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5 authors, including:
M. Arif N Saqib
Pakistan Health Research Council, Islamabad
All content following this page was uploaded by M. Arif N Saqib on 01 February 2016.
Growth hormone cDNA of Beetal goat (Capra hircus), an indigenous breed of Punjab, Pakistan was amplified by RT PCR
and gene including leader sequence was cloned in pTZR57 cloning vector. The cGH-pTZR57 clone was confirmed by
restriction digestion and sequence analyses before finally sub-cloning the gene in pND - a mammalian expression vector. The
clones were again confirmed by restriction digestion and PCR analyses. Highly purified, super coiled recombinant caprine
growth hormone-pND (rcGH-pND) construct was used to transfect Vero cell lines for expression studies. The in vitro
expression of cGH was determined by dot-ELISA. After confirming its in vitro cell line based expression, rcGH-pN, pND
constructs and phosphate buffer saline (PBS) were separately injected to 4 weeks old balb/c female mice intramuscularly.
Total forty five animals were used to determine the biological activity and randomly divided in to three groups with fifteen
mice in each group. Five animals from each group were used to monitor the in vivo biological activity by evaluating the body
weight gain and tibia epiphyseal width assays from zero week up to four weeks with one week gap. Significant increase
(P<0.05) gain in body weight and in tibia epiphyseal width was observed in animals inoculated with rcGH-pN. Thus it is
concluded that recombinant plasmid of cGH cDNA may be used as supplement to increase the meat production. The effects of
the same plasmid on milk production may be checked in future experiments using Beetal goat. © 2014 Friends Science
Keywords: Caprine growth hormone; Mammalian expression vector pND; Vero cell line; Beetal growth hormone
To cite this paper: Butt, H.I., M.I. Shahzad, Q. Bashir, M.A.N. Saqib and A. Khanum, 2014. Plasmid based expression and bioactivity evaluation of caprine
growth hormone gene cloned from a local Pakistani goat breed, Beetal. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16: 634‒638
Plasmid Based Expression and Bioactivity Evaluation of cGH / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014
Because of high genetic potentials and low DH5α cells was also refreshed by streaking and growing on
productivity of milk and meat in most of South East Asian Lauria-Bertani (LB) media prepared by the method
cattle and small ruminant breeds, the exogenous mentioned by Maniatis et al. (1989). Plasmid DNA of pND
administration of recombinant homologous GH approaches vector was extracted to be used in sub-cloning experiment.
on one hand provide the key for boosting the productivity of This vector contains constitutive immediate early promoter
ruminants to increase the food output (meat or milk) per unit and enhancer sequences from cytomegalovirus (CMV) and
of food source input. This is because of reduction in animal 1000 bp intron sequence for optimal gene expression under
waste products and expenditures for animal feed production in vitro and in vivo conditions. Before starting experiments,
(Bauman, 1992). On the other hand, the state of the art the protocols were reviewed and approved by the ethical
plasmid based expression technology is getting popular in committee of PMAS Arid Agriculture University
recent years (Patil et al., 2005). For example, to screen the Rawalpindi.
targets identified from genomic projects, to shuffle
molecules for vaccination or direct in vivo production of Sub-cloning of cGH in pND
hormones and other therapeutics or preventive applications
(Draghia-Akli et al., 2006). This economically feasible gene The cGH-pTZR57 construct was restricted with Xba I and
delivery technology and plasmid mediated gene transfer is Bam HI to produce the 692 bp long cGH gene with leader
also emerging as an excellent candidate for agriculture sequence. Similarly pND vector was modified by restriction
applications to optimize production and animal welfare digestion with Nhe I and Bam HI enzymes. The fragments
(Draghia-Akli and Fiorotto, 2004; Cunningham, 2005). were purified from gel by gel extraction kit (Fermentas,
Goats (Capra hircus) are fastest growing ruminants in USA) and purified products were ligated with T4 ligase
Pakistan and about 25 goat breeds are in the country and using standard ligation procedure provided by Supplier
two wild relative such as Markhor and Ibex (Khan et al., (Roche, USA). The ligation mixture was then transformed
2008; Shahzad et al., 2012). These are important for poor into chemically competent B10 strain of E. coli. The
livestock farmers to make a living and according to recent positive clones were confirmed by restriction digestion
data over 64 million goats are available in Pakistan (GOP, using EcoRV and agarose gel electrophoresis.
2013). Some species are good for meat or milk production. Expression Studies
For example, Beetal goats are famous for its milk and meat
production and is called poor man’s cow (Iqbal et al., 2008; DNA used for expression studies was prepared by Quantum
Qudus et al., 2013). These goats are found in almost all prep™ Plasmid Midiprep kit (Bio-Rad, USA). DNA
irrigated areas of the Punjab including districts of Jhelum, concentration was determined by spectrophotometer at
Gujarat, Mandi-Bahaudddin, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Lahore, optical density of 260 nm and 280 nm. The ratio of 260/280
Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Sargodha, Jhang, Multan, Sahiwal nm was used to determine the quality of DNA. Most of
and Okara (www.haasil-foundation.com/). DNA samples gave ratio between 1.7 and 2.0. The samples
Keeping in view the importance of Beetal breed’s with lower ratio were retreated with chloroform-
contribution towards meat and milk production, this study isoamylalcohol to remove proteins. The revived Vero cells
was designed to clone the caprine growth hormone (cGH) obtained from National Institute of Health (NIH), Islamabad
cDNA as a supplement agent into a mammalian expression were used for expression studies. The cells were grown in
vector, to carry out expression studies in vitro using animal Medium 199-Hepes containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 1%
cell line and then to evaluate its biological response in vivo penicillin streptomycin solution (PSS), 1% amphotericin B
using animal model. This may help to develop feasible and 0.6% L-glutamine by culturing the cells in 12 wells
plasmid based delivery system for growth hormone cloned plate (Corning, USA) and incubated in the humidified CO2
from various farming animals to enhance the production of incubator at 37oC. Cells with 80% of confluence were used
milk and meat in high demand market like South East Asian for transfection experiments using calcium phosphate co-
countries and help to raise livestock sector. precipitation method described by Wigler et al. (1978).
After transfection, the cells were incubated from 48 to 96 h.
Materials and Methods Thereafter the media and cell monolayer were harvested and
analyzed by dot blot.
Plasmid Preparations
Bioactivity Evaluation
Caprine GH-pTZR57 construct in DH5α cells with
accession # DQ 307368 by Khan et al. (2005) was available The biological activity of the construct i.e. rcGH cDNA was
in Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, evaluated in white BALB/c, an albino female mice by
PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. The clone weight gain and tibia epiphyseal width assays using
was refreshed from its glycerol stock and plasmid DNA was endotoxin free plasmid DNAs (Greenspan et al., 1949; Zhu
extracted by the method described by Maniatis et al. (1989). et al., 1997). Forty five, four weeks old BALB/c mice were
Similarly, mammalian expression vector pND cloned in divided into three groups containing fifteen animals each
Butt et al. / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014
Plasmid Based Expression and Bioactivity Evaluation of cGH / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014
Table 1: Weight gain data of BALB/c mice from 1-4 weeks post inoculation of recombinant caprine growth hormone
(rcGH) in mammalian pND vector
Treatment 0 week 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week
pND 20.5±2.12eA 23.0±1.41dA 26.5±0.71cA 30.5±0.71bB 34.5±0.71aB
PBS 19.5±0.71eA 23.5±0.71dA 26.5±2.12cA 31.0±1.41bB 33.5±3.54aB
rcGH-pND 16.5±0.71eB 19.5±0.71dB 28.0±1.41cA 34.0±1.41bA 36.5±2.12aA
Table 2: Tibia width data of BALB/c mice from 1-4 weeks post inoculation of recombinant caprine growth hormone
(rcGH) in mammalian pND vector
Treatment 0 week 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week
cA bA bB aB
pND 5.28±0.97 7.36±1.40 9.69 ± 0.05 13.98±0.11 14.28±0.31aB
PBS 5.38±1.40dA 7.76±1.40cA 9.49±0.81bB 13.67±0.02aC 14.12±0.54aB
rcGH-pND 4.27± 0.15eA 6.65±0.15dA 9.03±0.21cB 15.20±0.21bA 15.69±0.16aA
Means with similar smaller superscripts in rows are insignificant (P>0.05) with each other. Means with similar capital superscripts in columns are
insignificant (P>0.05) with each other
Butt et al. / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014