A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 4 - Science

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Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel

ded 1993
, Fatima I, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
ized by the Government: DepEd, CHED, and TESDA


Teacher : Wilmar Salvador
HEAD OF SCHOOL : Charles Bryan Uriarte
Name of School : Colegio De San Gabriel Arcanghel
Address : Blk 13 Lot 26 Brgy. Fatima 1, Area E, Sapang Palay, City of San Jose Del Monte,

School Logo :

PROED 5 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. Define what is recreational activity;

b. Discuss the differernt types of recreational activity; and

c. Determine the health and mental benefits.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Recreational Activity

Reference: Physical Education and Health

Learning Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, images,

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities

a. prayer
Good morning class! (One student will lead the prayer)
Let’s start our class with a prayer. Who wants to lead
our prayer? - God, thank you for looking
after our school. Thank you
that You love each and
everyone of us here. Help us to
learn, play, and share together
so that the wonderful world
b. checking of attendance You have made becomes more
Goodmorning class! MAPEH PAWER! beautiful everyday. Amen.

Good morning, Teacher Allyssa! Good

morning Classmates!
Please take your seats and Let me check your
attendance. Get 1/8 sheet of paper and right your name
in it. - Yes, teacher!
(The students will pass a paper with their
name for their attendance.)

B.Developmental Activities

Class we are now discussing the recreational activity in


Can you give me an idea or examples of reacreational

(The students will raise their hands)
“Yes, Liam” - Ma’am the examples of
recreational activity is walking,
swimming, meditation, reading,
playing games and dancing.
“Yes Leslie” - Ma’am there are indoor and
outdoor recreational activity.


Now class, I have here some image of indoor and

outdoor reacreational activity presentation all you have
to do is to watch attentively and afterwards I will ask
you some questions regarding the image that I
- Yes Ma’am
Is that clear class?
(The students will watch the presentation)
(The teacher will present the image)
(Student’s Expected Answer)
- We should listen attentively.
- We should take down
- We should comprehend
what we heard or read.


What word can your remember in our prayer a while (One student will read the classroom rules).

Yes, there’s a word “Learn” in our prayer. So what

should we do in order to learn?

Grade 4! All of your answers are correct!

E. Analysis

Kindly read our classroom rules. Direction: Kindly read the set
of words in chorus as fast as
you can.

Abdomen Diaphragm Ribs

Transter Glucose Toxins
Bile Gallbladder aliment
Hepatitis Contaminated Obese
diabetes cirrhosis healthy


Direction: Kindly read the set of words in Our lesson last meeting is about the
chorus as fast as you can. intestines.

Abdomen Diaphragm Ribs

Transter Glucose Toxins Teacher the 2 main parts of the intestine is
Bile Gallbladder Aliment the large intestine and the small intestine
Hepatitis Contaminated Obese
Diabetes cirrhosis healthy

Direction: Identify the words

by reading the definitions.
- What is our lesson last meeting? 1. It cause to change in form,
character, or function.
2. It means to keep or
accumulate (something) for
- Yes, Correct! Last time, we discussed future use.
about the intestines. What are the 2 main
parts of the intestine? 3. A device for removing the
unwanted materials.
H.Generalization 4. An ailment or disease, or
I prepared a short activities for you. Here’s the period of sickness affecting the
direction. body or mind.
Direction: Identify the words by reading the
definitions. (One student will read the motive
Answer Key:

1. Convert
2. Store
3. Filter
4. Illness

- Teacher It’s all about the

digestive system.

- Digestion is the
1. What are the functions of the liver? mechanical and chemical
What are the different liver ailments breaking down of food into
smaller components, to a form
that can be absorbed, for
instance, into a blood stream.
⚫ Presentation of the New Lesson
- Before we proceed to our discussion, let - Mouth, esophagus, large
us watch this video first. intestine, small ntestine and
- Watch this video anus.
⚫ Discussion
- Now you are done watching the video. - Teacher the process of
So what our topic is all about? digestion starts from the mouth.

- Nice answer. (click the presentation) - The mouth where the food
everybody face at the board and read the is partly broken down by the
meaning of digestion. process of chewing.

- The students are quietly

listening to their teacher.
- So, what are the major parts of the
digestive system?

- Teacher after to swallowed

- Okay, now which come first in a and chewed the food, the food
digesting food? will enter in the esophagus.
- What the mouth do to the food?
- The children are raising
their hands to esophagus.

- (Click the presentation)The mouth where

food is partly broken down by the process of
chewing and by the chemical action of
salivary enzymes (the enzymes are
produced by the salivary glands and break
down starches into smaller molecules).

- After being chewed and swallowed by - To the stomach teacher.

the mouth, the food enters to? To what
children? - Stomach has a long and
small intestine teacher
- So base the video you watch, can you
describe esophagus? - In the stomach the
stomach is a large.
- (click the presentation and the teacher
read) the esophagus is a log tube that runs - Teacher the small intestine.
from the mouth to the stomach which after
being chewed and swallowed the food by
the mouth it enters now here.
- Small intestine is narrow
- After the food process from the mouth to and contains 25 ft long.
the esophagus, so where the food goes
- So now, what is stomach?

- (click the presentation and the student

read) okay, I will read the meaning of the

- Class, as what you said that the stomach

has a log/large and small intestine, so what - In the large intestine –
do you think that the food enter first? after passing through the small
intestine, food passes into the
- As you see the video, can you describe large intestine, in the large
the small intestine? intestine, some of the water
and electrolytes(chemicals like
sodium) are removed from the
- In the small intestine after being in the
stomach, food enters the duodenum, The
first part of the small intestine. The final art
of the small intestine then produced in the
liver and stored in the gall bladder
pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive
enzymes produced by the inner wall of the
- (Student participate)
small intestine help in the breakdown of

- (click the presentation and student read)

awesome! Can you read the meaning of the
large intestine?

- Excellent! Now give around of applause

to yourself and say “I am a genius”.

⚫ Generalization
- I have a picture here about the digestive
system. I want someone go in front and take
again the whole journey of the digestive
system. I want you to point out which the
food come first unto the last process. And
give the impotance of it.


Direction: draw the large intestine and small intestine in the illustration board and put a color in it.


Prepared by:

Allyssa Mae G. Cristobal

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