 189 girls
Ø No defined cause, but genetics and
environment may take part
• Repeat directions
• Don’t be afraid to use manipulatives
• Some may work best at the back of the
room or in the hallway to reduce anxiety or
not to disturb others
Attention Deficit Disorder OR
Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder- Strategies
• Clear directions
• Praise for positive or desired behaviors
• If it’s not a disruption, allow student to stand at seat
• Give breaks or a job to break up sitting for longer
Ø Send down the hall to drop off a note
• Help with organization, but DO NOT do it for them!
• Ask student to repeat directions or ask a peer to
reiterate the expectations
Executive Functioning Disorder
• Looks like ADHD, but is often seen with
learning disabled students
• Impacts part of the brain that organizes,
plans, pays attention, remembers detail,
and time management
• Struggle with recalling events,
directions, completing things in a timely
Executive Functioning- Strategies