1st COT (Swimming)
1st COT (Swimming)
1st COT (Swimming)
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division Office of Negros Occidental
Brgy. San Pablo Manapla, Negros Occidental, 6120
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design
to achieve personal fitness.
Performance Standard:
The learner designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness.
Learning Competency:
The learners can describe the nature and background of sports and can execute the skills
I. Objectives:
At the end of 60-minute lesson each learner will be able to:
a. identify the different strokes in swimming and its characteristic and procedure.
b. demonstrates proper execution of hand movements in swimming through dancing; and
c. realize and appreciate the importance of swimming.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Swimming
B. Concept: Assumes responsibility for achieving personal finess and keeps the
importance of winning and losing in perspective.
C. References: PE and Health 10 Textbook pg.35-37 Learning Activity Sheet, Week 7:
Individual Sport (Swimming)
D. Materials: Video Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, Speaker
E. Integration: Mathematics
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Annotation
A. Pre-Activity
1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson for Prayer.
today, let us put ourselves for a
moment of prayer.
Good morning, Class! Good morning, Sir!
2. Checking of Attendance
Say present as I call your names.
(teacher will call students name one (students will response)
by one)
4. Review
I am sure that you are all excited to
learn a new lesson today but before
that, let’s review first, our previous
topic, who can recall our last topic?
Is swimming good to our health or -Answers may vary. COT Indicator No. 1
not? Applied knowledge of
content within and across
What parts of our body system does -Answers may vary. curriculum teaching areas
swimming can affect? (The teacher integrates the
Science subject using the
Its respiratory system. So respiratory Respiratory and Muscular
system is the network of organs that System.)
help you breathe.
muscle contraction.
C. Lesson Proper:
2. Analysis:
But before you present your
activities, I will discus first the history
of Swimming.
1896 – swimming was first COT Indicator No. 1
introduced in the Olympic games Applied knowledge of
in Athens, Greece. The very first content within and across
Olympic event were freestyle and curriculum teaching areas
breast stroke. (The teacher integrates the
1904 – back stroke were added. Math subject using the
1908 – the world swimming series of events and
association was introduced called Subtraction.)
Federation Internationale de
Natation or FINA.
1912 – women’s swimming
became an Olympic at the
Stockholm Games.
Group 1:
Group 1 will report the Freestyle. COT Indicator No. 1
Applied knowledge of
5 Phases of Freestyle: content within and across
Entry curriculum teaching areas
Catch (The teacher integrates the
Push English subject using the
Pull sequence of hand
Recovery movements.)
Group 4:
3. Abstraction:
I will divided you into two (2) groups.
Choose your leader and I will give
you 10 minutes to practice and a 1 COT Indicator No. 4
minute presentation. Be creative in Managed classroom
your performances. Your time starts structure to engage
now. You will be graded by this learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful
Each group will perform the
Different Strokes in Swimming (student will practice)
through dance.
Now. Group 2.
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Identify what is being asked in the following questions. Choose your answers in
the box provided. Answers only.
1. It is an individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one's entire body to move
through water.
2. The governing body of swimming.
3. Swimming was first introduced in the Olympic games in Athens, Greece.
4. Backstroke were added in the Olympic Games.
5. The world swimming association was introduced called Federation Internationale de
Natation or FINA.
6. Breaststrokers discovered that they could go faster by bringing both arms forward over
their heads.
7. The fastest and the most efficient swimming technique.
8. The most difficult and exhausting stroke.
9. The slowest of the four official styles in competitive swimming.
10. The only competition swimming style that has a different style.
V. Assignment:
What are the different equipment in swimming? Give at least 10 examples.
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