Wayang Kulit LP
Wayang Kulit LP
Wayang Kulit LP
At the end of the lesson 100% of the students should be able to attain at least 75% level of
proficiency to:
I. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Cleanliness
d. Checking of Attendance
2. Developmental Activities
A. Review
1. What is our last topic?
2. What is the meaning of Kabuki
3. Give one of Kabuki stage features
4. Give one main categories of the Kabuki
B. Motivation
I have a game here called “LOOP A WORD”
the mechanics is read and analyze the written
letters to form word related to the topic.
Is that clear Class!
Yes Ma’am
C. Lesson Proper
So based on the activity there are some
words that related to our topic, because our
topic is Wayang Kulit
Have you heard about Wayang Kulit?
What is wayang kulit? Yes Ma’am
Wayang kulit is a traditional form of
puppet-shadow play originally found
in the cultures of Java, Bali, and
Lombok in Indonesia. In a wayang
Okay very good! kulit performance, the puppet figures
are rear-projected on a taut linen
screen with a coconut-oil light.
Addition to that, the term Wayang is the
Javanese word for “shadow” and
D. Application
I will show you a pictures of the
instrument that use of the orchestra in
Wayang kulit, then you will recognize the
said picture and name it.
E. Generalization
Class, now let’s have Q&A in regards to Yes Ma’am
our topic, this also a review for our quiz
Is that clear Class?
F. Evaluation
1. It is the shadow puppet of Indonesia
a. Kabuki
b. Nang
c. Peking Opera
d. Wayang Kulit
2. Wayang characters are derived from
Indian epics
a. Mahabharata
b. Ramayana
c. Serat Menak
d. A and B only
3. Indonesian word means skin that
refers to the leather construction of
the puppets used in wayang
a. Bayang
b. Kulit
c. Purwa
d. Wayang
4. The puppeteer in Wayang kulit
a. Dalang
b. Kulit
c. Suluk
d. Wayang
5. Mood songs in a wayang performance
are called
a. Cempala
b. Dalang
c. Pesindhen
d. suluk
G. Assignment
Advance reading of Thai theater (NANG) Goodbye Ma’am
for recitation tomorrow
Goodbye Class!