Etasr 5338
Etasr 5338
Etasr 5338
Abstract-Pile foundation systems are used in India in many displacement curve to obtain the ultimate pile load. Authors in
projects such as metro and railways, flyovers, and multi-story [10] presented a scale of strength and the corresponding N
buildings. The pile transfers superstructure load to the values for weak rock and soils. Authors in [11] introduced the
substructure, i.e. to rock layers by means of skin resistance and chiseling energy criteria applicable for rocks of the Mumbai
end-bearing resistance. In this study, an attempt is made to region. Authors in [12] suggested that almost every load,
observe the performance of socketed piles in soft rock. A series of including its subsequent settlement and the corresponding
socketed small-scale model pile load laboratory studies have been magnitude, was also drawn towards the applied load. Authors
conducted using the loading frame. Load tests were performed on in [13] investigated the case of piles in elasto-plastic rocks
a model steel pile to calculate its axial load-bearing capability at
using finite element analysis.
various socket depths. An unconfined compression test was
performed on pseudo-rock variations to find out the properties of Author in [14] strongly advocated the use of axisymmetric
the soft rock used. The results showed the ability of the drilled values of loads to define failure. Authors in [15] reviewed
pile to enhance the strength of the pseudo rock. An attempt was some of the methods of socket design. In their review, they
also made to calculate the optimum depth for the socketed pile in recommended a range of bond values for piles socketed in
soft rock. shale rock. The author in [16] applied neural network modeling
to compute the maximum load for a driven pile in cohesionless
Keywords-pile foundation; socketed depth; settlement; axial
soil. Authors in [17] developed analytical solutions for the
load; model pile
calculation of load-displacement response for axially loaded
I. INTRODUCTION piles in rock. Authors in [18] proposed a simple geomechanical
model for calculating the settlements of foundations in soft
Utilization of socketed piles is one economical method rock masses which showed good agreement with the field data.
which has been used to transfer heavy loads to the rock strata. Authors in [19] carried out experimental studies for bond
Rock socketed piles are drilled into the rock and then filled strength in rock socketed piers and stated that sidewall shear
with steel and concrete. These piles are designed to carry heavy resistance essentially behaved in a non-brittle manner, i.e. it did
loads by base resistance and side skin resistance. Broad not decrease even after the pile-rock bond was broken. Authors
diameter cast in situ piles are used to hold massive loads of in [20] presented charts for rock socket design based on finite
super-structures. Almost in every construction project, element analysis of an elastic pile resting on the elastic socket.
1000mm to 1200mm diameter piles are used. As these piles are Roughness classification and specification are shown in Table
built for heavy loads, they are basically to be lowered to the I. Authors in [21] proposed a design process for socketed pile
rock surface and need to be inserted into the rock [1]. The in a soft rock complying with the defined settlement
socket in the rock layer is absolutely necessary when the piles requirements and providing an appropriate factor of safety.
rest just on a rock at shallow depths. Boring in rock would have Authors in [22] proposed a design method, which used
almost no challenge, except for occasional water pipes and parameters based on a wide range of theoretical, laboratory,
boulders [2-5]. Rock sockets will pose several functional and field investigations.
issues, usually ranging from rock classification to socket depth
and actual terminating standards. Authors in [6] carried out a II. PILE SOCKETING
field pile load test by using Osterberg-cell which measures the
If the diameter of the pile is 1.2m, the rock socket is to be
skin friction of the pile. Authors in [7] carried out experimental
completed by breaking the hard rock for a length of 1.2m. For
investigations on the shaft friction of rock socketed piles using
chiseling in hard rock, whose crushing strength is 1000kg/cm2,
direct shear tests. Authors in [8] conducted numerical and
more time is required. Each of these components may cause
experimental tests on model piles with good agreement
serious damage to a rock mass. The load is carried by the pile
between them. The method of [9] was applied to the field load-
Corresponding author: Vedprakash C. Maralapalle Maralapalle & Hedge: An Experimental Study on the Socketed Pile in Soft Rock
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 12, No. 6, 2022, 9665-9669 9666
on the rock by point bearing. This makes necessary to socket rational, it has many disadvantages, such as the strength of the
the pile through the rock by breaking across the weak rock and chisel, the chisel dropping into the bentonite mixture, the mass
by cutting down the hard rock for an appropriate depth of the chisel, and its type. Chisel energy is measured based on
generally to get the flat surface of the rock. This appropriate the findings of the load test carried out in those regions.
depth can vary between 200 and 400mm [23]. Also, if the soft
or medium rocks precede the hard rock, each length of the C. Steps to Follow During Rock Socketing
socket can be considered from the level where soft rock has an Other than drilling the rock up to the necessary depth in the
N value higher than 50. There are variations in the form of the rock socket, certain more important functional considerations
rock almost every time. It can be weathered rock, soft rock, or need to be noticed. The heavy chiseling of high torque drilling
hard rock. Firstly, rock layer classification must be conducted. can create vibrations during the rock socket operation. Such
For this reason, we refer to field test reports such as RQD and vibrations can allow the soil strata to destabilize the rock base
SPT [24, 25]. For larger constructions like flyover and high- and the pile would lose the resistance component of these
rise buildings, soil study must be conducted beneath every pier levels. Therefore, better care must be taken to minimize
position. Hence, the above-mentioned studies are crucial to be disturbances. Rock socketing requires a longer time and often
performed for every pier site. [26-28]. disturbs the layers by laying the rock strata. This disruption
would allow the fine particles to break down and settle down at
TABLE I. ROUGHNESS CLASSIFICATION OF ROCK SOCKETS [18] the bottom. In order to clear these small pieces and other
boulders, the borehole must be thoroughly washed with a clean
Specification bentonite solution prior to the concreting process.
R1 Soft socket, grooves less than 1mm deep
Depth of grooves 1 to 4mm, spacing IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
50mm to 200mm, width > 2mm Rock socketed pile load testing is an experiment to be
Depth of grooves 4 to 10mm, spacing performed in the lab with the intention of providing more data
50mm to 200mm , width > 5mm
Depth of grooves > 10mm, spacing 50mm
on the load transfer behavior in socketed piles with varying
R4 L/D ratios. The typical sub-surface profile of soft-rock socketed
to 200mm , width > 10mm
pile is shown in Figure 1. After the application of P downward
axial load on the top of the pile, equal and opposite reaction is
III. TECHNIQUES FOR ASSESSING SOCKETED PILE LENGTH IN developed at the pile in the upward direction. Q base is the base
ROCK resistance. The length of the weathered stratum and the length
There are two different techniques used for the calculation of the soft-rock stratum represent the skin friction in different
of the socketed depth of piles in rock. layers. Maralapalle & Hedge: An Experimental Study on the Socketed Pile in Soft Rock
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 12, No. 6, 2022, 9665-9669 9667
B. Devloping of Pseudo-rock Socket movement was minimal. The schematic view of the
For pseudo-rock formation cement, sand, bentonite, and experimental setup and the actual pile load test setup are
water were used. Model rock specimens were developed, presented in Figure 3 and 4 respectively. L/D ratios 1 to 7 were
although their strengths varied widely. Table II provides the used for the testing program, where D is the diameter of the
description of the ingredient proportions for pseudo-rock. The pile and L is the socketed length of the pile. Details of the
percentage of sand and water were kept constant and the testing program for 60mm diameter pile and 80mm diameter
percentage of cement and bentonite increased and decreased pile are given in Tables III and IV respectively. Different
simultaneously. Unconfined compressive strengths, as shown unconfined strengths of soft rock were used.
in Figure 2, were determined by the Compression Testing
Machine (CTM) after 28 days of curing. Maralapalle & Hedge: An Experimental Study on the Socketed Pile in Soft Rock
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 12, No. 6, 2022, 9665-9669 9668
TABLE III. DETAILS OF MODEL SOCKETED PILE LOAD TESTS ON For 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, and 7D socketed depths, the axial
pile capacities were 10.8kN, 14.1kN, 17.25kN, 21.1kN,
Test no. Pile no L/D
Socket Avg. UCS 24.15kN, 26.1kN, and 27.9kN respectively.
length (mm) (MPa)
1 P1 1 60 9.45 The compression measurements on the model piles
2 P2 2 120 9.43 demonstrate that the pile resistance increases as the depth of the
3 P3 3 180 9.36 socket increases, which is essentially due to the friction
4 P4 4 240 9.40 between the pile and the socketed rock. Up to a length of 4D to
5 P5 5 300 9.21 5D of socket depth, the capacity of the pile was observed to
6 P6 6 360 9.64
increase considerably, but after 5D socket length, the
7 P7 7 420 9.33
improvement in the pile capacity was marginal. This marginal
increase in strength was caused by the decrease in strength of
SOFT ROCK FOR 80 mm DIAMETER PILE the material and low pile stiffness. So, it can be concluded that
5D of the length of socket is the optimum depth of the socketed
Socket Avg. UCS
Test no. Pile no. L/D pile in soft-rock. This is consistent with the observations of [7,
length (mm) (MPa)
1 P1 1 80 9.30 11].
2 P2 2 160 9.45
3 P3 3 240 9.46 VII. CONCLUSIONS
4 P4 4 320 9.40 In the present study, an effort has been made to analyze the
5 P5 5 400 9.31 minimum depth of the socketed pile in soft rocks. The behavior
6 P6 6 480 9.54
of piles in the soft rock was studied through an elaborate
7 P7 7 560 9.43
laboratory program, with varying socket lengths. A large
number of pseudo rock samples using cement and bentonite
were made by changing the proportions of cement and
bentonite (7 mixes, termed as M1-M7, having UCS values of
up to 19.3MPa were prepared and tested). The present study
demonstrated that the behavior of socketed piles can be
successfully modeled in a soft rock. The results of the present
model study and the reported data in the literature are in
accordance. The conclusions of the experimental program are:
UCS strengths were found to decrease as the proportion of
bentonite increased in the pseudo-rock.
Pile capacity increases dramatically for socket length up to
Fig. 5. Comparison of load vs. settlement curves for 1D -7D socketed 5D, but this is minimal above a length of 5D.
piles for 60mm pile diameter.
As the diameter of the pile increases, the ultimate load
capability of the pile also increases.
The experimental results indicate that when the diameter of
the pile increases by 35%, the loading capacity at the top of
the pile increases by around 50%.
It should be noted that the conclusions shown above are
based on laboratory testing with a 1-g model. Because the
behavior of piles in rock is stress-dependent, which is not
properly simulated in 1-g model testing, full-scale/centrifuge
test data under axial loading are necessary to verify the above-
mentioned conclusions. Therefore, these results may be very
useful as both a firsthand description and as a resource for
Fig. 6. Comparison of load vs. settlement curves for 1D -7D socketed numerical verification.
piles for 80mm pile diameter.
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