Foi Sample Notice Internal Review Decision
Foi Sample Notice Internal Review Decision
Foi Sample Notice Internal Review Decision
Note on sample
This sample notice has been developed for agencies to send applicants who have requested
internal review of an access refusal decision. There is a separate sample notice available for
agencies notifying a third party of an internal review decision to grant access.
Agencies can also adapt this notice for other internal review decisions, such as:
a decision relating to the imposition of a charge
a decision to give access to a qualified person.
I, [insert name, position], am an officer authorised under section 23(1) of the FOI Act to
make decisions in relation to FOI requests.
You were advised on [insert date] of the decision to refuse access to [the documents/[insert
number] of the [insert total number] documents] you requested. You asked for internal
review of that decision on [insert date].
[Explain the background to the internal review. Relevant information could include:
information provided by the applicant in their application for internal review
any revisions the applicant has made to their request during the processing period
any correspondence entered into by the applicant or agency during the processing
any other background material that provides context for the processing of the
In reviewing our earlier decision, I identified [insert figure] document[s] which fell within the
scope of your request. I did this by [provide details of how you searched and located documents.
This information should include where and how you searched; key search results and the key words
that you used to search for documents For further information about what constitutes a
reasonable search for documents, see the Guidelines issued by the Australian Information
Commissioner under section 93A of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, Part 3 (Processing
and deciding on requests for access), available at
information/foi-guidelines/part-3-processing-and-deciding-on-requests-for-access/ and
Agency resource and search minute Processing FOI requests: taking all reasonable steps to
find documents.]. [Specify any additional documents that were located beyond those
identified in the original decision.]
With regard to those documents (set out in the schedule attached), I have decided: [insert
summary of decision].
The attached schedule of documents provides a description of each document that falls
within the scope of your request and the access decision for each of those documents. In
the schedule, I have specified where my decision is different to our earlier decision.
The schedule indicates each document to which access is refused. My reasons for refusing
access are given below.
[Insert reasoning explaining each access decision. The sample section 26 notice provides an
example of what to include. Where the internal review decision diverges from the original
decision, make this clear.]
email: [email protected]
More information about Information Commissioner review is available on the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner website. Go to
FOI Complaints
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your FOI request, please let us know what we
could have done better. We may be able to rectify the problem. If you are not satisfied with our
response, you can make a complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner. A complaint to
the Information Commissioner must be made in writing. Complaints can be lodged in one of the
following ways:
email: [email protected]
More information about complaints is available on the Office of the Australian Information
Commissioner at
If you are not sure whether to lodge an Information Commissioner review or an Information
Commissioner complaint, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has more
information at:
Yours sincerely
1. Schedule of documents
2. [Insert others as necessary – eg relevant excerpts of FOI Act, OAIC Guidance and
Advice, relevant correspondence, text of original request etc]