Performance Analysis of Holstein-Friesian Cattle in Intensive Management at Dairy Farm Quetta
Performance Analysis of Holstein-Friesian Cattle in Intensive Management at Dairy Farm Quetta
Performance Analysis of Holstein-Friesian Cattle in Intensive Management at Dairy Farm Quetta
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Performance analysis of Holstein-Friesian cattle in intensive management
high milk production in Balochistan (Bilal et al. liters, in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th lactations
2005). However, even it is over 30 years to raise this respectively, with an overall mean of 3977.75±37.20
breed, self capability in milk production in the liters. It was determined that the highest MY
province are yet not to be achieved (Afzal and Naqvi, achieved in the 3rd lactation with 4431.40±41.65
2004). liters while the lowest MY was observed in the 6th
To overcome the shortage of milk, Livestock and lactation as 3329.53±28.01 liters. The results of
Dairy Development Department, Government of ANOVA revealed that there were highly significant
Balochistan decided in 1977-78, to import Holstein- differences between and among lactations; further
Friesian cattle. For this purpose, 175 pregnant heifers data showed that there was significant effect of
and 2 bulls were imported from Denmark and seasons on MY (P<0.05). The lactation MY obtained
stationed at Government dairy farm, Quetta. The in spring was higher than those obtained in winter,
study was aimed at multiplying the breed and raising summer and autumn.
it under different environmental/climatic conditions The results of the present study were consistent with
in different parts of the Balochistan province. The the findings of some researchers (Sandana and Basu,
present study was, therefore, planned to assess and 1981; Cheema, 1985) who reported that the MY in
compare the productive and reproductive Holstein-Friesian cattle ranged from 3911 to 5259 kg.
performance of Holsteins-Friesian cattle kept at Irshad et al. (2011) also reported averaged MY
Government Dairy Farm Quetta, in Balochistan (3992.41±16.20 liters) for Holstein-Friesian cattle at
province. Pishin Pakistan.
The MY for the present study was higher than those
Materials and Methods reported by many researchers (Oliveria, 1975; Parmar
In order to investigate the productive and and Dev, 1978; Osman and Kassim, 1983). These
reproductive performance of Holstein-Friesian under researchers reported that MY of Holstein-Friesian
intensive management system, the records of calving cows in different part of world averaged 2554 kg in
(n=600) obtained from cattle Holstein-Friesian Brazil; 3144.2±45.7 kg in India; 3139.49±56 kg in
(n=100) for the lactations (1-6) period kept at the Pakistan and 1917 kg in Malaysia respectively.
Government Dairy Farm Quetta Balochistan, Higher MY of Holstein-Friesian cattle were also
Pakistan were analyzed for the period of 10 years reported by Gual (1982), who obtained milk yield
(1997 to 2006). The traits included milk yield averages of 6202; 6576; 6439 and 4328 kg,
lactation (MY), Birth weight (BW), age at maturity respectively from Bejco, Northern Mexico, Hidalgo
(AM), age at first conception (AFCc), age at first and Publa farms. These differences might be due to
calving, (AFC), services per conception (SPC), breeds strain, differences in parities, length of
service period (SP), calving interval (CI), lactation lactation, herd, climatic and management conditions.
length (LL), dry period (DP). To evaluate the effect Lactation length (LL): The results of LL for 600
of season of calving on different traits of the herd, reports in Holstein-Friesian cattle are presented in
therefore months of the year were grouped in four Table 1. The estimates of the LL of the present study
seasons (winter, summer spring and autumn). were in agreement with the result of the several
Intensive system of feeding is practiced on farm. investigators as Perez and Ronda (1983) reported the
Most commonly available green fodders were average LL as 315±17.9 days in India. Dabduab and
sorghum, Lucerne, corn, and berseem. During the Misra (1988) reported an average LL of 303.2 days
scarcity of fodder, animals were fed dry roughages for purebred Friesians in Iraq, and Juma et al. (1990)
(wheat straw, corn). The artificial insemination found that 273 Holstein-Friesian during 1978-1987
breeding system was practiced on the farm. The recorded mean LL of 320 days. The higher LL
arithmetic means, with standard error (± SE), for the compared to present study was accepted by Oliveria
above mentioned reproductive and productive (1975) who found it 392 days for Holstein-Friesian in
parameters were calculated. Statistical analysis was Brazil, and Basu (1974) also reported LL
done using analysis of variance technique and 347.42±5.59, whereas several authors have reported
significant results were subjected to Duncan’s lesser LL than the averaged LL in the present study
multiple range tests (Steel and Torrie, 1984). as Taj (2001) reported 265 days LL at Punjgoor,
Pakistan, and Sattar et al. (2005) observed
Results and Discussion 291.86±6.55 days LL in Holstein-Friesian at Patoki,
Milk yield lactation (MY): The results of MY of Pakistan. Irshad et al. (2011) documented average LL
Holstein-Friesian for six lactations (n=600) are for 600 reports in Holstein-Friesian cattle at Pishin,
presented in Table 1. MY averaged was observed as Pakistan was found as 320.14±11.14 days with the
3848.00±15.77, 4303.70±32.79, 4431.40±41.65, range of 299.6.±13.64 to 356.93±12.50 days. There
4186.30±49.59, 3767.61±35.38 and 3329.53±28.01
Sa nd h u et a l
Table 1: Productive and Reproductive Traits of Holstein-Friesian cattle (n=100 cattle each lactation) Farm
Quetta (Means±SE)
Milk yield Lactation length Dry period Calving interval
Lactation #
(liters) (days) (days) (days)
1 3848.00±15.77 319.68±0.94 85.47±1.60 405.15±2.23
2 4303.70±32.79 323.28±0.81 88.07±1.67 411.35±2.05
3 4431.40±41.65 325.91±1.04 89.40±1.60 415.31±2.28
4 4186.30±49.59 322.11±0.75 87.04±1.61 409.15±1.90
5 3767.61±35.38 314.17±0.83 85.33±1.68 399.50±2.05
6 3329.53±28.01 280.04.±1.09 86.73±1.62 410.41±2.12
OA* 3977.75±37.20 314.19±0.91 87.06±1.63 408.09±2.10
OA* = Over all average
Table 2: Productive and Reproductive Traits of Holstein-Friesian Cattle (n=100 cattle each lactation) Farm
Quetta (Means±SE)
Female Male Age at Maturity Service Period
Lactation #
Birth Weight (kg) Birth Weight (kg) (days) (days)
1 35.11±0.39 39.62±0.56 655.30±11.12 126.98±2.25
2 35.19±0.55 39.78±0.42 623.54±13.17 133.51±2.05
3 35.20±0.41 40.17±0.55 610.22±15.76 136.92±2.33
4 36.96±0.77 39.42±0.37 599.10±15.76 131.13±1.91
5 35.28±0.50 39.62±0.51 620.55±14.06 121.23±2.14
6 36.17±0.45 40.02±0.34 627.32±13.54 127.43±1.56
OA* 35.65±0.51 39.74±0.46 625.40±14.65 129.95±2.14
OA* = Over all average
are many factors which are responsible for varying for Bhagnari heifers in Pakistan was reported by
values of LL trait such as number of lactation, age of Azam et al. (2001). On the other hand, lower values
cow, plane of nutrition, environmental and (18.3 months) were also reported by Ozbeyaz et al.
management system (Sattar et al., 2005). (1996) in Swiss Brown heifers. These differences
Birth weight (BW): The BW of male (n=311) and might be due to environmental and managerial
female (n=274) calves as 39.74±0.46 and practices that had impact on age of maturity.
35.65.10±0.51 kg respectively (Table 2). Lower BW Age at first conception (AFCc): The mean estimate
of male and female of calves as compared to the for AFCc of Holstein-Friesian heifers was
present study was reported by many researchers 655.10±10.44 days, (ranging from 439 to 996 days).
(Becker et al., 1995; Baloch, 1997; Jaffar, 2000 and Cheema (1985), Sheikh (1997), Juma et al. (1990),
Taj, 2001). These differences might be due to breed, Rafique et al. (2000) reported similar estimates
environmental and managerial practices that had (ranged from 618 to 632 days) in crossbred heifers in
impact on BW. Pakistan and Ali et al. (2011) observed this value in
Calving Frequencies: It is noted that the higher Holstein-Friesian heifers was 633.82 ± 10.44 days,
calving months in the summer (26.17%) followed by ranging from 339 to 1031 days. Higher age at first
autumn (25.17%), spring 25.00%) and winter conception as compared to the present study was
23.66%). reported by Chaudhry and Ahmad (1994) in
Age at maturity (AM): The results of AM of heifers crossbred heifers and Sattar et al. (2005) in Holstein-
were presented in table 2. Similar findings were Friesian (828.5 ± 233.1 and 714±9.72 days)
observed by many researchers as Chaudhry and respectively, in Pakistan. On the other hand, Haq et
Ahmad (1994) who recorded in crossbred heifers, al. (1993) recorded lower age at first conception
Sattar et al. (2005) also reported the average age at (502.93 ± 11.71 days) in Holstein-Friesian heifers in
Pakistan. These differences might be due to location
maturity in 236 heifers 652.10 ± 6.98 days, ranging
and variable management practices at different farms.
from 356 to 1077 days in Pakistan and Irshad et al. Feeding and breeding decisions might also have
(2011) documented AM in Holstein-Friesian heifers affected this trait.
was 650.10±5.67 days, ranging from 373 to 1065 Age at first calving (AFC): The average age at first
days. Higher age at maturity (987.22 ± 14.77 days) calving for Holstein-Friesian heifers was
Performance analysis of Holstein-Friesian cattle in intensive management
894.74±13.11 days, ranging between 810 - 1287 achieved in 3rd CI (415.31±2.28 days), while the
days. These findings were in agreement with those least CI was found (399.50±2.05days) in the 5th
recorded by Gual (1982) who observed (852 ± 43.8) calving. In the present study, significant difference in
days at first calving in Holstein-Friesian heifers, calving interval between lactation and season
Njubi et al. (1992) reported in Jersey heifers in (P<0.05) were establish. Further records showed that
Kenya, Shiekh (1997) also documented 907.77 days there were high significant difference (P<0.05)
and Irshad et al. (2011) found in Holstein-Friesian between lactation (2nd and 5th), (3rd and 5th), (1st and
heifers was 912±13.11 days. Higher age at first 3rd) and (4th and 5th). Juma et al. (1990), Juneja et al.
calving (1237, 1017 ± 43.8 and 987±8.81 days) was (1991) and Irshad et al. (2011) recorded almost
found by Morsy et al. (1986), Mangeraker et al. similar standards (418, 414.17 and 409.17±7.32 days,
(1995) and Sattar et al. (2005) in Friesian heifers, respectively) in Friesian cows. However, Morsy et al.
respectively. On the other hand, Juneja et al. (1991) (1986) and Sattar et al. (2005) and Younas et al.
and Haq et al. (1993) reported lesser age at first (2008) reported longer calving interval in Friesian
calving in Friesian heifers (822 and 787 days, cows as compare to present study. (522±39.9,
respectively). These differences might be due to 505.02±8.28 and 451.1 0±5.55 days respectively)
differences in management and herds. These differences might be due differences in herds,
Number of services per conception (SPC): The management and feeding regimes.
average number of SPS for the present study was Dry period (DP): The average DP for Holstein-
observed as 2.80 ± 0.10. Almost similar findings 3.10 Friesian cows (n=500) was 87.06±1.63 days (Table
services per conception were recorded by Saha and 1), with a range of 45-159 days and difference
Parekh (1988) in crossbred cows in India and Sattar between lactations was noted in the present study.
et al. (2005) reported (3.07±0.10) in Friesian cows in However, season has non significant effect on DP.
Patoiki, Pakistan, Irshad et al. (2011) also testimony Similar average dry period result was reported by
for 2.89 ± 0.10 in Friesian cows However, Irshad et al. (2011) on Holstein-Friesian cows i.e.
Mangurkar et al. (1987) and Garcia and Velez (1988) 102.18±15.35 days. Longer average dry period
reported to be lower (1.50 and 1.80) number of compared to the present study was observed by
services per conception in Friesian cows. Variations Gogoi et al. (1993) who reported 233.5 days DP in
in the management, environment and fertility status Jersey cows, Juneja et al. (1991) and Sattar et al.
of the breeding cows might lead to differences in (2005) reported a DP of 224.99 ± 10.00 days in
number of services per conception. Jersey and Friesian cows in India and Pakistan,
Service period (SP): The average SP of Holstein- respectively. Shorter average DP compared to the
Friesian cows for the present study was 129.95±2.14 present study was observed by Younas et al. (2008)
days (Table 2), varying from 34.0 to 387 days. The as 59.15±20.16 day in Holstein-Friesian cows. These
results of ANOVA revealed that differences in SP differences might due to herd, feeding and breeding
between calving number were highly significant as management. The results of the present study
well as between lactation (2nd and 5th), (3rd and 5th), revealed that cows calved during spring season had
(1st and 3rd) and (4th and 5th). Further it was observed longest service period. Sattar et al. (2005) justified
that season has significant effect on SP. Similarly, that may be these cows had their breeding period
Juneja et al. (1991), Juma et al. (1990), Haq et al. during hot months. The tendency of oestrus to be
(1993) reported the service period as 156, 145.5 and silent and short in hot season makes detection of heat
161 days, respectively in Friesian cows and Irshad et difficult. Heat stress might have resulted in reduced
al. (2011) reported in Holstein-Friesian cows was reproductive efficiency (in terms of ovulation, repeat
133.797±5.84 days.. However, Gogoi et al. (1993) breeding, conception rate etc.). This may be
observed much longer service period (280 days) in attributed to increased service period. Confining
Jersey cows in India. Mustafa et al. (2003) reported breeding of cows to the months of December,
longer (235.87 ± 14.05days) service period in Red January and February (cooler months of the year)
Sindhi heifers in Pakistan, and Sattar et al. (2005) will help improve this trait. The average DP in the
reported that average service period for 508 records present study was lower than other studies because
in Holstein-Friesian cows was 222.22±6.87 days, animals were not well fed and bred earlier. Longer
ranging from 46 to 828 days. Less days service DP has adverse effects on profitability of the
period mean early gestation period and more life with enterprise therefore effort should make to achieve the
prime milk yield Service period differed due to goal of relatively shorter dry period for improved
differences in feeding and breeding management profitability of farm (Irshad et al., 2011).
(Irshad et al., 2011). Conclusion
Calving interval (CI): The average CI was The results of all traits showed disparity however,
408.09±2.10 days (Table 1. The maximum CI was services per conception, service period, gestation
Sa nd h u et a l
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Performance analysis of Holstein-Friesian cattle in intensive management