Aloysius' Guide To Social Acceptance

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Table Of Contents

1. Foreword
2. New Races
.......................Faerie Dragon
.......................Galeb Duhr
.......................Yuan-Ti Abomination
3. New Half Races
4. New Lineages
5. New Subraces
.......................Elf Subrace
6. Additional Racial Feature
7. New Archetypes
.......................Barbarian: Path of the Titanoboa
.......................Bard: College of Dance
.......................Ranger: Worg Master Conclave
.......................Warlock: The Great Cold
8. Credits
I came up with the idea for this book after being downright disappointed with Volo’s Guide to Everything. Including a hefty amount
of lore for monstrous races, such as Gnolls, but having no details on making them playable. So here we are, a player’s handbook
that allows DMs and players to craft player characters and unforgettable NPCs from monsters across all editions of Dungeons and
Dragons. Some of these races you may or may not have heard of, but each one is a real creature in Dungeons and Dragons, along
with some extra I made over the past two years, as of writing this book. The goal for Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance is to
grant the reader an array of options to play a character from a variety of monstrous races. Some of these options may or may not
work for you. This will depend on your campaign’s setting, story, or overall biases. Believe me this book is a testament to that, and
that’s perfectly fine. Maybe you’ll find a use for some of these options, or maybe change up how a race works to fit your game’s
setting better, which I highly encourage. Afterall, the point of all this is to have fun.

Aloysius "The Monster Therapist"

o that I may never forget who or where I came
from, I took it upon myself to write this as part of
my previous life has become muddled. I do not
know what my name was before this all began,
but I am known as Aloysius a Kobold aptly from
the Kobold Mountains just south west of the main
continent of Faerun. I was once a cowardly and
rather stereotypical sort of Kobold, living by whatever scraps
I could take and slinking in the shadows to wait for fortune to
favor me. I also know that my fortune was not meant to last
as I died to a ball of fire slung by some mage. As darkness
claimed me I could only see a silhouette of what appeared to
be some sort of elf in royal garb and bandages, possessing a
sceptre made of gnarled black oak. When I closed my eyes
and felt my body succumb to the weight of my pain I heard
ravens surround me as clear as day. I was unable to move, but
I found myself in a dark field and a starless sky above me,
murders of ravens staring down at my corpse. It was there I
saw her, a lithe dark skinned elven woman in dark blue garb
looming over me as if she was the darkness herself.
She regarded herself as the Raven Queen, death itself who
had offered me a deal. My situation was not unlike many
others before me, barely used life spent being spilled for
others to find benefit. She would grant me back my life and
power on one condition, to find other creatures and races
seen as “Monsters” , grant them aid and gather momentos of
my time with them. The Raven Queen adores memories and
keepsakes and saw my case fit to be a way to obtain less than
common relics and treasures from what most of her
followers offer her. I accepted her offer and I was revived, my
scales pale and a newfound font of knowledge and
understanding flowing through my mind, knowledge I know I
did not possess before my first death.
It has been years since I last returned to the Kobold
Mountains, but with the Raven Queen’s guidance I find myself
on the mainland of Faerun, south of the City of Waterdeep
tending to a town’s temple dedicated to her name. With the
help of my fellow brothers and sisters of the church I gained a
small reputation as a mind mending cleric to less socially
accepted races, even gaining the title of “The Monster
Therapist”. This book is to be a record of the various folks I
have helped, bring peace to their souls where others would
simply place a sword in their flesh. The Raven Queen has
given me purpose, and I shall do right by her, by extending a
hand to those who could possibly meet the same grim fate as
I had befallen to. May this tome act as a proof of tithe to her

Abeil: Princess Chrysanthemum
Most of my colleagues within the church are elves, primarily Shadar Kai as they have an attachment to the Shadowfell. It would be
mean spirited to claim they lack a sort of personality spark most other elves would sport, but I would be fooling myself. That
sometimes even within a church devoted to the Raven Queen, morale seems... bleak and low. At the request of my congregation
about making our church a little more “personable'', I had remembered an upcoming festival was approaching. During the early
Spring months, our church is often visited by Eladrin who are passing through the city on a pilgrimage, to festivals out in the
forests further inland. When the inn is low on vacancy, we open our doors for these travelers when we can spare the space. One
Eladrin fellow seemed oddly ecstatic to our hospitality as he claimed that the somewhat oppressive atmosphere would keep him
safe from someone following him and that this person would dare not follow him into a church of all places. It was none of my
business to probe who was causing this distress, so I asked that he respect our ground rules for his duration here. He happily
obliged with a sort of relief to his voice when I spoke of rules most would claim is outside of the spirit of the Eladrin festivities.
That evening I awoke to the sound of loud thumping noises outside my chambers, upon opening the door, the scent of flowers
wafted down the hallway and led into the residential quarters. Angered by the idea our guest may have invited some night time
activities that compromised our agreement of ground rules, I hastened my pace. However this came to a stealthy walk as the
sounds of insect-like droning could be heard in the distance and only grew louder as I reached the source of the smell that came
from our guest’s room. Opening the door I spotted our guest dodging the advances of what appeared to be another elven woman,
however her skin was an odd pale yellow with black patterns. Stranger was still, her spine sprouted thin insect-like wings and an
insect-like stinger at the base of her tailbone. Demanding an explanation, the female floated towards me proclaiming I show
respect for a “Princess of the Feywild” in the process of courtship and that I keep my lowly lizard nose out of her affairs. I bashed
the little harlot over the head with my staff and she hit the floor like a sack of onions. The two troublemakers will be separated and
detained until the morning, once I have my answers for this breach of church conduct, I’m throwing the two out into the street to
settle their lover’s squabbling elsewhere. I refuse to have this holy ground become a place of debauchery.
Abeil Traits Soldier Traits
Your Abeil character will have the following traits. Your Soldier Abeil character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
2. 1.
Age. Abeil Servants and Soldiers can live up to 120 years, Sting. Your natural Stinger attack deals 1d8 Piercing
whereas the Queen can live up to 500 years. damage + Strength. Once per long rest as a bonus action on a
Size. Abeil are Medium, varying from 4'7 - 6'2 feet tall. successful Sting attack, you can force the target to make a
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft. Constitution saving throw vs 8 + proficiency + your Strength.
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have On failure the target is paralyzed for one minute and must
40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy repeat the saving throw on the start of each turn to end the
armor you have 30ft of unrestricted flight. effects. This effect does not work on constructs or undead.
Sting. You have a natural Stinger attack that deals 1d4 Ranged Weapon Training. You are proficient in all ranged
Piercing damage + Strength. weapons.
Languages. Abeil can read, write and speak Common and
Subraces. You must choose one of the following Subraces
for your Abeil character; Servant or Soldier.
Servant Traits
Your Servant Abeil character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Drone. Once per long rest you can flap your wings fast
enough to create a droning noise, and all creatures that can
hear you within 60ft of you, must make a Wisdom saving
throw vs 8 + proficiency + your Dexterity. On failure, the
target takes 2d8 Force damage and falls asleep for one hour,
the target may attempt another saving throw after being
attacked to remove the effect. On success the target only
takes half damage.
Nectar. Once per long rest, you can devour food and
regurgitate it as a sweet nectar like paste. This nectar can be
stored in any container that holds liquid, consuming nectar
counts as eating and drinking a meal's worth of nourishment
for 24 hours.

Chitine: Octavian Choldrith PC Variant
Pathagore Choldrithl are variants of Chitine with the lower half of a giant
spider similar to that of a Drider and are more versed with
Mr. Pathagore is a Chitine, a spider humanoid race dwelling clerical magics. If you would rather play as this version of a
from the Underdark with the ability to create webbing from
their stomachs. While the finer details of this biological Chitine, replace Ability Score Increase and Bite with the
feature is not one I want to dive too greatly into, the reason following.
Mr. Pathagore sought my aid was to find a way to better tailor Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and
his particular set of skills into surface dwelling society. One of your Constitution score increases by 1.
the aspects that made him consider integrating to life above Protection Magic. You gain two choices of the following
ground was the vivid colors, and his previous occupation Cantrips; Resistance, Mending, Guidance, or Thaumaturgy. You
before arriving, was creating barricades with his webbing. may cast these cantrips without the need of material
While fishing for possible positive alternatives, Mr. Pathagore components.
discovered that he could pursue a career in tailoring clothing
to grant him freedom with exploring his artistic side by
working on a practical skill that is beneficial to the
community. While I was pleased with finding out Mr.
Pathagore's excitment in following my advice, what I found
surprising is that he had very little customers or interactions
with folks willing to speak to a Chitine. I had requested some
of my colleagues in the church allow themselves to be testers
for Mr Pathagore's craft on nights their duties to the church
are slim. I am now currently asking Mr. Pathagore to return
for future sessions on the finer aspects of social interactions
and bartering for goods and service. On the grounds that
prospecting customers do not like being bound in webbing,
suspended on the ceiling of a dark building and forcibly used
as living dolls to properly tailor clothing that best fits them.

Chitine Traits
Your Chitine character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Chitine can live up to 90 years.
Size. Chitine are Medium, varying from 4'8 - 6'3 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Spider Climb. You have a 30ft climbing speed that is
consistently under the effects of Spider Climb.
Superior Darkvision. Chitine have 120ft of Darkvision.
Bite. You have a natural Bite attack that deals 1d6 Poison
damage + Strength. On a successful hit, the target must make
a Constitution saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency + Strength. On
failure the target is poisoned for 1 minute, the target must
reroll it's saving throw at the start of it's turn to end the effect.
Monstrosity. You have advantage on saving throws against
being charmed and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Web. You can cast the spell Web up to your proficiency
times per long rest using your Constitution for spellcasting
without the need for components. You ignore all movement
restrictions within any webbing. While within the webbing
you know the exact location of any creature that ends it's
movement within the webbing.
Languages. Chitine can read, write and speak Common,
Elvish and Undercommon.

Cloaker: Swathe

he Ravens came early this morning to tell me that I would be expecting a new client this evening, however I have not
had any clients appear today. The only thing I received was a parcel from a funeral director. I was asked to perform
rites for a professor of a Wizard's College from Waterdeep weeks ago. The parcel was a very vibrant shimmering
cloak that despite appearing too large for me, fits snug around my throat, back and tail. I assume it's some kind of
magic that grants the cloak this high level of comfort, though what seems redundant to me was the message with
the cloak. The funeral director stated he was very pleased to be rid of such a "clingy attachment".
Cloaker Traits
Your Cloaker character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Cloaker can live up to 300 years.
Size. Cloakers are considered Large sized creatures. As a Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of space, you have
proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy keyword and may use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to the Huge size
category. You additionally have disadvantage on Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting through spaces that
are easy for Medium size or smaller creatures to fit through.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20ft.
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have 40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy armor
you have 30ft of unrestricted flight.
Darkvision. Cloakers have 60ft of Darkvision.
Aberration. You are not considered Humanoid, instead you are considered an Aberration for the purposes of spellcasting.
Attach. You may choose to use your Wings or Tail when attempting to grapple a target. If you successfully grapple a creature
with your wings, your flight speed is reduced to 0, the target is blinded, silenced and will suffocate unless you choose to let it
breathe. While grappling a target with your tail, you retain your flight speed and the grappled target takes 1d4 Bludgeoning
damage + Strength at the start of its turn.
While grappling a target with your wings or tail you can spend a bonus action to apply the effects of grappling with both your
wings and tail until the start of your next turn. Your flight is reduced to 0 and the target has disadvantage to escape your grapple.
Damage Transfer. While grappling a creature, as a reaction to taking damage you instead take half damage dealt to you
rounded down and your grappled target takes the other half.
False Appearance. As a bonus action when near an object that would be considered half cover you may use the Hide action
with advantage. If a target fails to locate you it may not roll again to locate you until you move. You retain the benefits of False
Appearance while grappling a target with your wings.
Bite. You have a natural Bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing damage + Strength. While grappling a target with your wings you
may use a Bite attack with advantage.
Languages. Cloakers can read, write and speak Common, Deep Speech and Undercommon.

Notes from Salima: Ixit Notes from Salima: Equinal
Cloakers are large ray like creatures that mostly dwell in the A celestial humanoid from the Beastlands, Equinals are one
Underdark. Their outer skin was a darker color used to blend of the many races from a group of demon hunters known as
in with the darkness, have sharp claws on their wings and the Guardinals. Equinal have a horse like head and legs and
near their face that when they enveloped prey with their possess fingers however when balled into a fist can create a
wings they could dig into their targets making it near second set of hooves allowing them to gallop on all fours if
impossible to remove them and has long barbed tails that can need be. Equinal are literal warhorses meant for front line
whip at targets from the air. Struggling against a Cloaker that attacks against demons. Often feared by their demonic
has you in it's grasp with physical force is a fruitless opposition as the sight of demons sends Equinal into a
endeavour, however a flash of bright light in their face will bloodthirsty frenzy. An Equinal in this state is almost
disorient them. Little is known about Cloakers of the present impossible to reason with until their prey is dead and they
day, but Undercommon written texts claim they were take a somewhat sadistic pleasure in seeing demons die by
perceived as an old reclusive race that was worshipped by their hands. If that bit of knowledge wasn't terrifying enough,
many Underdark societies as Old Gods with an unknown and the last time Equinal had been sighted by mortals was during
evil agenda. There is an aquatic cousin of the Cloaker known the height of the Blood Wars. Yes the Equinal are champions
as the Ixixachitl, how closely related the two races are is still of good, but they can also be a dreadful omen of things to
currently a mystery. come.
Ixixachitl PC Variant
Ixixachitl are ocean dwelling variants of Cloakers. If you would
rather play as this version of a Cloaker, replace True Flight, False
Appearance and Languages with the following. (All instances of
flight speed in any other feature are instead treated for your
swim speed.)
Swim Speed. Ixixachitl have a swim speed of 40ft.
Amphibious. Ixixachitl can breathe in both air and water.
Languages. Ixixachitl can read, write and speak Common,
Aquan and Deep Speech.

Equinal: Hortimer
Umberto Fardawn
Equinal Traits
Your Equinal character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Equinal can live up to 150 years.
Size. Equinal are burly and have the muscle structure of
an Orc and horse. Equinal are Medium, varying from 4'9 - 6'1
feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40ft.
Gallop. Once per short or long rest, you can use a bonus
action to Dash.
Hooves. You have a natural Hoof attack that deals 1d6
Bludgeoning + Strength damage. Once per long rest if you
successfully hit a target with your Hoof attack, as a bonus
action the target must roll a Strength saving throw vs 8 +
Proficiency + Strength. On failure the target is pushed back
up to 15 feet and is knocked prone.
Whinny. Once per day you can let out a loud whiny that
shakes your target. All targets within 60ft of you that can hear
the whiney must make a Wisdom saving throw vs 8 +
Proficiency + your Charisma. On failure, the target is stunned
until the end of your next turn and frightened of you. The
target may reroll it's Wisdom saving throw on the start of it's
turn to no longer be frightened of you.
Warhorse. You are proficient in all forms of armor.
Languages. Equinal can read, write and speak Common
and Celestial.

Faerie Dragon: Yt Pseudodragon PC Variant
Pseudodragon are more like their larger Dragon kin, but have
Faerie Dragon Traits
the same height as a Faerie Dragon. If you would rather play as
Your Faerie Dragon character will have the following traits. a Pseudodragon, replace Ability Score Increase, Superior
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. Invisibility, Euphoria Breath and Languages. with the following
Age. Faerie Dragon can live up to 500 years. features.
Size. Faerie Dragons are typically the size of a small doll, Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
but with enough magic coursing through their bodies they and your Constitution score increases by 1.
can grow to the size of a Kobold. Faerie Dragons are Small, Keen Senses. You have advantage on Perception checks that
varying from 2'5 - 3'5 feet tall. rely on sight, hearing and smell.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20ft. Sting. You have a natural Sting attack that deals 1d4 Piercing
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have
40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy damage + Strength. Once per long rest on a successful hit, as
armor you have 30ft of unrestricted flight. a bonus action you force the target to make a Constitution
Superior Invisibility. Once per long rest, as an action you saving throw vs 8 + proficiency + Strength. On failure the
can magically turn invisible for up to one hour. Maintaining target is poisoned for one hour. If the target fails it's saving
invisibility is treated as if you are concentrating on a spell. throw by 5 or more it falls unconscious for one hour or until it
Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws takes damage.
against spells and other magical effects. Languages. Pseudodragon can read, write and speak
Euphoria Breath. Once per long rest, you have a breath Common and Draconic.
weapon that exudes euphoric gas that spreads in a 15ft cone.
Each creature in the area of effect must make a Constitution
saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency + Charisma. On failure for
one minute the target is unable to use reactions and must roll
a d6 at the start of it's turn to determine its behavior. Formian: Mulch
1-4. The target takes no action or bonus action and uses all Mr Mulch's sessions are not so different from an overworked
of its movement to move in a random direction. citizen seeking a proper and less destructive way to vent their
5-6. The target doesn't move and the only thing it can do is frustrations. What is different however, is the fact that Mr
reroll a saving throw to end the effect. Mulch is from a civilization where the citizens work together
Languages. Faerie Dragon can read, write and speak in a hive mind often labored to follow orders from their
Common and Draconic. Queen without question. Mr Mulch was exiled from their
homelands for wanting to use his talents for scouting and
exploring, however he was always instructed to simply dig
deeper into the earth to expand the nest. Disobeying orders
he found himself chased out, wayward in seeking a place to
be able to find himself as a free insectoid, but also to satisfy
his instinct to be useful in some capacity. We have been
exploring avenues to use Mr Mulch's talents and natural
abilities, while also helping him feel his efforts are a
rewarding experience and it appears that Mr Mulch is well
versed in ambush hunting, even being resourceful enough to
make tools out of giant vermin. I don't believe teaching Mr
Mulch to find positives in killing creatures is a sound idea,
but townsfolk have found his skill set useful in driving away
large spiders from trade routes, so I suppose there's a silver
lining to it all.

Notes from Salima: Formian Warrior Traits
Not unlike the Abeil when it comes to expansion, Formians Your Worker Formian character will have the following traits.
are instead insectoid centaurs resembling ants. Formians will Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
create sprawling hive cities that can dwarf even the tallest 1.
mountains and still lack the ability to facilitate every member Size. Warriors are Medium, varying from 4'4 - 5'10 feet
of the colony. However few sects Formians actually obtain the tall.
ability to speak or have thoughts of their own, most workers Sting. You have a natural sting ability that deals 1d6
or lower class members of the hive city simply work or guard Piercing + 1d4 Poison damage + Strength. Once per long
the colony using limited telepathy to communicate with each rest on a successful hit, as a bonus action you force the target
other, where as members such as taskmasters or myrmarchs to make a Constitution saving throw vs 8 + proficiency +
have higher managerial authority or royal guard duty. Finding Strength. On failure the target is paralyzed for one minute,
a Formian outside of it’s hive without a squadron is peculiar, the target may reroll it's saving throw on the start of its turn.
one can assume either they did not fit well with the colony, or Snap-Jaw. On a successful hit of your Bite attack, you can
have been exiled as free will to leave without the desire to use a bonus action to grapple the target.
expand the hive is unheard of. Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Formian Traits
Your Formian character will have the following traits. Myrmarch Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases Your Myrmarch Formian character will have the following
by 2. traits.
Age. Formian Workers and Soldiers can live up to 100 Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
years, a Queen can live for many centuries. 1.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40ft. Size. Myrmarch are Medium, varying from 4'4 - 5'10 feet
Climb. Formians have a 30ft Climb speed. tall.
Darkvision. Formian have 60ft of Darkvision. Rejuvenation. As an action you can roll your hit die up to
Bite. You have a natural Bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing your proficiency times per long rest, you gain the result in
damage + Strength. temporary hit points.
Languages. Formian can read and speak Common and Commanding Magic. Starting at 3rd level you can cast the
Terran. spell Command using Charisma as your spellcasting once
Subraces. You must choose one of the following Subraces per long rest. Starting at 5th level you can cast the spell
for your Formian character; Worker, Warrior, or Myrmarch. Dominate Person using Charisma as your spellcasting once
per long rest.
Worker Traits Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws
Your Worker Formian character will have the following traits. against spells and other magical effects.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Size. Workers are Small, varying from 2'5 - 3'5 feet tall.
Construction. You know the Mending and Mold Earth
Incredible Build. You count as two sizes larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag or lift.
Nectar. Once per long rest, you can devour food and
regurgitate it as a sweet nectar like paste. This nectar can be
stored in any container that holds liquid, consuming nectar
counts as eating and drinking a meal's worth of nourishment
for 24 hours.

Galeb Dhur: Stubby Galeb Duhr Traits
Your Galeb Duhr character will have the following traits.
George Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
Brother Levi has approached me on a matter of vandalism by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
today, for the past few days while tending to the greenery Age. Galeb Duhr can live up to 1000 years. As an
outside the church grounds, there have been small stone Elemental, a Galeb Duhr's natural lifespan can withstand the
effigies placed in random locations bearing the same test of time.
disheveled look of either utter bliss or gnarled agony. I have Size. Galeb Duhr are Medium, varying from 4'5 - 5'12 feet
no time for such foolishness of obvious children playing tall.
pranks on the church so I have instructed Brother Levi to Speed. Your base walking speed is 20ft.
dispose of the effigies as he deems necessary. Elemental. You are considered an elemental creature for
It has come to my attention that I have not heard of the purposes of spells and are immune to the effects of
Brother Gregore for a week now, my sessions have left me poison, fear, charm and being put into a magical sleep. You do
rather busy with the chance to speak to the church members not require food, water or need to breathe but can participate
in some time. I haven't seen any of the effigies myself so I can in doing any of these actions. You do not require sleep, rather
only assume that the issue has been resolved, however there you must enter a motionless state and must remain still for
are nights where I could swear I hear stone grinding so I six hours to gain the benefits of a long rest.
decided to visit the gardens. Despite my lack of knowledge of Natural Armor. Your body is made of stone granting you
what the effigies look like, none of the odd statues have been an starting AC of 13 + Dexterity.
found. I imagine that Brother Levi must have repurposed Rolling Charge. After the Galeb Duhr moves it's full speed
some of the statues into rock formations near the fountains straight towards a target, it's first attack action gains one
as there's a disproportionately large amount of them. extra damage die until the end of its turn.
However they are arranged in such a way around a large Animate. Once per long rest, the Galeb Dhur can create an
boulder that I shall have to commend him on the pleasant animated object out of earth up to 60ft away, this object
placement of these rocks when I locate him in my offtime. becomes a duplicate of the Galeb Duhr. The duplicate takes
I received a message from the Ravens this morning saying initiative after you, can cast spells using your spell slots, has
there was a new client to be found who has a sort of "Green all of your ability scores except for an Intelligence and
Thumb". Along with the message was a small package Charisma of 1 and does not have any equipment or items. It
containing a lumpy statue of a humanoid figure with a cannot be charmed or frightened and does not possess the
somewhat gleeful expression... Animate feature. The duplicate remains animated as long as
the Galeb Duhr maintains concentration for up to one minute
as if this feature was a concentration spell.
Languages. Galeb Duhr can read and speak Common,
Dwarven and Terran.

Gargoyle: Hours
Life is fleeting and short, I am painfully aware of this factor,
my reincarnation is a testament to this notion. One night
while pondering this, the Raven Queen was tickled pink to
inform me of obtaining the soul of a creature whose natural
life can stand the test of time. Guardians of secrets and
towers, keepers of treasures and knowledge, Gargoyles
meeting a natural end almost seems paradoxical unless felled
by the stray adventurer or smashed to pieces by some
lumbering manner of flesh slab. Even stranger, that a
creature such as a Gargoyle would be sent off with the rites
of a funeral. While pessimistic in believing this was merely
the work of a wizard with a personal attachment for their
favorite stone bodyguard, I was nevertheless stalwart in
fulfilling my given duty to investigate how a Gargoyle’s soul
was celebrated off to the afterlife. Following rumors to grand
cities filled with arcane knowledge, I was told of a realm
where the lifeless mimic the ways of mortal civilization. A
place where the earth meets the sky, almost mirroring towers
of stone where constructs and elementals soar the inverted
skies and use their tallest spires as gateways to peer into our
version of reality to observe and learn from us.

This all sounded as if the mages had confused the Gargoyle Traits
Shadowfell with such a warped reality, though while mucking
about the night following clues, I discovered a group of Your Gargoyle character will have the following traits.
Gargoyles entering the tower and their disappearance was Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
followed by a flash of muted light, may my darkvision be by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
praised for this fortune. Entering the tower I discovered a Age. Gargoyle can live up to 500 years.
mirror brimming with arcane energies with a dull reflection Size. Gargoyle are Medium, varying from 4'3 - 5'12 feet
of the room I stood in, even my form was a wispy and lithe tall.
imitation of my true self. Placing faith in the rumor of this Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
inverse world, I found myself stepping through the glass and Darkvision. Gargoyles have 60ft of Darkvision.
coming out the other side in the mentioned realm, greeted by Flight. Choose one of the following features:
Gargoyles interested in seeing a Kobold for the first time. True Flight. You have 30ft of unrestricted flight. While only
The Gargoyles here were far from stationary unlike in my wearing up to light armor you have 40ft of unrestricted flight.
realm, they traipse about as any normal human or elf would Clumsy Flight. You have 60ft of unrestricted flight, however
in city streets commonly going about their lives. I found on the end of your turn you must land. If landing takes more
myself on the receiving end of my own job as I was asked to than 60ft you will receive falling damage.
be detained for a time before proper authorities would speak Talons. You have a natural Talon attack that deals 1d8
to me, which of course felt more like a polite way of saying I Slashing damage + Strength. On a successful hit, as a bonus
was considered for imprisonment. While incarcerated I had action you can attempt to grapple the target.
discovered I had a cellmate across from me, claiming he was False Appearance. As a bonus action when near an object
placed in a cell for petty crimes, he was willing to offer me that would be considered half cover, you may use the Hide
escape for “fleshwalker” treasures. He handled his way action with advantage. If a target fails to locate you it may not
around picking locks fairly well, one would dare say this isn’t roll to locate you again until you move.
his first time escaping confinement. It turns out the Languages. Gargoyle can read, write and speak Common
Gargoyles here are so obsessed with other cultures they often and Terran.
literally forget that time has a bit more meaning to any other
race apart from themselves, which would certainly explain
the human and elf skeletons within my cell. My new
companion will receive his treasures and then some should
he be willing to answer some other questions back in Faerûn.

Gnoll: “Crunge Flemm-Skul”

must speak freely, this shall be for my own personal Gnoll Traits
records to relieve some tension from this case, in the
hopes I can become a more tolerable and Your Gnoll character will have the following traits:
professional therapist. I. Hate. Bards. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
They are loud, rambunctious, degenerate, lazy, 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
prideful, lusting, slovenly freebooters and I’d much Age. Gnoll can live up to 80 years.
rather see them six feet underground then have to be Size. Gnoll can vary in shape, some scrawny and some
subject to their tortuous vocals and fetid attempts at music… burly. Gender also plays a part in their size with the females
Confound those Bards. So I write this client’s case down with being considerably larger than males. Gnoll are Medium,
no smile on my face nor any sense of enthusiasm. The only varying from 4'3 - 6'12 feet tall.
way I would find any semblance of solace for this case, is that Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
it shall forever be a reminder of my resolve and dedication to Darkvision. Gnoll have 60ft of Darkvision
the Raven Queen so that I may receive a just reward for my Bite. You have a natural bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing
patience and hard work. Though I shall confess, my pen only damage + Strength.
forms words for this documentation because I had assistance Rampage. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with
from a goblet of fresh red wine and a toke of some soothing a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus action to
herbs. My client is a Gnoll, a race as loud and craven as his move up to half your speed and make a bite attack.
studies in the College of Glamour. Stubborn. Once per long rest when you are reduced to 0
The Raven Queen spoke of her desire to me in obtaining a hit points you may still remain standing for one more turn
memory or some sort of trinket from a Gnoll, I was in the before falling unconscious. During this turn your HP does not
middle of finishing a previous case that I simply jested of the fall into the negatives by any damage and you do not need to
unlikely scenario a Gnoll would find its way to our church. I make any death saving throws until you fall unconscious.
learned that joking with the Raven Queen will always merit Languages. Gnoll can read, write and speak Common and
myself in shoving my foot firmly in my mouth, a lavishly Abyssal.
dressed male Gnoll came to my office’s front door loudly
proclaiming he followed the whims of a talking raven to our
doorstep. He stated that he found joy and mirth through
using his boisterous voice to tell stories of his people to any
who would listen, but few often do. Logic would dictate it
would be because of a giant hyena humanoid barking and
flashing his teeth in folk’s face with nary a regard for person
space to be the likely culprit. However he pleaded before me
saying the raven’s voice spoke of my ability to help this man
become more tolerable and less offensive around other races.
With a heavy sigh I asked him for his name, he proudly
proclaimed himself as “Crunge Flemm-Skul”, when I asked
for his real name he told me his name was “Slapssnot
Farthhaurd the Tuurd”. I waited with a scowl for the proper
answer to my question to present itself, but the silence that
followed was so deafening I could hear the souls of the dead
whisper in my ears. This case will require more wine and
herbal toke and from a look at my personal records, Mr.
Flemm-Skul’s case had required about five platinum's worth.
Mr Flemm-Skul’s case is an on-going process, he is making
strides in learning to command his “inside voice” while in the
presence of others. I do wish however he did not find it
necessary to use the church for his concerts, even if it does
grant a fair bit of coin to the church, my loss of sleep is
inexcusable. I have also begun enacting disciplinary
measures on all staff members of the church for every time
they use the word “Crunge” as a verb in my presence.

Gremlin: Circuit-Breaker

ome of my clients are victims of abuse, psychosis, self discovery, loss, pain and all other manner of trauma be it
physical or mental. Then there are cases that are ever so juvenile, self imposed idiocy, or a clear case of a
misunderstanding gone horribly wrong. While these cases verge from annoying to mildly concerning, if left unchecked
some results can have grim endings leaving folks to wonder what could have changed to prevent tragedy. As the
humans say, “It’s all fun and games, until somebody gets hurt.”
In recent days I’ve commissioned a well known artist to sculpt a new statue for our church, our original one was
destroyed in an Orc raid and morale has been quite low without seeing the grand and beloved depiction of the Raven
Queen before entering upon holy ground. A gesture I believe to inspire passersby to perhaps seek rest and divine counsel among
our halls, surely a task with fair compensation created by a master craftsmen Gnome would be a small feat. Which is what I would
have believed if deadline by deadline the artist would be making slow progress on the statue, by the third extra payment to
expedite the process I had had enough and visited the Gnome’s abode to get to the bottom of his lackadaisical responsibility. The
artist was by no means living modestly, their home was multiple stories with more comforts then anyone in his profession should
have, surely this was just the work of someone who felt it necessary to copper and silver the church for all it had to offer. Though
the artist had a look of great distress about them when questioned, they stated that work has been slow because he had fired a
previous assistant and fears they may be stealing materials and breaking tools needed to complete the statue. I had a few of the
church’s inquisitors assist me in finding the previous assistant and keeping our artist friend safe, but in actuality I simply wished
for someone to oversee the work process.
My colleagues and I had discovered a small hovel near the artist’s house with bits and pieces of artisan tools, metal bits, and
pieces of cut stone leading towards it. Upon investigation we had found a stache of objects the artist had claimed were missing,
along with what appeared to be an iron golem that had assumed the form of the artist. Whoever the culprit was had a fascination
with the Gnome. Returning to the house in a panic for the artist’s life, our clergymen were able to catch the thief, a blue skinned
Goblin looking female ready to filch pieces of the statue to complete her golem. Investigating the stolen objects on her person I
had found a scribbled letter, before I could explain that her feelings for the artist were that of a schoolyard romance, she had
escaped her metal shackles with miraculous grace and we had to give chase to apprehend her once more.
Gremlin Traits Ingenuity. Any time you roll a skill check that requires the
use of tools, if you have the required tools to do so you roll
Your Gremlin character will have the following traits: with advantage and double your Proficiency. If you do not
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases have the proper tools required but have any other tool kit, you
by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. may roll only double your Proficiency.
Age. Gremlins can live up to 200 years. Dismantle. You have advantage on any roll required to
Size. Gremlins are Small, varying from 3'3 - 4'7 feet tall. disassemble or destroy any non magical structures and
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft. objects. Additionally you have advantage on all attack rolls
Claws. You have a natural claw attack that deals 1d4 made against constructs.
Slashing + your Strength damage. Your claws may also be Languages. Gremlins can read, write and speak Common
used as Thieves Tools. and Goblin.

Notes from Salima: Gremlin

Gremlins are destructive, chaotic, and irritable Goblinoids
and I do not mean this in a derogatory way. Gremlin nature is
derived from their ancestors, who were Goblin slaves in the
beginning and due to magical corruption they have
transformed into the creatures we know today. The purpose
of this transformation was to weaponize small creatures that
would cause chaos amongst the inner workings of enemy
strongholds, destruction is written in their blood and whether
malicious or not, they must abide by this nature. Their
appetite for destruction does grant them uncanny insight to
the inner workings of magical and mundane mechanics,
granting them savant-like ability to craft, tinker and modify
nearly any piece of equipment. There is an art to destruction
and Gremlins are masters of such craft.

Grippli: Carga Lu’jin Hengeyokai: Rawlin
Grippli Traits Hengeyokai Traits
Your Grippli character will have the following traits: Your Hengeyokai character will have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. 2 and your Strength, Constitution or Dexterity score
Age. Grippli can live up to 90 years. increases by 1.
Size. Grippli are Medium, varying from 4'3 - 6'6 feet tall. Age. Hengeyokai can live up to 200 years.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft. Size. Hengeyokai are Medium, varying from 4'6 - 6'6 feet
Climb. Grippli have a 30ft climb speed. tall.
Swim. Grippli have a 30ft swim speed. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Hold Breath. Grippli can hold their breath for up to 15 Animal Lineage. When creating your Hengeyokai, you
minutes. may choose one beast creature with a CR or 2 or less as your
Ambush Weapons Training. You are proficient in Tridents, Animal Lineage, you may not choose a creature that counts
Darts, Shortbows and Blowguns. as a swarm. You have a Human, Hybrid, and Animal form
Tongue. You have a natural tongue attack that deals 1d4 based on your chosen beast, as an action you can freely
Bludgeoning Damage + Strength with Reach. On a successful transform between your Human and Hybrid form. You can
hit to a Medium or smaller creature, as a bonus action you use an action transform into an animal of your chosen form
may attempt to grapple the target. On a successful grapple as if you were using a Druid's Shapechange ability up to your
the target is grappled and restrained. proficiency times per long rest. If you are knocked
Standing Leap. As an action, Grippli can leap 30ft unconscious or die while in Human form, you revert to your
horizontally or 20ft vertically from a standing position. Hybrid form.
Languages. Grippli can read, write and speak Common Animal Traits. While in Hybrid form you obtain the
and Draconic. following benefits of the chosen creature of your Animal
Lineage if applicable; Movement Speed, Flight Speed, Swim
Speed, Climb Speed, Darkvision, Blindsight, Features and
Natural Attacks. You do not gain the chosen beast's features if
you already possess a greater value of said feature. For
example, if your Animal Lineage was a Bat you would gain
the following; 30ft Flight, 60ft Blindsight, Echolocation, Keen
Hearing and Bite. Your walking speed would remain 30ft
instead of a Bat's 10ft.
Any natural attack obtained this way deals 1d6 Damage +
Strength. If a natural attack has any additional benefit that
requires a saving throw such as a Spider's Bite attack, the
target must make an appropriate saving throw vs 8 +
Proficiency + an appropriate ability score modifier. Any
natural attack gained with the Recharge keyword may only be
used once per long rest while in Hybrid Form. You do not
gain the Multiattack feature from any chosen beast while in
Hybrid form.
Spirit Magic. You may choose to learn any one Cantrip
from the Sorcerer's spell list using Charisma for spellcasting.
Languages. Hengeyokai can read, write and speak
Common, and Sylvan.
Notes from Salima: Hengeyokai
While most Hengeyokai found in Faerun are the result of
Spirit and Mortal love made union, the origins of the
Hengeyokai stem from the Feywild as wild animal spirits. The
Hengeyokai are given the ability to transform into animals or
humanoids but tend to remain to their animalistic natures
living in societies away from other intelligent life. Their
behaviors and societal norms are often dictated by the animal
their spirits had taken form as, but have no issue with
integrating with Human societies. These kinds of Yokai are
limitless as nearly any animal that has fey or spirit-like
powers could very well be one in disguise, but an act of
kindness can go incredibly far to gain a Hengeyokai’s favor.

Illithid: Roy Manning
Illithid Traits
Your Illithid character will have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases
by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Illithid can live up to the same age as their original
race's natural lifespan.
Size. Illithid are alien in nature, at the moment of their
transformation they can either retain the same height as their
original bodies or grow a few extra feet in height. Illithid are
either Small or Medium, varying from 4'3 - 6'12 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Illithid have 60ft of Darkvision.
Tentacles. You have a natural tentacle attack that deals
1d6 + Strength Bludgeoning damage. As a bonus action on a
successful hit of a humanoid target you may attempt to
grapple the target. A grappled target takes your tentacle
attack damage at the start of your turn.
Telepathy. You can speak telepathically to any willing
creature within 30ft of you as an action. The target may
speak back telepathically, however they may only do so in
languages they know. You may only speak to one creature at a
time this way. If attacked or forcibly moved while speaking
telepathically to a target, the link is cut.
Homunculus: Junior Extract Brain. Once per long rest while grappling a
Homunculus Traits humanoid target with your tentacles, if the target is reduced
to 0 hit points you may use a bonus action to devour their
Your Homunculus character will have the following traits: brain and kill the target instantly. Devouring a humanoid
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by brain grants you a Hit Die worth of hit points, if your hit
2 and your Constitution score increases by 1. points are at maximum the result of the roll becomes
Age. Homunculus can live up to 200 years naturally, but it temporary hit points.
is not impossible to extend their lifespan due to their nature Mind Blast. Once per long rest you can emit a powerful
as constructs. psychic blast at your targets. You may choose up to your
Size. Homunculus are Small, varying from 2'5 - 4'0 feet proficiency bonus + Intelligence in targets that you can see
tall. within 60ft, all chosen targets must make a Wisdom saving
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20ft. throw vs 8 + proficiency + your Intelligence. On failure the
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have target takes 2d6 Psychic damage and is stunned until the end
40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy of your next turn. On success the target only takes half
armor you have 30ft of unrestricted flight. damage. Constructs and undead targets ignore the stunned
Construct. You are not considered humanoid, instead you effect from this attack. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th
are considered a constructed creature for the purposes of level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level.
spellcasting and are immune to the effects of poison, fear, Languages. Illithid can read, write and speak Common,
charm and being put to magical sleep. You do not require and Deep Speech.
food, water or need to breathe but can participate in doing
any of these actions. You do not require sleep, rather you
enter a motionless state and must remain still for six hours to
gain the benefits of a long rest.
Bite. You have a natural bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing
damage + Strength. Once per long rest, as a bonus action on
a successful hit you force the target to make a Constitution
saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency + your Strength. On failure
the target is poisoned for one minute.
Telepathy. Once per long rest, as an action you can
telepathically link with one willing ally. For the duration of the
long rest you can telepathically speak with the linked target
up to 60ft, this link is cut if you are knocked unconscious or
Languages. Homunculus can read, write and speak
Common and any other language of your choice.

Killoren Traits
Your Killoren character will have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 2.
Age. Killoren can live up to 200 years.
Size. Killoren are Medium, varying from 4'6 - 6'8 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Killoren have 60ft of Darkvision.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on Saving Throws
against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Homelander. You gain the benefits of the Ranger's Natural
Explorer feature for one terrain of your choice. This feature
does not count to your Natural Explorer feature total if you
have a level in Ranger.
Languages. Killoren can read, write and speak Common
and Sylvan. Killoren can also speak to and understand plants.
Subraces. You must choose one of the following Subraces
for your Killoren character; Ancient, Destroyer, or Hunter.
Ancient Traits
Your Ancient Killoren character will have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Naturalist. You have proficiency in Handling Animal and
Nature Magic. You may choose one 1st level Druid or
Ranger spell, you may cast this spell up to your proficiency
times per long rest without the use of components using
Wisdom for spellcasting.
Regeneration. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you
may roll up to your proficiency bonus in extra hit die and
regain the result in hit points. If your hit points are at
maximum, the result of the hit dice rolls become temporary
hit points.

Killoren: Espinosa Destroyer Traits

Your Destroyer Killoren character will have the following
Elves, to be bluntly put, are often equated to being the "Rats traits:
of the Multiverse". No matter which realm you travel to, their Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
influence is apparent and in infinite variations, which can 1.
lead to misappropriation to races that share common traits. Athletic. You have proficiency in Athletics.
One of the most common Elves that pass through our village Natural Armor. You have a tough hide of natural armor,
are the Eladrin, those native to the Feywild possessing you use 12 + Dexterity when calculating your armor class.
biological traits akin to plantlife and natural season cycles. I Entangle. You may cast the spell Entangle up to your
have been approached by one such Elf claiming her adopted proficiency times per long rest using Strength as your
sister has been speaking in tongues, consorting with an spellcasting ability.
imaginary being she calls "The Green", her "Seasonal Shifts''
have ceased permanently placing her in a summer form and Hunter Traits
rather then speaking through the Feywild, she proclaims the
very Realm's nature and earth speaks to her. Before my Your Hunter Killoren character will have the following traits:
meeting with Mrs Espinosa, I have sought counsel with a Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
local Druid about my client, however I believe there is 1.
quackery afoot. I was told to prick my client's flesh and see if Stealthy. You have proficiency in Stealth.
she bleeds ichor, what absolute preposterous crock. Ambush. Once per long rest, while using the Hide action,
you can mark a target as a bonus action. Your next attack has
advantage, on a successful hit you gain 1 extra hit die of
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you
are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow,
mist, and other natural phenomena.

With some interrogation we learned that the cult was
trying to murder a brass dragon displaced from its
homelands in search of a new nesting ground. I was offered
more gold that the church could use so I joined this merry
band of murdering nitwits to find the last known location of
the Brass Dragon. We found the corpse of a female brass
dragon along with charred landscaping near the body, finding
the use of flame to take down a dragon we took to
investigating, only to discover a small creature had made
various trips back and forth to the corpse. It was here where
we discovered Mrs Krrasssh, she had taken a clutch of brass
dragon wyrmlings to a location in some wasteland, we took
our stance for battle as Mrs Krrasssh readied her weapon.
Before we struck, I had to cast a spell to incapacitate my
comrades and had pleaded for a more diplomatic approach,
though my comrades were in no position to stop me. We
spent our time calming down Mr Krrasssh and escorting her
and the wyrmlings back to the city for proper care. However
my companions called me a traitor the rest of the way,
believing I was a spy for the Tiamat cultists. I was arrested,
questioned and detainted in the city’s prisons until inquisitors
from Waterdeep came round and found me innocent. My
reputation was placed in low regard and I often am leered at
in the streets as the Dragon Queen’s servant. They will never
believe me, but they did not hear the same draconic words
uttered by the screeching wyrmlings.

“Please don’t kill our new mother.”

Magmin: Nnhatsherr
Krrasssh Magmin Traits
Language barriers are a curse. Not all creatures are capable Your Magmin character will have the following traits.
of Common and very few times will there be a situation Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
where the right person with the right tongue will be in the 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
right place when all becomes necessary. Even now, I am Age. Magmin can live up to 100 years.
unfortunately ill equipped to help this client without the Size. Magmin are burly and stocky, while smaller than a
assistance of one with the Ignan tongue and sometimes I dwarf they often can have the same body type as them.
don’t know if anything I am doing is having any long term Magmin are Small, varying from 3'2 - 4'4 feet tall.
effects. Still I feel connected to this client’s case, even though Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Mrs Krrasssh is from the Plane of Fire and her actions are all Fire Resistance. You have resistance to Fire damage.
driven by id, the circumstances of her case are something I Molten Touch. You may choose if your unarmed attacks
could see myself falling victim to if my life before serving the deal Bludgeoning or Fire damage.
Raven Queen was drastically different. And yet it’s all once Fiery Rebuke. Once per day when you take melee damage,
again because of dragons. as a reaction you can make your blood burst, spewing out
Mrs Krrasssh is a Magmin, a being from realms of lava and magma. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw vs 8
fire, elementals that some arcane users have been known to + Proficiency + your Constitution modifier. On a failure the
summon from time to time. Mrs Krrasssh’s people have lava target takes 2d10 Fire damage + your Proficiency, or half as
literally coursing through their veins, bleeding molten rock if much damage on a successful save. Fiery Rebuke
their skin were to be broken by physical altercation, making automatically occurs to all targets within 5ft of you when you
them akin to living bombs with a chaotic streak. As one can fall unconscious or die.
imagine Magmin in any plane other than the realm of fire Ignite. You can set yourself ablaze and extinguish your
would lead to some catastrophic results, cities burning down, flames as a bonus action, while ignited you can set any
forests turned to ash and all because a wizard did not deem it flammable object on fire with your touch and give off a 10ft of
necessary to return the creatures back to the realm from light centered on you.
whence they came. Being a Kobold, I was asked to assist Languages. Magmin can read, write and speak Common
some folk with translation as this group of adventurers had and Ignan.
been tasked with prying information from a Tiamat cultist
found in the city.

Medusa: Zillah
Medusa Traits
Your Medusa character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Medusa can live up to 150 years.
Size. Medusa are Medium, varying from 4'7 - 5'10 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Medusa have 60ft of Darkvision.
Stealthy. You have proficiency in Stealth.
Snake Hair. Medusa have a bundle of live snakes for hair
which can bite targets that get too close. Choose one of the
following features:
Constrictor. You have a Snake Hair attack that deals 1d6
Piercing damage + Strength. When you successfully hit a
Merfolk: Harbor Arah'oh
target with this attack, as a bonus action you can attempt to Merfolk Traits
grapple the target. On a successful grapple the target is Your Merfolk character will have the following traits.
grappled and restrained, you may only grapple one target this Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
way at a time. 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Venomous. You have a Snake Hair attack that deals 1d4 Age. Merfolk can live up to 300 years.
Poison damage + Strength. Once per long rest as a bonus Size. Merfolk are Medium, varying from 4'2 - 5'6 feet tall.
action if you successfully hit a target with your attack, the Speed. Your base walking speed is 10ft.
target must roll a Constitution vs 8 + Proficiency + Strength, Swim Speed. Merfolk have a swim speed of 40ft.
on failure the target is poisoned. The target must roll a saving Amphibious. Merfolk breathe in both air and water.
throw at the end of it's turn to remove the effect. Aquatic Dweller. You have advantage on Perception,
Petrifying Gaze. Once per long rest you turn your gaze to Stealth and Survival checks while underwater.
a target and attempt to petrify them. Choose any one target Land Shift. As an action you may transform your tail into
you can see within 30ft that is facing you, the target must humanoid legs and vice versa, changing to this form grants
make a Wisdom saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency + Charisma. you 30ft of movement speed. If you are knocked unconscious
On failure the target turns to stone becoming petrified, the or die, your legs revert back to your true form.
target may attempt the saving throw again on the start of it's Aquatic Training. Merfolk are proficient in Spears,
next turn to remove the effect. If you use this feature while Tridents, and Nets. While submerged in water, Merfolk have
facing a reflective surface, you must also roll a Wisdom advantage on melee and spell attack actions.
saving throw. Languages. Merfolk can read, write and speak Common
Languages. Medusa can read, write and speak Common, and Aquan.

Spore Clouds. As an action you can release a cloud of
spores at one target within 5ft of you. The target must make a
Constitution saving throw vs 8 + your proficiency + your
Wisdom, on failure the target is your choice of either
poisoned, stunned, or confused for 1 minute. At the start of
the target's next turn it may roll another Constitution saving
throw to remove the effect. You may use Spore Cloud again
after a long rest. This ability does not affect constructs or
Languages. Myconid can read and write Common and
Undercommon, but you cannot physically speak.

Myconid: Cremine
Myconid Traits Ogre: Jimithy Killsmasher
Your Myconid character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 Being a therapist means my service is at the beck and call of
and your Constitution score increases by 1. my clients should they require my aid, but even I need to
Age. Myconid can live up to 200 years, however this retreat from such work every once and awhile. One such
estimate is inaccurate due to the nature of Myconid biology. retreat saw me on the road to Waterdeep to perhaps see
Size. Myconid can vary in shape and size that best fit its some local art and have a taste of fine foods to refine my
environment and never stop growing even after it's maturity. palette from a roadside town filled with folks in need of
Myconid are either Small or Medium, varying from 3'5 - 7'0 guidance from the Raven Queen and her flock. One night I
feet tall. found a small roadside inn and decided to spend the night,
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft. about to get cozy in my bedding, I awoke to the sounds of
Superior Darkvision. Myconid have 120ft of Darkvision. screaming from outside. But this would not stop me from
Rapport Spores. While you understand languages you having the rest I paid good money for, the inn had guards
cannot physically speak them, however any willing creature surely they could handle the situation... or at least that's what
within 20ft who wishes to communicate with you can I had believed until the wall of my bedroom was torn away by
telepathically hear your voice within their mind. Additionally an Ogre glaring down at me with a furrowed brow armed to
once per long rest, you can use an action to spread these the teeth with weaponry fit for a giant. The Ogre looked
spores onto any willing creature standing within 20ft of you, reassured in knowing that the wall they tore down was too
any creature infested with these spores can now my own and he spoke to me asking if I was the "Medicine
telepathically hear your voice up to 60ft away from you. The Lizard'' he heard about. My profession must have reached the
spores harmlessly fall off the willing target when you take a ears of the wilds considering my usual clientele, I told the
long rest. This ability does not affect constructs or undead. fellow who I was and half way through my introduction he
presented me with a half eaten bovine by throwing it across
my bed.

The Ogre told me how this cow was his favorite pet and that Ogre Traits
a pack of wolves came into his home and now the cow no
longer moves. He claimed that his brain hurts at seeing his Your Ogre character will have the following traits.
cow no longer able to move and I must solve the problem. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
Rather than spend the rest of my vacation trying to explain 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
the intricacies of death to an Ogre of all things I used what Age. Ogre can live up to 200 years.
money I had saved for my trip to purchase components to Size. Ogre are considered Large sized creatures. As a
revive the Ogre's cow to life. The Ogre lowered his face to my Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of space, you have
own and claimed that Jimithy Killsmasher will not forget this proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy keyword and may
before hoisting the cow over his shoulder and trudging off use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to the Huge
into the night. size category. You additionally have disadvantage on
Not wanting to waste a trip I continued to trek to Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting
Waterdeep and found a nearby lodging at a sister church through spaces that are easy for Medium size or smaller
spending most of my trip giving sermons as a guest of honor creatures to fit through.
before swallowing my anger from my poor misfortune and Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
returning home with a clear head. Which is what I would Darkvision. Ogres have 60ft of Darkvision.
have liked to have done, until I received a notice from a raven Bully. You have advantage on Intimidation checks.
claiming that my fellow clergymen back home requested my Additionally you have advantage to saving throws against
immediate return. It appears that an Ogre has been being frightened.
trespassing onto the church's graveyard grounds, dropping Reach. Ogres have an extra 5ft of reach.
bodies of highwaymen and separating the stolen goods from Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee
the corpses and shoving them to the nearest member of the weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice
church before wandering into the hills. one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
critical hit.
Languages. Ogres can speak Common and Giant, but you
cannot read or write them.

Pixie: Barr Beryl Siren: Victoria
Pixie Traits Summerbreeze
Your Pixie character will have the following traits. Obsession and greed lead to hollow gains which lead to
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by corrupt souls, shifted morals in one’s fellow man and in most
2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. cases death. This is no different for those people deemed as
Age. Pixie can live up to 500 years. monsters, my own kind are subject to this stigma whether
Size. While obviously smaller, Pixies can have the same Kobolds attempt to form a civilization all their own or follow
physical appearance of a typical fae humanoid with the the whims of a dragon’s hoard. It is no wonder that this
addition of insect-like wings. Pixies are Small, varying from client's case was a sort of sore spot for myself, one I aim to
2'9 - 3'4 feet tall. see her rise above. Harpies are shrill tormentors, reveling in
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20ft. the destruction of those who hear their song, if not by their
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have own blumbling into danger, then by their own murderous
40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy claws. One finds it is very difficult to see if they could be
armor you have 30ft of unrestricted flight. rehabilitated at all, so when I was told there were Harpies
Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws near the shores of our church, I rushed to the site ready for a
against spells and other magical effects. conflict. What I found was a mob keeping the beast at bay, the
Fae Magic. You inherit the ability to cast a cantrip at birth. first of many flags. There were folks walking away with
Choose one Cantrip from the Druid or Sorcerer's spell lists scores of gold, items and powerful magical artifacts, which
using Charisma as your spellcasting ability. lead to brawls for gold. I instructed our clergy to scatter the
Superior Invisibility. Once per long rest, as an action you people away from the scene only to discover a woman fitting
can magically turn invisible for up to one hour. Maintaining the description of a harpy hovering over the corpse of
invisibility is treated as if you are concentrating on a spell. another, it was not her injuries that stopped her from using
Languages. Pixie can read, write and speak Common and her voice, but instead her wailing and sobbing. She was
Sylvan. mourning the death of the other harpy, beside her was a large
caravan sized sack spilling treasures, torn to shreds and
plundered by the townsfolk.
Sprite PC Variant
Sprites are variants of Pixies who were champions of good and
have an honorable warrior like mentality. If you would rather
play as this version of a Pixie, replace Fey Magic with Heart
Sight and gain Shortbow Training.
Heart Sight. Once per long rest, you may touch a creature
and magically know the creature's current emotional state. The
target must make a Wisdom saving throw vs 8 + proficiency +
Charisma, on failure you learn the creature's alignment and
have advantage on your next attack action made against the
creature. Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the
saving throw.
Shortbow Training. You are proficient in Shortbows.

As my colleagues kept the civilians at bay, I approached the
live Harpy as she cradled the body of the other, she looked at Sphinx: Salima Nefaliv
me dead in the eyes. "The cursed gold claimed my sister's Mrs Nefaliv is not a client per say, however she is my first
soul, the fisherman claimed her life, what more was there to "case" in an odd sort of way. When the Raven Queen returned
take?". I had the scribes take account of the gold, myself and my soul to the Material Plane, one of the first creatures I
some knights ushered the girl back to the church. We encountered wandering through a crypt was Mrs Nefaliv
mended her wounds, gave her food and water and I asked for patrolling through ruined archives and scrolls. Both our
a chance to speak with her. Mrs Summerbreeze explained presences startled one another but before I could retaliate
she and her sister were Sirens. Mrs Summerbreeze’s sister she used some form of magic to engage in being questioned.
had come across a wealth of treasure in their travels that Bound by her spell I was forced to grant her as much
soon turned into a fit of kleptomania, she continuously added information as I was aware of, I would have imagined this
to her hoard making travel difficult and their safety from would be enough for her to let me on my way, but my story
adventurers or prospecting plunderers impossible. For years seemed to tickle her fancy that she toyed with her hold over
she watched her sister devolve to self destruction and she my mind to speak the truth. At long last given a chance to
blamed herself for her sister’s grim demise, believing the only speak my mind I offered her a bet.
way to repent was to covet her sister’s hoard as she did, thus Through her ramblings and jabbing questions I could
repeating the cycle all over again. This shall not stand. deduce that she was very verse in the history and biology of
many creatures throughout the Forgotten Realms, this would
Siren Traits aid the Raven Queen's request of me to locate trinkets and
Your Siren character will have the following traits. mementos of those who she wished to pass judgement upon.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by I offered Mrs Nefaliv a deal, should she be unable to answer a
2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. riddle I could provide her, she would assist me in locating the
Age. Siren can live up to 200 years. Church I was assigned to while also reaping the benefits of
Size. Sirens are Medium, varying from 4'4 - 5'9 feet tall. the grand library on the grounds. Mrs Nefaliv laughed at the
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20ft. very notion that I could stump her in any form of knowledge,
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have but what if the question came in the form of nonsensical
40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy madness? I had asked Mrs Nefaliv the following, "If a
armor you have 30ft of unrestricted flight. crocodile steals a child and promises its return if the father
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on Saving Throws can correctly guess exactly what the crocodile will do, how
against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. should the crocodile respond in the case that the father
Claws. You have a natural talon attack that deals 1d6 guesses that the child will not be returned"? Apparently, Mrs
Slashing. Nefaliv was so invested in her specific studies that she had no
Luring Song. The Siren sings a magical melody. A target way to retort, the look on her face as we flew to the mainland
you can see within 120ft that can hear the song must make a was that of a child having their prized possession taken away
Wisdom saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency + Charisma, on for a time.
failure that target is charmed. The Siren must take a bonus Over the years, I have found myself approaching Mrs
action on its subsequent turns to continue the effect. It can Nefaliv for knowledge regarding the physiology and history
stop singing at any time. The song ends if the Siren is behavior patterns for many of my clients. Mrs Nefaliv has
incapacitated. always found our first encounter a sour spot, but in time we
If the charmed target is more than 5 feet away from the have grown accustomed to each other, she now has a
Siren, the target must move on its turn toward the Siren by permanent home in our majesty's grand library and our
the most direct route, trying to get within 5 feet. It doesn't cooperation is beneficial to her research. In all our years
avoid opportunity attacks, but before moving into damaging working side by side, even if Mrs Nefaliv huffs at the notion, I
terrain such as lava or a pit and whenever it takes damage believe there is a silent understanding that our work had led
from a source other than the Siren, the target can repeat the to a friendship. Hells, I used to jab at her on first interactions
saving throw. A charmed target can also repeat the saving with more friendly jabs of paradoxes. After a few less than
throw at the end of each of its turns. The target may roll it's friendly jabs from her claws, I quickly learned to simply greet
saving throw with advantage if the Siren stops singing. If the her with a modest hello would suffice. The wounds she
saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it. A target that leaves heal slowly, even with the aid of magic.
successfully saves is immune to this Siren's song for the next
24 hours. The Siren may use this ability again after a long
rest, this ability does not work on constructs or undead.
Languages. Siren can read, write and speak Common and

Sphinx Traits Troll: Ruthless Ylva
Your Sphinx character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases Troll Traits
by 2 and your Strength increases by 1. Your Troll character will have the following traits.
Age. Sphinxes can live naturally for centuries; some of the Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
oldest Sphinxes have been documented for living up to 1000 by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
years. Age. Trolls live up to 400 years.
Size. Sphinxes are powerful and possess the physical body Size. Trolls are considered Large sized creatures. As a
of a large lion, male Sphinxes known as Androsphinx have Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of space, you have
more muscle mass compared to females known as proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy keyword and may
Gynosphinx. Sphinx are Medium, varying from 4'5 - 5'12 feet use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to the Huge
tall. size category. You additionally have disadvantage on
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting
True Flight. While only wearing up to light armor you have through spaces that are easy for Medium size or smaller
40ft of unrestricted flight. While wearing Medium or Heavy creatures to fit through.
armor you have 30ft of unrestricted flight. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Font of Knowledge. You are proficient in History. Darkvision. Trolls have 60ft of Darkvision.
Additionally you have advantage on any History checks for Keen Smell. You have advantage on Perception checks
recollecting on world events that have occured for as long as that rely on smell.
you have been alive. Reach. Trolls have an extra 5ft of reach.
Riddle. Your voice is laced with magical properties that Regeneration. Once per long rest, as a bonus action you
demand a verbal result from your target. As an action you may roll up to your proficiency bonus in extra hit die and
engage a question or riddle with one target within 30ft of you regain the result in hit points. If your hit points are at
that understands any language you know, the target must maximum, the result of the hit dice rolls become temporary
make a Wisdom Saving throw vs 8 + proficiency + your hit points. If you are damaged by Fire or Acid damage, you
Intelligence. may not use this ability until you take a long rest.
On failure the target will take 2d6 Psychic damage and Languages. Trolls can read, write and speak Common and
must answer the riddle or question truthfully to the best of its Giant.
ability. If the damage drops the target to 0 hit points, the
target will always answer the riddle or question before falling
unconscious, on success the target only takes half damage.
The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level,
and 5d6 at 16th level. You may use Riddle up to your
proficiency bonus per long rest, this effect does not work on
constructs or undead.
Languages. Sphinxes can read, write and speak Common
and any one other language of your choice.

Verbeeg: Roisin

efore setting out on this case, I was given time Verbeeg Traits
to study the findings on Verbeegs in some of the
church’s beastiarys. Creatures shunned by their Your Verbeeg character will have the following traits.
more dim-witted kinsmen the Hill Giants, Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
bullied for their sub part intelligence which in 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
actuality was more an act to lead their Age. Verbeeg can live up to 150 years.
aggressors into a false sense of security. Size. Verbeeg are considered Large sized creatures. As a
Though it seems my client’s tormentors were not given the Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of space, you have
memo on that last bit of knowledge. The Raven Queen had proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy keyword and may
collected souls of three Shifter victims out near some use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to the Huge
meadows where there have been no activities of giants in the size category. You additionally have disadvantage on
past, she had judged their souls finding their deaths were a Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting
just reward for tormenting another, in this case being the through spaces that are easy for Medium size or smaller
Verbeeg itself. creatures to fit through.
While justice was served the damage lingered on, I Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft.
approached the Verbeeg imploring them that if I was to bring Deceiving. You have advantage to all Deception checks
them harm they would have been able to kill me without any while pretending to downplay your intelligence as a Giant.
hesitation. As bitter as it was to use my size in such a Your first attack on a creature that fails this Deception check
negative light to grovel, cower and beg my way to get close, it is made with advantage.
was a necessary evil. Mrs Roisin as she called herself was a Naturalist. You have proficiency in Handle Animal and
hard working farmer, tending a herd of mammoths, one day Survival.
one of her prized mammoths fell ill and even with her druidic Simplistic Weapon Wielder. While wielding a simple
magics she could not cure the sickness. Three Shifters melee weapon, your weapon deals one extra die of damage.
masquerading as farmers came before her and offered Languages. Verbeeg can read, write and speak Common
assistance in curing the blight under one condition. She and Giant.
would have to allow them to borrow the mammoth to bring to
their barn as a precaution to not let the contamination spread
to her other mammoths. Being a trusting sort and not
wanting to see her beloved mammoth die in agony she
agreed, however her love for the beast roused her from her
slumber the next night and she went to the Shifter’s farm to
check on the proceedings. Only to her dismay, she found her
mammoth was not only dead but being prepped for meat
trade. One can use their imagination as to what happened
next, but of course most folk would not stop to think of the
reason for such massacre, merely they would ask a band of
adventurers to take up their arms and break the circle rather
than close it properly with deduction and care.
It was a long and methodical round of sessions and care to
cover for the poor lass, I had to spend a large portion of the
church’s wealth for local officials to look the other way. The
common folk seemed to entertain the idea that an owlbear
attack was the main cause of lost life. This also aided in
building trust, as Mrs Roisin liked to claim this a situation of
“The wee folk looking after each other”. As much as my
occupation can be somewhat of a headache at times, I shall
always look back to this case and be proud in not only
bringing justice, but peace back to a victim’s soul, I’m sure the
Raven Queen will make note of such joy when Mrs Roisin’s
time finally comes.

Yuan-Ti Abomination: Lady Cayotl
Yuan-Ti Abomination Traits
Your Yuan-Ti Abomination character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 2 and your Charisma increases by 1.
Age. Yuan-Ti Abomination can live up to 150 years.
Size. Yuan-Ti Abomination can be considered Medium or Large sized creatures. As a Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft
of space, you have proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy keyword, you may use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to
the Huge size category. You also have disadvantage on Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting through
spaces that are easy for Medium size or smaller creatures to fit through.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40ft.
Darkvision. Yuan-Ti Abomination have 60ft of Darkvision.
Bite. You have a natural Bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing damage + Strength.
Constrict. You have a natural Constrict attack that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning + Strength. If you successfully hit a target with this
attack, the target is grappled and restrained. You may only constrict one target at a time and your speed is reduced to 0 while
constricting the target. Your tail can act as a free hand to grab and hold items.
Commanding Magic. Starting at 3rd level you can cast the spell Command using Charisma as your spellcasting once per long
rest. Starting at 5th level you can cast the spell Dominate Person using Charisma as your spellcasting once per long rest.
Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Languages. Yuan-Ti Abomination can read, write and speak Common, Draconic and Abyssal. Additionally Yuan-Ti Abomination
can speak with and understand snakes.

New Half Races

often find myself taking in clients who have a mixed heritage of offbeat unions. Sure there are those like Half-Orcs and Half-Elves
who wrestle with their heritages within certain ethnic groups, but these poor souls are generally frowned upon in any
society, even by the races that gave them life. Clients of this nature often share a similar story of finding acceptance from
their parents or their overall community, so rather than handpick individuals I have taken to writing down common traits
I've experienced while assisting them in sessions.

Half-Gnoll Traits
Your Half-Gnoll character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and you may increase any other Ability Score by 1.
Age. Half-Gnoll can live up to 100 years.
Size. Half-Gnoll are Medium, varying from 4'4 - 6'8 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Half-Gnoll have 30ft of Darkvision.
Bite. You have a natural bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing damage + Strength.
Rampage. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus action to move up
to half your speed and make a bite attack.
Feral Run. You may use a bonus action to take the Dash Action.
Languages. Half-Gnoll can read, write and speak Common and Abyssal.
Half-Ogre Traits
Your Half-Ogre character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and you may increase any other Ability Score by 1.
Age. Half-Ogre can live up to 100 years.
Size. Half-Ogre are Medium or Large. As a Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of space, you have proficiency in any
weapon with the Heavy keyword and may use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to the Huge size category. You
additionally have disadvantage on Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting through spaces that are easy for
Medium size or smaller creatures to fit through.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Half-Ogre have 30ft of Darkvision.
Bully. You have advantage on Intimidation checks. Additionally you have advantage to saving throws against being frightened.
Natural Armor. You have a thick layer of skin, you use 12 + Dexterity when calculating your armor class.
Languages. Half-Ogre can read, write and speak Common and Giant.
Yuan-Ti Halfblood Traits
Your Yuan-Ti Halfblood character will have the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and you may increase any other Ability Score by 1.
Age. Yuan-Ti Halfblood can live up to 200 years.
Size. Yuan-Ti Halfblood are Medium, varying from 4'5 - 6'0 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Yuan-Ti Halfblood have 30ft of Darkvision.
Natural Attack. Choose one of the following natural attacks at character creation; Bite or Tail.
Bite. You have a natural Bite attack that deals 1d6 Piercing damage + Strength.
Tail. You have a natural Tail attack that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning + Strength. Your tail can act as a free hand to grab and hold
Magic Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Languages. Yuan-Ti Halfblood can read, write and speak Common and Draconic. Additionally Yuan-Ti Halfblood can speak
with and understand snakes.

New Lineages Constructed Traits
At 1st level if you choose a lineage, you might have once been Your Constructed character will have the following traits.
a member of another race, but you aren’t any longer. You now Creature Type. You are a Construct.
possess only your lineage’s racial traits. When you create a Size. You are Large, Medium or Small. You choose the size
character using a lineage option here, follow these additional when you gain this lineage.
rules during character creation. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Blindsense. Constructed have 30ft of Blindsense.
Reset. You do not require food, water or need to breathe
Ability Score Increases but can participate in doing any of these actions and you
When determining your ability scores, you increase one of require only six hours to gain the benefits of a long rest.
those scores by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or you Natural Armor. Your body is composed of thick metal
increase three different scores by 1. You follow this rule plating, you use 12 + Dexterity when calculating your armor
regardless of the method you use to determine the scores, class.
such as rolling or point buy. Terminator. You have advantage to Strength and
Constitution saving throws. Additionally your unarmed
Languages attacks now deal 1d8 Bludgeoning damage.
Inhibitor. At character creation you may choose to resist
Your character can speak, read, and write Common and one one damage typing from the following; Fire, Cold, Lightning,
other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for Thunder, Force.
the character. The Player’s Handbook offers a list of
widespread languages to choose from. The DM is free to add Large Lineage
or remove languages from that list for a particular campaign.
If you are replacing your race with a lineage, you retain any If you wish to use a lineage for a character who was a Large
languages you had and gain no new languages. size creature, use the following feature;
Size. As a Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of
Creature Type space, you have proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy
Every creature in D&D, including every player character, has keyword, you may use Athletic based skill checks against
a special tag in the rules that identifies the type of creature targets up to the Huge size category. You also have
they are. Most player characters are of the Humanoid type. A disadvantage on Dexterity checks that require the use of small
race option presented here tells you what your character’s tools and fitting through spaces that are easy for Medium size
creature type is. or smaller creatures to fit through.

Ceremorphed Traits
Your Ceremorphed character will have the following traits.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
Size. You are Large, Medium or Small. You choose the size
when you gain this lineage.
Darkvision. Ceremorphed have 60ft of Darkvision.
Tentacles. You have a natural tentacle attack that deals
1d6 + Strength Bludgeoning damage. As a bonus action on a
successful hit of a humanoid target you may attempt to
grapple the target. A grappled target takes your tentacle
attack damage at the start of your turn.
Minor Telepathy. You can speak telepathically to any
willing creature within 30ft of you as an action, however the
target is unable to telepathically reply back to you.
Pisonics. You gain the cantrip Mind Sliver. Beginning at
3rd level, you can cast the spell Detect Thoughts once per
long rest without the need for components. Both spells use
Intelligence for spellcasting.

Ghost Traits
Your Ghost character will have the following traits.
Creature Type. You are an Undead.
Size. You are Large, Medium or Small. You choose the size when you gain this lineage.
Float. You gain a 30ft flight speed, while on the ground you hover but are still susceptible to being knocked prone.
Darkvision. Ghosts have 60ft of Darkvision.
Phantom. You do not require food, water or need to breathe but can participate in doing any of these actions and you require
only six hours to gain the benefits of a long rest. Additionally as an action you can hide within a willing creature, while doing so
you may only see through the creature's eyes, telepathically communicate with them and grant the creature 30ft of flight. When the
target takes damage or you choose to leave, you appear 5ft next to the creature.
Incorporeal Movement. You can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, you cannot pass
through solid walls. You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing, however all equipment and items
you are carrying that cannot fit through the space are left behind.
Possession. Once per long rest you can attempt to possess the body of a humanoid, construct or object. As a bonus action if you
end your movement inside a space occupied by a target, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency +
Charisma. On success you are shoved 5ft away from the target in any direction. On failure the target becomes possessed by the
Ghost, the Ghost disappears into the body of the possessed target. If the target is inanimate you automatically succeed.
The target becomes incapacitated, loses control of it's body and is unaware of it's surroundings. If the target is an inanimate
object, the ghost treats this target as if it was using the Animate Object spell, when the object is destroyed the Ghost appears 5ft
away from the object. The Ghost cannot be targeted by any attack, spell or other effect and retains it's Intelligence, Wisdom,
Charisma and proficiency scores while possessing a target. While possessing a humanoid target the Ghost can make use of the
target's statistics and racial features but not the target's knowledge, class features and proficiency.
The possession lasts until the possessed target drops to 0 hit points or the Ghost uses an action to end the possession. A
possessed humanoid target may repeat it's saving throw every 8 hours to end the possession. When possession ends, the target is
stunned until the end of it's next turn and the Ghost appears in an unoccupied space within 5ft of the target. If the host living
humanoid body dies while the Ghost is possessing it, the Ghost dies as well.
Skeleton Traits Zombie Traits
Your Skeleton character will have the following traits. Your Zombie character will have the following traits.
Creature Type. You are an Undead. Creature Type. You are an Undead.
Size. You are Large, Medium or Small. You choose the size Size. You are Large, Medium or Small. You choose the size
when you gain this lineage. when you gain this lineage.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft. Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft.
Darkvision. Skeletons have 60ft of Darkvision. Darkvision. Zombies have 60ft of Darkvision.
Undead. You do not require food, water or need to breathe Undead. You do not require food, water or need to breathe
but can participate in doing any of these actions and you but can participate in doing any of these actions and you
require only six hours to gain the benefits of a long rest. require only six hours to gain the benefits of a long rest.
Corpse. You have advantage on Deception checks while Necrotic Life. You do not take damage from Necrotic
attempting to disguise yourself as a lifeless corpse. damage. Once per long rest as a reaction to taking Necrotic
Death March. Once per long rest, when you reach 0 hit damage, you instead gain hit points equal to half the damage
points, you do not fall unconscious or make death saving dealt to you rounded up. Additionally you resist Bludgeoning
throws, accruing damage that would kill you still does so. damage.
Until you restore hit points above 0, you move at half speed Undead Fortitude. Up to your proficiency times per long
and all rolls and saves are done so with disadvantage. When rest, if damage reduces you to 0 hit points you must make a
your hit points are restored above 0 after using Death March, Constitution saving throw vs the damage received. On a
this feature does not work again until after you take a long success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. You may not
rest. use this feature if the damage received was Radiant or from a
critical hit.

New Subraces
The following subraces are made to be additional subrace options for Elf. In addition to the subraces offered in the Player's
Handbook, you may choose any of the subraces that apply to their specific race listed below.

Elf Subrace:
Drider Traits
Your Drider Elf character will have the following features.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 1.
Spider Climb. Drider have a climb speed of 35ft that is
under the effects of Spider Climb.
Bite. You have a natural bite attack that deals 1d6 Poison
damage + Strength modifier damage.
Web Shot. You can cast the spell Web once per long rest
using your Constitution for spellcasting without the need for
components. You ignore all movement restrictions within any
webbing. While within the webbing you know the exact
location of any creature that ends it's movement within the
Up to your proficiency times per long rest as an action you
can shoot a ball of web at a target, this may act as a ranged
weapon with 10/30ft of range. The target must make a
Dexterity save vs 8 + Proficiency + your Strength modifier, on
failure the target is restrained.
Additional Language. The Drider speak, read and
understand Undercommon.

Lamia Traits
Your Lamia Elf character will have the following features.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 1.
Additional Language. The Lamia speak, read and
understand Draconic.
Bite. Lamia have long sharp fangs that can easily puncture
through flesh. Lamia has a natural bite attack that deals 1d4
Piercing + your Strength modifier.
Constrict. A Lamia's long tail is strong and prehensile
enough to grasp at targets, restraining them in place. Lamia
has a natural constrict attack that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning +
your Strength modifier. If you successfully hit a target with
this attack, the target is grappled and restrained. You may
only constrict one target at a time and your speed is reduced
to 0 while constricting the target. Your tail can act as a free
hand to grab and hold items.
Additional Languages. Yuan-Ti Abomination can read,
write and speak Draconic and additionally can speak with
and understand snakes.

Cecaelia Traits
Your Cecaelia Elf character will have the following features. Additional Racial Feature
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score
1. Improvement feature. You can forgo taking that feature to
Swim Speed. Cecaelia has a swim speed of 40ft. take a feat of your choice instead. You must meet any
Amphibious. Cecaelia can breathe both while underwater prerequisite specified in a feat to take that feat.
and while on the surface.
Tentacle. You have a natural Tentacle attack that deals 1d6 Enlarge
Bludgeoning + your Strength modifier. If you successfully hit (Prerequisite: Any Medium Sized Player Race)
a target with this attack, you may use a bonus action to Your character's size is much larger to the rest of their
grapple the target with advantage but requires two free race's natural height and mass, you now count as a Large size
tentacles to do so. You may only grapple one target at a time. creature.
While underwater, you move at your full swim speed while As a Large size creature you take up 10ftx10ft of space,
grappling a creature and the creature has disadvantage to you have proficiency in any weapon with the Heavy keyword
escape the grapple. While grappling a creature with your and may use Athletic based skill checks against targets up to
tentacles, the target takes damage at the start of its turn. the Huge size category. You additionally have disadvantage on
Grasping Tentacles. Your tentacles can act as free hands Dexterity checks that require the use of small tools and fitting
to grab and hold items, as long as two of your eight tentacles through spaces that are easy for Medium size or smaller
are unrestrained you can cast spells that require semantic creatures to fit through. Additionally you may choose to add
components. Your tentacles may hold objects and wield +1 to your Strength or Constitution.
weapons with the Light property, however if four of your eight
tentacles are holding objects your movement speed is
reduced to 0 on land and 20 while underwater.
Additional Language. The Cecaelia speak, read and
understand Aquan.

Effortless Rage
Path of the Titanoboa Weight means nothing to you while holding objects in your
The Titanoboa is a primordial serpent so massive and hand, this also includes the targets of your rage. Beginning at
powerful that it had the strength to topple and devour giants 10th level, while you are raging you can freely Move or Dash
effortlessly. It does so by constricting and strangling the life Action while holding a target in your grapple.
out of any that was unfortunate enough to be preyed upon by While you are raging, you can also use grappled enemies
it. Some jungle dwelling barbarian tribes have learned to as weapons, depending on the grappled target being used as
adapt to survive encounters with such creatures by gaining a weapons size you can deal damage as shown on the Enemy
physical mass to rival the creature's own might or have Weapon Damage Table. Any damage dealt on a successful
learned from hunting the great reptiles the best weak spots to hit applies to both the target and the target being used as a
wrestle their quarry into submission with terrifying and weapon. Grappled targeted can also be used as throwing
insurmountable strength. To face a warrior with such weapons as shown on the Enemy Weapon Damage Table.
strength and titanic strength up close is practically offering After a target is thrown it is knocked prone. Slamming a
yourself to a Titanoboa in sacrifice. grappled target against a wall or the ground counts as
dealing damage from the Enemy Weapon Damage Table to
Titanogrowth the grappled target.
Your rage taps into a primal fury that expands your body size. Enemy Weapon Damage Table
At 3rd level when you rage, as a bonus action you can Throwing
undergo the effects of enlargement from the Enlarge/Reduce Enemy Size Damage Dealt Range
Spell without the use of components needed to cast. You do Small 1d8 Bludgeoning + Strength 30/120
not need to follow the concentration condition while under Modifier
the effects of Titanogrowth. When your rage ends you return Medium 2d8 Bludgeoning + Strength 30/120
to your normal size. Modifier
Large 3d8 Bludgeoning + Strength 20/60
Super Strength Modifier
Also at 3rd level, you count as a Large size creature when Huge 4d8 Bludgeoning + Strength 20/60
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can Modifier
push, drag, or lift. Gargantuan 5d8 Bludgeoning + Strength 10/30
You possess a death grip and can hold most targets Death Grip
effortlessly in your hand alone. At 6th level, you can grapple a Desensitized by your blinding rage, no target is too big for
target with a free hand rather than requiring both hands to you to grapple. Starting at 14th, while you are raging you
grapple. possess the capability to grapple targets up to two times your
On a successful grapple you can strangle your grappled current size category. On your target's turn you can spend a
victim applying 1d8 Bludgeoning damage + Strength reaction to impose disadvantage on the target to escape your
Modifier + Half your Barbarian level Rounded Down at the grapple.
end of your turn. While raging you now have the ability to Also while raging, if a target Large or smaller does not
grapple up to two targets as part of the same action so long break free from your grapple they begin to suffocate.
as you have free hands available. If you are grappling two Suffocation does not apply to Constructs, Undead, or Plants.
targets at the end of your turn you can use a bonus action to
roll damage separately for each target.
If you are grappling one target and have another free hand
at the end of your turn you can use both hands to strangle the
target dealing 2d8 Bludgeoning + Strength modifier + Half The Serpent Scrolls
your Barbarian Level rounded down. This archetype was created for the Serpent Scrolls
which is another book that grants the player more
snake-like player options. Options like a setting
neutral Naga race and subraces, snake themed
subraces for Gnomes, Elves and Aasimar, additional
features and archetypes. If this sounds interesting I
highly recommend picking up a copy. For more
magical and outlandish Naga subraces there is also
the Serpent Supplement.

Arcane Motions
College of Dance Starting at 6th level, you learn two spells of your choice from
All bard colleges have a creed to give their students a form of any class. A spell you choose must be of a level you can cast,
expression before they venture out into the world. For some it as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip. The chosen spells
is the power of the verbose words, for others it is the grace of count as bard spells for you but don’t count against the
a sword's swing, or dark and cruel whispers. The College of number of bard spells you know. Any spells you know and
Dance is dedicated to the art of body language as it's form of learn can be cast through your dancing and no longer require
expression, shaping and guiding followers of the craft to verbal components to cast.
convey their verses through intricate dances. Words are not
needed here, if a dancer can't grant their viewer insight Dancing Through Danger
through their swaying bodies and agile grace then clearly
they have not taken the college's teachings to heart. A grand At 14th level you gain the ability to enthrall or taunt your
tale or an insightful hymn needs only an audience willing to target to focus upon you in the heat of battle. You may expend
watch and some students of the dance lend their bodies to an Inspiration die to perform an eye catching dance to the
adventurers to inspire them in the heat of the moment, or to amount of targets from the number result of the Inspiration
intimidate their foes with arcane might woven within a die within 60ft. All targets you choose must make a Wisdom
rhythmic stride. saving throw vs 8 + Proficiency + your Charisma modifier. On
failure they are compelled to strike at you and you alone. The
Freedom of Expression target must spend its move action moving towards you and
take an attack action if capable. The target will continue to
At 3rd level, you enter the College of Dance knowing that it attempt to attack you with disadvantage until they are able to
heavily requires the use of body language. As such you are successfully attack you once. Once the target successfully
unable to obtain any benefits from feats that grant the hits you, it is no longer compelled to focus it's attacks on you
elimination of needing somatic components for spellcasting. for the rest of its turn. On a successful save the target must
However you are still able to obtain any other benefits from a spend it's full action moving towards you on it's turn.
feature if it grants any. For example, you may gain all the
benefits from War Caster, except eliminating the need for
somatic components.
Swaying Motions
Beginning at 3rd level, while wearing up to Light Armor you
may use your Charisma modifier in place of your Dexterity
modifier to calculate your AC.
Bonus Proficiencies
Also at third level you gain proficiency with shields and the
Showing Inspiration
Upon entering the College of Dance at 3rd level, you are
taught an exotic dance to inspire your allies to rhythmically
sway away from incoming attacks. A creature that has Bardic
Inspiration die from you can roll that die to add the number
rolled to their AC on reaction against an incoming attack. If
the attack still succeeds they may use the number rolled from
the Inspiration die to reduce damage received by the attack. A
creature can gain Inspiration from you so long as you are 60ft
in their line of sight.

Hit and Run
Worg Master Conclave Beginning at 11th level, your Worg has perfected the art of hit
Worgs are massive canine beasts often commanded by and run tactics to exhaust its prey before swooping in for the
Goblinoid beast tamers as mounts and guardians of their kill. When your Warg successfully hits a target with it's bite
domain. In the wild, Worgs possess a sinister and malicious attack, it can move away from it's target without invoking an
intelligence to their tactics, working together as a unit and attack of opportunity from any hostile creature within 20ft of
employing hit and run tactics picking off weaker stragglers. it's bitten target. Additionally if it successfully knocks it's
Once Worgs have staggered and exhausted their prey to a target prone, as a bonus action it can drag the prone target
grinding halt and feel safe in knowing their prey can no with it for the remainder of it's movement action dropping the
longer defend itself, will they finally go for the kill. Some prone target within any space 5ft adjacent to it.
rangers and druids believe that if the Goblinoid races can
tame these savage monsters with mild to moderate success, One With the Pack
then surely they could do a far better job. As it turns out any Starting at 17th level, as an action you can transform into a
other races attempting to domesticate Worgs to their side Worg and back to your original form at will. While in this
yields the same hazardous results and those who can achieve form your hit points are the same as your Worg's, your bite
such a task may find themselves becoming lost in the Worg attack deals magical 5d6 Piercing damage with finesse, you
pack mentality. gain advantage to your attack actions while within 5ft of your
allies and you also gain your Worg's Hit and Run feature. If
Bonus Proficiency you lose all of your HP while in Worg form you return to your
At 3rd level, you can speak, read and understand Goblin and normal form and are knocked prone, you may be able to
Worg. Additionally you gain the Mounted Combatant feature. transform into a Worg at will up to your proficiency times per
long rest.
Worg Companion
At 3rd level you gain a Worg companion. Your Worg is a large
sized creature that follows the same bite attack action
features from the Monster Manual, however your Worg
shares the same stats as yourself, it's HP is half your
maximum and is capable of speaking Common in addition to
Goblin and Worg. Your Worg will only commune to you,
considering you as its Alpha, unless the Worg has grown
accustomed to your companions in a time span the DM
deems appropriate, the Worg will act hostile twords anyone
else who is not you, treating your allies as Beta pack
In combat, when rolling for initiative, you can choose to roll
for your Worg's initiative, or choose to have your Worg act
before or after your turn within the initiative order. Your Worg
follows your orders through grunts and bark-like verbal
commands which are spoken in Worg freely, allowing the
Worg to have it's own Movement, Action, Bonus Action and
Reaction on its turn. You can spend a bonus action to mount
or dismount your Worg, while mounted your movement is
reduced to 0 and you move only when your Worg makes a
Movement action. Your Worg gains advantage on all attack
rolls against it's target while within 5ft of you. Your Worg is
capable of holding and using any one handed simple melee
weapon in it's maw for it's attack action, while doing so it is
incapable of speaking. If your Worg is killed, you can spend 8
hours casting a ritual spell to return them from the dead.
Worg Magic
Beginning at 7th level, your Worg's bite attack is now
considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
and immunity to non magical attacks and damage.
Additionally your Worg is capable of casting any spell from
your spell list that has verbal and material components. Any
spells cast by your Worg use your spell slots and materials,
even if the Worg does not possess the materials on its person.

The Great Cold
The Great Cold is a being tucked deep in the clouds atop the highest mountains that none dare to climb. Where Ice Giants walk
and where Griffons soar through the murky clouds, lives a being said to be the sole embodiment of frost, but these are tales spun
to give the masses a fantasy to explain what lurks in the sub zero winds above the atmosphere. In actuality, none know what the
Great Cold looks like, though if near one's death bed or seekers of the mountain's power are visited by Snowy Owls, chances are
they are within his domain. It is here that one will either bargain their lives from a frozen tomb or offer service to the Lord of The
Mountain's Bite through his trusted voice, the snowy owls. To gain favor and power with the Great Cold one must spread his
influence across the land where his winds cannot reach, to spread cold and let his messenger owls survey the unknown.
Expanded Spell List Layer of Ice
The Great Cold patron lets you choose from an expanded list Starting at 6th level you are resistant to cold damage. Once
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells per day you can create a layer of ice upon you or an ally's
are added to the warlock spell list for you. flesh as a sort of natural armor. As a bonus action you can
add your Charisma modifier to yourself or an ally you can see
Great Cold Expanded Spells within 60 feet's AC for one minute. Any ally while under the
Spell Level Spells effects of Layer of Ice has resistance to Cold damage if they
1st Ice Knife, Shield
did not have so already. Once you use this feature you can't
use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Additionally
2nd Blur, Hold Person moving through non magical cold environments no longer
3rd Slow, Wind Wall acts as difficult terrain for you.
4th Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm
5th Cone of Cold, Hold Monster
Starting at 10th level, if you successfully hit with a weapon or
ranged spell attack, as a reaction you can transform the
Crippling Cold damage dealt into Cold damage. You can use this feature any
Starting at 1st level, any time you hit a target with an attack number of times equal to your Charisma modifier + Half your
that deals cold damage, you add your Charisma modifier + Warlock level rounded up. You regain all of Frostbite's usages
your Warlock level to the damage dealt. after a long rest.
Spectral Owl Ice Prison
Also starting at level 1, your patron provides you with your Beginning at 14th level, you can apply the Great Cold's own
own "Messenger": a spectral snowy owl. This owl is an frozen breath within the air around your enemies to freeze
incorporeal entity that only you can see, no matter where you them in place. Choose a target you can see within 60 feet, the
are the owl will follow you or be within your field of vision so target must make a Constitution saving throw vs your Spell
long as you are a Warlock of the Great Cold. Your owl does Save DC. On failure the target takes 10d10 Cold damage and
not attack on your behalf, nor is it able to deal or receive its body is restrained in ice for a number of rounds equal to
damage from external sources, the owl no longer exists once your Charisma modifier. While restrained all attacks made to
the Warlock is killed. Your owl can speak to you telepathically the frozen enemy are made with advantage. On success the
in any language that you know, mimicking your voice. If it target only takes 10d10 Cold damage. You may use this
deems necessary for your survival, it will appear within one of feature again after a long rest.
your ally's vision and telepathically speak to them so long as
they are within 120ft from you. Once you are safe it will leave
your ally's sight and return to your own.
Once per day you can see through your spectral owl's eyes
for up to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier
minutes. Your spectral owl may only fly 120ft away from you
before it fades away and returns beside you, the owl cannot
pass through walls, through your owl's eyes you have 60ft of
Darkvision. Your sight returns to your body if your owl flies
too far away, if you are physically moved while looking
through your owl's eyes, or you choose to end the ability. You
may use this ability again after a short or long rest.

Art Credits
Cover, 13, 16, 25, 33 19
Stacey Lenaghan Nisnow

ToC 21
Oakthorn RasilaTommi

1 23, 28, 30
Christopher Zito Nut Case

2 27
Junkbot LN-Beep

3, 6 Page 29
Caitlin Cox MrNohbody

4, 12, 16 31
summerbeetles Rachel Maduro

5, 22
Craig Munro
7, 19
Mocking Moth Editing
Brian Olvera
8, 14
Jason "VexVersion" Mitchell
Drako Everingot Almanac
10, 21 Patreon
Noelle Smialkowski
13, 17
15, 17
Ashley Palmer
Marlowe Byrne


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