Exercise 4 Answer Sheet Bio 2206L - Chiong and Marifosque

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Name: Chiong, Sean Lee G. & Marifosque, Ma.

glaiza Date: March 1, 2022

Schedule: MW 7:30-10:30 AM Course and Year: BS-Psychology 1st Year

Exercise 4


A. The structure of the skin

A1. Histological structure of the Frog’s skin

Examine the cross-section images of the frog’s skin shown below. Identify the parts of the skin based on
the descriptions provided in the lab guide.

1. Identify and label the epidermis, dermis, stratum laxum, stratum compactum, poison gland and
mucous gland.

2. Identify and label the epidermis, stratum corneum, stratum germinativum, chromatophores,
mucous gland
A2. Histological structure of Human skin

Examine the images of the human skin shown below. Identify the parts of the skin based on the
descriptions provided in the lab guide.

1. Identify and label the epidermis, dermis, stratum corneum, papillary layer, reticular layer and
sweat gland.
2. Identify and label the epidermis, dermis, stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum
granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale, and papillary layer,

B. Exoskeleton of Fishes: Dermal scales

Procedure: Provide a picture of the following scales and name a species (common name and scientific
name) of fish which has them. Make sure that the picture would fit into the box.

Fish scale Species

1. Placoid scale
- Sharks
- Rays
- Other Skates (fish)

2. ganoid/rhomboid scale
- Birchins
- Bowfin
- Paddlefishes
- Gars
- Sturgeons
- Reedfishes
3. cycloid scale
- Salmon
- Carp
- Herring
- Trout

4. ctenoid scale
- Flounder
- Perches
- Sunfishes
- Other Bony Fishes
C. Exoskeleton of Turtles: Epidermal Scutes and Dermal Plates

1. Carapace (Dorsal surface)

A. Neural scutes

B. Marginal scutes
C. Nuchal scutes
D. Costal scutes
E. Postneural

2. Carapace (Ventral surface)

A. Cervical
B. Nuchal
C. Vertebral
D. Pleural
E. Bridge surface
F. Suprapygal
G. Pygal
3. Plastron (Dorsal surface)

A. Epiplastra
B. Entoplastron
C. Hyoplastra
D. Hypoplastron
E. Xiphiplastra

4. Plastron (Ventral surface)

A. Gular
B. Humeral
C. Pectoral
D. Abdominal
E. Femoral
F. Anal
D. Exoskeleton of Birds: Feathers
1. Identify the kind of feather shown below.
2. Identify the following parts: vane, leading edge, trailing edge, inferior umbilicus, and aftershaft,

E. Exoskeleton of Mammals
E1. Histological structures of the human scalp.
Identify label the following structure: Hair bulb, hair papilla, arrector pili muscle, sebaceous
gland, and eccrine sweat gland.

E2. Human nail

Examine and draw your nail. Identify and label the nail body, free edge, nail root, lunula, eponychium,
proximal nail fold and lateral nail fold.
III. Questions
1. What is the primary reason why an earlier biologist characterized the integument as “a jack of all

Answer: Skin is our body's primary organ. It performs important functions such as sweating via our
pores, which removes urea and excess salts.

2. Why is the shape of the vane in wing feathers asymmetrical?

Answer: It's asymmetrical since it's what gives the bird its shape and color that is used when flying

3. Distinguish between ctenoid and cycloid scales.

Answer: Ctenoid scales feature a comb-like tooth on the overlapping edge, whereas cycloid scales are
big, thin, and spherical, with growth rings visible.

4. Give the function of the following structure found in the dermis of human skin:

sebaceous glands: Oil glands that secrete sebum that lubricates hair and skin

sweat glands: Get rids of body waste through pores on the skin

blood vessels: Carries blood away and toward the heart

arrector pili muscles: Contracts to generate heat when the body is cold, causing hair to stand up striaght

nerve endings: Detects sensations that passes signals through the brain

5. Give the evolutionary function of:

claws: Hunting prey (holding, catching)

hoofs: Supporting an animal's weight and providing protection for the tissues and bones contained
within the hoof capsule

nails: Protecting tips of fingers and toes from injury

baleen: It acts as a sieve, collecting tiny organisms that serve as food in sea water.
for the sake of the whale

antlers: Protects and provides defense and dominance, also attracts mates

6. Name 2 species of mammals that would sweat

Answer: Horses and Monkeys

7. Give the function of slime/mucus in fishes

Answer: Defense from bacteria and other invading parasites
8. What is the difference between a horn and an antler?


- Deer family: Cervidae - Sheep and Cattle family: Bovidae
- Has a branched solid bone - Hollow keratinized dermis sheaths that
- Develops beneath a highly vascular soft attach to a core of bone arising from the
skin skull
- Sheds antler after breeding season - Not a branched bone
- Doesn’t shed
- Keratinized filaments of hair from papulae

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