Anaphy Lab
Anaphy Lab
Anaphy Lab
• Human anatomy and physiology is the study ANATOMICAL TERMS
of the structure and function of the human
body. AXIAL- Pertaining to the central part of the body, the
• The coordinated function of all the parts of the head and trunk
human body allows us to detect stimuli, such as ● Cephalic- Pertaining to the head
observing a sunset; respond to stimuli, etc. ● Cranial- Pertaining to the portion of the skull
• Understanding the relationship between structure surrounding the brain
and function makes it easier to understand and ● Facial- face
appreciate anatomy. ● Frontal- forehead
• Systemic anatomy is the study of the body by ● Orbital- eye
systems and is the approach taken in this and ● Otic- ear
most other introductory textbooks. Examples of
● Nasal- nose
systems are the circulatory, nervous, skeletal, and
● Buccal- cheek
muscular systems.
● Oral-mouth
• Regional anatomy is the study of the
organization of the body by areas. Within each ● Mental-chin
region, such as the head, abdomen, or arm, all ● Occipital- back of head
systems are studied simultaneously. It is the ● Cervical- neck
approach taken in most medical and dental Thoracic- chest
schools. ● Sternal- breast bone
• Surface anatomy is the study of external ● Pectoral- chest
features, such as bony projections, which serve ● Mammary- breast
as landmarks for locating deeper structures. Abdominal- abdomen
(Microscopic, developmental, pathological and ● Umbilical- navel
radiographic anatomy). ● Coxal-hip
• Human physiology is the study of a specific Pelvic- pelvis
organism, the human, whereas cellular and ● Pubic- genital area
systemic physiology are examples of physiology
● Dorsal- back
that emphasize specific organizational levels.
● Scapular- shoulder blade region
• Renal physiology concerns kidney function and
● Vertebral- spinal column
urine production.
• Neurophysiology explains the workings of the ● Lumbar- area of the back between the lowest
nervous system. rib and buttocks
• Cardiovascular physiology explains the APPENDICULAR- limbs
operation of the heart and blood vessels. Upper Limb (Appendage)
• anatomy provides us with a static image of the ● Acromial- highest point of the shoulder
body's architecture, ● Axillary- armpit
• physiology reveals the body's dynamic and ● Brachial - arm
animated workings ● Antecubital- front surface of the elbow
• Anatomical terms describe body positions, body ● Olecranal- back surface of the elbow
regions, specific body areas, and landmarks. ● Antebrachial- forearm
● Carpal- wrist
ANATOMY ● Manual- hand
● the scientific discipline that investigates the ● Palmar- palm of the hand
structure of the body. The word “anatomy” ● Digital- digits or fingers
means to dissect, or cut apart and separate, Lower Limb (Appendage)
the parts of the body for study. ● Inguinal- groin where the thigh attached to the
● Systemic anatomy- study of the body organ pelvis
system ● Gluteal- buttocks
● Regional anatomy- study of the body by areas ● Femoral- thigh
● Surface anatomy- uses superficial structures ● Patellar- front surface of the knee
to locate deeper structures ● Popliteal - back surface of the knee
● Anatomical imaging- noninvasive method for ● Crural- front surface of the leg
examining deep structures ● Fibular or peroneal - lateral side of the leg
● Sural- back surface of the leg
PHYSIOLOGY ● Tarsal- ankle
● the scientific discipline that deals with the ● Pedal- foot
processes or functions of living things ● Plantar- sole foot
● (1) to understand and predict the body’s ● Calcaneal- heel
responses to stimuli ● Digital- digits/ toes
● (2) to understand how the body maintains
conditions within a narrow range of values in
● Caudal- closer to the tail than another
● consists of organs including the skin, hair,
nails, sweat and sebaceous glands, and
BODY REGIONS associated muscle and nervous tissue
● The body can be divided into the limbs, ● provides a protective barrier for the body,
head, neck, and trunk. contains cutaneous sensory receptors, aids in
● The abdomen can be divided superficially into the production of vitamin D
four quadrants or nine regions that are ● important in regulating body temperature
useful for locating internal organs or ● plays a minor role in excretion and absorption
describing the location of a pain.
Epidermis- consists of a stratified squamous,
keratinized epithelium. F: Barrier that prevents water
loss and the entry of chemicals and microorganisms;
- Thoracic cavity is bounded by the ribs and the
- Mediastinum divides the thoracic cavity into two
parts. Divided into right and left parts
- Abdominal cavity is bounded by the diaphragm
and the abdominal muscles. Contains the stomach,
intestine, liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
accessory structures
medial meniscus—inside of joint cavity; cushions
knee joint
lateral meniscus—inside of joint cavity; cushions
knee joint
medial (tibial) collateral ligament—extracapsular
ligament; adds strength to joint medially
lateral (fibular) collateral ligament—extracapsular
ligament; adds strength to joint laterally
anterior cruciate ligament or ACL—intracapsular
ligament; attaches the femur and tibia anteriorly
posterior cruciate ligament or PCL—intracapsular
ligament; stabilizes joint posteriorly
patellar ligament—extension of tendon from
quadriceps muscle; connects patella to tibial
tuberosity and stabilizes the joint anteriorly
infrapatellar fat pad—cushion between patellar
ligament and synovial capsule
bursa—reduces friction; 13 bursae in knee
Size: Relative Size of Muscle Location: Structure near where muscle is located
Example: Frontalis is the muscle that is over the
Maximus - Largest muscle in a group - Gluteus frontal bone
maximus Origin and insertion: Location of origin and location of
Medius - Middle sized muscle in a group - Gluteus insertion
medius Example: Sternohyoid originates on the sternum and
Minimus - Smallest muscle in a group - Gluteus inserts on the hyoid bone
Magnus - Large muscle - Adductor magnus TABLE 14.2 Muscles of the Head and Neck
Brevis - Short muscle - Adductor brevis
Longus - Long muscle - Adductor longus Muscle of Facial Expression
Latissimus - Widest muscle - Latissimus dorsi
Longissimus - Longest muscle - Longissimus capitis
Occipitofrontalis Combination of frontalis and occipitalis
Major - Larger muscle - Pectoralis major
muscle muscles connected by an aponeurosis uneven) posterior scalenes--located in lateral
(a flat, broad tendon). neck deep to sternocleidomastoid
Bilateral contraction flexes head and
Frontal belly Lies over the frontal bone. Raises elevates 1st and 2nd ribs during
eyebrows and wrinkles forehead. deep inspiration. Unilateral
contraction laterally flexes head and
Occipital belly Lies over occipital bone. Pulls scalp rotates head
posteriorly. to opposite side (as in saying no).
Orbicularis oculi Circular muscle that encircles the eye. Posterior Muscles
(orbicularis = little Closes eye.
circle; oculi = eye) Splenius capitis Posterior neck deep to trapezius.
Extends head when both muscles
Zygomaticus major Between zygomatic bone and corner of contract. Laterally flexes and rotates
(zygoma = bar) mouth; inferior to zygomatic minor. head to same side as contracting
Raises corners of mouth (smiling). muscle when only one muscle
Between zygomatic bone and corner of
Zygomaticus minor mouth. Raises upper lips, exposing Trapezius (superior Superficial muscle of the upper back
upper teeth. portion) and posterior neck.
Extends head and elevates scapula.
Circular muscle that encircles the
Orbicularis oris (oris mouth. Closes and purses lips.
= mouth) Muscle that move hyoid bone
Wide, flat muscle that covers lower
Platysma (platy = mandible and entire anterior neck, and
flat) ends on chest. Tenses neck skin; Suprahyoid bone
depresses mandible (pouting).
(di- - two; gastric - belly)
Anterior belly Strap-like muscle under chin that
is parallel to midline of chin and
Superficial muscles extends from posterior belly.
Elevates hyoid bone and
Temporalis (tempora Lies over temporal bone. Elevates depresses mandible (as in
= temples) and retracts mandible. opening mouth.
Masseter (master = Anterior to ear between zygomatic Posterior belly Runs along posterior border of
chewer) arch and posterior portion of chin. Elevates hyoid bone and
mandible. depresses mandible (as in
Elevates and retracts mandible. opening mouth)
Deep Muscles
Buccinator (bucca = Stylohyoid Chin muscle, medial to posterior
cheek) Deep to masseter. Fibers run belly of digastric. Elevates hyoid
transversely and form fleshy part of bone and moyes it posteriorly.
cheek. Presses cheeks inward to
whistle, blow, and suck. Helps hold Mylohyoid Deep muscle of chin extending
food between teeth while chewing. from right side of mandible to left
Lateral pterygoid side. Elevates hyoid bone and
(pterygoid = like Deep to masseter and superior to floor of oral cavity and depresses
a wing) medial pterygoid. Transverse muscle mandible.
fibers between pterygoid process of
sphenoid and mandible. Protracts Infrahyoid Muscles
mandible, depresses mandible
(opening mouth), and moves it Omohyoid Lateral to sternohyoid. Depresses
sideways. hyoid bone.
Medial pterygoid
Deep to masseter and inferior to Sternohyoid (sterno - Runs along midline of anterior
lateral pterygoid. Vertical muscle sternum) neck. Depresses hyoid bone.
between pterygoid process of
sphenoid and mandible. Elevates and MUSCLES THAT MOVE THE ARM AT THE
protrudes mandible and moves it
Superficial Muscles
RECTUS ABDOMINIS - midline abdominal muscles
located between sternum and inguinal ligament
Muscles that Move Hyoid Bone Flexes vertebral column and compresses abdomen.
Does not laterally flex vertebral column
Suprahyoid Muscles
DIGASTRIC EXTERNAL OBLIQUE - lateral and anterior
ANTERIOR BELLY - strap-like muscle under chin sheet-like abdominal muscles whose fibers run
that is parallel to midline of chin and extends from obliquely down toward the midline (linea alba)
posterior belly. Elevates hyoid bone and depresses Bilateral contraction flexes the vertebral column and
mandible (as in opening mouth) compresses the abdomen. Unilateral contraction
POSTERIOR BELLY - runs along posterior border of laterally flexes and rotates the vertebral column to the
chin. Elevates hyoid bone and depresses mandible opposite side.
(as in opening mouth)
STYLOHYOID - chin muscle, medial to posterior Deep Muscles
belly of digastric. Elevates hyoid bone and moves it INTERNAL OBLIQUE - abdominal muscles deep to
posteriorly external oblique whose fibers run obliquely up toward
MYLOHYOID - deep muscle of chin extending from linea alba. Bilateral contraction flexes the vertebral
right side of mandible to left side. Elevates hyoid column and compresses the abdomen. Unilateral
bone and floor of oral cavity and depresses mandible contraction laterally flexes and rotates vertebral
Infrahyoid Muscles TRANSVERSUS ABDOMINIS - abdominal muscles
OMOHYOID - lateral to sternohyoid. Depresses hyoid deep to internal oblique whose fibers run
bone transversely. Compresses abdomen and stabilizes
STERNOHYOID - runs along midline of anterior trunk
neck. Depresses hyoid bone
Muscles used in Breathing
SHOULDER Deep Muscles
Muscles that Move the Arm at the Shoulder Joint located between ribs superficial to internal
intercostals. Fibers run obliquely down toward the
Superior Muscles midline. Increase thoracic diameter by elevating ribs
DELTOID - large, rounded, triangular shoulder during inspiration
muscle INTERNAL INTERCOSTALS - oblique muscles
Anterior fibers: flex and medially rotate arm located between ribs deep to external obliques.
Lateral fibers: abduct arm Fibers run obliquely up toward the midline. Decrease
Posterior fibers: extend and laterally rotate thoracic diameter by depressing ribs during forced
arm expiration
PECTORALIS MAJOR - large muscles on superior, DIAPHRAGM - dome-shaped muscle that separates
anterior chest between sternum and arm. Whole the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Contains
muscle abducts and medially rotates arm, clavicular openings for the esophagus, aorta, and vena cava.
head only flexes arm and sternocostal head only Flattens, increasing length of thoracic cage during
extends arm normal inspiration
MUSCLES OF THE ANTERIOR FOREARM Muscles that Moves the Radius and Ulna
SUPINATOR - posterior portion is deep to lateral
Muscles that Move the Radius and Ulna muscles of posterior forearm. Supinates forearm
Superficial Muscles Muscles that Move the Hand. Superficial Muscles of
BRACHIORADIALIS - large, superficial lateral Posterior (extensor) Compartment (medial to lateral)
muscle. Flexes forearm and pronates and supinates EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS - lateral to flexor carpi
forearm to neutral position ulnaris. Extends and adducts hand
PRONATOR TERES - lateral to brachioradialis with EXTENSOR DIGITORUM MINIMI - lateral to
oblique muscle fibers that cross antecubital fossa. extensor carpi ulnaris. Extends hand and proximal
Pronates and weakly flexes forearm phalanx of 5th digit
EXTENSOR DIGITORUM - lateral to extensor
Deep Muscle digitorum minimi. Extends hand and proximal, middle,
SUPINATOR - anterior portion is deep and distal phalanges
brachioradialis. Supinates forearm EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS BREVIS - lateral to
extensor digitorum. Extends and abducts hand
Muscles that Move the Hand EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS LONGUS - lateral to
Superficial Muscles of Anterior (flexor) Compartment extensor radialis brevis. Extends and abducts hand
(lateral to medial) Deep Muscle of Posterior (extensor) Compartment
FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS - medial and inferior to EXTENSOR POLLICIS LONGUS - deep to lateral
pronator teres and medial to brachioradialis in extensor muscles on posterior forearm. Extends
forearm. Flexes and abducts hand distal phalanx of thumb and first metacarpal of thumb
PALMARIS LONGUS - medial to flexor carpi radialis. and abducts hand
Weakly flexes ABDUCTOR POLLICIS LONGUS - lateral to ulna on
FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS - small part of muscle is posterior forearm. Abducts and extends thumb at
seen anteriorly; most medial muscle muscle of carpometacarpal of joint and abducts hand at wrist
posterior forearm. Flexes and adducts hand joint
SEMITENDINOSUS - medial to biceps femoris and
MUSCLES OF THE BUTTOCKS AND THIGH superficial to semimembranosus.
Anterior Surface
(lateral to medial)
TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE - small lateral hip muscle
with fascia lata that extends down thigh. Flexes and Flexes leg and extends thigh
abducts thigh SEMIMEMBRANOSUS - most medial of the
QUADRICEPS FEMORIS - group of 4 muscles on hamstrings; ; (remember ‘m’ for medial). Flexes leg
anterior thigh and extends thigh
RECTUS FEMORIS - located along midline of thigh.
Extends leg and flexes thigh MUSCLES OF THE LEG AND FOOT
VASTUS LATERALIS - lateral to rectus femoris. Lateral and Anterior Surfaces
Extends leg Superficial muscles
VASTUS MEDIALIS - medial to rectus femoris. TIBIALIS ANTERIOR - lateral to the anterior crest of
Extends leg the tibia. Dorsiflexes and inverts foot
VASTUS INTERMEDIUS - deep to rectus femoris EXTENSOR DIGITORUM LONGUS - lateral to
and intermediate to vastus lateralis and vastus tibialis anterior. Dorsiflexes foot and extend toes.
medialis. Extends leg FIBULARIS (PERONEUS) LONGUS - lateral to the
SARTORIUS - diagonal muscle. Extends from extensor digitorum longus. . Plantar flexes and everts
anterior superior iliac spine to medial surface of tibia foot
Flexes leg and flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates
thigh (allows us to flex and cross our legs) Posterior Surface
ILIOPSOAS - combination of psoas major and iliacus Superficial muscles
PSOAS MAJOR - small portion of these muscles are GASTROCNEMIUS - large superficial muscle on
observed in anterior/medial compartment of thigh posterior leg. Plantar flexes foot and flexes leg
inferior to inguinal ligament
ILIACUS - “Together flex thigh, rotate thigh laterally, Deep muscles
and flex trunk SOLEUS - deep to gastrocnemius and posterior to
PECTINEUS - medial to iliopsoas fibularis (peroneus) longus . Plantar flexes foot only
Adducts and flexes thigh medial muscle. Plantar flexes foot and flexes toes
ADDUCTOR LONGUS - medial to pectineus. FLEXOR HALLUCIS LONGUS - deep to soleu,
Adducts and flexes thigh and medially rotates thigh lateral muscle. Plantar flexes foot and flexes great
ADDUCTOR MAGNUS - observed medial and toe
inferior to adductor longus. A larger portion of this.
muscle is deep to the adductor longus. Adducts and When a skeletal muscle contracts, it typically exerts a
medially rotates thigh. Anterior portion flexes thigh force, called muscle tendon, on an object.
and posterior portion extends thigh
ADDUCTOR BREVIS - deep to adductor longus, it is The object in turn exerts an opposing force, known as
totally covered by superficial muscles. Adducts and the load, which resists the muscle tension.
flexes thigh and medially rotates thigh
GRACILIS - medial to adductor magnus; straight When a muscle acts on an object, a contraction
muscle on inside of thigh. Adducts and medially occurs. The type of contraction depends on the
rotates thigh. Flexes leg relationship between the muscle tension and load.