Impact of Methods Used To Reconstitute Tailings SP
Impact of Methods Used To Reconstitute Tailings SP
Impact of Methods Used To Reconstitute Tailings SP
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Impact of methods used to
reconstitute tailings specimens
on the liquefaction potential assessment of tailings dams
Mariana Martins Corrêa1,2 Abstract
Waldyr Lopes Oliveira Filho1,3 The aim of this research is to investigate the liquefaction susceptibility of silt sandy mining tailings by experimental laboratory techniques. The main aspect ana-
lyzed is how techniques of sample reconstitution impact the results obtained in static
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP, undrained triaxial tests. Different methods of sample preparation are reviewed, such
Escola de Minas, Departamento de Engenharia as moist tamping (MT), air and water pluviation, and a newly developed one called the
de Minas, Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais – Brasil. Slurry Deposition (SD) method. This research highlights the importance of the "fab-
ric" or particle structural arrangement associated with the various specimen prepara-
E-mails: [email protected], tion techniques when liquefaction potential assessment is of concern. Two series of
[email protected] undrained static triaxial tests were performed on specimens prepared according to
MT and with SD techniques on specimens in the loose and very loose state. Results
have demonstrated that MT specimens have shown the whole spectrum of liquefaction
resistance (total liquefaction, limited liquefaction, and no liquefaction) on increasing
density, while the SD campaign has shown only liquefaction resistance even in the
overlapping intermediate densities with the MT series, where the latter has shown liq-
uefaction, although limited. This scientific study critically discusses the risk of taking
laboratory results of replicated soil elements that may not correspond to the reality.
keywords: static liquefaction, fine silt sand mining tailings, specimen preparation tech-
niques, triaxial test, undrained shear strength behavior.
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(3), 507-513, jul. sep. | 2019 507
Impact of methods used to reconstitute tailings specimens on the liquefaction potential assessment of tailings dams
1. Introduction
Laboratory tests play an important field samples; preparation method renders a specific
role in understanding the mechani- b) need to test essentially identical fabric, which may result in distinct stress-
cal response of geomaterials. For this "homogeneous" test specimens (with- strain characteristics and responses (Vaid
purpose, testing undisturbed samples out variability commonly found in field and sivathayalan, 2000; Carraro and
obtained from field investigations is samples); and Prezzi 2007).
considered more appropriate for study- c) demand to characterize man- Sample reconstitution methods, such
ing natural soil behavior, since it allows made engineering materials. as moist tamping (MT), air pluviation (AP)
the structure of soil particles in situ, The use of reconstituted samples and water pluviation (WP) are the most
stress field, depositional history, etc. for liquefaction potential assessment widespread methods in laboratory rou-
to be represented. However, the use of of tailings deposits as proposed by this tines. In addition, Slurry Deposit (SD) is
reconstituted samples of granular soils research can be easily justified by all a newly developed preparation technique,
for laboratory testing has gained wide- three of these reasons. In addition, most derived from WP, which has been consid-
spread acceptance in the past for a num- of our fundamental understandings of ered to yield the most realistic results for
ber of reasons, including (Khalili and the liquefaction phenomena in sands has natural alluvial soils, and tailings deposits
Wijewickreme, 2008): been derived from controlled laboratory formed by disposed slurries. Table 1 sum-
a) difficulties in obtaining high studies. However, previous articles on marizes the methods, their characteristics
quality undisturbed non-cohesive this issue have shown that each sample and applications.
Brief Procedure
Method Type of Soil Characteristics References
incorporates some
desirable charac-
sand, silty sands,
teristics from water
silt, clay, silt / clay Deposition of
pluviation technique,
Slurry / sand mixtures slurry prepared Carraro and
but less conducive to
Deposition and materials within an acrylic Prezzi (2007)
material segregation
with high fines tube
and most adequate for
applications of tailings
preferential fabric
which mimics natural
Air Non-cohesive Gravity particle alluvial deposits but Vaid and
Pluviation soils (sand) deposition in air fails when used with Negussey (1988);
fine-grained sands,
that causes segregation
Soil liquefaction is one of the has been directed to the phenomenon recently received more interest espe-
geotechnical engineering phenomena occurrence under dynamic conditions, cially in the context of tailings dam
that has been researched for decades. performed mainly in countries with collapse disasters, such as Fundao
Its consequences can be catastrophic, constant records of seismic events. TSF, in 2015, in Southeastern Brazil.
whether caused by dynamic or static However, static stress-strain analy- This article deals exclusively with
loading. To this day, most research ses of this mechanism of failure has static liquefaction.
508 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(3), 507-513, jul. sep. | 2019
Mariana Martins Corrêa and Waldyr Lopes Oliveira Filho
Experimental work comprised tests (CIU) on specimens prepared using ratio), at 50 kPa and 300 kPa confining
of performing two series of isotropic either a moist tamping or slurry deposi- effective stress.
undrained consolidated static triaxial tion technique, variable density (or void
around 350/450 kPa, quite low as com- isotropically consolidated under 50 kPa or the consolidation data, until the sample
pared with the MT series, and much less 300 kPa stress. The undrained test shear reached an axial deformation of 20%,
time consuming. The specimens were then rate was set at 0.16%/min (CIU), based on which took approximately two hours.
4. Results
The main results of this research whose specimens were prepared accord- to attempt to verify the impact of these
are related to the analysis of CIU triaxial ing to the moist tamping (MT) and slurry specimen reconstituting techniques on
tests performed on the silt sandy tailings, deposition (SD) methods. The goal was liquefaction susceptibility.
Figure 1
CIU triaxial test results stress path
(MIT) for MT specimens with densities
of 1.48 g/cm3, 1.51 g/cm3 and 1.56 g/cm3.
Figure 2
CIU triaxial test
results stress path (MIT) for MT
specimens with densities of 1.59 g/cm3.
Figure 3
CIU triaxial test results stress
path (MIT) for all MT test specimens.
At low densities (Figure 1), a complete density produces a change from contractive, it is performed on a low density (1.52 g/cm3)
liquefied state is reached, differently from the softening (liquefiable) behavior, to a dilat- test specimen, softening behavior occurs,
intermediate range where a limited liquefac- ing and hardening (liquefaction resistant) and general liquefaction does not occur. All
tion state is observed (also in Figure 1, 1.56 pattern, including an intermediate state of of this corroborates previous studies, with
g/cm3). For the test with the highest specimen slight softening (limited liquefaction). It is influence factors density and confining stress
density (Figure 2), high liquefaction resis- further noted that for the 300 kPa confin- playing important roles on liquefaction resis-
tance is configured. Briefly, the increase in ing effective stress test (Figure 3), although tance (Yamamuro and Lade, 1997).
510 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(3), 507-513, jul. sep. | 2019
Mariana Martins Corrêa and Waldyr Lopes Oliveira Filho
Figure 4
CIU triaxial test results stress
path (MIT) for all SD test specimens.
The same behavior was observed pressure, and then, as the deformation hardening behavior. It is interesting to
in all four tests, regardless of the density increases, the trajectory turns to the right, note that at large deformations, the stress
difference or the confining stress. Firstly, climbing the same slope, generating large paths of all tests overlap, characterizing
stress paths rise, bending slightly to the values of negative excess pore pressure a limit state of resistance (critical state
left, generating low positive excess pore during shear, and revealing a dilating and strength parameters).
Figure 5
CIU triaxial test results
stress path (MIT) for low
and medium MT specimen densities
and intermediate SD specimen density.
Figure 6
CIU triaxial test results
stress path (MIT) for higher
densities using MT and SD specimens.
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(3), 507-513, jul. sep. | 2019 511
Impact of methods used to reconstitute tailings specimens on the liquefaction potential assessment of tailings dams
5. Further discussions
Until the present, discussions on relative densities in the range of loose, very it endorses the previously mentioned idea
liquefaction susceptibility have focused on loose and beyond. One can consider that that the static liquefaction condition may
reconstitution techniques and specimen sand soils with high fines content may need be achieved simply by bringing the material
densities without referring the latter to different limit standards in order to make into a non-stable state (high pore pressure
material limits (item 3.1). Results in Figure comparisons with the copious literature on for example) in which its resistive force is re-
7 suggest several things, for example, that it liquefaction susceptibility that relates it to duced sufficiently to allow static conditions
is possible to achieve higher void ratios than relative density. to produce static liquefaction. Such type of
the maximum considered. Another interest- Even having resolved this issue, there pre-triggering mechanism can be caused
ing matter is that all liquefaction, limited still remains the question why SD speci- by, e.g., continuous vibrations generated by
liquefaction or liquefaction resistance be- mens have not shown liquefaction. This traffic equipment in the mining area setting
haviors happened for specimens presenting research does not examine that aspect, but (Penna and Oliveira-Filho, 2012).
Figure 7
Voids ratio, dry density and relative
density spectrum of all specimens data.
6. Conclusion
The present research established an tions, the Slurry Deposition (SD) specimen tions in the field; however, the SD tech-
experimental program to assess the min- method seems to render the best results. nique may offer an appropriate method for
ing tailings liquefaction potential through • It has been observed that material studying fluvial or hydraulic fill deposits
isotropically consolidated undrained tri- density greatly influenced the results for in the future.
axial tests. It was driven by the challenge very loose soil specimens, since a small • All specimens tested were prepared
of searching for the most adequate speci- difference in this index property was with relative densities in the range of loose
men reconstitution method that could enough to manifest different behaviors and very loose and even beyond categories
make it possible to produce soil elements in the MT campaign, as total liquefac- according to the Brazilian ABNT stan-
with a similar structure, as in tailings dam tion (lower density) and non-liquefaction dards for dry densities limits. This finding
deposits, such as those found in mines (higher density). On the other hand, the generates several questions, for example, if
in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero of Minas SD technique showed dilating behavior, a the maximum and minimum void indexes
Gerais, Brazil. characteristic that corresponds to liquefac- found are true for this material, which does
The principal conclusions of the tion resistance, in all possible experimen- not seem to be the case. If they are not,
study are the following: tal densities, even in the overlapping range what would actually be the range of rela-
• The literature review carried out with the MT series. tive density for the tested specimens. In ad-
indicated that the Moisture Tamping • This research has shown how dition, how logically and consistently the
(MT) specimen reconstitution method is fabric, resulting from different specimen relative density (compactness) would relate
not the appropriate way to replicate soil preparation, can affect liquefaction assess- to the mechanical response of these soils.
elements formed under an alluvial envi- ment. Unfortunately, scientific research • It is fair to say that laboratory
ronment and hydraulic fills, as is the case based on laboratory tests cannot exactly testing of representative samples is a valid
of mining tailings deposits. In such condi- replicate all possible and existing situa- resource. Research has been used to un-
512 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(3), 507-513, jul. sep. | 2019
Mariana Martins Corrêa and Waldyr Lopes Oliveira Filho
derstand soil liquefaction susceptibility, limit its conclusiveness. This research has ent specimen preparation can affect that
although some intangible factors may shown how fabric resulting from differ- phenomenon assessment.
We thank the Graduate Program on gineering Department undergraduate stu- government agency for higher education
Mineral Engineering of UFOP (Federal dents Stephanie Oliveira Moura e Sá and advanced training and FAPEMIG, Minas
University of Ouro Preto) for their general Otávio Pataro for their help with sample Gerais Research Support Foundation, for
support. Also, many thanks to Mining En- characterization, CAPES, Brazilian federal providing a scholarship to the first author.
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 72(3), 507-513, jul. sep. | 2019 513