Medway Bridge Design
Medway Bridge Design
Medway Bridge Design
Civil Engineers
Bridge Engineering 157
March 2004 Issue BE1
Pages 27^36
Paper 13512
Received 29/09/2003
Accepted 16/01/2004
David A. Smith Chris R. Hendy
beams & girders/bridges/concrete
Assistant Group Engineer, Special Structures Group
Special Structures Group, Atkins Manager, Atkins Highways
Highways and Transportation, and Transportation, Epsom,
Epsom, Surrey, UK Surrey, UK
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rigorously since all increases
had a significant impact on
reducing reinforcement quan-
tities in such a large struc-
WA P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 EA
West viaduct Mainspans East viaduct
50.0 m 67.1 m 82.3 m 82.3 m 82.3 m 95.3 m 152.4 m 95.3 m 78.5 m 67.5 m 55.5 m 45.0 m
West East
abutment abutment
S S S F F F F S S S S F = Fixed bearing
S = Sliding bearings
28 Bridge Engineering 157 Issue BE1 Design of the new Medway Bridge Smith Hendy
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required links around the
larger bars even if they had
been lapped straight.
The most slender bridge piers
(see Fig. 4) were found to
develop very large additional
moments when designed in
accordance with the simple
formulae and effective
lengths in BS5400:Part 4,3 so
non-linear analysis (both
material and geometric) was
used to reduce the quantity of
reinforcement required.
2.3. Efficient design of the prestressing force at lock-off Initial imperfections were applied to the modelled piers. The
BS5400 Part 43 requires the force in a tendon at lock-off piers with free bearings were modelled individually with a
nowhere to exceed 70% of its ultimate tensile strength. This simple lean imperfection. Elastic critical buckling analysis was
effectively limits the maximum jacking force that can be used used to investigate the buckling mode shapes for the system
which must in no event exceed 80% of ultimate tensile comprising monolithic and pinned piers and similar imperfec-
strength. A departure from standards was sought to use tions were applied to this complete system. Eurocode 25was
Eurocode 2.5 This permitted a higher stress of 73·1% of tensile used for guidance on the initial imperfection, which for the free
characteristic breaking stress to be locked in. piers was taken as height/200. On site, the construction was
limited to a tolerance on verticality of half this design value.
2.4. Other design aspects^curved soffit The lateral deflections under load found by the non-linear
The depth of the main bridge box was varied parabolically so analysis were considerably less than those found to BS5400:
that the soffit was theoretically on an approximately constant Part 43 and a large saving on reinforcement was produced.
radius. The soffit was however formed from a series of chords.
The continuity tendons have to follow the bottom flange profile 4. CABLE LAYOUTS
via a series of deviators which gives rise to a series of
concentrated downward forces. These forces must be resisted by 4.1. Cable routing
the flange and deviator spanning transversely between webs. There appears to be far greater freedom in placing tendons in
an externally prestressed bridge as the whole space within the
A similar additional downward force arises from the long- box can be used (as long as access is still provided) and the
itudinal tension reinforcement in the flange required for tendons do not have to be confined within the concrete outline.
ultimate bending capacity. This was a significant force as the The disadvantage however is that the tendons cannot be
largest soffit bars were T40. As the bars were also placed as a gradually deflected throughout the span by the encasing
series of straight bars and lapped at segments at an angle of concrete, as can be done with internally prestressed bridges,
1·08 (including allowance for tolerance), there was concern over and physical deviators have to be provided.
the integrity of the lapping regions and the possibility that the
lapped bars could pull out through the cover. After looking at Tendons in a typical viaduct span were anchored at an anchor
test results for straight bars lapping and by considering the beam ahead of the pier (see Fig. 5). The tendons then deviate
possibility of bars shearing out, it was considered that small T6 downwards from the top of the pier diaphragm to a span
links should be placed around the lapping bars where their size deviator (see Fig. 6), pass horizontally to another span deviator
exceeded T25. It was noted that Eurocode 25 would have and then deviate back up to the previous pier diaphragm and
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Fig. 4. Slender viaduct piers
Anchorage beam Anchorage beam
WA tendons WB1-14 P1 tendons WA1-14
Deviator Deviator
W2 W9
Tendons WA1-14 W01 W02
box box
2x7 anchorages box
2x7 deviators
2x14 deviators
Section C_C
Section A_A Section E_E
box box
box 2x7 anchorages 2x7 anchorages
2x7 deviators
Section B_B
Section D_D Section F_F
30 Bridge Engineering 157 Issue BE1 Design of the new Medway Bridge Smith Hendy
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tendon at the blister in front.
Each newly anchored tendon
has to pass through the blister
in the previous segment,
because it is too close to the
previous tendon to pass out-
side the blister and allow
sufficient cover to its reinfor-
cement. The tendons must
then also be deviated at the
segment previous to this to
avoid clashes as they come
together towards the pier. The
longer tendons, from the
ninth segment onwards, were
all in the upper layer and
were straight between the
main piers and the segment 8
deviator. As these later seg-
ments are longer and the plan
angle of the tendons is smal-
Fig. 6. Viaduct cable routingin-span deviator and anchor beam (during construction) ler, the tendons only needed
to pass through the previous
one blister, without deviation,
onto the remote end anchorage beam at the far side of the pier. until they reached the main deviator beam at segment 8 (see
Tendons are thus lapped over the piers when the subsequent Fig. 10). The setting out of these deviator pipes was crucial both
span is completed so one main constraint on tendon position- to ensure that tendons did not clash and also to guarantee a
ing was to ensure that these two sets of cables missed each smooth profile without potentially damaging kinks at pipe
other at diaphragms (see Fig. 7). The other main constraint was entries and exits.
to ensure that a clear walkway was still provided throughout
the box so tendons move back towards the webs from their 4.2. Design of deviator pipes
spaced positions at the piers. The tendons must also keep clear The deviator pipes comprise 5·4 mm thick MDPE 140 mm outer
of the drainage. diameter pipes cast into the concrete. The HDPE duct around
each tendon, itself 5·3 mm thick with 110 mm outer diameter,
There were greater difficulties, however, with the balanced was then taken continuously through this larger pipe without
cantilever section because of the necessarily large number of any connection between the two. This was essential for
tendons. There is effectively less width available for routing the replaceability of the tendon. In all, there were approximately
cantilevering tendons than for an internally prestressed design 1600 deviator pipes required for the viaducts and main span.
since they cannot be run out
into the box cantilever
flanges. Consequently the
cantilevering cables would
not all fit within one layer
and a double layer was
necessary between the main
piers (Fig. 8) and the eighth
segment of the balanced can-
tilever, where a full width
deviator was provided (Fig. 9).
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misaligned pipe. Tolerance is
needed in any case even with
‘perfect’ setting out as the
deck changes shape during
construction from the pre-
cambered geometry and
deflects under load. A
number of possibilities were
considered to provide toler-
ance. These included:
The setting out information for each pipe comprised a bend The over-bent pipe solution was selected. The theoretical
radius, an offset and level at each end of the pipe and a tangent point was kept some way inside the pipe. Typically an
rotation angle for the pipe from an axis through the plane of angular error in pipe setting out was provided so that the pipe
curvature of the pipe. The pipe was marked with a stripe at this could comfortably be 10 mm out of position in any direction at
angle from the plane of curvature and these marks were the each end. An overall translation of a pipe was less problematic.
setting out points on the pipe. It was appreciated that providing Allowance for these unintentional deviations was also made in
tolerance in the placement of these pipes was essential to avoid the design of the supporting elements. The over-bent pipe
problems with spalling of the concrete at the entry to a solution only really appears to provide tolerance in the plane of
curvature and not perpendi-
cular to it. However, since the
tendon should not exit
touching a side of the pipe, it
was considered that some
tolerance would be provided
in that plane also. A final
amount of tolerance was pro-
vided by the double thickness
of plastic in the two pipes,
which could allow an amount
of reshaping under com-
pression without damaging
the duct. Where the deviator
pipes had very large radii or
were, in some cases, straight,
the pipes also had a small
radiused flare machined into
the end of the plastic to give
a more gradual transition for
a misaligned tendon.
Fig. 9. Deviation and anchorage of the balanced cantilever tendons There was only one incident
of any concrete spalling
32 Bridge Engineering 157 Issue BE1 Design of the new Medway Bridge Smith Hendy
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A general arrangement of a
typical viaduct diaphragm
region is shown in Fig. 12
and was well suited to a
strut-and-tie analysis as indi-
cated (where again, solid lines
are ties and dashed lines are
compression struts). Load
from the central web was
suspended over the access
holes by inclined bars with
large radii at the bends to
prevent overstress of the con-
crete. Suspension steel was
also required to carry load
from the bottom of the outer
webs back to the top of the
section. A critical aspect of
the detailing was ensuring
that the bend position of the
inclined bars did not allow
force to be transmitted on a
path through the top of the
access hole on its way back to
Fig. 11. Simplified strut-and-tie model for typical outer web blister the bearings.
34 Bridge Engineering 157 Issue BE1 Design of the new Medway Bridge Smith Hendy
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moments in the pier. At full
extension, the natural fre-
quency was only 0·2 Hz
which meant that turbulence
excitation could be a prob-
lem. BD496 requires this to be
checked where frequencies
are less than 1 Hz so the
0·2 Hz frequency was a con-
cern. A further concern was
that proximity of the existing
Medway Bridge and the new
Channel Tunnel Rail Link
bridge would increase the
turbulence experienced.
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pre-camber, the cables could have fouled the bottom flange provided at the top of the duct, immediately down-stream of
since they ran close to the top side of the flange. To eliminate the deviator.
the risk of such problems, a mid-span deviator (of much less
robust proportions than others actually provided since devi- The anchorage trumpets were conical and plastic so that they
ations would only be second order) could have been used. could be withdrawn from the concrete (and replacements
reinserted) in the event of a replacement operation.
As the trusses were so flexible, the trough section without deck
slab could pick up significant moments under subsequent The proposed sequence for replacement of tendons was based
concrete pours as discussed above. This made compliance with on a similar procedure undertaken successfully in September
the requirement of BS5400:Part 43 to limit stresses during 2000 on the Mid-Bay Bridge in Florida, USA. This would
construction to 1 MPa of tension impossible on the truss spans involve removing the plastic duct along its full length (except
and difficult on the birdcage spans. It was therefore proposed to within deviators), removing the grout from the tendon and then
limit crack widths to 0·1 mm as an alternative. This led to the simply cutting through the stressed tendon with appropriate
need to put additional longitudinal reinforcement at the tops of protection to operatives. Binders would be installed around the
the webs to control the crack widths. However, benefit of the tendon at regular intervals along its length, with closer centres
load carried by the developing deck cross-section was taken in adjacent to cut positions, to prevent strand ‘whip-lash’ as each
reducing the design loads for the truss and the additional strand is cut. Once all the strands had been cut, the grouted
reinforcement provided was also considered in the design of the anchorage would be removed from its anchor beam and a new
permanent structure. trumpet installed into the bearing plate, filling the void left by
the previous trumpet.
This paper is published with the permission of the Highways
The external tendons had to be replaceable. Distinction must
Agency and Costain–Skanska–Mowlem joint venture. The
first be made between Type 1 and Type 2 tendon systems. A
authors would also like to acknowledge the contribution from
Type 1 system comprises a conventional multi-strand tendon
VSL International who supplied and installed all prestressing
with bare strands grouted up within a duct. A Type 2 system
components and monitored all stressing operations on site.
also uses a multi-strand tendon, but individual strands are
Parts of this paper were published in the proceedings of the
contained within greased plastic sheaths and the sheathed
international symposium ‘The Role of Concrete Bridges in
strands are themselves grouted up in an outer duct.
Sustainable Development’ in Dundee in September 2003.8
Please email, fax or post your discussion contributions to the secretary by 1 September 2004: email: [email protected];
fax: +44 (0)20 7665 2294; or post to Daniela Wong, Journals Department, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1^7 Great George Street,
London SW1P 3AA.
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