DLP in Religion LC10.1
DLP in Religion LC10.1
DLP in Religion LC10.1
A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the elements of Mahayana
a. Founder; Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.)
b. Sacred txt;Sutras
c. Doctrine ;Four Noble Truths, Eight-fold Path, the six perfections to
become a Bodhisattva(generosity,
morality,patience,peserverance,meditation,and insight)
d. God; non-theistic
e. Issues; Tibet invasion, engaged activism
f. Universality and growth of sects; development of Buddhism as the
fruit of its encounter with Taoism
B.Performance Standards The learner draw, the insight from the acts of generosity of Tzu Chi
Foundation that reflect the core teaching of Mahayana on Buddhism.
Presenting a video on Mahayana Buddhism Practice.
A.Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new
The teacher asks the learners the following questions by filling out the
concept map and after the video presentation of what their impression
B.Establishing a purpose opinion or initial thought, insight in Buddhist Practice.What is your view
for the lesson about Mahayana Buddhism Reflection and acts of virtue? Then the teacher
will ask 3 learners to share their work to the class. After of the three learners
shared their idea about the video presentation the teacher also may divided
students into 5 group, each group were going to make a roll play about
different practices of Buddhist. This session will portray these challenges and
reflect on themost effective way to face these situations.
Make a report on your group's suggesting about show. Include this report
and the script. Before the activity to be fully prepared the students will be
graded based on the rubric at below;
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher unlocks terminologies used in the lesson.
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and Discussion on the following:
practicing new skills #2 Forms of Mahayana Buddhism
Power and Authority of Mahayana Buddhism Practice
Branches and Functions of Buddhism
Function of Siddhartha Gautama Sutras
Doctrine ;Four Noble Truths, Eight-fold Path, the six perfections to
become a Bodhisattva
God; non-theistic
Tibet invasion
Forms of Buddhism
Forms of generosity of Mahayana Buddhism
Beliefs and Doctrines
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to The learners give their one- sentence generalization on the lesson.
Formative Assessment 3) The teacher may ask “What have you realized after the discussion?”
The learners may give their realizations that Buddhism pervades all aspects
of communitylife and cultural life. The ability of people to exercise their
rights and perform their duties and faith depend largely on the kind of
beliefthat they have.
G. Finding practical applications of The learners will do the activity in a 1 whole sheet of paper:
concepts and skills in daily living "Describe the current and old Practices system of the Buddhism country". As
they finished, the teacher will call volunteers to share to the class what they
have written.
H. Making generalizations and From the responses given by the learners on the question given, a
abstraction about the lesson generalization may together be drawn.
1. The learners will do a series of readings about numerousof
Mahayana Buddhism Practice.
2. They are instructed to take good notes about the function of each and
the daily routines of every branches practices.
3. They are instructed also to take good notes example about the
Buddhist generosity.
1. Why is Buddhist practice or belief important for social and cultural
life of their living?
2. How does teaching ofSiddhartha Gautama influence and shape one's
3. In what way why did Mahayana Buddhism influence religious in
several country?
Prepared by:
SHS Teacher