A5 P R DMT: E Layer Ace by Uz
A5 P R DMT: E Layer Ace by Uz
A5 P R DMT: E Layer Ace by Uz
Doggos have become the most numerous of the Wolf
Folk over the recent years, as they have flourished within
the urban landscapes of the world. While most would rather
refer to them as the wolf folk’s distant cousins because of
their contrasting disposition, they are wolf folk through and
These common city dwellers are known to be amicable
and devoted members of any community they mingle in.
Their charming and outgoing nature makes sure that they
often find themselves in the center of attention of social
events and are generally considered welcome wherever they
Hell Hound
In times past the infernal forces became aware of the
Artwork by
wolf folk as valuable servants due to their loyal nature. Hell
Hounds descend from wolf folk that were enlisted into ser-
vice of infernal lords.
Wolf Folk Traits The Hell Hound’s infernal heritage is still present to this
As a wolf folk, you possess innate traits and capabilities. day, which comes with unfortunate stigmas. As such many
Hell Hounds have adapted a defensive stance in anticipation
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2 of hasty judgment of others, or embraced the fear they com-
and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different mand. While Hell Hounds still retain the loyalty prominent
ability scores by 1. in their species, they will find themselves often challenging
Age. Wolf folk reach maturity at 16 years of age and live and test the leadership of authority and take command if
up to a century. they deem it lacking.
Size. Wolf folk’s sizes can range widely from breed to
breed. Typically they are between 3 and 6 feet tall. Your Bully. You are proficient in Athletics or Intimidation.
size is medium or small. Fiend. Your creature type is fiend instead of humanoid
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. (the material world is still considered your home plane) and
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, you can read and write Infernal.
and another language of your choice. Fire Resistance. You are resistant to fire damage.
Bite. Your sharp teeth make your bite a powerful weap- Flame Bark. When you attack with your bite, you
on for unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing can choose to have your attack deal fire damage instead of
damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. piercing damage. Additionally, when you hit with a bite
Canine Senses. You have advantage on Investigation, attack, you can deal 2d6 extra fire damage. This damage
Perception, and Survival checks that rely on smell. increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (3d6), 11th level
Packmate. When an allied creature attacks a creature (4d6), and 17th level (5d6).
that is within 5 ft. of both yourself and the attacking ally, You can deal extra fire damage a number of times equal to
you can use a reaction to grant that creature advantage on your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
the attack roll. To use this trait, you must see both crea- when you finish a long rest.
Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces:
Blinky, Doggo, Hell Hound, or Wulf.
Wulf Blinky
Wulfes are the original wolf folk, originating from the As the early wolf folk began to spread across the world,
dark forests and harsh northern tundras. People often mis- many of them sought out distant places as new hunting
take Wulf as a skittish and cold people. The Wulf are in- grounds. Settling far into unexplored territories and wilder-
deed generally reserved and prefer to carefully evaluate a ness, some of the wolf folk were bound to find fey sooner
situation from afar before taking action, but this stand-off- or later. The most curious of these wolf folk would begin to
ish disposition was key for their initial survival within their seek out entrances into the fey world to explore and made a
ancestral wilderness. Once overcoming this initial hurdle, new home out of this fantastic realm.
one is bound to experience genuine care and warmth from Blinkies are the descendants of the ones who wande-
a Wulf and will find a loyal companion for all times. red off into the world of fey. Over generations, the
Wulfes are often found as vagabonds or set- Blinky became more and more in tune with the new
tled in the world’s frontiers. Communities or land they inhabited, and harnessed the abundant
groups that managed to earn the loyalty of a magic around them. As the realm of the
Wulf will find them becoming an invaluable fey was a treacherous place Blinkies
part of it, as wolf folk tend to do. Wulfes who became a careful and fickle people,
do not find connections in the civilized world which manifested their new inna-
travel inseparable groups with te magic in the form of short range
their kin. Folk often call Wulfs teleportation.
belonging to these ‘packs’ Despite their skittish disposition,
feral, as these packs can Blinkies retained the same curiosity
become problems for that once brought them into the
isolated communities fantastical lands of fey. And it
within their territory. is this curiosity which leads
groups of Blinky back into
Crushing Bite. Your
the material world which
bite deals piercing damage
they are keen to redisco-
equal to 1d8 + your Strength modifier.
Hunter’s Stride. You have a +5 ft.
bonus to your speed. Blink. You can use
Survivor. You are proficient in Per- an action or bonus action
ception or Survival. to teleport along with any
Takedown. When you attack a crea- equipment you are wearing or
ture that is within 5 ft. of one of your carrying up to an amount of feet
allies that is not incapacitated you equal to half of your movement speed
can gain advantage on the attack. to an unoccupied space that you can
When the attack hits, the attack see. You can do so an amount of
deals an additional amount of times equal to your
damage equal to your profi- proficiency bonus
ciency modifier. If your attack before you have to
is a melee weapon attack, finish a long rest to
the creature must succeed do so again. When
a Strength saving throw using this feature, you
or be knocked prone. can expend two uses
The DC is equal to 8 + of this feature to double
your Strength modifier the distance that you can
+ your proficiency teleport.
modifier. Once you Fey. Your creature type is fey
do so, you can’t do so instead of humanoid (the material
again until you roll for world is still considered your home
initiative again or you plane) and you can read and write
have finished a short or Sylvan.
long rest. Illusive. You are proficient in
Deception or Stealth.
Hell Hound
Artwork by QueenChikkibug
Wolf Folk Unique Feats
Wolf Folk characters have access to unique feats when
they level up in a class. Some DMs allow the use of feats to
further customize a character, see chapter 6, “Customiza-
tion Options”, of the Player’s Handbook.
The following special feats allow your character to ex-
pand upon their innate abilities, as each feat represents an
evolution of your character’s nature and traits.
Lycan Mark
Prerequisite: Wolf Folk
You tap deeper into the powers innate to your Wolf Folk
kin, unlocking animalistic traits for you to channel. You
gain the following bonus:
• Your claws become weapons for unarmed strikes. If
you hit with it, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6
+ your Strength modifier. Whenever you hit a creature
with a bite attack during your turn, you can use a
bonus action to make an attack with your claws against
the same creature until the end of your turn.
• Your bite and claws are treated as magical for the pur-
pose of overcoming resistances and immunities.
• The first time you hit with your bite attack in a turn,
you deal an additional piercing damage equal to your
proficiency modifier.
• Whenever you use your Packmate trait, your next at-
tack roll targeting the same creature your ally attacked
has advantage before the end of your next turn.
Artwork by QueenChikkibug
My Other Works
If you like my work, consider checking out my
other freely available works:
Horrors of the Dark - A complete bestiary fan ad-
aptation of Red Hook Studio’s Darkest Dungeon
Bloodstained Notes - A Hunter’s Bestiary - A
complete bestiary fan adaptation of From Software’s
Unbound Monsters: Slaughterhouse Horrors - A
small collection of horrific monsters given as a free
sample of my patreon exclusive monsters
Tuz’s Fearsome Foes - A set of unique foes de-
signed to be the centerpiece of a one shot monster
hunt, or a longer story, such as the notorious Rat Pile,
or Gemhide, the White Bulette.