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The geotechnical design parameters were derived by Atkins’

Client dedicated geotechnical team in Dubai and agreed with the

Government of Dubai
Roads & Transport Authority engineer’s representatives locally. Results of the extensive
ground investigations and their interpretation were collated into
several ground reports for typical sections along the full metro
route. The geotechnical design parameters in the soil and rock
Engineer Mitsubishi Corporation/Mitsubishi layers were derived from Standard Penetration test (SPT-N)
Systra Parsons Heavy Industries values and unconfined compressive strength (UCS), respectively.
Kajima—Obayashi—Yapi Merkezi

The vast majority of the viaduct spans are supported on single

circular reinforced concrete columns with flared pier heads to
Designer support the decks, although a few portal structures are used in
Atkins specific locations. Most single columns are supported on bored
monopiles of diameter 2?2 and 2?4 m for speed of construction
Figure 1. Project organisation and to minimise the footprint required for excavations in the
congested urban environment. Figure 7 shows a typical mono-
depots and bifurcations of the main lines at the largest pile detail.
The use of large-diameter piles suited the interface with the
The viaduct substructures generally comprise reinforced con- circular piers. Typically diameters of 1?75 or 2?0 m were used for
crete piers, with flared pier heads to support the deck, and the piers supported on 2?2 m diameter piles, and 2?2 m for piers
reinforced concrete abutments. Pier heads for the single span, supported on 2?4 m diameter piles. The connection detail
twin spans and station spans were constructed using thin precast between the pile and pier was constructed like that for a pile
reinforced concrete shells which were infilled with in situ cap; the pile was broken down and pier starter bars introduced,
concrete and prestressed in stages once erected on site. The pier making allowance for piling tolerances. Figure 8 shows a typical
heads for the single track and three-span continuous internal monopile foundation under construction with the column starter
piers are of in situ reinforced concrete construction. All piers bars in place and Figure 9 illustrates the alternative cranked
and abutments were founded on large-diameter bored piles. reinforcement connection details that were adopted, depending
on the relative sizes of pier and pile and the percentage
3. PILED FOUNDATION DETAILS reinforcement content to minimise potential reinforcement
Dubai lies directly within the Arabian Desert and much of the clashes due to piling tolerances.
geology comprises fine sand overlying sandstone and mudstone.
The fine, upper sand layers consist mostly of crushed shell and The piles needed to be large enough to resist the significant
coral and are a combination of mobile dune sands and sabkha moments that are generated from lateral seismic loading (see
deposits. These overlie calcarenitic, Aeolian deposits (sands, Sections 6 and 7 below) and from out-of-balance forces from
weakly cemented sands and weak sandstone) and calcisilitite. the deck due to horizontal alignment curvature, wind loading,
Beneath these, between around 20 and 40 m below existing eccentric train loads and other effects. These moments increase
ground level, are Jurassic conglomerates, mudstones and down the length of the pile towards a peak at the effective point
siltstones. of fixity and reinforcement was provided and curtailed to suit

Red line
Green line
Purple line
Blue line

Figure 2. Proposed route map

64 Bridge Engineering 162 Issue BE2 Design of the Dubai Metro light rail viaducts—substructure Smith N Hendy

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