Music: Wayang Kulit

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wayang kulit
Wayang kulit shadow puppets are prevalent in Java and Bali in Indonesia, and
Kelantan and Terengganu in Malaysia are without a doubt the best known of the
Indonesian wayang. Kulit means skin and refers to the leather construction of the
puppets that are carefully chiseled with very fine tools and supported with carefully
shaped buffalo horn handles and control rods.
Wayang is an Indonesian and Malay word for theater. When the term is used to
refer to kinds of puppet theater, sometimes the puppet itself is referred to as wayang.
"Bayang", the Javanese word for shadow or imagination, also connotes "spirit."
Performances of shadow puppet theater are accompanied by gamelan in Java, and by
"gender wayang" in Bali.
Dalang as a source of recreation, of humor and of popular philosophy (essential
communication between the artist and the audience). Shadow play is an invention of
man which reflects his experience of nature and of his thought. Puppets are projected
by the lamp on a white screen.
Non-jointed puppets were manipulated by the chief performer, the dalang, who
told a story to the accompaniment of several instruments, including some that are part
of the presentday gamelan ensemble.
Wayang kulit was performed in royal court and widely performed in public on
religious occasions so that knowledge of wayang became widespread among all
classes in Java.

What is Wayang Kulit?

Wayang kulit is a form of traditional theatre in Southeast Asia.

It involves a puppet shadow play performance with origins that are
possibly linked to the Indian shadow play.1 There are many forms
and types of wayang kulit in Asia. Those performed in Peninsular
Malaysia have either Javanese or Patani (southern Thai)
influences. Wayang kulit performances are usually accompanied by a
gamelan (an Indonesian musical ensemble).2
he term wayang kulit literally means “shadows from hide”, and has
a few meanings in the Southeast Asian context. In Indonesia, the
term wayang kulit refers not only to the performance of a shadow
play, but has also become synonymous with the hide puppets used to
create the shadows.3 In Peninsular Malaysia, wayang kulit can be
translated as a “show of skins”.


Characteristics of Wayang Kulit: Wayang kulit

combines deep spiritual meaning, entertaining
storytelling, extraordinary musicality (both in the
gamelan and vocals), deep philosophical messages,
current political commentary, and bawdy humor. It
is one of the most complete art forms, with
everything in the hands of the dhalang.

types of wayang kulit

here are many types of wayang in

Wayang Kulit (wayang that is made of
Wayang Wong (wayang performance that is
played by actors, instead of puppets),
Wayang Gedog (similar to Wayang Wong, but
the actors wear a mask),
Wayang Golek (wayang that is made of
Wayang Klitik (a small wayang that is made
of wood)

How the puppets are made

Wayang kulit are made from water

buffalo hide, cut and punctured
by hand, one hole at a time. The
artists who carve and puncture
the water buffalo hide begin by
scratching the outline and
details of the wayang figure
onto the rawhide.

History of Wayang Kulit

Developed before the 10th century, the form had origins in the thalubomalata,
the leather puppets of southern India. The art of shadow puppetry probably
spread to Java with the spread of Hinduism. The prototype of the wayang
figures is the wayang kulit, or shadow puppet made of perforated, elaborately
painted leather

Where did Wayang Kulit originated from

before the 10th century, the form had

origins in the thalubomalata, the leather
puppets of southern India. The art of
shadow puppetry probably spread to Java
with the spread of Hinduism. The prototype
of the wayang figures is the wayang kulit,
or shadow puppet made of perforated,
elaborately painted leather

How its played/performed

The Puppet Show
A white screen forms the stage for a shadow puppet show. An oil lamp or
electric light is shone behind the screen and the puppeteer moves the
puppets between the light and the screen, casting a shadow where they
block the light. The puppeteer inserts the main rod from the puppet's
body into a banana log. He then has two hands free to manipulate the
puppets. The puppet's arms are hinged with small nails at the shoulders
and elbows, and sticks are attached to the hands. The hands are in a
fixed position. By moving the sticks, the puppeteer can make the
puppet's arms move up and down and in different directions, bringing the
shadows to life. The puppet on the left with the white face represents
Abimanyu, a good character from the Mahabrharata. The puppet on the
right with the pink face, is a kasar, a bad character.
In traditional Indonesian shadow theatre wayang kulit, the most important
person is dalang . Dalang is a person who narrates, animates and lends
voices to all characters appearing during the performance and also acts
as playwright, conductor, director or kind of curator taking care of the
shape of the whole performance The Dalang sings the mood songs (suluk) at
regular intervals during performance; in a ninehour wayangkulit, he may
sing fifty or sixty. Nevertheless they are considered relatively
unimportant except as mood pieces. The same generalized lyrics may be
used in play after play. Suluk are never accompanied by the full gamelan
ensemble. Often a single instrument accompanies the singer, never more
than three or four. The major dramatic function of gamelan music is to
accompany stage action. Entrances, exits, and fight scenes are executed
in time to gamelan music. How does the Dalang tell the story? The dalang
delivers the narration, mood songs, and all the dialogue as he presents a
story for three to eight hours. In most instances, the repertoire is
derived from the Mahabharata cycle though Ramayana, Javanese legends,
Islamic stories, local chronicles and recent history may be presented as

That’s all thank you for listening and hope you learned something! 😊

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