Performance Task

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Deadline: January 23 – 27, 2023 | Monday - Friday

Music 08 Performance Task
Instrument Improvisation: Do It Yourself!
Step 1: Look around you, what indigenous materials are common and abundant in
your place?
Step 2: Decide what type of instrument you are going to make base on the
instrument presented in the lesson.
Step 3: Select materials that are readily available.
Step 4: Prepare your materials and start making your DIY improvised musical
Step 5: Please fill in the data below on a separate sheet of paper (long bondpaper).
A. List down the materials used in making your improvised Musical Instruments:
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ __________________________
B. Steps/Procedure:
C. What type/category of Musical Instruments did you improvised?
D. Your improvised musical instrument is similar to what specific instrument? In what
country does it belong?
Exceeds Meets Approaches Below
Standard Standard Standard Standard
25 pts 20 pts 15 pts 10 pts
Quality of The The The The
Construction instrument is instrument instrument instrument
well- reflects some reflects some reflects an
constructed effort on alteration to existing form
and nicely construction an existing with little or no
decorated. It is and form to "make" alteration.
sturdy, neat, decoration. It the Pieces may be
and will stand is reasonably instrument, missing or
up to repeated sturdy and may be fragile, falling off.
playing over a neat and will and may not Seems
period of time. stand up to stand up to "slapped
being played being played together" in a
more than more than hurry. There
once. once. There may be a total
may be an lack of
absence of decoration.
Quality of Student can Student is Student is Student is
Sound produce good- able to able to unable to
quality sounds produce a produce a produce a
on the good-quality basic sound sound on the
instrument sound on the on the instrument.
and explain instrument instrument. No
how the sound with no explanation
is produced. explanation given.
Instrument Student can Student can Student Student
Family accurately accurately cannot cannot
state whether state whether accurately determine
this is a string, this is a string, state whether what type of
wind, brass, or wind, brass, or this is a string, instrument
percussion percussion wind, brass, or s/he built even
instrument instrument but percussion with teacher
and explain cannot explain instrument. prompts.
why. why without
Recyclable Instrument is Instrument is Instrument is Instrument is
Material constructed of constructed constructed of constructed of
all recyclable mostly of very little no recyclable
materials. recyclable recyclable materials.
materials. materials.

Arts 08 Performance Task

The Art of Chinese Art Calligraphy
Directions: Choose any of the Chinese calligraphy from the five major styles and
create a motivational quotes Make your styles more colorful by creating your own
background design. Be guided with the rubrics below.
• Marker/Colored Pens
• Crayons or water color
• Paint Brush
• Folder/Illustration Board
Excellent Very Good Good Poor
25 20 15 10
Quality of All instructions Instructions Instruction 2 Instruction 3
Work were were followed and 3 were was not
accurately but artwork is not properly properly
followed. not well done. followed. followed.
Punctuality Artwork was Artwork was Artwork was Artwork was
of Work submitted on submitted1-2 submitted 3 submitted 4
or before days late. days late. days late.
Neatness pf Artwork is Artwork is Artwork is Artwork is not
Work clean and in mostly clean somehow clean and
order. and in order. clean and in disorder.
General One or two A few stray The amount of The artwork
Appearance stray marks or marks or stray marks looks topsy-
smudges may smudges are and smudges turvy.
be evident. evident but do detracts from
not greatly the overall
detract from appearance of
the overall the writing.
appearance of
the writing.

PE 08 Performance Task
You are tasked to create a video of a Badminton game showcasing its basic skills.
The basic skill includes:
1. Grip
2. Ready position and footwork
3. Serve
4. Strokes
a. Forehand and backhand overhead
b. Underhand and overhead clear
c. Overhead drop
d. Forehand and backhand smash
e. Forehand and backhand drive
Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning
20 15 10 5
Serve Non-dominant Non-dominant Non-dominant Non-dominant
Long and shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder is not
Short points towards points towards points toward pointed
target. Contact target, contact target, contact towards target,
is made below is made below is made below contact is
the waist. the waist. the waist. made above
Shuttle is Shuttle is Shuttle is the waist,
DROPPED dropped. tossed, swing shuttle is
and contact is Contact is is too fast at tossed or
made in front made in front contact spot swing is too
of body, of body; fast at contact.
weight is weight is Contact is
transferred transferred made in front
from back to from back to of body,
front foot as front foot on shuttle lands
contact is contact. in front of the
made, shuttle Shuttle lands short service
lands close to high, but line or doesn't
the net and behind the make it over
behind the short service the net.
short service line. Long
line. Long serve lands
serve is high too short or is
and deep. hit too low.
Clear Contact is Contact is Contact is Contact is
Overhead and made high made near made near made near
Underhand with a straight head level in head level, head level and
elbow in front front of body, over the head. behind the
of body, racket face is Racket face is body, racket
weight is slightly open, open, but face is open to
shifted to front follow through follow through ceiling, follow
foot as contact is across the stops at through stops
is made, body, shuttle contact. at contact,
racket face is lands high and Shuttle lands shuttle rarely
slightly open, deep. high but not makes it over
follow through deep. the net.
is across the
body, shuttle
lands high and
Drop Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics of Mechanics are
look like the look like the overhead not similar to
overhead overhead clear are the clear,
clear, contact clear, contact evident, contact is
is made above is made close contact is made at head
the head or to the head or made close to level, hard
close to it, above it, hard head, racket "push" of the
gentle "push" "push" of the speed is too shuttle over
of the shuttle shuttle lands it fast for a the net lands it
lands it close over the net "push" over well behind
to the net and and in front of the net the short
in front of the the short therefore service line,
short service service line, shuttle travels follow through
line, gentle gentle follow too far into stops at
follow through through. opponent’s contact.
Smash Smash is Smash is Smash is Recognized
Forehand and taken no taken from taken from the opportunity
Backhand further than every area of every area on to smash too
3/4 court, the court, the court, late to get
mechanics mechanics mechanics are ready.
look like the look like the not like the
overhead overhead clear, contact
clear, contact clear, contact in made near
is made above is made the head,
the head, in without a racket face is
front of the straight elbow, somewhat
body, with racket face is pointing
straight elbow. pointed downward.
Racket face is downward, Follow through
pointed follow through stops at
downward, is downward contact,
follow through across the shuttle may
is downward body, shuttle not land
across the land inbounds, inbounds or
body, shuttle but may be make it over
lands returnable. the net.
inbounds and
is unable to be
Drive Drive is Drive is Drive is Little
Forehand and contacted contacted contacted recognition of
Backhand around head around head lower than opportunity to
height, in front height, in front head level. perform a
of body. The of body. The and may not drive shot.
power of the power of the make it over
shot makes it shot allows for the net.
difficult to a return. The
return. The drive is
drive is directed
directed towards
towards opponent.

Health 08 Performance Task

“Dating, Courtship, and Marriage”
You are tasked to illustrate a picture collage of a successful marriage through cut out
pictures from magazines, newspapers, and the like in a ¼ illustration board.
Poor Fair Good Excellent
25 20 15 10
Organizatio The pictures The pictures & The pictures The pictures
n & words were words were & words were were
not generally well extremely
organized/ organized/balance organized well
balanced and d, but may not and included organized/
did not cover have covered the several balanced and
the area. area. Student may different included
Student did not have included types of several
not include various types of media photos different
several types pictures required or art types of
of pictures, for this assignment. required for pictures ,
words, art this words,
required for assignment. drawings
this required for
assignment. this
Content The picture The picture collage The picture The picture
Knowledge collage did generally collage collage
not demonstrated clearly sincerely
demonstrate student's demonstrated demonstrated
student's understanding of student's student's
understandin gratitude and/or the understandin understandin
g of gratitude assignment, but a g of gratitude g of the
and/or the few things were and/or gratitude
assignment. lacking. assignment. assignment.
added extra
above what
was needed
or discussed
in class.
Format Student did Student generally Student Student
not follow followed format followed followed
format given given for this format given format given
for this assignment. for this for this
assignment. assignment assignment
and included and included
all required all required
information. information.
Student may
have also
Creativity Not much Some effort was The student The student
effort put into given to make the demonstrated demonstrated
making the collage interesting. creative creative
collage methods for methods for
colorful, designing a designing a
unique, or collage. collage.
eye-catching. Various Various
materials materials
were utilized were utilized
and colors and colors
were were
distributed. distributed. It
was very
neat and

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