The Hellbringer
The Hellbringer
The Hellbringer
n armored tiefling steps onto the battlefield of The infernal arcanist materializes in another plane, the
the Blood War, a tide of chaotic evil surging universal coordinates of which he received from Dispater
toward them. They know that the battlement himself. The mage arrives early to the summit, though the
behind them cannot fall to the Abyss, or the celestial host had arrived even earlier. As the angels
demons will gain a foothold that will take descended to meet him, he steeled himself. He was not here
centuries to retake. Inscribed runes across their for a fight, he was here to make a deal.
armor and glaive alight in hellfire, and they Hellbringers are knights of the Nine Hells, trusted by
prepare for a long and grueling siege. powers of utmost evil and order to secure their interests in
Cloaked in supernatural shadow, a hidden wood elf hangs the universe. Versatile and strong-willed, they carry the
among the rafters. The cult operates below her, oblivious to weight and privilege of infernal authority along their path.
her presence, as they discuss their dealings. They grow
weary of the demands their patron makes of them. The elf
grins as soon as she hears the first phrase that breaches their
contract, and she descends on them, sickles drawn.
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Agents of the Nine Hellbringers know the reputation they bring, and while they
are not averse to lying, most are proud of their station. They
For all things that the Nine Hells are, they are not disorderly. seek other individuals that have the foresight and reasoning
Contracts are made ironclad, and enforced by the very power to recognize their necessity. Within a varied party, a
of alignment that created the plane. Though archdevils hellbringer knows their place is not to convert others to their
squabble and politically plot against each other, they must cause, but to inspire the same trust the Order has in them
recognize that the security of their plane from without is with their newfound allies. Hellbringers can be a sturdy pillar
paramount. To this end, they united to create the Brimstone on an adventure, making damned sure the job gets done.
Order, a faction that secures their interests in other planes
and keeps their own safe. Creating a Hellbringer
Different from the service devils require from their When creating your hellbringer, consider what drew them to
warlocks, or the devotion they gain from clerics, they expect the service of the hells in the first place. What even might
loyalty and pragmatism from their hellbringers. Knights of inspire such loyalty to a place most would revile? Consult
the Brimstone Order are loyal to no individual archdevil, and with your DM what kind of NPC’s might be your associates
work for the strength of hell as a whole. Their contracts of within the Brimstone Order. While you share a cause with
knighthood allow them to work independently, as well as them, where do you differ? How does your hellbringer fit with
between planes. the rest of your party? Where do they clash, and where do
they ally?
What Makes a Hellbringer Alignment is an important aspect of a hellbringer, since
Hellbringers must recognise their place in the universe, and their authority is powered by the planar alignment of the
the necessity that without Hell, the great balance of the Nine Hells. Most lean toward lawful, but their roles in the
planes falls. Intellect, strategy and decorum are highly valued order can run the gamut between evil, neutral or even good.
within the Order, and those who have proven themselves are
even elected to act as diplomats on neutral ground, or even in Multiclassing Requirements
other planes of alignment. Hellbringers are treated with stern If your group uses the rule on multiclassing in the Player's
respect across the universe, but are expected to act in kind, Handbook, here's what you need to know if you choose the
adapting to the rules of the planes they are guests in. To work hellbringer as one of your classes.
against a hellbringer is a bold act, as they carry the authority Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you
of a united hell behind them, but if you can catch a must have a minimum Charisma score of 13 and a Strength
Hellbringer in a breach of their contract, the punishment or Dexterity score of 13 to take your first level as a
from their own plane will vastly outweigh anything an enemy hellbringer, or to take a level in another class if you are
could dole out. already a hellbringer.
Proficiencies Gained. If hellbringer isn't your initial class,
you gain proficiency with light armor, medium armor, shields,
simple weapons and martial weapons when you take your
first level in the hellbringer class.
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The Hellbringer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Infernal Punishment Die 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Forked Tongue, Infernal Punishment, Invoke Authority 2d6 — — — — —
2nd +2 Mark of Sin, Spellcasting 2d6 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Diabolic Contract, Hellsight 2d6 3 ─ — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 2d6 3 ─ — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack 3d6 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Invoke Authority Improvement (2/rest), Fell Punisher 3d6 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Diabolic Contract Feature 3d6 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 3d6 4 3 — — —
9th +4 - 4d6 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Diabolic Contract Feature 4d6 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Steeled Mind 4d6 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 4d6 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 - 5d6 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 Diabolic Contract Feature 5d6 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 Invoke Authority Improvement (3/rest), Planar Envoy 5d6 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 5d6 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 - 6d6 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Diabolic Contract Feature 6d6 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Increase 6d6 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Diabolic Contract Feature 6d6 4 3 3 3 2
Class Features As a hellbringer, you start with the following equipment:
As a hellbringer, you gain the following class features. (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial
Hit Points weapons
Hit Dice: 1d10 per hellbringer level (a) a shortbow and 20 arrows or (b) five javelins
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier. (a) a priest's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Leather armor and a badge of your station within the
Constitution modifier per hellbringer level after 1st Brimstone Order.
Proficiencies Quick Build
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields You can make a hellbringer quickly by using these
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons suggestions. First, make Strength or Dexterity your hightest
Tools: Poisoner’s Kit ability, or Charisma if you wish to focus on spellcasting.
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma Second, choose the soldier or criminal background.
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Athletics, Deception,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Persuasion, Religion, and Forked Tongue
Stealth. 1st level hellbringer feature
You know how to read, speak and write Infernal, or another
language of your choice if you already know Infernal.
At 6th level, and again at 11th and 17th level, you learn
another language of your choice.
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Infernal Punishment Spellcasting
1st level hellbringer feature 2nd level hellbringer feature
When you damage a creature with a weapon or spell You have learned to draw on your hellish authority to cast
attack, you can cause them hellish pain, adding 2d6 fire or spells. See Spells Rules for the general rules of spellcasting
psychic damage to that attack (Your choice). This damage and the end of this class description for the hellbringer spell
increases at certain hellbringer levels, as shown in the list.
Infernal Punishment Die column of the Hellbringer table.
You can dole out this punishment a number of times equal Preparing and Casting Spells
to your Charisma modifier (Minimum of once). When you The Hellbringer table shows how many spell slots you have to
finish a long rest, you regain all uses of this feature. cast your hellbringer spells. To cast one of your hellbringer
spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the
Invoke Authority spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots
when you finish a long rest.
1st level hellbringer feature You prepare the list of hellbringer spells that are available
You are granted a badge of your office within the for you to cast, choosing from the hellbringer spell list. When
Brimstone Order, often an obsidian chain or piece of armor you do so, choose a number of hellbringer spells equal to
adorned with its symbol. You can use this badge as a your Charisma modifier + half your hellbringer level, rounded
spellcasting focus. down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level
By focusing on your badge of office, you can call upon the for which you have spell slots.
planar power of the hells with your Invoke Authority. You For example, if you are a 5th-level hellbringer, you have
know two such Invoke Authority options, detailed below. four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Charisma
Diplomat’s Mantle. As an action, you gain advantage on of 14, your list of prepared spells can include four spells of
Charisma checks for the next hour. 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-
Hellish Vigor. As an action, you restore hit points to level spell bane, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level
yourself or a creature you touch equal to 1d8 + your slot. Casting the spell doesn’t remove it from your list of
hellbringer level. If hit points restored this way run in excess prepared spells.
of a creature's maximum hit points, they gain temporary hit You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish
points equal to the difference. a long rest. Preparing a new list of hellbringer spells requires
When you use your Invoke Authority, you can’t do so again time spent absorbing power from your badge of authority at
until you finish a short or long rest. At 6th level, and again at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
15th level, you can use Invoke Authority an additional time
between rests. Spellcasting Ability
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your hellbringer
Mark of Sin spells, since your power derives from the power of your
2nd level hellbringer feature station. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to
Your service to the Hells has left a scar on your soul, your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma
granting you one of the following benefits. modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a hellbringer
spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Mark of Treachery
When you make a weapon attack against a creature with no Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
other adjacent creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to damage your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
Mark of Gluttony
your Charisma modifier
While not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 +
your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can Diabolic Contract
use a shield and still gain this benefit.
3rd level hellbringer feature
Mark of Greed Your status as a member of the Brimstone Order deepens.
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can move You are fully recognized as a knight of Hell, and are afforded
up to 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. accommodations as such when visiting other realms. In
addition, your skills are finely honed and you specialize for
Mark of Wrath the job that needs to be done. Using your own blood, you sign
While wielding a two-handed weapon, you can use your a contract drafted by one of the archdevils of hell. You choose
Charisma modifier instead of Strength for its attack and a Diabolic Contract option from between Warmonger,
damage rolls. Shadowmaster, or Harbinger.
Your Contract grants you features at 3rd level and again at
7th, 10th, 14th, 18th and 20th level.
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3rd level hellbringer feature
Your eye for deception keys you into creatures trying to
disguise themselves. You are aware of any creature within 10
feet of you using illusory magic to disguise or hide
As a bonus action, you can extend this awareness up to 60
feet from you for the next 10 minutes. You can use this
feature once, regaining the ability to do so when you finish a
short or long rest.
Ability Score Improvement
4th level hellbringer feature
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.
Extra Attack
5th level hellbringer feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take
the Attack action on your turn.
Fell Punisher
6th level hellbringer feature
When you take a short rest, you can regain a use of your Contract Spells
Infernal Punishment feature. Each contract has a list of associated spells. You gain access
to these spells at the levels specified in the contract
Steeled Mind description. Once you gain access to a contract spell, you
11th level hellbringer feature always have it prepared. Contract spells don't count against
the number of spells you can prepare each day.
The authority granted to you assures your mind against If you gain a contract spell that doesn't appear on the
certain effects. You gain advantage on saving throws to avoid hellbringer spell list, the spell is nonetheless a hellbringer
being charmed, creatures are unable to read your thoughts spell for you.
without your permission, and you become immune to the
frightened condition. Warmonger
Planar Envoy Generals and soldiers of the various conflicts Hell incites
15th level hellbringer feature across the planes, warmongers have a contract signed with
Zariel, Warlord of Avernus. Donning heavy armor and using
You are expected to act as an emissary between realities. their arms masterfully, they find themselves at home on the
You can cast the spell plane shift once each long rest. When battlefield, locking down enemies with their presence and
you cast the spell this way, it takes a minute to cast. Your bolstering their troops. They carry this battle mastery into
badge supplied by the Brimstone Order can be used in place combat with their party as well, a solid pillar to support fellow
of the metal rod associated with this spell, and is attuned to soldiers and press through enemy ranks.
the Nine Hells.
Contract Spells
Diabolic Contracts You gain contract spells at the hellbringer spells listed.
The Brimstone Order has many tasks that need to be done, Warmonger Spells
and many specialists within their ranks to accomplish them. Hellbringer level Spells
In order to access this specialization, a specialized contract
must be written up by an archdevil of the hells. A contract 3rd wrathful smite
signed in blood ensures a hellbringer’s loyalty to the cause. 5th flame blade
9th fear
13th death ward
17th banishing smite
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Authority of War Iron Devil
3rd level warmonger feature 20th level warmonger feature
Taking this contract grants you the following option for You can use a bonus action on your turn to transform into a
your Invoke Authority. hellish form for 1 minute. This form grants you the following
Invoke Authority: Expose Weakness. As a bonus action, benefits:
choose a creature you can see within 60 feet. Until the end of
your next turn, the creature gains vulnerability to the next Your size becomes Large, and you gain resistance to
attack that hits it, and can't benefit from resistance or bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
immunity to any of that damage. If you roll less than a 10 on a weapon attack roll, you can
treat the roll as if you rolled a 10.
Martial Training You gain a 60 foot flying speed.
3rd level warmonger feature Once you transform this way, you can't do so again until
When you choose this contract, you gain proficiency in you finish a long rest.
heavy armor.
Press the Attack
7th level warmonger feature The planes are not above using a vast network of spies to
Whenever you dole out your Infernal Punishment, you can seed their interests, and chief among these are the
shout a command to an ally, granting them advantage on the Shadowmasters of hell. Signing a contract drafted by
next attack roll they make until the start of your next turn. Baalzebul, Lord of Lies, they are more than just individually
skilled, Shadowmasters monitor entire webs of covert
By the Throat operations throughout every plane, as well as rooting out
10th level warmonger feature spies from within.
When you apply your Invoke Authority: Expose Weakness
feature on a creature, you can force them to make a Wisdom Contract Spells
saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a failure, you You gain contract spells at the hellbringer spells listed.
telekinetically move them 15 feet toward you, and they Shadowmaster Spells
become restrained until the end of your next turn.
Hellbringer level Spells
Undying Command 3rd disguise self
14th level warmonger feature
When you or a creature you can see within 60 feet falls to 0 5th invisibility
hit points, you can use a reaction to cause that creature to be 9th blink
put at 1 hit point instead.
Once you use this ability, you can’t do so again until you 13th greater invisibility
finish a short or long rest. 17th scrying
Zariel's Fervor
18th level warmonger feature Authority of Darkness
You can attack an additional time when you take the attack 3rd level shadowmaster feature
action, up to three times. Taking this contract grants you the following option for
your Invoke Authority.
Invoke Authority: Flash of Brimstone. As a bonus action,
choose a creature you can see within 60 feet. You teleport to
an unoccupied space within 5 feet of that creature and arrive
invisible. This invisibility lasts until the end of your next turn,
or until you make an attack or cast a spell.
Silent Stalker
3rd level shadowmaster feature
In pursuit of becoming an ultimate spy, you gain the
following benefits:
When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check, you can add
your Charisma modifier to the result.
You can hide as a bonus action.
Slice and Dice
7th level shadowmaster feature
When wielding daggers or sickles, their damage die
becomes a d6 for you. This die increases to a d8 at 11th level
and a d10 at 17th level.
Additionally, your speed increases by 10 feet.
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Fleeting Shadow Authority of Knowledge
10th level shadowmaster feature 3rd level harbinger feature
You are a blur on the battlefield, expertly shifting between Taking this contract grants you the following option for
targets. When a weapon attack of yours reduces a hostile your Invoke Authority.
creature to 0 hit points or causes it to die, you can use your Invoke Authority: Arcane Deflection: Any time you are
Invoke Authority: Flash of Brimstone as a free action without targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that
expending a use of your Invoke Authority. requires a ranged attack roll, you can use your Invoke
Authority as a reaction to roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, you are
Evasion unaffected. On a 6, you are unaffected and the effect is
14th level shadowmaster feature reflected back at the caster as though it originated from you,
When you are prompted to make a Dexterity saving throw turning the caster into the target.
to take only half damage from an effect, you instead take no
damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half Bonus Cantrips
damage if you fail. 3rd level harbinger feature
You learn two cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell
Unseen Death list. At 10th level, you learn an additional cantrip from the list.
18th level shadowmaster feature These spells become hellbringer spells for you.
If a weapon attack causes you to leave invisibility, that
attack becomes an automatic critical hit if it succeeds. Profane Castigation
7th level harbinger feature
Umbra Devil The pain you deal is amplified by your arcane abilities. You
20th level shadowmaster feature can dole out your Infernal Punishment to any creature that
You can use a bonus action on your turn to transform into a fails a saving throw against a spell you cast, or to a creature
hellish form for 1 minute. This form grants you the following whose spell you successfully counterspell.
Using daggers or sickles against a creature causes you to
regain hit points equal to the result of the weapon damage
You can move through other Creatures and Objects as if
they were Difficult Terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if
you end your turn inside an object.
Your weapon attacks deal necrotic damage, and when they
deal damage to a creature, that creature becomes blinded
to anything beyond 10 away from it.
Once you transform this way, you can't do so again until
you finish a long rest.
Having signed a contract drafted up by Mephistopheles,
Baron of Plots, harbingers delve into lost arcane practices
gathered from any source they can find. Using their cunning
and spellcraft, they are able to befuddle their enemies'
communications and run propaganda campaigns. Harbingers
always strive to keep three steps ahead, while letting the
enemy think they are keeping an even pace.
Contract Spells
You gain contract spells at the hellbringer spells listed.
Harbinger Spells
Hellbringer level Spells
3rd hex
5th hold person
9th counterspell
13th wall of fire
17th legend lore
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Arcanist’s Authority Lore Devil
10th level harbinger feature 20th level harbinger feature
When you cast a spell, you can use your Invoke Authority to You can use a bonus action on your turn to transform into a
empower it. A creature of your choice that would be affected hellish form for 1 minute. This form grants you the following
by the spell has disadvantage on the next saving throw it benefits:
makes against it.
You can cast spells without requiring verbal, somatic, or
Soul Siphon material components if that spell would not consume its
14th level harbinger feature material components.
When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points or kill it, You have resistance to damage from spells.
you can regain a spell slot of 2nd level or lower. Once you use You can cast spells from scrolls from any class spell list,
this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or and can do so without needing to make an ability check.
long rest. Once you transform this way, you can't do so again until
Phlegethon’s Armor you finish a long rest.
18th level harbinger feature
Once a day, you can cast fire shield without expending a
spell slot.
Art Credits
Billy Christian
Logan Feliciano
Grace Cheung
Andrew Damachowski
David Kegg
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.