Homemade Musical Instrument Rubric

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Student’s Name Date

Improvise Musical Instrument Rubric

Category/Rubric Rating Awesome Very Good Good Needs Improvement Rating
5 4 3 2

Instrument Family Student can accurately Student can accurately Student can accurately state Student cannot state whether
state whether the state whether the whether the instrument the instrument belongs to the
instrument belongs to instrument belongs to the belongs to the string, string, woodwind, brass, or
the string, woodwind, string, woodwind, brass, woodwind, brass, or percussion family
brass, or percussion or percussion family but percussion family but
family and explain cannot explain why cannot explain why without
why without one or two many prompts
Creativity Student exceeded Student made a solid effort Student made some effort Student showed minimal or
expectations in in making a creative in making a creative no effort in making a
making a creative instrument instrument creative instrument
Materials Instrument is Instrument is constructed Instrument is constructed of Student presented an
constructed of mostly of materials found very little materials found instrument purchased at a
materials found around the house around the house store
around the house
Prototype Student sketched a Student made a solid effort Student made some effort Student made minimal effort
prototype that in sketching a prototype to sketch a prototype to sketch a prototype
exceeded expectations
Oral Presentation Student was prepared Student was prepared to Student was prepared to Student was not prepared to
to show, tell about, show, tell about, and show, tell about, and show, tell about, and
and perform (with perform (with clear tone perform (with a basic tone perform a simple melody or
excellent quality tone) quality) a simple melody quality) a simple melody or rhythm
a simple melody or or rhythm rhythm

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