Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 PDF
• Discuss the anatomical plane
• List anatomical surface landmarks
• Discuss the components and functions of the MSS
• Describe relation between bones & skeletal muscles in
producing body movement
• Identify the major regions and compartments of the upper
and lower extremity
Prone position
Anatomical Position: • The back of the body is directed upwards
• Body is straight in standing position with eyes also looking • The body lies in a horizontal plane with face directed
straight downwards.
• Palms are hanging by the sides close to the body and are facing
• Feet also point forwards and the legs are fully extended
Figure 3. Prone Position
Lithotomy position:
• The body is lying in a supine with hips and knees fully extended
• The feet are strapped in position to support the flexed knees
and hips
Sagittal plane:
• Plane parallel to the median plane. This plane divides the body
into unequal right and left halves
Figure 6. Anatomical Relations
Frontal plane:
• Vertical plane at right angle to median plane. If you draw a • Anterior means towards the front.
line from one ear to another from above the head and then • Posterior means towards the back.
divide the whole body along this line, the plane formed will be • Superior means towards the head.
frontal plane. It is also known as coronal plane. • Inferior means towards the feet.
• Medial means towards the median plane (near the middle of
Transverse plane: the body).
• Horizontal plane of the body. It is perpendicular to both • Lateral means away from the median plane (away from the
frontal and median plane. middle of the body).
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For Describing Movements
• Voluntary
• Striated
• Attached to skeleton
• Produce movement of skeleton
• Supplied by somatic nerves
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2. Minor or Minimus (small).
3. Latissimus (broad).
Directions of Muscle Fibers 4. Longus (long).
Parallel to body midline 5. Brevis (short).
-More range of movement, less powerful. Pennate (oblique body Position:
midline) 1. Pectoralis (pectoral region)
-More powerful, less range of movement. Depth:
1. Unipennate 1. Superficialis (superficial).
2. Bipennate 2. Profundus (deep).
3. Multipennate 3. Externus (external).
4. Parallel Shape:
1. Deltoid (triangular).
2. Teres (rounded)
3. Rectus (straight).
Number of Heads:
1. Biceps (2 heads).
2. Triceps (3 heads).
3. Quadriceps (4 heads).
1. Coracobrachialis (from coracoid process to arm).
Flexor digitorum: flexion of digits.
Nerve Supply
• The nerves supplying the skeletal muscles are Mixed.
o 60% are Motor.
o 40% are Sensory.
• It contains some Autonomic fibers (Sympathetic).
• The nerve enters the muscle at about the middle point of its
deep surface.
• Prime mover (Agonist): It is the chief muscle responsible for a
particular movement Example: Quadriceps Femoris is the
prime mover for extension of the knee joint
Synergist :
Prevents unwanted movement in an intermediate joint crossed by the
Prime Mover. Example: Flexors and Extensors of wrist joint contract to
fix wrist joint in order that flexors and extensors of fingers works
Fixator :
Its contraction does not produce movement by itself but it stabilizes the
origin of the prime mover so that it can act efficiently. Example: Muscles
attaching the shoulder girdle to the trunk contract to fix shoulder girdle,
allowing deltoid muscle (taking origin from shoulder girdle) to move
shoulder joint (humerus).
1. Major or Maximus (large)
Figure 10. Ventral Cavity
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ADDITIONALS: Dermatome Map
• https://www.mananatomy.com/basic-anatomy/basic-
• http://slideplayer.com/slide/4783323/
• http://slideplayer.com/slide/7587476/
• https://www.studyblue.com/#flashcard/view/2976209
• http://www.apsubiology.org/anatomy/2010/2010_Exam_Revi
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Day 24 – UPPER LIMB BUD extends from the body and soles of the feet facing medially. By day 56, they have rotated in
Day 26 – LOWER LIMB BUD opposite directions so that the elbow points posteriorly and the knee
Week 5 – distinct TAIL SEGMENT (gradually disappears as lower limbs points anteriorly.
- appear as flippers
- will form hand and foot plates
Digital rays (wc become fingers and toes) appear in the plates
Tissue between rays undergo APOPTOSIS and disappears gradually
- completed by Day 52 (distinct and separated FINGERS) & Day 56
(distinct and separated TOES)
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• Hypomere-derived muscle and dermatomes from C4-T2
migrate into upper limb bud
• Hypomere-derived muscle and Dermatomes from L4-
S3 migrate into the lower limb bud
• Limbs extend and rotate; muscles and dermatomes drag
their nerve supply behind them, create brachial and
lumbosacral plexi
• Capillary networks in limb buds associate with nearby arteries;
as limb bud enlarges, a primary axillary artery extends from
large arteries into core of developing limb bud
• these arteries supply blood to developing muscles and bones
in the limbs; new arteries extend from primary axillary artery
and other portions rescind as the limb matures
• venous system of vessels are located in the limb buds, form
large subcutaneous veins and veins that parallel the arteries
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Explain the emryologic origin of:
1. Muscle
2. Bones
3. Joints
4. Ligaments and tendons
Some cells from the VLL also migrate across the lateral somatic frontier
into the parietal layer into the parietal layer of the lateral plate
Progenitor cells for muscle tissues are derived from the VLL
(Ventrolateral) and DML (Dorsomedial) edges of the
They both contribute to the formation of the myotome.
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Types of skeletal muscles: BONE
1) Epaxial Muscles
• Muscles of the back The Skeletal System is composed of the the axial and appendicular
2) Hypaxial Muscles
• Muscles of the limbs and body wall
• Innervated by ventral primary rami
Axial skeleton
• head (cranium)
• neck (hyoid bone and cervical vertebrae)
• trunk (ribs,sternum, vertebrae and sacrum)
Appendicular Skeleton
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3) Neural Crest cells B. VISCEROCRANIUM
• Neural crest cells in the head region also differentiates into
mesenchyme and participate in formation of bones of the face Formed by two pharyngeal arches
and skull including nasal and lacrimal bones 1) Maxillary process
-Gives rise to maxilla, zygomatic bone, and portion of
temporal bone
Ossification starts as early as 9th week. However, ossification is not 2) Mandibular process
complete until age 20. All bones are derived from mesenchyme -Gives rise to incus, malleus, and stapes
(embryonic connective tissue) by two different processes. C. VERTEBRAE AND VERTEBRAL COLUMN
1) Membranous Neurocranium
• Formed through Intramembranous ossification Bony portion of each rib is derived from sclerotome cells that remain in
• Derived from neural crest cells and paraxial mesoderm paraxial mesoderm and that grows out from the costal processes of
thoracic vertebrae.
2) Cartilaginous Neurocranium (a.k.a chondrocranium)
• Formed through endochondrial ossficiation Costal cartilages are formed by sclerotome cells that migrate across the
lateral somatic frontier into the adjacent lateral plate mesoderm.
• Consists of separate cartilages such as prechordal
chondocranium and chordal chondocranium E. STERNUM
Two sternal bands are formed in the parietal layer of lateral plate
mesoderm in either side of the midline.
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• Langman’s Embryology
Joints (articulations)
- unions or junctions between two or more bones or • Moore’s Clinical Oriented Anatomy
rigid parts of the skeleton. • https://discovery.lifemapsc.com/in-vivo-development/bone
• https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php
• Fibrous (synarthrodial) - immoveable joints found in cranial • https://opentextbc.ca/anatomyandphysiology/chapter/9-7-
vault and teeth development-of-joints/
• Cartilagenous (synchondroses and sympheses) - partially
moveable joints
• Synovial (diarthrosis) - freely moveable joints are the most
common found in the skeleton
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