Maintenance Guidelines: 8. 1 Centrifugal Pumps Fits and Clearance Checklist. Basic Data No: Measurement Tolerance
Maintenance Guidelines: 8. 1 Centrifugal Pumps Fits and Clearance Checklist. Basic Data No: Measurement Tolerance
Maintenance Guidelines: 8. 1 Centrifugal Pumps Fits and Clearance Checklist. Basic Data No: Measurement Tolerance
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1. 2. 3. $. #. a) b) c) *. a) b)
4ol er a n c e
0.0001" to 0.0007" (0.003mm to 0.018mm) interference. 0.0001" to 0.001" (0.003mm to 0.03mm) clearance. 0.001" to 0.001#" (0.03mm a 0.0$mm) clearance. &etal to metal fit to 0.000#" (0.13mm) clearance.
+ote: there are 0um0s such as horizontal, a*ial s0lit 0um0s and multi#stage 6ertical 0um0s that ha6e interference fits. 2onsult your 5EM manual
0.002" to 0.003" (0.0#mm a 0.08mm) interference. 0.01#" to 0.020" (0.$0 a 0.#1mm) clearance. intermediate bearings and re)uire closer. 0.002" to 0.003" (0.0#mm a 0.08mm interference.
0laces ,elded
0.010" to 0.012" (0.2#$mm a 0.3mm) %lus 0.001" (0.03mm) %er in. (2#.$mm) of im%eller ring diameter u% to a 12" (3+*#8mm) ring. ,dd 0.000# (0.013mm) %er inch (2#.$mm) of ring diameter o"er 12" (3+*#8mm). -or tem%. #00 (2*0.) add 0.10" (2.#$mm). ,lso add 0.00# (0.127mm) for galling materials (stainless steel).
c) 7. a) b) 8. 2. a) b) 10. a) b) 11.
2ase rings
.ase rings are not to be bored out larger than 31 of original diameter. .ase ring to case. 0.002" to 0.003" (0.0#mm a 0.08mm) interference. 4he case ring is normally do,eled or s0ot ,elded in at least t,o 0laces. il deflector to shaft. 0.002" to 0.003" (0.0#mm a 0.08mm) clearance. Install " " ring in the ID if %ossible. gland 3ac4ing gland to shaft. 1532" (0.8mm) clearance. 3ac4ing gland to stuffing bo6 bore. 15*$" (0.01*mm) clearance. Lantern ring . 7antern ring to shaft. 0.01#" to 0.020" (0.$0mm a 0.#1mm) clearance. 7antern ring to stuffing bo6. 0.00#" to 0.010" (0.13mm a 0.2#mm) clearance. .ou%ling to shaft. &etal to metal to 0.000# (0.013mm) clearance.
7eal gland !eal gland alignment boss to stuffing bo6. !eal gland throttle bushing to shaft. !eal loc4ing collar to shaft. !eal s%ring com%ression. !eal s%ring com%ression. /otating and stationar: seal rings. ;eads+ case+ suction co"er+ bearing housing to case alignments fits.
1#. 1*.
0.002" to 0.00$" (0.0#mm a 0.10mm) clearance. 0.018" to 0.020" (0.#mm to 0.#1mm) clearance+ unless other0ise s%ecified for hot %um%s. 0.002" to 0.00$" (0.0#mm a 0.10mm) clearance 758" (22.2mm) long s%rings ( 351*"($.8mm). 9" (12.#mm) long s%rings ( #532"($.0mm) 152"(12.7mm) short s%rings ( 151*" (1.*mm) unless other0ise s%ecified b: the manufacturer. !ealing surfaces to be flat 0ithin 3 ;elium light bands 0.00$" (0.01mm) ma6imum clearance. <se dial indicator and feeler gauges to correct fit(u% and alignment.