Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads and Factories Over Soft Ground
Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads and Factories Over Soft Ground
Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads and Factories Over Soft Ground
Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
A safe and cost effective geotechnical solution for the foundation treatment of a palm oil mill is also presented in this paper. Value
engineering has applied in this project with the use of the local tree trunks during site clearing as friction piles for the foundations and
the platform. Significant savings in terms of construction time and cost have also been achieved.
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
occurs for approaches to culverts if culverts are clayey marine deposits, vertical drains are often not
piled into the hard stratum. necessary.
Buildings constructed over compressible marine
deposits also suffer the same problem when the
buildings are supported on piles installed into the
hard stratum. Fig. 3 shows the differential between
the building and settling platform.
Very soft and soft deposits of river alluvium and The spacing of vertical drains is also sensitive to
marine deposits are common in Southeast Asia as the information and permeability or consolidation
shown in Fig. 4. The river alluvium and marine properties of the clay. The spacing of vertical drain
deposits normally consist of clay, silty clay and is very sensitive to the cost. Hence, SI needs to
occasionally with intermittent of sand lenses provide reliable subsoil data for design. The details
especially near a major river mouth and delta. The on subsoil subject can be obtained from the papers
marine deposits in Malaysia are encountered along by Gue & Tan (2000), Gue (1999) and Tan (1999).
the coast of the Peninsular, where they are up to
20km in width. (Raj & Muhinder, 1990). 3 SOLUTIONS FOR SOFT GROUND
The use of piezocone and insitu vane shear test Embankment Design
is particularly useful in determining the direct
undrained shear strength of the soft marine clayey Embankment design of roads needs to satisfy
deposits. This is in addition to collecting two important requirements among others; the
undisturbed samples from conventional boreholes stability and settlement.
for unconfined compression and consolidation tests. The short term stability for embankment over
The use of piezocone is useful to detect presence of soft clay is always more critical than long term
sand lenses and indirect determination of undrained simply because the subsoil consolidates with time
shear strength. The detection of sand lenses is under loading and the strength increases. In design,
particularly important for the assessment of ground it is very important to check for the stability of the
treatment. The selection of surcharge alone or embankment with consideration for different
surcharge with prefabricated vertical drains to potential failure surfaces namely circular and non-
accelerate consolidation depending on this circular.
information for economical design. For example, It is also necessary to evaluate both the
when intermittent layers of sand lenses within the magnitude and rate of settlement of the subsoil
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
supporting the embankment when designing the multistage construction could be reduced by
embankment so that the settlement in the long term geometry change in the embankment as described
will not influence the serviceability and safety of the by Tan & Gue (2000). However, geometry change
embankment. The details of the embankment requires wide road reserve due to flatter slope and
design can be obtained from papers by Tan & Gue stabilizing berms. Prefabricated vertical drains
(2000). could also be installed to reduce the time required
Design considerations include numerous issues for consolidation.
such as those outlined by Tan & Gue (2000). The Other techniques such as piled embankment,
height or thickness of embankment is often dictated stone columns, vacuum preloading with
by the flood level. As the height of embankment is prefabricated vertical drains could be considered.
most critical over marine deposits, hence decision However, the technique would increase the cost of
on height after consideration of settlement of the the embankment. Piled embankment in particular
subsoil is critical to the cost and time of the project. using local wood piles for shallow subsoil could be
When the height exceeds the maximum one stage competitive.
construction (loading), multistage construction will The details on the design and construction
be required. The crude estimate of the maximum control for embankment over soft clay are also
height of embankment can be obtained as follow : described in the above reference.
5su Ground Treatment Methods
Hmax =
Fs f In order to identify suitable ground treatment to
where be adopted, the design engineer needs to carry out
Hmax = Estimated Maximum Height of Fill both technical and cost analyses. Some of the
(Single Stage Construction) embankment construction methods commonly used
su = Undrained Shear Strength of the in Malaysia are as follows :
subsoil. (a) Modification of Embankment Geometry
Fs = Short Term Factor of Safety (usually (b) Excavation and Replacement of Soft Soils
1.2). (c) Surcharging (with or without vertical
f = Unit weight of compacted fill (usually drains)
about 18 to 20 kN/m3) (d) Staged Construction
(e) Lightweight Fills using Expanded
Of course more detailed analyses are required Polystyrene (EPS)
when more refined soil layers and properties are (f) Geosynthetics Reinforcement
obtained. In the detailed analyses, both circular and (g) Stone Columns
non-circular slope stability analyses should be (h) Piled Embankment
carried out. Very often, the non-circular failure is Modification of embankment geometry through
more critical than circular slip failure for layered reduction of slope angle or construction of
soil especially with very soft subsoil at top few counterweight berms can be cost effective option if
meters. there is sufficient cut earth or abundant suitable
Long term stability of embankment is usually materials nearby. Although excavation and
not an issue for embankment over soft marine replacement of soft soil (either partial or total) is an
deposits because the subsoil would gain strength old method but still viable and popular where the
with time after the excess pore water pressure in the very soft compressible is not very deep. The
subsoil dissipates during consolidation. experience on highway construction in West
When the analyses based on subsoil and Malaysia indicates that the excavation and
thickness of embankment indicate multistage replacement depth of up to a maximum depth of
construction is required, the construction of the 4.5m in soft clay is still viable in terms of cost and
embankment usually take substantially longer time practicability. The excavation should extend up to
especially when the cohesive subsoil does not have the toe of the embankment and beyond to increase
sand lenses. If time permits with early planning, the stability of the embankment.
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
embankment. When the subsoil is subjected to The possible geotechnical solutions to eliminate
loads from the fill, the subsoil would consolidate the differential settlement are described by Gue
and induce negative skin friction to the piles. (2000). It includes :-
- Provide a larger culvert to allow for long
term settlement (Figure 8b)
- Provide a transition piled embankment at
the approaches to a culvert (Figure 9).
This option is often more costly.
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
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Cost Effective Geotechnical Solutions For Roads And Factories Over Soft Ground
By : Ir. Dr. Gue S.S. , Ir. Tan Y. C & Ir. Liew, S. S. 2 September 5 September, 2002
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