Chimera by DM Tuz
Chimera by DM Tuz
Chimera by DM Tuz
Chimera Traits
As a Chimera, you possess innate traits and capabilities.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2
and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different
ability scores by 1.
Age. Chimeras typically reach maturity at 18 years of age
and can live up to 100 to 300 years.
Size. Chimera’s sizes can range widely from species to
Artwork by Dansome & QueenChikkibug
species. Typically they are between 5 and 7 feet tall. Your
size is Medium.
Creature Type. Your creature type is monstrosity.
DM Tuz Note: Um, Actually... Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
I am aware that none of the kinds of Chimera listed Languages. You can speak, read, and write two languag-
in this entry are related or part of a greater family, so es of your choice. One of them typically is Common.
grouping them under one race is not technically accu- Adaptable. You are proficient in a skill of your choice.
rate. The following races are considered to be grouped Subraces. Choose one of the following subraces: Chime-
together based on common traits rather than relation. ra, Manticore, Scylla, and Urstrix.
You are welcome to distinguish the different Chimeras
as full races in their own right.
Most common and source of the namesake of Chimera, the
Chimeras were the first ever recorded hybrids and generally
considered the prime representation of their people. Being a
mix of creature and humanoid, they usually have some traits
seen as beasts of the land and also hold the strength of them.
In one way or another, most Chimeras feature dracon-
ic traits. It is well known that dragons are highly adaptive
creatures and so their offspring would share the same. This
fact causes some to believe that it is because of their dracon-
ic heritage that they exist at all, with their draconic essence
serving as a bond for each of their bestial traits.
They can be found in pretty much any part of the world,
no one environment being a preference or determent for
them. Though the most common of their kind, they are still
quite rare in the grand scheme of the world, at most found
in small groups rather than large communities of
their kind. Most travel and live alone from their
own kind, other vagabonds traveling the world
looking for a home or a purpose.
Natural Weapons. You can have a va-
riety of natural weapons. When you create
your character you can choose to have one
natural weapon you can use to make un-
armed strikes (such as claws, horns, etc.). If
you hit with your natural weapon you deal
damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength, or Dex-
terity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning dam-
age normal for an unarmed strike. The damage type
can be bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, de-
pending on the nature of your unarmed weapon.
Mobile Adaptation. When you create your character
you can choose one of the following:
• Your movement speed is increased by 5 ft.
• You have a climbing speed equal to your movement
• You have a swimming speed equal to your movement
• You can move unhindered through a type of difficult
terrain of your choice; ice and similarly slippery surfac-
es, plants and other overgrown terrain, rocky and sim- Manticore
ilarly uneven terrain, swamps and other watery terrain. Artwork by Dansome
Draconic Breath. Once per turn as a Bonus Action you & QueenChikkibug
can exhale your draconic breath, or when you take the At-
tack action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks
with your draconic breath. Each creature in that area must
make a saving throw. The DC is equal to 8 + your Constitu-
tion modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the
creature takes damage of your chosen damage type and half
as much on a successful one. When you create your charac- Your breath attack deals an amount of damage equal to
ter you choose which type of damage your draconic breath your proficiency modifier x d6 (for example it deals 2d6
deals and the chosen damage type determines its area of ef- damage at level 3, and 4d6 at level 9).
fect and required saving throw. You can use your breath an amount of times equal to your
Damage Type Area Save proficiency modifier before you have to finish a long rest to
Acid 30 by 5 ft. line Dexterity use it again.
Cold 15 ft. cone Constitution
Fire 15 ft. cone Dexterity
Lightning 30 by 5 ft. line Dexterity
Poison 15 ft. cone Constitution
Thunder 15 ft. cone Constitution
Though once thought to be just a minor varia-
tion of the Chimeras, Manticores have become
their own people as they carry their own
unique variation. The common traits be-
tween them being having wings across
their back and a tail carrying deadly
spines. Some Manticores have leath-
ery wings that can glide them across the
winds, while other wings are little more
than carriers for spines and others may have
only vestigial wings. As their most recogniz-
able trait aside from their tails, the Manti-
cores feature pointed spines, some individ-
uals grow these across their entire back if
not entire body, while others have them ex-
clusively at the tips of their powerful tails.
All Manticores have the natural ability to
launch their spines at their foes with
precision from their tails, some acci-
dently so when startled.
As natural climbers thanks to their claws and
using their spines as weapons as well as tools for
survival, many Manticores can be found carv-
ing their own home out of wildlands. Having
a natural weapon to defend themselves against
the dangerous beasts, building bastions for
their people. Most commonly these environ-
ments are in mountainous areas, far from
other communities and civilizations. Even
when there are communities close by, they
choose to remain isolated, choosing solitude
on their own terms.
Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can
use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal
slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity
modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an
unarmed strike. Additionally your claws grant you a Climb-
ing Speed equal to your Movement Speed, provided you can
use both of your hands to climb.
Spines. Your body and the tip of your tail is covered in
spines, which you can use to make ranged attacks. They
have a range of 30 ft. close range and 60 ft. long range.
When you attack you can choose whether you use Strength
or Dexterity for your attack roll for the ranged attack. If you
hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier. The range of your spines in- Artwork by Dansome & QueenChikkibug
creases to 60 ft. close range and 120 ft. long range and their
damage increases to 1d6 when you reach level 9.
Additionally, when you start your turn and are grappled Dexterity, or Constitution modifier. You can use this action
by a creature, you can choose to deal damage with your an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus before
spines to the grappling creature (or whatever limb it uses to you have to finish a long rest before you can do so again.
grapple you with). The range of your spine barrage increases to 60 ft., its
radius increases to 10 ft., and its damage increases to 3d6
Spine Barrage. With a flick of your tail you can send out
when you reach level 9, and its damage increases again to
a deadly barrage of spines at your enemies. As an action you
5d6 when you reach level 13.
shoot spines in a 5 ft. radius centered on a point within 30 ft.
of yourself. Each creature within the area must make a Dex-
terity saving throw, taking 2d6 piercing damage on a failed
save and half as much on a successful one. The saving throw
is equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Strength,
Scylla Vortex. As an action you can conjure a magical 10-by-10
ft. vortex centered on a point within 60 ft. of you. The area
Very unique with a veil of myth surrounding them, Scyl- is difficult terrain and any creature that starts its turn in it or
las are aquatic based Chimera that are believed by many to enters the area for the first time during its turn must succeed
have been the creation of ocean deities. Though there is no a Strength saving throw or be pulled 5 ft. towards the cen-
definite proof of divine heritage, their natural ability to con- ter of the vortex. The DC of the saving throw is equal to 8
trol and manipulate water gives some credence. Most Scylla + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier + your
embrace the idea of their divine blood, lending many outsid- proficiency bonus. You are immune to the effect of your
ers to view them as far more trustworthy and accepted than own Vortex and don’t treat it’s area as difficult terrain. The
other Chimera species. This has led to many people looking area lasts until the end of your next turn unless you use an
to Scyllas for divine guidance or as oracles, though not many action to extend its duration for an additional round. If you
actually have such a connection to the gods. conjure this vortex in a body of water the vortex affects a 10-
Being a combination of humanoid, aquatic, and beast traits, by-10 ft. cube instead. You can conjure this vortex amount
they are equally likely to have natural legs, tentacles, or fins of times equal to an amount of your proficiency bonus be-
to traverse with. This allows them to travel land and water fore you have to finish a long rest before you can do so again.
alike with ease. Scylla commonly manifest tentacles, either Once you reach 9th level the size of your vortex increases
as sprouting tails or replacing their legs entirely, which al- to a 20-by-20 ft. square and a 20-by-20 ft. cube respectively
low them to effortlessly glide through the water. These ad- Water Shaper. You have the magical ability to control
ditional appendages further allow the Scylla to grapple and water. As an action you can manipulate a 5-foot cube area of
fight with as natural weapons. water within 10 ft. of yourself. Your options of how you can
A consistent trait between Scylla is their magical ability to manipulate the water are the following:
control and command water, inborn and natural at birth. • You can transport an amount of water that fits in the
This power can be expressed through careful control as area by levitating it. This body of water is treated like an
well as violently if they are startled or threatened, turning object that you are holding.
calm water into raging torrents. Most Scylla dwell in small • You can shape water into any form that fits within the
families near ancient ocean shrines, staying clear of large area of the effect.
communities which leads many to have a small view of the • You can cause the water to boil or freeze until the end of
world. Focusing more on the significance and history of your next turn (you can use an action on your following
the shrine their family protects, using old archaic forms of turns to maintain this effect). Any creature in this body
speech before being introduced to the wider world. of water must succeed a Constitution saving throw or
Aquatic. You can read and speak Primordial. You can take 2d4 cold or fire damage (depending whether you
breath underwater and have a swimming speed equal to freeze or boil the water). The DC of the saving throw
your movement speed, additionally when you are underwa- is equal to 8 + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
ter you have advantage on attack rolls against other crea- modifier + your proficiency bonus.
tures who are underwater but have no innate swimming • You can change the flow of water up to 5 ft. in a directi-
speed. on of your choice. The force of this effect is only strong
Tentacles. You possess tentacles which you can use to enough to move the water.
make unarmed strikes. Your tentacles have the reach prop-
erty and if you hit with your tentacles you deal bludgeoning
damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
You can use your tentacles to attempt to grapple other crea-
tures. If you grapple another creature with your tentacles,
your tentacles can be attacked,(using your AC and resistanc-
es and immunities). On a hit you suffer the damage dealt
and any amount of damage higher than twice your level will
cause you to release the creature.
Created through arcane experiments of the wizards of the
western shores for the purpose of creating obedient servants
and mindless soldiers, Urstrix have a proud history of rising
above what was expected of them. They threw off the shack-
les of their oppressors and through sheer will and determi-
nation gave their people freedom to choose their own path.
Many take their traits from harpies as well as instincts, be-
ing drawn by a wanderlust to travel the world and see what
it has to offer them.
Mostly known for being a solitary people, Urstrix travel
alone or in small groups across the lands, caring little for
how dangerous it might be. Due to their origin, they have
powerful bodies designed to take on any physical chal-
lenge and tough out any sort of punishment coming
their way. Having powerful claws and heightened
senses, they don’t have much difficulty surviving
in the wilderness or finding their way through
dangerous terrain. Due to this many Urstrix
find more comfort and purpose in the wilds and
frontiers over being in civilization.
Because of their artificial creation, the varia-
tion between Urstrix is far less than with other
Chimera. Their biggest variation is the color
and patterns of the feathers that coat parts of
their bodies, some even showing larger flight
feathers from their harpy origins. There are some
born with more avian hooked claws that make their
raking strikes far deadlier. With their creation through
dark magic and subsequent servitude, many Urstrix
have an understandable mistrust of magic and mages.
It is not unheard of that descendants of the wizards of
the western shores attempt to take unrightful owner-
ship of Urstrix where they find them, believing these
Chimera to be their birthright, but quickly discover the
fate of their creators first hand.
Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can
use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal
slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity
modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an
unarmed strike. When you reach 11th level the damage dice
of your claws increases to 1d8.
Darkvision. Your owl eyes grant you surperior vision
in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Monstrous Build. You are considered one size larger
Artwork by Dansome & QueenChikkibug
when determining your carrying capacity and the weight
you can push, drag, or lift. Additionally you count as one end of your turn you can use a bonus action to make an un-
size larger for the purpose of grappling (for example, if you armed strike attack with your claws against the target. You
are a medium creature a small creature cannot grapple you can do so an amount of times equal to an amount of your
as you are considered large and therefore two sizes larger proficiency bonus before you have to finish a long rest be-
than the other creature). fore you can do so again.
Ferocious Assault. Once per turn when you hit a crea- Stubborn. You have advantage on saving throws against
ture with a melee weapon attack you can force the creature being charmed or frightened.
to make a Strength saving throw. The DC of the saving
throw is equal to 8 + your Strength or Constitution modi-
fier + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save the creature
is knocked prone in addition to taking damage and until the
Mark of Typhon
Artwork by Gabriel Sampaio
Maneater’s Mark Mark of the First Mutant
Prerequisite: Chimera (Manticore) Prerequisite: Chimera (Urstrix)
In ages past, a fierce monster known as the Maneater roamed It is said that the first Urstrix created by the mages was the
the lands and spread fear wherever encountered. This crea- most powerful of your kind. The bloodline to your ancient
ture was said to be the ancestor of your kind. The power and progenitor becomes manifest and with it, their powers. You
ferocity of this ancient maneater have awakened in you. You gain the following bonus:
gain the following bonus: • Increase your one Ability scores by 1.
• Increase your one Ability scores by 1. • Your claws are treated as magical for the purpose of
• Your natural weapon granted by your Claws and Spines overcoming resistances.
traits, and the piercing damage dealt by your Spine Bar- • When you use your Ferocious Assault and the creature
rage are treated as magical for the purpose of overcom- succeeds its saving throw against being knocked prone,
ing resistances. the use of that trait does not count towards the amount
• You can use an action to attack with your spines or use of times you can use it before you have to finish a long
an action to use your spine barrage, you can use bonus rest to use it again. Additionally, when you successfully
action to make a single attack with your Spines until the knock a creature down with your Ferocious Assault use
end of your turn. a bonus action to hit the same target with your claws,
• You now have developed a full set of wings on your your claws deal an additional dice of their damage.
back that can carry you short distances. You gain a flying • When you fail a saving throw against a spell or magical
speed equal to your movement speed. If you end your effect, you can repeat the saving throw but have to take
turn and your wings are the only thing that keep you the second result. Once you do so you have to finish a
aloft, you fall. Additionally, if you can use your wings, long rest before you can do so again.
you can decrease your fall distance by 20 + your level in
feet as long as you aren’t incapacitated.
Mark of Charydbis
Prerequisite: Chimera (Scylla)
The divine powers dormant within your blood have fully
manifested. By your hand you shall allow those you deem
worthy to pass your aquatic domain. You gain the following
• Increase your one Ability scores by 1.
• Your tentacles are treated as magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistances.
• Your swimming speed is increased by 10 feet.
• Any creature you touch gains the ability to breath un-
derwater and gains a swimming speed equal to your
own, unless its own swimming speed is faster than
yours. The creature retains this bonus for as long as you
touch it.
Scylla’s Blessing. As an action, you can touch a creature and
bestow a Scylla’s Blessing on it. The blessing lasts for 1 hour
or until you die. A blessed creature can breath underwater
and has a swimming speed equal to its movement speed. Ad-
ditionally the blessed creature is unaffected by your Vortex
and does not treat its area of effect as difficult terrain. You
can use this action a number of times equal to your profi-
ciency modifier before you have to finish a long rest.
My Other Works
If you like my work, consider checking out my
other freely available works:
Horrors of the Dark - A complete bestiary fan ad-
aptation of Red Hook Studio’s Darkest Dungeon
Bloodstained Notes - A Hunter’s Bestiary - A
complete bestiary fan adaptation of From Software’s
Unbound Monsters: Slaughterhouse Horrors - A
small collection of horrific monsters given as a free
sample of my patreon exclusive monsters
Tuz’s Fearsome Foes - A set of unique foes de-
signed to be the centerpiece of a one shot monster
hunt, or a longer story, such as the notorious Rat Pile,
or Gemhide, the White Bulette.