Selected Aspects of Evolution Properties of Oxygen
Selected Aspects of Evolution Properties of Oxygen
Selected Aspects of Evolution Properties of Oxygen
6 3,713
3 authors:
Monika Walkowicz
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
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All content following this page was uploaded by Tadeusz Antoni Knych on 20 November 2014.
Streszczenie. Kształtowanie własności materiałów metalicznych w procesie ciągłego odlewania odbywa się na drodze zmiany parametrów procesu
technologicznego tj. temperatury ciekłego metalu, prędkości odlewania, wielkości przepływu i temperatury wody chłodzącej krystalizator. W pracy
dokonano charakterystyki wpływu parametrów procesu odlewania, a w szczególności prędkości odlewania na kształtowanie się struktury materiału
pod kątem ilości, wielkości oraz kształtu ziaren, a także własności drutów miedzianych przeznaczonych do wysokozaawansowanych aplikacji
elektrotechnicznych (kable audio-video, kable ognioodporne, wiązki samochodowe). (Wybrane zagadnienia oceny własności miedzi beztlenowej
pod kątem jej zastosowania w wysokozaawansowanych konstrukcjach elektrotechnicznych).
Keywords: oxygen free copper, continuous melting and casting line, wires, audio-video cables.
Słowa kluczowe: miedź beztlenowa, proces ciągłego topienia i odlewania, druty, kable audio-video.
Water flow
Material Casting l/min.
m/min. Primary Secondary
cooling cooling
® 0.06 0.1 ÷ 0.4 0.2 ÷ 1.0
Fig. 4. Identification of structure of feedstock
1.00 Further test results apply to the mechanical properties of
Cu-OFE feedstock for the process of drawing wires and microwires.
® 2.00 60
(Upcast ) The prepared samples, with a base length of 100 mm, were
subjected to tensile tests on a testing machine made by the
Instron company with a traverse speed of 70 mm/min. and a
Cu-ETP (Contirod ) - rolling speed 25 m/s reading frequency of 5 pts./s. Furthermore, torsion tests
were carried out. The prepared segments were loaded at
their endings with two counterbalanced torques acting in
The material was subjected to testing during each stage
planes perpendicular to the sample axis. The test was
of the drawing process. In this way, experimental research
concluded at the moment of breakage of the rod. Both
was commenced by the identification of macrostructures
mechanical tests differ from one another by the direction of
and mechanical and electric properties of the listed
application of the vector of force. The purpose of carrying
feedstock with diameters of 8.0 mm. Macrostructural
out these two different mechanical tests was to test if the
photographs of cross-sections and longitudinal sections of
apparent structural differences are reflected in material
materials were taken. Static tensile and torsion testing of
properties when the material is subjected to different
ETP and OFE grade copper was carried out, and electric
deformation schemes.
properties of materials were determined.
Figure 5. presents comparative results from tensile
testing of the materials being studied. Through analysis of
Results and analysis of experimental research
the tensile curves, a significant difference in the process of
The first results of testing, i.e., identification of the
strengthening of Cu-OFE and Cu-ETP copper was
structure of feedstock, have been presented in Fig. 4.
observed. The rods are materials obtained from the process
Identification of makrostructures was carried out using
of hot rolling and possess a fine-grain structure typical for
longitudinal and cross sections of Cu-OFE grade rods cast
copper subjected to dynamic recrystallization. It is
at ten different speeds. The materials exhibit a structure
characterized by high tensile strength and a relatively low
that is typical for classic castings, i.e., for copper cast with
yield point. Oxygen free copper rods are, however, obtained
high speeds in a range from 0.5÷4.0 m/min., a clear
from the process of constant casting and exhibit a structure
structure of equiaxial grains and a zone of column crystals
typical for castings, which, in a way, determines the fact that
perpendicular to the axis of the cast material are
their mechanical properties, for a similar yield point value,
distinguishable. Furthermore, analysis of longitudinal
are lower than for the rolled rods. Differences in the
sections indicates that the lower the casting speed, the
chemical compositions of materials also have an effect on
larger the grains found in the castings. Special attention
these properties.