Lp-Physics Demo

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte Registration No.
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City 62Q17082
Province of Zamboanga del Norte


School Jose Rizal Memorial State University- Grade Level VII


Teacher Jesel F. Sedano Section Carnation

Date February 26, 2024 Learning Area Physics

Time T, TH (5:30-8:30) Quarter Third

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the waves as a carrier of
Content Standards
Performance Standard The learners should be able to determine the differences between
transverse wave and longitudinal wave.
Infer that waves carry energy. (S7LT-IIIc-4)
Learning Competency
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
Learning Objective/s
• Compare the characteristics of transverse and longitudinal waves,
• Demonstrate the movements of transverse waves and longitudinal
• Appreciate the important role of waves to the real world or human

Topic Waves: Carriers of Energy


Learning Materials Books, Laptop, Android Phone, Smart TV and Visual Aids

Learning References 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages – 58-66

2. Learner’s Guide Pages – 187-199



1. Prayer
Please stand for the opening prayer.
(Students stand and pray)
2. Greetings
Good evening, class!
Good evening, ma’am!
You may now take your seats.
Thank you, Ma’am.
How are you this evening?
We’re good, ma’am.
Who is absent from the class today?
None Ma’am.
That is good to hear.

3. Class Rules
For us to be able to have a smooth discussion today, I
want all of you to always be CUTE.
Do you like it? Yes ma’am!

What does it mean to be CUTE in the class? Kindly
read, Frances. Class Rules:
Always be CUTE.
C- Cooperate in all activities
U- Unleash your inquisitive self
T- Treat each other with respect
E- Exhibit precautionary measures in all times

Thank you!

Everybody is encouraged to cooperate in all activities,

to always keep one’s hunger for learning, to show respect
to everyone at every time, and to exhibit precautionary
measures at all times. So, while performing activities,
refrain from running, jumping, shouting and the likes
unless I say so. With that, everybody is challenged to
always be CUTE. Not just today, but for the rest of the
school year. Okay?
Yes, ma’am!
Very good!

4. Checking of Assignment

Please submit your assignment in a count of 3,2,1. All

papers are already in front?
Yes ma’am!
Thank you!
5. Energizer
I am so sure class that you are very eager and excited
to learn for this evening! But before we start our lesson,
let us first have an energizer! So that you will energize
and motivated to learn for this evening.
Is that ok with you?
Yes ma’am.
Did you energize class?
Yes ma’am.
I’m glad to hear that.

Before we proceed to our lesson for tonight, we are

going to have a short recap of our last topic which is
acceleration but, in the form of a game. Is that okay with
Yes ma’am!
Very good!

Activity 1. Pandora’s box challenge

1. The teacher plays music while students pass
the dice.
2. When the music stops, the student holding the
dice at that moment dice must choose the
Pandora’s box.
3. The pandora’s box contain a lucky item or a
4. If a curse is chosen, the student must answer a
question; if lucky, they are saved.
5. If the answer is correct, continue the game; if
incorrect, another student can attempt to
Is that clear with you?
Yes Ma’am.
Then let’s start the game!

(Students play the game)

1. What is acceleration?
Expected Answers:
2. How is acceleration different from speed?
1. Acceleration is the rate at which an object
changes its velocity. It can occur when an
3. What are the units used to measure acceleration?
object speeds up, slows down, or changes
2. Speed is the measure of how fast an
4. What does a negative acceleration indicate?
object is moving, while acceleration is the
measure of how quickly an object's speed
is changing. Acceleration can involve
speeding up, slowing down, or changing
3. The units for acceleration are typically
expressed in meters per second squared
(m/s²) in the metric system.
4. A negative acceleration indicates a
decrease in velocity. It can mean that the
object is slowing down or decelerating.
Do you have any question regarding to our last topic?
None ma’am.
Very good!
1. Motivation
Activity 2. Unlock the Enigma Expedition

1. Each group opens their envelope to find
coded messages with numbers and letters.
2. Using the provided code sheet, teams
must match each letter to its
corresponding number based on
alphabetical order.
3. The objective is to decode the entire
message within the given time limit of
one minute.
4. Groups can collaborate, discuss
strategies, and allocate tasks within the
5. After the time is up, groups must stop
decoding, and the teacher checks the
accuracy of their decoded messages.

Is that clear? Yes, Ma’am.

Now class, what code did you unlock?

Expected answer:
Wave: Carrier of energy

For this activity, you will be graded through this rubric:

Criteria 5 4 3
Accuracy The answer Almost hit Little to
is correct the answer none of the
answer is

Cooperation All Almost of Members

members the didn’t
are helping member know their
each other help assign task
Time Finish Finish on Did not
Management ahead of time finish on
time time


2. Presentation
Our lesson for tonight is all about the wave: carrier of
At the end of this topic, I am expecting that you will
be able to:
• compare the characteristics of transverse and
longitudinal waves,
• demonstrate the movements of transverse waves
and longitudinal waves;
• appreciate the important role of waves to the real
world or human experiences.


This evening, let us try to explore our new topic in

a form of activity.

Activity 3. Wave Sorting Game

Direction: With the same group, you will be given an
envelope containing strips and materials. Read what is in
the strip and understand it. There are also question for you
to answer and instruction for you to follow. You only have
2 minutes to do it.
Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.
Okay, very good!

(Students participate in the activity)

Questions and instructions:
• Demonstrate the longitudinal wave and transverse
• State the difference between longitudinal wave
and transverse wave
• What kind of wave you can create depending upon
the force you exerted to the rope? Is it tall or short?

From this activity you will be graded through this rubric:

Criteria 5 4 3
Accuracy All Most of the
Little to
answers answers
none of the
are correct are correct
are correct
Cooperation All Almost of Members
members the didn’t
are helping member know their
each other help assign task
Time Finish Finish on Did not
Management ahead of time finish on
time time



What is wave?
A wave is a disturbance moving away from a
source carrying energy with it.
Waves that requires a medium is called mechanical waves
otherwise, waves that do not require a medium is called
electromagnetic wave.

Types of Mechanical Wave

1. Transverse wave
In which particles of the medium move perpendicular
to the direction of the motion of the wave.

2. Longitudinal wave
In which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel
to the direction of the motion of the waves.

Parts of a Wave
Figure of Transverse Wave
Rest position- is the position when there is no
Crest- the highest point of the wave above the rest
Trough- the lowest point below the rest position.

Figure of Longitudinal Waves

Compression- a region where the particles are the closest

Rarefaction- a region where the particles are spread out.

Characteristics of a Wave

Wavelength- is the distance between two successive

crests or between two successive trough.
- It is also equal to the distance between any two
identical points on successive waves.
Amplitude- is the maximum distance from the rest
position to the top of a crest or to the bottom of a trough.
Period- is the time to make one complete cycle.
Formula: Period = 1/frequency or T= 1/f
Frequency- refers to the number of crests or waves that
passed with a fixed point per second.
Formula: Frequency = 1/period or f= 1/T
Wave speed- is equal to the wavelength multiplied by its
frequency. The SI unit is meter per second(m/s).
Formula: Wave speed = wavelength x frequency
Amplitude and Energy
- The amplitude of a wave is directly proportional
to the energy associated with the wave.
Wavelength and Energy
- The wavelength of a wave is inversely
proportional to the energy associated with the wave.


1. Generalization
To master the lesson, I want you to do another activity.
Have you ever joined a quiz bee? (Students answer may vary)

Activity 4. QUIZ BEE

Direction: Each group will be given papers and a

marker for them to write their answers. Every question
will allocate 5 seconds of answering. As soon as the timer
beeps, you need to raise your paper with your answer.

1. What do you call the particles of the medium Expected answer:

vibrate parallel to the direction?
1. Longitudinal wave
2. It is the position when there is no disturbance. 2. Rest position
3. Crest
4. Compression
3. What do you call the highest point of the wave? 5. Amplitude

4. It is the region where particles are closest together.

5. What do you call the maximum from the rest

position to the top of a crest or bottom?

2. Application
Activity 5. Vibrations Voyage: A Wave Exploration


1. The chosen representatives perform the selected

activity with their groups; each group have an
ultimatum of 2 minutes to decide how to do their Rubrics Points
respective activities.
2. For Sound Wave: Sing a song together with high Content Accuracy 20
and low pitches. Optionally, use instruments for
added variety. Clarity of Explanation 15
3. For Water Wave: Have a basin with water, dip the
tip of a finger, and drop a stone on the water. Presentation 15
4. After the performances, have a brief discussion
within the group to answer the following
Total 50
Guide Questions:

1. For the Sound Wave Activity:

• How can you appreciate the sound wave
process while singing?
• Compare the characteristics of transverse
and longitudinal waves

2. For the Water Wave Activity:

• How can you appreciate the process of
water waves while dropping a stone or
dipping your finger?
• Compare the characteristics of transverse
and longitudinal waves

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. In a transverse wave, how do particles move?

a) Parallel to the wave direction Expected answer:
b) Perpendicular to the wave direction 1. B
c) In a circular motion 2. D
d) Along the crests and troughs 3. D
4. A
2. What term describes the highest point of a transverse 5. D
wave? 6. B
a) Trough 7. D
b) Compression 8. D
c) Rarefaction 9. C
d) Crest 10. C
3. What is a key difference between transverse and
longitudinal waves?
a) Transverse waves have compressions and rarefactions.
b) Longitudinal waves involve particles moving parallel
to the wave direction.
c) Transverse waves exhibit crests and troughs.
d) Longitudinal waves have oscillations perpendicular to
the wave direction.

4. What is the direction of particle movement in a

longitudinal wave?
a) Parallel to the wave direction
b) Perpendicular to the wave direction
c) In a circular motion
d) Along the crests and troughs

5. What is a key difference between transverse and

longitudinal waves?
a) Transverse waves have compressions and rarefactions.
b) Longitudinal waves involve particles moving parallel
to the wave direction.
c) Transverse waves exhibit crests and troughs.
d) Longitudinal waves have oscillations perpendicular to
the wave direction.

6. What type of wave is demonstrated by the motion of a

slinky being compressed and stretched?
a) Transverse wave
b) Longitudinal wave
c) Electromagnetic wave
d) Mechanical wave

7. How are electromagnetic waves utilized in everyday

technologies such as cell phones?
a) To transmit radio signals
b) To create 3D images
c) To generate X-rays
d) To carry information wirelessly

8. In what way do sound waves contribute to our

perception of music?
a) By causing interference
b) By facilitating the transmission of signals
c) By carrying information visually
d) By creating audible vibrations

9. Which device relies on the polarization property of

transverse waves?
a) Earthquake detector
b) Seismograph
c) Polaroid sunglasses
d) Stethoscope

10. How do ocean waves play a crucial role in shaping

coastal landscapes?
a) By causing earthquakes
b) By transporting heat
c) By eroding and depositing sediments
d) By generating magnetic fields
Direction: Research how energy is transferred through
mechanical waves, considering the role of particles in the
medium. Then, explore the concept of wave intensity and
its relationship to energy transfer. And discuss how
energy is transferred through electromagnetic waves
without a medium.

Rubrics Points
Content Accuracy 40
Clarity of Explanation 30
Use of Examples 20
Presentation and 10
Total 100


________ A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
________ B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%.
________ C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
________ D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
________ E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these works?
________ F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
________ G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Observed by:


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