Portfolio Jea

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Department of Teacher

Education Roxas Extension, Digos

City Second Term of Second Semester

SY 2022 – 2023

A Portfolio Presented To

Course Instructor

EDUC 107
Assessment of Learning 2


Bachelor of Secondary Education major in

MARCH 2024

In the field of education, assessments come in various forms. Every assessment

technique has a distinct goal both during and after training. You will learn which kinds of
assessments are most crucial to consider while creating and executing your lesson plan
in this subject. Knowing the type of pupils you are creating the training for is essential
before you begin. Your objective is to learn about your students' areas of strength and
weakness as well as their prior knowledge and skill set. You can develop your lesson
based on the information you've gathered. Thus, the significance of appraisal is

We provide an Assessment Learning 2 Portfolio as proof of our learning objectives for

the course. This portfolio was created using a range of subjects and quick experiments
that were motivated by the lessons learned throughout several weeks of study. The
work outputs are crucial for the readers to understand, and the rubrics, checklists, rating
scales, and grading system are the intentional evidence of the knowledge we acquire.
This portfolio was produced with time, expertise, and resources that will be valuable to
future generations.


The Assessment of Learning 2 Portfolio demonstrates my aptitude for content creation,

organization, and usage of contemporary media. It also demonstrates my ability to
produce art with concepts and a conceptual foundation that may come from creative
Direction : Circle the appropriate rating and enter in the “SCORE” column on
the right. Verify points

Emerging Competent Proficient Distinguished

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Craftsmanship Artwork exhibits Artwork is a Artwork is tidy Artwork is flawless
5 pts smudge stains, rips, little sloppy, and hardly and devoid of any
tears, and folds. with rips, tears, exhibits any signs signs of rips, tears,
Erasure lines are and folds in of rips, tears, smudges, or folds.
seen. addition to smudges, or Erasure lines are
smudge folds. A few not visible.
markings. A few eraser lines are
eraser lines are visible.

Technique/Art Artwork is lacking in Artwork Artwork Artwork technique is

Concepts technique and/or demonstrates demonstrates shown in the art.
5 pts conceptual some technique good technique. Everything is
understanding. The and conceptual Everything is positioned in its
majority of the paper insight. positioned proper location.
is left blank, with Reasonable use correctly. Paper is Nearly equal
very nothing of both positive drawn on, leaving amounts of positive
scribbled on it and and negative some areas and negative space
no indication of a space. The unfinished, and are depicted on the
backdrop, paper is just displays a paper, which also
midground, or halfway filled, backdrop, mid- features a backdrop,
foreground. and the ground, and midground, and
background and foreground. foreground. Some
foreground are Positive and areas are left
visible. negative space unfinished.
are nearly equal.

Creativity There is little to no Artistic Originality is Artistic creations

5 pts indication of original creations exhibit reflected in art. exhibit a great
thought in works of a degree of Student makes degree of
art. The student uniqueness. creative use of individuality.
lacks creativity in The student shape, shade, The student
their use of shape, employs shape, and line. employs shape,
shade, and line. shade, or line in shading, and line in
a somewhat a really creative
unique way. way.


Direction :



4 3 2 1
Mastery of the The reporters The reporters The reporters The reporters
topic demonstrate total demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate no
mastery of the contents knowledge of the knowledge of some mastery of any
of their report. important contents of contents of their contents of their
their report. report. report.
Delivery and The group delivers a The group delivers a The group delivers The group delivers
Presentation of very creative creative presentation of the topic orally with the topic orally
the topic presentation of the the topic visual aids without any visual
topic aids

Instructional The instructional The instructional The instructional The instructional

materials materials used are very materials used are materials used are materials used
innovative innovative not so extraordinary exhibit no effort or
Cooperation All members participate One or two members Three or four Five or more
actively become in active in the members become members become
preparation and inactive in the inactive in the
presentation preparation and preparation and
presentation presentation



Completion Test
Direction: Fill in the blank in the questions below.

________1 . A storage bin or container that is used to dispose a chemical substances

such as oil, grease and chemical bottle
________2. It is first priority to avoid danger or accident that may cause during the work.
________3.This materials is used for repairing, installing, adjusting the parts of cars.
________4. Is the space for doing the task is conducive to work, well ventilated, clean,
and has good lighting.
________5. Used as bench work and manual of specification must be available and ready
for use.

1. How does climate change affect the environment?
2. How do earthquakes happen?
3. What is the cause of global warming?
4. Why are fossil fuels harmful?
5. What is the difference between a virus and a bacterium?

Restricted Essay

1. What are some example of renewable energy sources? In one Paragraph only.
2. The amazing world of minerals: A science fair exploration, find at least 10 amazing
science output.
3. What is the difference between a comet and an asteroid, and at least 5 differences
of each?
4. How do galaxies form? Be specific



No visual aids, or Visual aids used, but aids The reporters demonstrate no
Use of Visual confusing, distracting don’t add to the verbal mastery of any contents of
Aids visual aids. presentation. their report.

No attempt to engage with Attempts to engage Performance is dynamic,

audience; no evidence of audience, though engaging and clearly rehearsed.
Performance preparation. infrequently or not fully
Presenter makes Presenter shows mastery or Presenter has mastery of
Knowledge significant mistakes about presented material but presentation, content and
material. struggles with related related material.


Rubric for Performance



Direction: Please check the space that corresponds to your level of agreement or
disagreement on working conditions.

 SA – Strongly agree
 A – Agree
 D – Disagree
 SD – Strongly disagree
1. Mathematics is a very worthwhile and necessary subject. ___ ___ ___ ___
2. I want to develop my mathematics skills. ___ ___ ___ ___
3. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of mathematics experiments. ___ ___ ___ ___
4. Mathematics helps develop the mind and teaches a person to think. ___ ___ ___ ___
5. Mathematics is important in everyday life. ___ ___ ___ ___
6. Mathematics is one of the most important subjects for people to study. ___ ___ ___ ___
7. High school mathematics courses would be very ___ ___ ___ ___
helpful no matter what I decide to study.

8. I can think of many ways that I use mathematics outside of school. ___ ___ ___ ___

9. Mathematics is one of my most dreaded subjects. ___ ___ ___ ___

10. My mind goes blank and I am unable to think ___ ___ ___ ___
clearly when studying mathematics.
11. Studying mathematics makes me feel nervous. ___ ___ ___ ___
12. Mathematics makes me feel uncomfortable. ___ ___ ___ ___
13. I am always under a terrible strain in a mathematics class. ___ ___ ___ ___
14 . When I hear the word mathematics, I have a feeling of dislike. ___ ___ ___ ___
15 . It makes me nervous to even think about having to ___ ___ ___ ___
do a mathematics experiment.


SY 2023-2024

Pre-test/Post-Test Score of Grade 4

Students in Grade Pre-Test Post-Test Increase
4- bonifacio Score Percentage Score Percentage
Student number
1 7 70 10 100 3
2 5 50 9 90 4
3 5 50 9 90 4
4 4 40 9 90 5
5 4 40 8 80 5
6 4 40 8 80 4
7 3 30 8 80 5
8 0 0 7 70 7
9 7 70 10 100 3
10 4 40 8 80 4
11 4 40 8 80 4
12 7 70 10 100 3
13 6 60 10 100 4
14 3 30 8 80 5
15 4 40 8 80 4
16 3 30 9 90 6
17 7 70 10 100 3
18 7 70 10 100 3
19 6 60 9 90 3
20 7 70 10 100 3
21 5 50 10 100 5
22 6 60 9 90 3
23 7 70 10 100 3
24 6 60 10 100 4
25 6 60 9 90 3
26 6 60 9 90 3
27 2 20 8 80 6
28 4 40 10 100 6
29 6 60 10 100 4
Total 145 264
MPS 50% 91.03%
It's possible that traditional grading schemes mismeasure the progress and learning
of students. Research has indicated that grading systems are frequently inconsistent, even
between teachers in the same topics in the same schools (Townsley & Buckmiller, 2020).
Furthermore, when educators incorporate tardiness, behavior, attendance, and
involvement into cumulative grades, it gets more challenging to understand the true
meaning of a grade (Griffin & Townsley, 2021). While behavior, attendance, and
homework are all significant, there needs to be a clear method to evaluate student
development and learning independently of these additional variables. Despite decades of
evidence showing how inadequate traditional grading is, we have not seen significant
systemic adjustments. Grades must only be determined by a student's capacity to
demonstrate understanding of the particular criteria for a certain course in order for them
to be precise, accurate, and meaningful for all parties.

For the benefit of kids, parents, teachers, and communities at large, a system that
reliably and accurately measures and communicates student learning and growth should
be developed; reliable data facilitates better decision-making for all parties. Pupils will
receive trustworthy feedback regarding their advancement through a course, letting them
know which concepts they have grasped and which ones still require work. In addition,
parents will have access to up-to-date data regarding their child's academic achievement,
with the knowledge that this communication reflects the most recent assessment of their
child's learning. Lastly, by using the data, educators can better assess students' progress
and modify their lessons to meet the requirements of specific students or groups of
students. In order to guarantee that the most recent data on progress is accessible, this
must also incorporate a fairly continuous procedure of review. Furthermore, students may
prioritize comprehension over receiving a specific letter grade if they are aware that the
evaluation of their progress—or at least a clear and distinct component of it—is focused
exclusively on the mastery of the material. This evaluation approach should, in theory,
improve students' motivation to learn and comprehend the material while also yielding
reliable data that can be used to communicate progress and guide future decisions.

It is crucial for aspiring teachers to understand how to evaluate their students in an

efficient manner. Similar to creating a lesson plan, there needs to be goals and a reason
for doing things. There needs to be a set of standards and guidelines. If I don't learn
anything in this topic, none of that will matter (GED 321-Assessment of Learning 2).

In the Education course Assessment of Learning 2, you will learn how to assess
your pupils based on their performance, understanding, and analytical abilities. I now
know where and when it will be put to use. Summative and formative assessments are
highly useful when a teacher wishes to determine a student's capacity. Given that pupils
appear to have distinct learning and comprehension styles, we will provide them with
instruction and evaluation methods that are both completely comprehended and equally

"Reflective learners assimilate new learning, relate it to what they already know,
adapt it for their own purposes, and translate thought into action," states the Effective
Pedagogy, NZ Curriculum. They gain creativity, critical thinking skills about concepts and
data, and metacognitive ability—that is, the capacity to reflect on one's own thought
processes—over time. In this sentence, a patient instructor is in charge of the
effectiveness of the students' learning. The student's understanding will not always
happen instantly; rather, it will take time. A procedure that is developed until it is
completed successfully.
Townsley, M., & Buckmiller, T. (2020). Losing As and Fs: What works for schools
implementing standards-based grading?. Educational Considerations, 46(1),

Griffin, R., & Townsley, M. (2021). Points, points, and more points: High school grade
inflation and deflation when homework and employability scores are included.
Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 6(1), 1–11.

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