DLL in Science 4 (3RD Quarter-3rd Week)

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K to 12 Basic Education Program Teacher MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES Learning Area SCIENCE
(Grades 1 to 12) Teaching Dates & Time Quarter THIRD
I. OBJECTIVES (Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be
done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guide.)
A. CONTENT STANDARDS Demonstrate understanding on how heat travelsbusing various objects
B. PERFOMANCE STANDARDS Demonstrate conceptual understanding of properties/characteristics of heat
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES/ *Describe how heat is transferred (S4FE-IIIf-g-4)
OBJECTIVES *Infer that heat travels from hot to cold objects
(Write the LC Code for each)
*Demonstrate that heat travels from hot to cold objects
II. CONTENT (Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tacked in a week or two.)
(List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based
materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.)
Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets, Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets, Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets, Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets, Pictures, Charts, Activity Sheets,
Powerpoint Presentation, different Powerpoint Presentation, different Powerpoint Presentation, different Powerpoint Presentation, different Powerpoint Presentation, different
materials (lamp. matchsticks, tong, nail, materials (mongo seeds, thermometer, materials (margarine, lampshade, plate, materials (shoebox, aluminum foil, materials
margarine, spoon, thermos, mug, timer) casserole, stove/heater, water) spoon) barbecue stick, hotdog)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 233-235 235-236 236-237 237-240 240-241
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 186-188 189-190 191-192 192-193
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Online Resources Online Resources Online Resources Online Resources Online Resources
III. PROCEDURES (These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learners
in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.)
A. ELICIT Have a short review on magnets. Recall: Recall on how heat is transferred Review Recall on the previous lessons
Clap your hands if the statement is through liquid. (Complete the (Transfer of Heat Through Air)
correct, raise and waive if not. following sentences. Show a smiley face if the statement is
1. The transfer of heat through solid 1. ________ is the transfer of correct and a sad face if not.
materials is called conduction. 1. Heat can also be transmitted across
heat from one place to another
2. Heat travels from cold to hot empty space or vacuum.
by movements of fluids.
objects. 2. Radiation is the transfer of heat
3. The materials through which heat 2. Fluids include ____ and ____. through air by waves.
passes slowly or not at all are called 3. Warm fluids/air _____ and cold 3. Heat waves are visible.
conductors. fluids/air ______. 4. All warm objects radaite or give of
4. Metals are good conductors. 4. ______ is the reason why we heat waves.
5. Wood, plastic and ceramic transfer have wind movements and local 5. The transfer of heat from a burner
heat easily than metals. breezes. to a pan is an example of radiation.
B. ENGAGE Ask the following: From the previous lesson, we How do we feel when we go out What are the different ways of How does heat transfer/travel?
*Why do some objects get hot learned that heat is tranferred and walk for long under the stong heat transfer?
easily when placed under the through solid materials by heat of the sun? Why do we fell
sun? conduction. so hot as if it is burnt?
*What is the role of the sun to
make this happen? *Does movement of air and liquid *Do you think heat is transferred
*How does heat of the sun reach transfer heat? through air?
the Earth’s surface? *How is heat transferred through *How do you think heat travel
*How is heat transferred from liquid? through air?
one object to another?
C. EXPLORE 1. Divide the class into three. 1. Group pupils into four. 1. Group pupils into four. Let the pupils accomplish the Present pictures/examples of
2. Let each group do the activities 2. Set norms for the activity. 2. Set norms for the activity. activity on p.237-238 of TG. different activities/situations. Let
on LM p. 186-188 3. Perform the activity on LM, Act 3. Perform the activity on LM, Act Decode the hidden word by filling the pupils tell the method of heat
ACT 1: HOW IS HEAT 2, pages 189-190 2, pages 191-193 the blank with the correct letters transfer involved in each
TRANSFERRED IN SOLID ACT 2: HOW DOES HEAT TRAVEL ACT 3: HOW DOES HEAT TRAVEL as indicated by the following situation.
4. Wrapping up and finalization of 4. Wrapping up and finalization of
output output
D. EXPLAIN A. A. A. A. A. Have again a short discussion
1. Presentation and discussion of 1. Presentation and discussion of 1. Presentation and discussion of Discuss the meaning of the words on conduction, convection, and
group outputs. group outputs. group outputs. formed. radiation.
2. Give feedback. 2. Give feedback. 2. Give feedback.
3. Answer the different guide
3. Answer the different guide 3. Answer the different guide B. Generalizing concepts B. Let the pupils state the general
questions in the different activities.
questions in the different questions in the different concepts
LM: p.191-192
activities. activities. LM: p.190 *What do you notie about the *What are the different ways of
ACT 1: (SET-UP A) LM p.187 *What happens to the margarine after it was placed under heat transfer?
*What happened to the temperature of the water after 3 the lampshade?
margarine at the other half end of minutes? *What do you think made the change
the nail? *What do you notice about the on the margarine?
*Why do you think it melted even movement of the mongo seeds in *Predict what might happen to the
if it is not directly exposed to the the casserole? margarine if it is continuously
flame? *What could you infer about the exposed under the lampshade for a
long period of time?
*If we are using a metal tongs and temperature of the water based
*Why is it necessary that margarine
continue to expose the nail to the on the graph that you created? or butter should always be kept
flame, what do you think will refrigerated?
happen to the pair metal tongs? Say: The margarine on the plate
*What could be inferred from this Say: As the water at the bottom of melts after it was exposed to the heat
activity? the caserrole gets heated, the of the lamp. There was no physical
temperature rises. The heat coming contact, but the margarine is heated
Say: As the nail is heated the margarine from the water at the bottom of the by the lamp because the heat has the
on the other end of the nail melts. This casserole was passed on to the rest of ability to travel in empty space or
shows that the heat coming from the the water in the container. The vacuum. Heat from the sun reaches
alcohol lamp is transferred from one end random motion of the mongo seeds the earth by travelling across millions
of the nail (exposed to flame) to the other illustrates the heat that is being of kilometers of empty space. Radiant
end(cold end with margarine). This is transferred. This is called transfer of
called transfer of heat by conduction. energy from the sun makes life
heat in liquids by convection. possible on earth.
ACT 1: (SET-UP b) LM p.187-188
B. Making generalization B. Making generalization
*What happens to the exposed From the activities performed, From the activities performed,
end of the spoon after 5 minutes? what general statement could what general statement could
*What did you notice about the you give? you give?
surface of th mug when you
touched it?
*We often got hurt when we
touched a turner or siyansi left in
frying pan for too long. Suggest
ways to reduce the effect of heat
on the turner so that we can
avoid getting hurt when we lift it
out of the hot pan.
Say: The cold end of the turner got
heated after the other end was
submerged into the frying fan. This
also shows that the heat from the
pan transferred to the submerged
end of the turner then travelled to the
other exposed end. This is also an
example of heat transfer by

B. Making generalization
From the activities performed,
what general statement could
you give?
E. ELABORATE 1. Discuss the key concepts on 1. Discuss the key concepts on 1. Discuss the key concepts on 1. Form 3 groups. Let each group State the meaning and give
Remember, LM p.188 Remember, LM p.190. Remember, LM p.193. . perfom the activity on page 192- examples for each.
2. Draw/illustrate different 2. Draw/illustrate different 2. Explain how is heat tansferred 193 of LM. 1. Conduction
examples of heat transfer by examples of heat transfer by on the following situations: THE SHOEBOX SOLAR HOTDOG 2. Convection
conduction. convection. *heat you feel when you are near COOKING 3. Radiation
3. Answer the following 3. Answer the following a fire source 2. Answer the guide questions on
questions: questions: *heat given off by electric heater LM p. 193
*Should we use a metal spoon to *Have you experienced swimming *heat on a hot oven 3. Enumerate the activities where
stir a boiling soup? Why? in rivers or seas in the early 3. Answer the following conduction, convection, and
*What must we do to be able to morning? questions: radiation is used by man.
use the metal spoon or ladle in *Did you immediately plunge into * Do you stay long under the sun
stirring boiling soup? the deep part? Why? especially at noontime? Why?
*What do we call these materials *In which part of the water is *What do you feel after staying
that are poor conductors of heat? warmer? Why? long under the heat of the sun?
* Try to turn on the air *Does sunlight also cause some
conditioning unit. In which part of diseases of the skin? What are
the rooms cools easily? those diseases?
*What is happening to our ozone
layer now?
*How does this affect the Earth?
F. EVALUATE I. Answer the following questions. I. Answer the following questions. I. Answer the following questions. Identify the following statements Let the pupils answer the
1. How does heat energy travel or 1. How is heat transferred by the 1. How does the heat of the sun as Conduction, Convection, or Evaluation on page 240-241 of the
move? movement of warm air, warm reach us? Radiation. TG.
2. Can heat be tranferred from liquid, and warm materials? 2. What kind of radiation do we 1. The transfer of heat through
one substance to another? How? 2. Why does heated air rise? receive from the sun? solid materials.
3. In what substances or objects 3. What is convection currect? 2. The travel of heat through air
does heat travel quickly? 4. What is a body of rising warm II. Modified TRUE or FALSE. Write 3. The transfer of heat through
4. What substances are poor air called? (thermal) TRUE if the statement is correct. liquids and gases.
conductors of heat? 5. Where dose convection currect If false, identify what makes in 4. When the mongo seeds in a
5. What do we call the substances usually occur? incorrect. casserole seem to dance and
where heat do not travel? ____1. Heat can also be move in a random circular
II.Write True if the statement is transmitted across empty space manner.
II. Yes or No. correct. If not, write False. or vacuum. 5. When you feel the heat from
___1. The transfer of heat 1. Convection is the travel of heat ____2. Radiation is the transfer of the fire source on a short distance
through solid materials is called from one place to another by heat through air by waves. 6. When the spoon became hot
conduction. movement of/in fluids. ____3. Heat waves are visible. after submerging in a hot water.
___2. Heat travels from cold to 2. Wind movements and local ____4. All warm objects radiate
hot objects. breezes are effects of convection. or give of heat waves.
___3. The materials through 3. During heat trnasfer by ____5. The transfer of heat from
which heat passes slowly or not at convection, warm air sinks and a burner to a pan is an example of
all are called conductors. coll air rises. radiation.
___4. Metals are good 4. Heat tranfers by convection
conductors. through liquids and gases.
___5. Wood, plastic and ceramic 5. Convection does not involve
transfer heat easily than metals. motion of fluids.
G. EXTEND Bring the following materials: Perform the below expirement at Can we see infrared rays? How Write examples of situations Perform the following activity in
*mongo seeds home. Record your observations. can we see infrared rays? showing conduction, convection, preparation for the next lesson.
*laboratory/alcohol thermometer 1. Fill a milk bottle with cold and radiation. 1. Cut out pictures showing the
*small casserole water. Place an index card on top Bring the following materials: use of light in daily life. Paste your
*small electric stove/heater of the milk bottle. *shoebox output on a cleen sheet of bond
*water 2. Fill a second milk bottle with *1 roll of aluminum foil paper.
warm water. Add some in or food *1 piece of a barbecue stick 2. Tell something about your
coloring to the warm water. *1 hotdog output.
3. Hold the card tightly to the
bottle of cold water and carefully
invert the bottle. Place the
inverted bottle on top of the
bottle with warm water and
carefully remove the index card.

Bring the following materials:

*small plastic plate

V. REFLECTION (Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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