FOI 2202 - S 24AB Consultation Notice
FOI 2202 - S 24AB Consultation Notice
FOI 2202 - S 24AB Consultation Notice
Mr Paul Farrell
via email: <[email protected]>
Dear Mr Farrell
The COVID-19 Vaccine and treatment strategy advice prepared by Mckinsey Pacific
Rim (your ref 4500139482)
On the 22 January 2021 you clarified that the contract reference number is
What is the nature of the advice the company has provided? Is it a weekly or perhaps
monthly update? Is it provided in submissions or in some other format?
I have considered the clarified scope of your request and I am satisfied, for the
reasons set out below, the request still does not provide such information concerning
the document/s as is reasonably necessary to enable a responsible officer of the
department, to identify it (the ‘practical refusal reason’) (paragraph 24AA(1)(b) of
the FOI Act.
Request does not sufficiently identify documents sought
A formal requirement of making an FOI request is the request must provide such
information as is reasonable necessary to enable a responsible officer of the agency to
identify the document or documents requested (paragraph 15(2)(b) of the FOI Act).
As described in our informal consultation with you, McKinsey Pacific Rim has
provided ongoing strategic advice and support to the department which is not
contained in a specific document.
For the department to discharge its duty under the FOI Act to conduct ‘reasonable
searches’ it needs to be able to identify the document/s an applicant is seeking.
Without further clarification on what you are seeking, the department is unable to
process your request.
On this basis, I am satisfied a practical refusal reason exists for the purposes of
paragraph 24AA(1)(b) of the FOI Act.
Before I can make a decision to refuse access to the documents on the basis of the
practical refusal reason, the FOI Act requires me to undertake a request consultation
process which gives you an opportunity to provide clarification on your request
(paragraph 24(1)(a) and section 24AB).
This letter constitutes a written notice in accordance with subsection 24AB(2) of the
FOI Act giving you a 14-day period to consult with the department about the terms
of your request. The consultation period during which you can consult the below
contact person is 14 days commencing after today and ending on 25 February 2021.
Under subsection 24AB(6) of the FOI Act, you have 14 days from the date of this
notice, to notify the department, in writing, that you either:
Under subsection 24AB(7), your request will have been taken to be withdrawn if you
neither contact the department’s FOI Unit during the 14 days or not do any of the
things mentioned above at (a), (b) and (c) before the consultation period ends.
How you could clarify your request
You have requested information on the nature of the advice and the format it was
provided in. As you may be aware, the FOI Act provides a mechanism for
individuals to access ‘documents’ that are in existence at the time of the request,
rather than ‘information’.
McKinsey Pacific Rim provided strategic planning consultation services over a four
week period. This included collaboration and participation in a range of activities.
However, McKinsey Pacific Rim did not provide specific advice.
The department requests you consider revising the scope of your request bearing the
above information in mind. In particular, if you decide to revise the scope of your
request, you might like to consider specifying the specific document or documents
you are interested in or the specific type of document you are seeking. In addition
you could consider:
• excluding duplicates, draft documents, internal correspondence from your
• restricting the time period over which you seek documents
• restricting your request to a particular category or subject matter within
The FOI Act, including the provisions referred to in this letter, can be accessed from
the Federal Register of Legislation website:
Contact person
The contact person whom you may consult is the department’s FOI Unit who can
contacted by telephone (02) 6289 1666 or by email at [email protected].
Yours sincerely
Karen Bishop
Principal Lawyer
FOI and Legislation Branch
15 February 2021