Lesson Plan in Theravada Buddhism
Lesson Plan in Theravada Buddhism
Lesson Plan in Theravada Buddhism
Department of Education
Region I
San Carlos City Division
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
A Lesson Plan in
Introduction to World Religions & Belief System
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the elements of Theravada Buddhism:
a. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (563-483B.C.) b. Sacred texts:Tripitaka c. Doctrines:Four Noble Truths,
Eight-fold Path, Law of Dependent Origination and The Impermanence of Things
Performance Standard: The learner evaluates the Eightfold Path in terms of how it achieves the Middle
Most Essential Learning Competencies: *Analyze the brief history, core teachings, fundamental
beliefs, practices, and related issues of Theravada Buddhism.
I. Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Understand the elements of Theravada Buddhism:
b. Recognize Filipino ill habits that can be ommited by practicing Buddhist Middle Way
(Eightfold Path).
c. Apply the Eightfold Path in terms of how it achieves the Middle Way in a creative manner.
III. Procedure
A. Activity/Motivation/Review(15 mins) Video Analysis:
Directions: The students are asked to recognize various Hindu and Buddhism Concepts
depicted in the series of videos to be shown.
B. Analysis (5 mins)
After each video, the following questions are to be asked to elucidate the activity.
1. On the first video. (Karma)
What Buddhist concept is shown in the video?
Define Karma
Do you believe in it?
Justify your answer
2. On the second video (Dukha/ Dukkha)
What Filipino/Buddhist concept is shown?
Are all living creatures experiencing dukha?
Justify your answer.
3. On the third video (Impermanence)
What Buddhist cocept was shown?
Describe the feeling that you have after watching?
Do you believe that nothing is permanent in this world?
Justify your answer.
4. On the fourth video (Ignorance)
What Buddhist Concept is shown?
State some consequences of ignorance?
What is the relation between ignorance suffering?
5. On the fifth video (Reincarnation)
What concept is shown ?
Do you believe it?
Justify your answer
C. Abstraction (10 mins)
The topic will be presented in class using PowerPoint presentation. The following are to be
a. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama (563-483B.C.)
b. Sacred texts:Tripitaka
c. Doctrines:
Four Noble Truths,
Eight-fold Path,
D. Application/Synthesis (25 mins)
Individual Activity:
Recognize Filipino ill habits that can be ommited by practicing Buddhist Middle Way
(eithfold path).
Right View
Understand the “_____” (1.)
Right Intention
Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty, and _____ (2.)
Right Speech
Abstain from untruthfulness, _____, (3.) harsh language, and vain talk
Right Action
Abstain from _____, (4) stealing, and sexual misconduct
Right Livelihood
Earn a living in a way not harmful to any _____ (5)
Right Effort
` Avoid evil thoughts and _____ (6) them, arouse good thoughts and _____ (7) them
Right Mindfulness
Pay vigilant attention to every state of the body, _____, (8) and mind
Right Concentration
Concentrate on a _____ (9) object so as to induce certain special states of_____ (10) in deep
Four noble truths 1. Living thing 5. Single 9.
Untruthfulness 2. Overcome 6. Consciousness 10.
bearing - Tale 3. Maintain 7.
Killing 4. Feeling 8.
Prepared by:
Demonstration Teacher
Noted by:
Master Teacher II / SHS Coordinator
Evaluated by:
Recommending Approval:
Approved by:
Theravada Buddhism
SY: 2021-2022
(Live-Webcast@CCN Broadcast Center)
Theravada Buddhism
SY: 2021-2022
(Live-Webcast@CCN Broadcast Center)