Metal Heating Device
Metal Heating Device
Metal Heating Device
Annotation - Metallurgy (Greek: metallurgeo) is the study engineering, cybernetics, economics, automation
of the extraction of metals from ores or metal-containing and control of production, and space exploration.
substances and the "transfer" of properties to metal alloys; Metallurgy is also associated with the mining
industrial sector. Extraction of metals from metal ores has industry, chemical industry, machinery, refractory
long been known. Archaeological excavations show that
materials industry and other industries, refractory
our ancestors knew the secrets of copper mining as early as
materials industry and industries.
the 7th-6th centuries BC. In the 2nd millennium BC, an alloy
of copper with tin - bronze - began to be used; About the Hydrometallurgical separation and refining
middle of this millennium, iron smelting began. In this case, of metals does not require high temperatures and is
iron was obtained by direct heating of ores in the black at a based on the use of aqueous solutions of various
temperature of 1100-1350 ° (the simplest method). Some solvents. Hydrometallurgical methods use solutions
time later (from the middle of the 14th century) cast iron of acids, bases and salts to selectively melt metal
was obtained, and later (in the 15th century) steel. The steel from raw materials. Cementation, curing,
is made of a refractory vessel - a crucible. In the Middle adsorption, electrolysis, precipitation, and
Ages, they knew the secrets of making Damascus steel, a hydrolysis are used in hydrometallurgy to separate
"patterned" steel with a unique structure in the East. It was
metals from solutions.
used to make sharp weapons (such as swords). Information
Advances in all fields of science and
about M. can be found in the works of Abu Rayhan Beruni.
Then came the Bessemer process (marten) and the Thomas technology depend on the development of
process. M. as a science began to develop mainly in the "Metrology", that is, the science of measurements.
second half of the 18th century. M.V. Lomonosova's 1763 Without the development of metrology, it is
book, "The Basics of Metallurgy and Ore Work," describes impossible to create and effectively use modern
the foundations of M. The Russian scientist PP Anosov measurement techniques. While length, surface,
(1799-1851) developed the scientific basis for the gravity, and mass were measured in the early
production of Damascus steel. D. I. Mendeleev also made a nineteenth century, the types of physical quantities
great contribution to the development of M. science. measured in engineering and technology are now
Keywords: metallurgy, metal, heating, crushing,
increasing, and the measuring range (boundaries) of
metallurgical industry, enterprises, tools.
the link are expanding. This, in turn, requires
INTRODUCTION uniformity of measurement methods and
Metallurgy is based on research in physical techniques, high accuracy of measurement results
chemistry, physics, thermal engineering, electrical and rapid implementation of the process.
change and stabilize the signal emitted by the LIST OF USED LITERATURE:
headset depending on the sensor sensor metal. [1] Mohammad H.Rashid, Power Electronics
Circuits, Devices & Applications. Pvt.Ltd .., 1996.
Boost, M & Ziogas P.D., “State of the Art PWM 2
Edition Prentice Hall of India
[2] Techniques; A Critical Evaluation “Electronics
specialist Conference Record, 425-433,1986.
[3] S. Jeevananthan & Dr. Dananjayan "Time Shared
Cyclic Switching Method For High Power Three
Phase HPWM DC-AC Converter" Proceedings of
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Industrial Drives & Control, March 22,23.2003
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[4] Reliance AC Induction Motors on variable
frequency Controllers white Paper-B-7093-1
[5] http: //www.iemag.f/platforms/detail.php? ID =
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