Anatomy and Physiology: Negative Feedback Positive Feedback Enhances
Anatomy and Physiology: Negative Feedback Positive Feedback Enhances
Anatomy and Physiology: Negative Feedback Positive Feedback Enhances
Six Levels of Organization ❦ Set point is the ideal normal value (body
1. Chemical Level - Atoms (colored balls) combine to
form molecules. ❦ Normal range is the fluctuation around set point
2. Cell Level - Molecules form organelles, such as the Homeostasis is maintained by negative and positive feedback
nucleus and mitochondria, which make up cells. mechanisms.
3. Tissue Level - Similar cells and surrounding o Negative feedback turns off the original stimulus
materials make up tissues. o Positive feedback enhances and up-regulates the
initial stimulus (is usually harmful to the body)
4. Organ Level - Different tissues combine to form
organs, such as the urinary bladder.
Terminology and Body Plane
5. Organ System Level - Organs such as the urinary
Body Positions
bladder and kidneys make up an organ system.
❦ Anatomical Position
6. Organism Level - Organ systems make up an
● The human standing erect with the face directed
forward, the arms hanging to the sides, and the palms
facing forward
Body Plane
Sagittal Plane: divides the body into left and right parts.
Organ Planes
Body Cavities
Serous Membranes
❦ Pleural Cavities: surround the lungs. o double layer of lipids with imbedded, dispersed
❦ Peritoneal Cavity: surrounds certain abdominal and pelvic
organs Bilayer consists mainly of phospholipids and cholesterol
● Mesenteries hold the abdominal organs in place and
provide a passageway for blood vessels and nerves o Phospholipids have hydrophobic (nonpolar tails)
to organs. and hydrophilic (polar heads) bipoles
● Retroperitoneal Organs are located “behind” the o Cholesterol gives the membrane added strength
parietal peritoneum. and flexibility
o marker molecules
o attachment proteins (cadherins and integrins)
o transport proteins
o receptor proteins
o enzymes
o encloses cell– supports the cell contents 2. Most non-lipid-soluble molecules and ions do
o a selective barrier that regulates what goes into and not diffuse through the plasma membrane
out of the cell
o plays a role in communication between cells 3. Some specific non-lipid soluble molecules and
ions pass through membrane channels or other
• Separates intracellular substances from extracellular transport proteins
o intracellular: inside cells
o extracellular: (intercellular): between cells The diffusion of a solvent (water) across a selectively
permeable membrane via diffusion.
Fluid Mosaic Model
o through a specific channel protein (aquaporin)
o or through the lipid bilayer
Lipid bilayer
Terminology Sodium-Potassium Pump
o Osmotic pressure: the force required to prevent the 1) Three sodium ions (Na+) and adenosine
movement of water across a selectively permeable triphosphate (ATP) bind to the Na+ -K+ pump, which
membrane is an ATP-powered pump.
o Isosmotic solutions: have the same concentration of 2) The ATP breaks down to adenosine diphosphate
solute particles as a reference solution (ADP) and a phosphate (P) and releases energy. That
o Hyperosmotic solutions: have a greater energy is used to power a shape change in the Na+
concentration of solute particles than a reference -K+ pump. Phosphate remains bound to the Na+ -K+
solution -ATP binding site.
o Hyposmotic solutions: have a lesser concentration 3) The Na+ -K+ pump changes shape, and the Na+ are
of solute particles than a reference solution transported across the membrane.
4) The Na+ diffuses away from the Na+ -K+ pump.
Osmotic Concentration of Solutions 5) Two potassium ions (K+) bind to the Na+ -K+ pump.
6) The phosphate is released from the Na+ -K+ pump
binding site.
7) The Na+ -K+ pump resumes its original shape,
transporting K+ across the membrane, and the K+
diffuses away from the pump. The Na+ -K+ pump can
again bind to Na+ and ATP.
1) Specificity: selectiveness
2) Competition: similar molecules or ions compete for a
transport protein
3) Saturation: rate of transport cannot increase
because all transport proteins are in use Vesicular Transport
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
Cytoplasm Series of membranes forming sacs and tubules that
extend from the outer nuclear membrane into the
The material between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm
o Two varieties: rough ER and smooth ER
o Half cytosol ▪ Rough ER (RER)
▪ Consists of a fluid part (the site of chemical ● Studded with ribosomes
reactions), the cytoskeleton, and cytoplasmic ● Major site of protein synthesis
inclusions ▪ Smooth ER (SER)
° The cytoskeleton supports the cell and ● Does not have ribosomes attached
enables cell movements. ● Major site of lipid and carbohydrate
▪ Microtubules – provide support, aid in cell division,
⮚ Catalyzes the following reactions in
and are components of organelles
various organs of the body
▪ Actin filaments – support the plasma membrane and
❖ Liver: lipid and cholesterol metabolism, breakdown of
define the shape of the cell.
glycogen and along with the kidneys, detoxifiy drugs
▪ Intermediate filaments – provide mechanical support
❖ Testes: synthesis of steroid-based hormones
to the cell
❖ Intestinal cells: absorption, synthesis, and transport
o Half organelles
of fats
▪ Cytoplasmic Inclusions are aggregates of ❖ Skeletal and cardiac muscle: storage and release of
chemicals either produced by the cell or taken in calcium
by the cell (lipids, glycogen, hemoglobin,
Golgi Apparatus
Cytoplasmic Organelles
Series of closely packed membranous sacs that collect,
package, and distribute proteins and lipids produced by
Specialized subcellular structures with specific functions. the ER
o Breakdown fatty acids, amino acids, and hydrogen Transcription
o Detoxify harmful or toxic substances Synthesis of mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA based on the
o Neutralize dangerous free radicals nucleotide sequence in DNA
▪ Free radicals: highly reactive chemicals with
o Messenger RNA (mRNA) – carries the genetic
unpaired electrons (i.e., O2 –)
information from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes
in the cytoplasm
Mitochondria o Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) – bound to amino
o acids base pair with the codons of mRNA at the
o The major sites of the production of ATP (the major ribosome to begin the process of protein synthesis
energy source for cells) via aerobic cellular respiration o Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – a structural component of
o Have a smooth outer membrane and an inner ribosomes
membrane that is infolded to produce cristae 1) The strands of the DNA molecule separate from each
o Contain their own DNA, can produce some of their other. One DNA strand serves as a template for
own proteins, and can replicate independently of the mRNA synthesis
cell 2) Nucleotides that will form mRNA pair with DNA
nucleotides according to the base-pair combinations
Centrioles and Spindle Fibers shown in the key at the top of the figure. Thus, the
sequence of nucleotides in the template DNA strand
Centrioles: cylindrical organelles located in the (purple) determines the sequence of nucleotides in
centrosome mRNA (grey). RNA polymerase (the enzyme is not
shown) joins the nucleotides of mRNA together
3) As nucleotides are added, an mRNA molecule is
o Pinwheel array of nine triplets of microtubules
o Centrosome: a specialized zone of the cytoplasm
▪ the site of microtubule formation Transcription: RNA Polymerase
o Microtubules called spindle fibers extend out in all
directions from the centrosome o An enzyme that oversees the synthesis of RNA
o Unwinds the DNA template
▪ Spindle fibers are involved in the separation of
o Adds complementary ribonucleoside triphosphates on
chromosomes during cell division the DNA template
o Form the bases of cilia and flagella o Joins these RNA nucleotides together
o Encodes a termination signal to stop transcription
Cilia, Flagella, and Microvilli
Cilia move substances over the surface of cells Posttranscriptional processing - modifies mRNA before it
leaves the nucleus by removing introns (non-coding) and then
Flagella are much longer than cilia and propel sperm cells splicing exons (coding) together with enzymes called
Microvilli increase the surface area of cell and aid in ● Functional mRNA consists only of exons
absorption and secretion Alternative splicing - produces different combination of
exons, allowing one gene to produce more than one type of
Protein Synthesis protein
2. Prophase - the chromatin condenses into chromosomes. Selective permeability - property of the membrane to choice
The centrioles move to the opposite ends of the cell, and the or select the materials or substances that can enter and leave
nucleolus and the nuclear envelope disappear. Microtubules the cell.
form near the centrioles and project in all directions. Spindle
fibers, project toward an invisible line called the equator and ° Nucleus - unifies, controls, and integrates the
overlap with fibers from opposite centrioles. functions of the entire cell and is thought of as the
“command center” of the cell.
3. Metaphase - the chromosomes align in the center of the cell
in association with the spindle fibers. Some spindle fibers are 3 Components
attached to kinetochores in the centromere of each
chromosome 1. Nucleoplasm - contains nutrients, gelatinous matrix or base
material of nucleus.
4. Anaphase - the chromatids separate, and each chromatid is
then referred to as a chromosome. Thus, the chromosome 2. Chromosomes - embedded or suspended in the
number is double, and there are two identical sets of nucleoplasm, made up of thousands of “genes”.
chromosomes. The chromosomes, assisted by the spindle ● Genes - is the unit that codes for or determines a
fibers, move toward the particular traits or characteristics of an individual
centrioles at each end of the cell. Separation of the chromatids organism. Different species have different numbers
signals the beginning of anaphase, and, by the time anaphase and sizes of chromosomes
has ● Ex. Humans- 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) each
ended, the chromosomes have reached the poles consisting a thousands of genes. Human genome
30,000 genes
5. Telophase - migration of each set of chromosomes is 3. Nuclear membrane - skin around the nucleus.
complete. The chromosomes unravel to become less distinct
chromatin threads. The nuclear envelope forms from the Cytoplasm – (a type of protoplasm) is a semi-fluid, gelatinous
endoplasmic reticulum. The nucleoli form, and cytokinesis nutrient matrix. Inside the cytoplasm is found insoluble storage
continues to form two cells granules and variety of cytoplasmic organelles.
6. Mitosis - is complete, and a new interphase begins. The Organelles found in the Cytoplasm
chromosomes have unraveled to become chromatin. Cell
division has produced two daughter cells, each with DNA that 1. Endoplasmic Reticulum - membranes interconnected and
is identical to the DNA of the parent cell arranged to form a transport network of tubules and flattened
sacs within the cytoplasm, connecting the outside of the cell to
Differentiation the nucleus.
● Process by which cells develop specialized structures
● Transport nutrients to the nucleus and provides
and functions
some structural support to the cell.
● All the cells in an individual’s body contain the same
amount and type of DNA because they resulted from
A. Rough ER (RER) – endoplasmic system where secretory
proteins and membranes are manufactured because of the
● Differentiation results from the selective activation and
Ribosomes attached to it.
inactivation of segments of DNA in each different cell
Ribosomes - organelle for the “synthesis or the production
ofproteins”, the most numerous organelles in the cell.
B. Smooth ER ( SER) – membranous tubules and sacs
important in lipids synthesis, detoxification and calcium
Robert Hooke first to use the term “cell”, observed the small
empty chambers in the structure of cork.
● cells are not empty but rather contain a sticky viscous
Golgi Complex/ Golgi Apparatus/ Golgi Body
fluid, “that this viscous fluid within the cell enables it to
live and reproduce.
● Connects and communicate with the ER.
● Flattened membranous sacs completes the synthesis
Cytology – is a science that deals with the study of the
of secretory proteins, packages them into small sacs
structures and functions of the cells.
called vesicles for storage or export outside the cell.
● Modifies, stores, repackage and transport product
Cell - “fundamental living unit of any living organism
of the ER.
- “basic unit of life”.
● Like the organism, cell exhibits the basic
Lysosomes - small vesicles originate from the Golgi complex,
characteristics of Life.
contain lysozymes and other digestive enzymes that break
down foreign material taken into the celI (phagocytosis),
Parts of the Cell
these enzymes aid in breaking down worn out parts of the cell
and may destroy the entire cell. (autolysis)
1. Protoplasm - “the Substance of Life”- made up of various
● Digestive body of the cell.
chemicals within the cell, which enable the cell to live and
reproduce “living materials of the cells”.
Peroxisomes - contains enzyme catalase, which catalyzes the
breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
2. Organelles - “tiny particles” found inside the cell, they
Mostly found in eucaryotic cells
have specific functions for the metabolism of the cells.
3. Cytoplasm - living substances or base materials outside the
● "powerhouse” “power plants” or “energy factories”
nucleus, area outside the nucleus of the cell.
of the cell.
● synthesis of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), necessary
4. Nucleoplasm - gelatinous matrix or base materials of the
for the cellular function
● converting sugars (glucose) to chemical energy in the
form of ATP
Eucaryotic Cell
Eucaryotes - “Eu”- true “caryo”- refers to nut or nucleus.
● membranous-bound structures containing various
- True nucleus.
photosynthetic pigments: which are sites of
° Cell membrane - enclose the cell, “plasma
membrane”, made of proteins and phospholipids
Chloroplasts – one type of plastids contain green pigment
(fats) Protects the cell, regulates the passage of
called chlorophyll these are present in plants and algae.
nutrients, waste products, secretions across the
Plants both contain mitochondria and plastids.
cellular membrane. Like a skin around the cell,
separating the contents of the cell from the outside
Centrioles - two cylindrical organelles near the nucleus
responsible for the formation of spindle fibers for eucaryotic
cell division.
Cytoskeleton - systems of fibers that serve to strengthen, 2. Acting as barriers
support, and stiffen the cell as well as give the cell its shape. – Example: outer layer of skin
3. Permitting the passage of substances
The three types are: – Example: epithelium in the lungs
● Microtubules 4. Secreting substances
● Microfilaments (actin filaments) – Example: mucous glands and sweat glands
● Intermediate filaments. 5. Absorbing substances
– Example: epithelial cells of the intestine
Cell Wall
● External structures that provide rigidity, shape and Epithelial Tissue Classification
protection for plants cells, algae and fungi. Epithelia are classified according to the number of cell layers
● Eucaryotic cell wall contains – cellulose, pectin, and the shape of the cells
lignin and chitin. – Cell layers
● Plants and Algae - cellulose ● Simple epithelium has one layer of cells
● Fungi - chitin (also found in the exoskeletons of ● Stratified epithelium has more than one celllayer
beetles and crabs) ● Pseudostratified epithelium has one layer, but
appears to have two or more layers
Flagella ● Transitional epithelium is stratified epithelium that
- flagellum (singular) - organelles of locomotion (cell can be greatly stretched
movement) relatively long, thin structures, enable the cell to – Cell shape
swim through liquids environments.
● Squamous are flat and thin
Ex. Spermatozoa/sperm cells, protozoa and bacteria. ● Cuboidal are cubelike
● Columnar are tall and thin
cilium (singular)- organelles for locomotion, shorter (hair like
structures), more numerous than flagella. They tend to be in
coordinated, rhythmic movements.
Ex. Human body (respiratory tract, which is called ciliated
epithelial cells), bacteria and protozoans.
Embryonic Tissue
Primary tissue types are derived from the embryonic germ
● Endoderm - forms the lining of the digestive tract and
its derivatives
● Mesoderm - forms tissues such as muscle, bone, and
blood vessels
● Ectoderm - forms the outermost layer of skin and the
nervous system
Gives rise to all tissues of the body
Epithelial Tissue
● Covers surfaces
● Has little extracellular material
● Usually has a basement membrane
● Has no blood vessels
Epithelial Cells
● Have a free, or apical, surface (not attached to other
● A lateral surface (attached to other cells)
● A basal surface (attached to the basement
● Example: Lining of blood vessels
– Microvilliare cylindrical extensions of the cell membrane that
increase surface area (cells involved in absorption of secretion)
● Example: Lining of the small intestines
• Ciliapropel materials over the cell surface
● Example: Lining of the nasal cavity and trachea
Cell connections
● Tight junctions bind adjacent cells together and form
a permeability barrier
● Desmosomes mechanically bind cells together
● Hemidesmosomes mechanically bind cells to the
basement membrane
● Gap junctions allow intercellular communication
Connective Tissue
Consist of cells seperated from each other by abundant
extracellular matrix
1) Enclosing and separating
2) Connecting tissues to one another
(Ex. Ligaments and Tendons)
3) Supporting and moving
(Ex. Bones and cartilage)
4) Storing
(Ex. Adipose tissue and Bones)
5) Cushioning and insulating
(Ex. Adipose tissue)
6) Transporting(Ex. Blood)
7) Protecting(Ex. Blood and Bones)
Connective Tissue
Extracellular matrix contains
– Protein fibers
● Collagen fibers are flexible but resist stretching
● Reticular fibers form a fiber network
● Elastic fibers recoil
Epithelial Tissue: Structural and Functional Relationships
– Ground substance
Cell Layers and Cell Shapes ● Proteoglycans in ground substance hold water,
– Simple epithelium is involved with enabling connective tissues to return to their original
● Diffusion shape after being compressed
● Secretion
● Absorption – Fluid
– Stratified epithelium serves a protective role
– Squamous cells function in Connective Tissue Classification
● Diffusion
● Filtration Mesenchyme - embryonic connective tissue that gives rise to
– Cuboidal or columnar cells, which contain cellular six major categories of connective tissue
organelles – Loose or areolar connective tissue is the “loose packing”
● Secrete material of the body
● Absorb ● Fills the spaces between organs
Free Cell Surfaces ● Holds organs in place
– A smooth, free surfacereduces friction
– Adipose tissue (fat)
● Stores energy
● Pads and protects parts of the body
● Acts as a thermal insulator
Muscle Tissue
Specialized to contract, or shorten, making movement
– Length of muscle cells is greater than the diameter
– Sometimes called muscle fibers because they often
resemble tiny threads
1. Skeletal
● Meat of animals
● Constitutes ~40% of a person’s body weight
● Attaches to the skeleton and allows for movement
● Voluntary, multinucleated, and striated (banded)
2. Cardiac
● Muscle of the heart
● Connected to one another by intercalated disks
(contain gap junctions)
● Involuntary, striated, and usually have one nucleus
per cell
3. Smooth
● Forms the walls of hollow organs (except the heart)
and also is found in the skin and the eyes
● Involuntary, not striated, and have a single nucleus
● Function of the inflammatory response is to isolate
Nervous Tissue
and destroy harmful agents
● Nervous tissue is specialized to conduct action
potentials (electrical signals)
Five Symptoms
● Neurons conduct action potentials
● Neuroglia support the neurons ● Heat
● Swelling
● Pain
● Disturbance of function
Chronic inflammation results when the agent causing injury is
not removed or something else interferes with the healing
Tissue Repair
● Tissue repair is the substitution of viable cells for dead
– Labile cells divide throughout life and can undergo
– Stable cells do not ordinarily divide but can
regenerate if necessary
– Permanent cells have little or no ability to divide
● If killed, repair is by replacement
● Tissue repair involves
Membranes – Clot formation
Mucous membranesline cavities that open to the outside of – Inflammation
the body – Formation of granulation tissue
– Digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive – Regeneration or replacement of tissues
tracts ● In severe wounds, wound contracture can occur
– Contain glands
– Secrete mucus Tissues and Aging
Serous membranes line trunk cavities that do not open to the ● Cells divide more slowly as people age
outside of the body ● Injuries heal more slowly
– pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities ● Extracellular matrix containing collagen and elastic
– Do Not contain glands fibers becomes less flexible and less elastic
– Secrete serous fluid ● Consequently
Synovial membranes line freely movable joints – Skin wrinkles
– Elasticity in arteries is reduced
– Bones break more easily
According to shape:
1. Squamous epithelium - flat, platelike cells
2. Cuboidal epithelium - shaped like a cube
3. Columnar epithelium - columnlike cells Two major layers:
Transitional Epithelium - (also known as urothelium) is a 1. Dermis - is a layer of dense connective tissue
type of tissue consisting of multiple layers of epithelialcells 2. Epidermis - is a layer of epithelial tissue that rests on the
which can contract and expand. These cells, part of the dermis.
epithelium, are found in the urinary bladder, in the ureters,
and in the superior urethraand gland ducts of the prostate. ● The thickness of the dermis and epidermis varies
depending on the location, but on the average, the
Connective Tissues - connections and Support dermis is 10-20 times thicker than the epidermis and
is responsible for most of the structural strength of
Types of Fiber Arrangements
● The skin rest on the hypodermis ( under the dermis),
which attaches it to underlying bone and muscle and Cells in Epidermis
supplies it with blood vessels and nerves. ● MerkelsCells- are found in the stratum germinativum
● The hypodermis is not part of the skin, is sometimes are often associated with intraepithelial nerve endings
called Subcutaneous tissue. and function as mechanoreceptors. Ex. Stretching,
● The hypodermis is loose connection tissue that applying pressure.
contains the body stored. ● Langerhans- cells have immunological function, and
are responsible for contact dermatitis
● Contact dermatitis is a term for a skin reaction,
becomes red, sore, or inflamed (dermatitis) resulting
from exposure to allergens (allergic contact
dermatitis) or irritants (irritant contact dermatitis).
● Irritant dermatitis is the most common type. It's
caused by contact with acids, alkaline materials such
as soaps and detergents, fabric softeners, solvents,
or other chemicals. The reaction usually looks like a
4. Nails
Matrix- is the tissue upon which the nail rest. It contains
nerves, lymp and blood vessels. It is for the production of the
cells that eventually become the nail plate.
Nail parts
1. Nail body/ nail plate- visible part of the nail. Actual
nail composed of translucent keratin protein which
forms a strong flexible material composed of several
layers of dead, flattened cells.
2. Nail root- part of the nail covered with by skin
3. Nail bed- under the nail body.
4. Lunula- can be seen through the nail body as a
whitish, crescent –shaped area at the base of the nail.
7. Hyponychium- is located at the junction between the free ● Composed of keratinized stratified squamous
edge and the skin of the fingertip. It forms a seal that protects epithelium, consisting of four distinct cell types and
the nail bed. four or five layers
● Cell types include keratinocytes, melanocytes, Merkel
8. Nail wall – is the cutaneous fold overlapping cells, and Langerhans’ cells
the sides and proximal end of the nail. ● Outer portion of the skin is exposed to the external
environment and functions in protection
9. Paronychium- is the border tissue around the nail.
Cells of the Epidermis
● Most abundant cell type
● Produce the fibrous protein keratin
● Gives skin its protective properties
● Produce the brown pigment melanin
● Found in the deepest layers of the epidermis
Langerhans’ cells
● Epidermal macrophages
● Help activate the immune system
Merkel cells
● Touch receptors in association with sensory nerve
Stratum Spinosum
● Melanin granules and Langerhans’ cells are abundant
in this layer
- Melanin is taken up by the keratinocytes and
accumulates on the “sunny side” to protect the
nucleus from UV damage
Stratum Granulosum
● Drastic changes in keratinocyte appearance occurs
● Keratohyaline and lamellated bodies (waterproofing)
accumulate in the cells of this layer
● Above this layer the epithelial cells die because they
are too far from the dermis
Stratum Lucidum
● Thin, transparent band superficial to the Stratum
● Consists of a few rows of flat, dead keratinocytes
● Present only in thick skin
Stratum Corneum
Skin Cancer ● Outermost layer of keratinized cells
Malignant melanoma is the aggressive one that tends to ● Accounts for three quarters of the epidermal thickness
spread to other parts of the body. This type can be fatal if not ● 20-30 cell layers thick, all dead.
recognized early in the course of the dissease. ● Millions rub off everyday. Totally new every 25-45
Functions of the Integumentary System ● Functions include:
● Consists of the skin, hair, glands, and nails - Waterproofing
● Functions - Protection from abrasion and penetration
1. Protection - Rendering the body relatively insensitive to
– Against abrasion and UV light biological, chemical, and physical assaults
– Prevents entry of microorganisms
– Prevents dehydration Thick and Thin Skin
2. Sensation Thick skin has all five epithelial strata
– Sensory receptors that can detect heat, cold, touch, Thin skin contains fewer cell layers per stratum
pressure, and pain ● Stratum lucidum is usually absent
3. Temperature regulation by controlling ● Hair is found only in thin skin
– Blood flow through the skin
– Sweat gland activity Skin Color
4. Vitamin D production Melanocytes produce melanin inside melanosomes and then
5. Excretion of small amounts of waste products transfer the melanin to keratinocytes
● The size and distribution of melanosomes determine
Skin skin color
● SA – 1.2-2.2 m2 and weighs 4-5 kg (9-11 lbs) ● Melanin production is determined genetically but can
● Consists of three major regions be influenced by UV light (tanning) and hormones
Increased blood flow produces a red skin color (Erythema),
Epidermis: outermost region (superficial) whereas a decreased flow causes pale skin
● Resists abrasion ● Decreased oxygen content in the blood results in a
● Reduces water loss bluish color called cyanosis
Carotene, an ingested plant pigment, can cause the skin to
Dermis: middle region (bulk of skin) appear yellowish
● Responsible for most of the structural strength of the
skin Dermis
● Leather is produced from the dermis of animals ● Second major skin region containing strong, flexible
Subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis): deepest region connective tissue
● Not really part of the skin ● Cell types include fibroblasts, a few adipose cells and
● Connects the skin to underlying muscle or bone macrophages
Epidermis ● Composed of two layers: papillary and reticular
Papillary layer Protection
● Areolar connective tissue with collagen and elastic
fibers ● Skin
● Its superior surface contains peg-like projections – Protects against abrasion and UV light
called dermal papillae – Prevents the entry of microorganisms
- Genetically determined – Helps regulate body temperature
- Responsible for fingerprints and footprints (films – Prevents water loss
of sweat) ● Hair
● Contains blood vessels that supply the overlying – Protects against abrasion and UV light
epidermis – Acts as a heat insulator.
- With nutrients ● Nails protect the ends of the digits
- Remove waste products
- Aid in regulating body temperature Sensation
Reticular layer
● Skin contains sensory receptors for
● Dense irregular connective tissue
– heat
● Accounts for approximately 80% of the thickness of
- cold
the skin
- touch
● Collagen fibers in this layer add strength and
- pressure
resiliency to the skin
- pain
● Elastin fibers provide stretch-recoil properties
● Striae (stretch marks) are caused when skin is
overstretched, the dermis ruptures and leaves visible Temperature Regulation
● Skin
Reticular layer - Controls heat loss from the body by dilation and
● Elastin and collagen fibers are oriented more in one constriction of blood vessels
direction than in others and produce cleavage, or ● Sweat glands
tension, lines - Produce sweat, which evaporates and lowers
Subcutaneous Tissue body temperature
● Deep to the skin
● Composed of adipose and areolar connective tissue Vitamin D Production
● Not really part of the skin
● Mostly adipose tissue ● UV light stimulates the production of a precursor
● Stores fat and connects the skin to the underlying molecule in the skin that is modified by the liver and
structures (mainly muscles) kidneys into vitamin D
● Shock absorber and insulator ● Vitamin D increases calcium uptake in the intestines
● Increases greatly as you gain weight
Hair Excretion
Lanugo (fetal hair) is replaced near the time of birth by
terminal hairs (scalp, eyelids, and eyebrows) and vellus hairs
● Skin glands remove small amounts of waste products
● At puberty, vellus hairs can be replaced with terminal
but are not important in excretion
● Hairs are columns of dead, keratinized epithelial cells
– Each hair consist of Basal Cell Carcinoma
i. A shaft above the skin
ii. A root below the skin ● Least malignant and most common skin cancer
iii. A hair bulb the site of hair formation ● Stratum Basale cells proliferate and invade the dermis
iv. Hairs have a growth stage and a resting and hypodermis
stage ● Slow growing and do not often metastasize
● Contraction of the arrector pili, which are smooth ● Can be cured by surgical excision in 99% of the cases
muscles, causes hair to “stand on end” and produces
“goose flesh” Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Second-degree: epidermis and upper regionsof dermis are
Rule of Nines
Bone Histology
● Estimates the severity of burns • Bone Matrix
● Divides body into areas that are ~ 9%, or multiples of
– Approximately 35% organic and 65% inorganic material
9%, of the total body area
● Younger patients are different • Organic
● Burns considered critical if: – Collagen provides flexible strength
- Over 25% of the body has second-degree burns – Proteoglycans
- Over 10% of the body has third-degree burns • Inorganic
- There are third-degree burns on face, hands, or – Hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate crystal)
feet provides weight-bearing strength
• Bone Cells
Effects of Aging on the Integumentary System
– Osteoblasts produce bone matrix and become osteocytes
• Osteoblasts connect to one another through cell
● Epidermal replacement of cells slows and skin
becomes thinner processes and surround themselves with bone matrix to
● Decreased elasticity and loss of subcutaneous tissue become osteocytes
leads to wrinkles. • Osteocytes are located in lacunae and are
● Subcutaneous fat layer diminishes, leading to connected to one another through canaliculi
intolerance of cold. – Osteoclasts break down bone
● Skin becomes dry and itchy. – Osteoblasts originate from osteochondral progenitor cells
● Sweat and sebaceous glands are less active, and the
– Osteoclasts originate from stem cells in red bone marrow
number of melanocytes decreases.
• Ossification (Osteogenesis)
Functions of the Skeletal System 1. Osteoblasts on a preexisting surface, such as cartilage or
• Skeletal system has four components bone. The cell processes of different osteoblasts join together
– Bones 2. Osteoblasts have produced bone matrix. The osteoblasts
– Cartilage are now osteocytes
– Tendons • Bone tissue is classified as either woven or lamellar bone,
– Ligaments according to the organization of collagen fibers
• Bones are organs composed of – Woven bone
– Nerve tissue • Has collagen fibers oriented in many different directions
– Vascular tissue • It is remodeled to form lamellar bone
– Lamellar bone
Functions of Bones • Mature bone
• Support: form the framework that supports the body and • Arranged in thin layers called lamellae
cradles soft organs • Has collagen fibers oriented parallel to one another
• Protection: provide a protective case for the brain, spinal • Bone can be classified according to the amount of bone
cord, and vital organs matrix relative to the amount of space present within the
• Movement: provide levers for muscles bone
• Storage: reservoir for minerals, especially calcium and – Cancellous bone has many spaces
phosphorus • Internal layer which is a honeycomb of trabeculae filled
• Blood cell production: hematopoiesis occurs within the with red or yellow bone marrow
marrow cavities of bones – Compact bone is dense with few spaces
• External layer
Cartilage • Cancellous
• Chondroblasts produce cartilage and become chondrocytes – Lamellae combine to form trabeculae
• Chondrocytes are located in lacunae surrounded by matrix • Beams of bone that interconnect to form a lattice-like
• The matrix of cartilage contains collagen fibers (for strength) structure with spaces filled with bone marrow and blood
and proteoglycans (trap water) vessels
• The perichondrium surrounds cartilage – Trabeculae are oriented along lines of stress and provide
– The outer layer contains fibroblasts structural strength
– The inner layer contains chondroblasts • Compact Bone
• Cartilage grows by appositional and interstitial growth – Consists of organized lamellae
• Circumferential lamellae form the outer surface of
compact bones
• Concentric lamellae surround central canals, forming
• Interstitial lamellae are remnants of lamellae left after
bone remodeling
– Canals within compact bone provide a means for the
exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products
• From the periosteum (endosteum) perforating canals
carry blood vessels to central canals
• Canaliculi connect central canals to osteocytes
Bone Anatomy
Effects of Changing the Bone Matrix • Individual bones are classified according to their shape
– Long bones – Some skull bones, part of the mandible, and the
• Longer than they are wide diaphyses of the clavicles
• Most bones of the upper and lower limbs • Endochondral ossification: bone forms by replacing
– Short bones hyaline cartilage
• About as wide as they are long – Bones of the base of the skull, part of the mandible,
• Bones of the wrist (carpals) and ankle (tarsals) the epiphyses of the clavicles, and most of the remaining
skeletal system
– Flat bones • Intramembranous Ossification
• Relatively thin, flattened shape and are usually – Within the membrane at centers of ossification, osteoblasts
curved produce bone along the membrane fibers to form cancellous
• Certain bones of the skull, all the ribs, the bone
breastbone (sternum), and the shoulder blades (scapulae) – Beneath the periosteum, osteoblasts lay down compact bone
– Irregular bones to form the outer surface of the bone
• Do not fit into the other three categories – Fontanels are areas of membrane that are not ossified at
• Vertebrae, pelvic girdle and facial bones birth
• Structure of Long Bone
– Long bones consist of a diaphysis and an epiphysis
– Diaphysis
• Tubular shaft that forms the axis of long bones
• Composed of compact bone that surrounds the
medullary cavity
• Yellow bone marrow (fat) is contained in the
medullary cavity
• Not to the same extent, but certain bones also contain red
– Epiphyses
• Expanded ends of long bones
• Exterior is compact bone, and the interior is spongy bone
• Joint surface is covered with articular (hyaline) cartilage
• Epiphyseal line separates the diaphysis from the
• Epiphyseal plate is the site of bone growth in length
– Epiphyseal plate becomes the epiphyseal line when
all of its cartilage is replaced with bone
• Bone Membranes
– Periosteum: double layer of protective membrane covering • Endochondral Ossification
the outer surface of bone – Uses hyaline cartilage “bones” as models for bone
• Outer fibrous layer is dense regular connective construction
tissue, which contains blood vessels and nerves – Requires breakdown of hyaline cartilage prior to ossification
• Inner osteogenic layer contains osteoblasts, – The perichondrium covering the hyaline cartilage “bone” is
osteoclasts, and osteochondral progenitor cells infiltrated with blood vessels, converting it to a vascularized
– Endosteum: delicate membrane covering internal surfaces periosteum
of bone – The change in nutrition transforms the underlying
• Contains osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteochondral progenitor cells into osteoblasts
osteochondral progenitor cells – Formation of bone collar around the diaphysis of the hyaline
• Structure of Flat, Short, and Irregular Bones cartilage model
– Flat bones contain an interior framework of cancellous bone – Blood vessels grow into the calcified cartilage, bringing
sandwiched between two layers of compact bone osteoblasts and osteoclasts from the periosteum
– Short and Irregular bones have a composition similar to the – A primary ossification center forms as osteoblasts lay down
ends of long bones bone matrix
– Medullary cavity forms
Bone Development – Appearance of secondary ossification centers in the
• Begins at week 8 of embryo development epiphyses
• Intramembranous ossification: bone develops from a – Ossification of the epiphyses, with hyaline cartilage
fibrous membrane remaining only in the epiphyseal plates
– The calcified cartilage on the diaphyseal side of the plate is
replaced by bone
Remodeling of a Long Bone
Calcium Homeostasis
• Bone is the major storage site for calcium (Ca2+)
• Two hormones regulate Ca2+ levels in the blood: parathyroid
hormone (PTH) and calcitonin
– PTH is the major regulator of blood Ca2+
Bone Fractures (Breaks)
• Falling blood Ca2+ levels signal the parathyroid
• Bone fractures are classified by:
glands to release PTH
– The position of the bone ends after fracture
• PTH signals
– The completeness of the break
– Osteoclasts to degrade bone matrix and
– The orientation of the bone to the long axis
release Ca2+ into the blood
– Whether or not the bone ends penetrate the skin
– Ca2+ absorption from the small intestines
– Reabsorption of Ca2+ from the urine
– Calcitonin
• Rising blood Ca2+ levels trigger the thyroid to
release calcitonin
• Calcitonin stimulates calcium salt deposition in bone
by decreasing osteoclast activity
4. Bone remodeling
–Excess material on the bone shaft exterior and in the
medullary canal is removed
–Compact bone is laid down to reconstruct shaft walls
–The remodeling process may take more than a year to
– Muscles attach to the anterior iliac spines and the
ischial tuberosities; ligaments attach to the posterior iliac
spines, ischial spines, and ischial tuberosities
– The female pelvis has a larger pelvic inlet and
outlet than the male pelvis
Appendicular Skeleton
• Upper Limb
– Eight carpal, or wrist, bones are arranged in two rows
– The hand consists of five metacarpal bones
– The phalanges are digital bones. Each finger has three
phalanges, and the thumb has two phalanges
• Pelvic Girdle
– The lower limb is attached solidly to the coxal bone and
functions in support and movement
– Consists of
• Sacrum
• Right and left coxal bones formed from the fusion of
» ilium » ischium » pubis
– The coxal bones articulate with each other
(symphysis pubis) and with the sacrum (sacroiliac joint) and
the femur (acetabulum)
• Lower Limb
– The thighbone is the femur
• The femur articulates with the coxal bone (head), the
tibia (medial and lateral condyles), and the patella (patellar
• Sites of muscle attachment are the greater and
lesser trochanters, as well as the adductor tubercle
• Sites of ligament attachment are the lateral and
– The leg consists of the tibia and the fibula
• The tibia articulates with the femur, the fibula, and
the talus
• The fibula articulates with the tibia and the talus
• Tendons from the thigh muscles attach to the tibial
– Seven tarsal bones form the proximal portion of the foot and
five metatarsal bones form the distal portion
– The toes have three phalanges each, except for the big toe,
which has two
– The bony arches transfer weight from the heels to the toes
and allow the foot to conform to many different positions
• An articulation, or joint, is a place where two bones come • Ex. Epiphyseal plates
together – Symphyses are slightly movable joints made of fibrocartilage
• Joints have varying degrees of movement • Synovial Joints
• Joints are named according to the bones or parts of bones – Are capable of considerable movement
involved – They consist of the following
• Articular cartilage on the ends of bones
Classes of Joints – Provides a smooth surface for articulation
– Articular disks and menisci can provide
• Joints are classified according to additional support
– Function • A joint cavity is surrounded by a joint capsule of
– Type of connective tissue that binds bones together fibrous connective tissue, which holds the bones together while
– Presence or absence of fluid between the bones permitting flexibility
• Types
– Fibrous joints
– Cartilaginous joints
– Synovial joints
• Fibrous Joints
– Fibrous joints are those in which bones are connected by
fibrous tissue with no joint cavity (capable of little or no
• Sutures involve interdigitating bones held together
by dense fibrous connective tissue (occur between most skull
• Syndesmoses are joints with fibrous ligaments
• Gomphoses are joints in which pegs fit into sockets
and are held in place by periodontal ligaments (teeth in the
• Synostoses possible ossification of some sutures
and other joints • A synovial membrane produces synovial fluid that
lubricates the joint
– Bursae are extensions of synovial joints that protect skin,
tendons, or bone from structures that could rub against them
– Synovial joints are classified according to the shape of the
adjoining articular surfaces
• Plane: two flat surfaces
• Pivot: cylindrical projection inside a ring
• Hinge: concave and convex surfaces
• Ball-and-socket: rounded surface into a socket
• Ellipsoid: ellipsoid concave and convex surfaces
• Saddle: two saddle-shaped surfaces
Types of Movement
• Gliding Movements
– Occur when two flat surfaces glide over one another
• Angular Movement
– Flexion and extension, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion, and
abduction and adduction
• Circular Movements
– Rotation, pronation and supination, and circumduction
• Special Movements
– Elevation, depression, protraction, retraction, excursion,
opposition, reposition, inversion and eversion
• Combination Movements
– Two or more other movements
• Cartilaginous Joints
– Synchondroses are joints in which bones are joined by
hyaline cartilage
Temporomandibular Joint
Shoulder Joint
Elbow Joint
Hip Joint
Knee Joint
• Complex ellipsoid joint between the femur and the tibia that is
supported by many ligaments
• Allows flexion, extension, and slight rotation of the leg
• The ankle joint is a special hinge joint of the tibia, fibula, and
talus that allows dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion and
eversion of the foot
• Ligaments of the foot arches hold the bones in an arch and
transfer weight in the foot