AE21-279 - Attachment A
AE21-279 - Attachment A
AE21-279 - Attachment A
Cessnock levee (bund • This project involves construction of a bund wall (levee) on the east of
NSW $5,340,000 $2,440,000
wall) South Cessnock on a flat land overlying a former underground coalmine.
Fairfield Golf Course • Dam Safety NSW has declared Fairfield Golf Course detention basin as a
NSW detention basin upgrade $2,880,000 $1,920,000 'high flood consequence category', which carries the highest risk of the
– construction eight declared detention basins within the Fairfield local government area.
• This project will upgrade the existing detention basin to increase the basin
Bellambi Gully channel • The project involves improving the existing channel alignment, culvert
NSW $3,220,000 $2,150,000
improvement reconfiguration and piping some flood flow directly to the lagoon.
• The project involves constructing a new detention basin as part of the flood
mitigation works proposed for Newsports Creek floodplain.
North Boambee Valley
NSW $4,360,000 $2,910,000 • This work will help reduce flood losses, improve access to the Coffs
detention basin
Harbour Health Campus (Coffs Harbour Base Hospital and the local
ambulance centre) and reduce flooding of the Pacific Highway.
Perth Street (Lake • This project involves demolishing and remove the existing 60-year-old
QLD Annand) culverts, $2,792,768 $2,792,768 culvert and replace this with a new reinforced concrete box culvert structure
Toowoomba and related infrastructure, including a small weir to reinstate Lake Annand.
• This project involves removing the existing floodway and install a new
Armstrong Creek
concrete base slab and box culverts through Armstrong Creek on
QLD Causeway, Normanton $793,339.49 $793,339.49
Normanton - Burketown Road. This will raise the creek crossing to improve
to Burketown
flood resilience.
• Construct a causeway (three culverts with a concrete slab) over Six Mile
Up River Road
QLD $457,264.55 $457,264.55 Creek to allow better all-weather access to the Bowen Water Treatment
Causeway, Bowen
South Mitchell Road and • This project involves construction of six concrete causeways in Kowanyama
Pormpuraaw Road - Aboriginal Shire. The South Mitchell Road provides access for the
QLD $840,888 $840,888
Concrete Causeways, Kowanyama community to the South Mitchell River and the Gulf of
Kowanyama Carpentaria for cultural and recreational purposes.
• This project involves removing and replacing the existing culvert crossing.
This road services numerous cattle stations and is used regularly to
transport cattle. In the event of rain, the low level of the culvert makes the
Coalbrook Road road impassable until waters recede.
QLD $603,241.47 $603,241.47
culverts, Richmond Shire
• By increasing the height of the culverts and the road, the functionality of the
road is retained for longer periods before over-topping. Functionality will be
returned more quickly following an event.
• This project involves construction of kerb and channel (3490m) for 24 urban
Kerb and channel to streets on Palm Island. This work is essential to improve road drainage
QLD $756,000 $756,000
town streets, Palm Island infrastructure to mitigate the impacts of flooding and heavy rainfall on
community and vehicular safety.
• This project involves construction of a rock wall placed on the north side of
Cullen Point Barge
the barge ramp to protect the ramp and hard stand area from wave action
QLD Ramp Rock Wall, $958,762.08 $958,762.08
during severe weather events, reducing scours and build-up of sand which
typically close the ramp.
• This project involves gravel resheet and two coat bitumen seal of Burke
Burke Development Developmental Road. Burke Developmental Road is part of the unsealed
QLD $18,529,176.96 $18,529,176.96
Road state road network, in an area where high/extreme rainfall and overland
flows are experienced.
• This project involves gravel resheet and two coat bitumen seal of Gregory
Gregory Downs to
to Camooweal Road. Gregory to Camooweal Road is part of the unsealed
QLD Camooweal Road, $13,245,523.20 $13,245,523.20
state road network, in an area where high/extreme rainfall and overland
Mount Isa
flows are experienced.
• The main foreshore of Denham is located along the main foreshore and
Upgrade of Denham the existing seawall revetment no longer meets requirements.
WA $1,775,655 $1,775,655
Foreshore Seawall
• This project is to upgrade the foreshore protection via design and
construction of an engineered revetment will a higher crest elevation than
• The project aims to improved drainage and reduce the risk of damage
through reforming the existing road, construction of a gravel sheeting layer,
new and upgraded existing roadside drainage, and construction of 10 x
Tanami Rd Unsealed new cement stabilised floodways.
WA Road and Floodway $750,000 $750,000
Upgrade Slk 9 -15 • The proposed works cover several discrete road segments between
Tanami Rd Slk 270 – 290 to help provide access to pastoral stations,
Aboriginal communities, mining operations and tourists between WA and
• The project is situated within the City of Albany inner residential suburb of
Orana which experienced severe flooding events in 2005.
Le Grande Attenuation • To work includes constructing three integrated attenuation basins within an
WA $1,300,000 $1,050,000 undeveloped crown reserve to reduce the effects of flooding to
downstream commercial, residential lands, roads and local government
assets as well as reduce insurance costs and Protect Main Road infrastructure
and reduced road closure events.
• Three stormwater outlets (SLK 1.543, SLK 2.306 and SLK 2.869) on North
North Circular Roads Circular Road require major improvements works to minimise the risk of
WA $340,000 $170,000
Outlets flooding back into South Hedland. The works involve installing concrete
slab to the floor of the drain to improve soil erosion.
• The proposed works will improve the serviceability of road crossings over
the twin branches of Bilung Creek: reducing the frequency and duration of
Bilung Creek Floodway
WA $696,000 $546,000 road closure, improving safety after flooding events; and reducing damage
Carnarvon-Mullewa Rd
to the roads and infrastructure. The works will therefore reduce future flood
damage claims and flood damage.
• The works are to replace undersized concrete pipes with box culvert and
redirection of stormwater flows to improve drainage and prevent flood
WA Spencer Road $132,283 $132,283 overtopping. The works will prevent further flood damage by increase the
capacity to drain and disperse water in a controlled manner in heavy rainfall
• On average the floodway at Dalgety Brook is closed five times per annum
for varying durations due to large flooding events or more frequent rainfall.
WA Dalgety Brook Floodway $1,549,315 $1,549,315 The works will establish a raised floodway with culvert and rock protection
to improve the road serviceability and ensure the floodway is constructed to
withstand larger rainfall events.
• Over time significant erosion has occurred at the Business Park which has
caused a major build-up of sediment within the unsealed table drains,
Kingsford Smith
WA $545,020 $272,510 resulting in reduced capacity of the drains. The proposed works are to
Business Park
control erosion with a concrete slab to the floor of the drain that will enable
water to move quickly within the system.
• The works involve the entire renewal of the failing stormwater drainage
system to drainage basin (reserve no. R36430) to address the following:
- Renew infrastructure that is end of life, is non-compliant, unsafe
Leehey Street Drainage and failing.
WA $350,000 $175,000
Upgrades - Minimise upstream stormwater surcharge, with reduced flood risk
and insurance
- costs for upstream properties.
- Maintain the integrity of the RAV network.
• The project will redesign the drainage system at Longue Court to address
Lougue Court Drainage
WA $200,000 $100,000 noncompliant, unsafe and failing drainage infrastructure which causes a
surcharge of stormwater into residential areas of South Hedland.
• This project will improve drainage infrastructure at six locations within high
South Hedland Drainage
WA $491,350 $245,675 density residential areas in South Hedland to mitigate the risk of flooding to
the properties and engineering assets.
• The project involves removal of the 51-year-old 1200mm box culverts and
concrete pad that are showing signs of structural failure and installing a new
concrete base slab with new 2100mm wide culverts and concrete
York Williams Road - headwalls. Placement of riprap to protect road embankment by slowing the
WA $238,000 $214,200
Biberkine Brook stormwater discharge on the outlet side of the culvert and installation of
guard railing. The works will reduce debris blocking the culverts therefore
reducing local flooding and damage to the road drainage structure at this
Lower Brown Hill Creek • This project will double the flow capacity of the channel so that it is able to
SA $42,750,000 $14,250,000
upgrade contain the flows from a 1 in 100 Annual Exceedance Probability event.
• This project will construct a flood protection levee around the eastern and
southern boundaries of the Two Wells township. The levee will provide
Two Wells Township
SA $2,020,000 $1,660,000 protection to the township in a 1 in 100 Annual Exceedance Probability
event. The works are proposed outcomes from Two Wells Stormwater
Management Plan for Two Wells (2017).
Carisbrook Township • This project involves construction of four levee. The levees and associated
western levee $1,800,000 $1,200,000 drainage and culvert works will protect 25 properties from flooding in the
construction event of a one percent annual exceedance probability flood.
• This project involves refurbishing and upgrading levees in line with recently
Wangaratta urban flood
completed detailed construction plans and the expectations of the
VIC mitigation infrastructure $5,300,000 $3,500,000
Wangaratta community. It also involves raising the level of some parts of
the levee to design one percent Annual Exceedance Probability flood level.
Latrobe Council – • This project involves constructing of earth and concrete flood levees, water
TAS $14,000,000 $1,270,000
Latrobe Flood levees, diversion structures and associated works
West Coast Council – • This project involves raising the Property access level directly north of
stormwater systems timber storage so that overflow from Manuka Creek does not spread further
TAS $460,000 $460,000
upgrades – Inn Manuka west.
West Coast Council – • This project involves upgrading culvert to reduce the flood level upstream.
TAS Stormwater system $400,000 $400,000 Increase capacity of adjacent piped stormwater network.
upgrades - Innes St
West Coast Council – • This project involves installation of a levee from Gaffney Street West to
TAS Stormwater system $530,000 $290,000 Henry Street on the Eastern side on Manuka Creek (this cost also includes
upgrades - Gaffney St the price of Henry Street upgrade)
$351,998 • This project involves replacing sets of debris collecting irons, which are
City of Hobart – Debris
TAS $221,998 poorly structured and collect significant amounts of debris. They will be
Collection Infrastructure
removed and several new sets will be placed in more strategic locations.
Waratah – Wynyard • This project involves widening of Port Creek as well as levee banks to hold
TAS Council – Port Creek $2,514,000 $1,000,000 back floodwaters in Port Creek from the surrounding airport and residential
mitigation works dwellings and allow floodwaters to discharge.
Kingsborough Council – $984,000 • This project involves adding a new stormwater system from the top end of
TAS Garnett Street upgrade $887,000 Garnett St to halfway down Hazell St, including new inlets and manholes
works with associated roadwork reconstruction.