This document outlines the monitoring and evaluation plan for a drought mitigation project in Pakistan. It includes indicators to measure progress towards project objectives of improving community and household assets for drought-vulnerable people. Data will be collected through household surveys, focus groups, and observations to assess outcomes such as increased agricultural yields and access to water. Progress will be evaluated annually and shared with stakeholders to inform project decisions. The plan also establishes methods and responsibilities for monitoring training activities and infrastructure development over the course of the project.
This document outlines the monitoring and evaluation plan for a drought mitigation project in Pakistan. It includes indicators to measure progress towards project objectives of improving community and household assets for drought-vulnerable people. Data will be collected through household surveys, focus groups, and observations to assess outcomes such as increased agricultural yields and access to water. Progress will be evaluated annually and shared with stakeholders to inform project decisions. The plan also establishes methods and responsibilities for monitoring training activities and infrastructure development over the course of the project.
Original Description:
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for draught and mitigation project.
This document outlines the monitoring and evaluation plan for a drought mitigation project in Pakistan. It includes indicators to measure progress towards project objectives of improving community and household assets for drought-vulnerable people. Data will be collected through household surveys, focus groups, and observations to assess outcomes such as increased agricultural yields and access to water. Progress will be evaluated annually and shared with stakeholders to inform project decisions. The plan also establishes methods and responsibilities for monitoring training activities and infrastructure development over the course of the project.
This document outlines the monitoring and evaluation plan for a drought mitigation project in Pakistan. It includes indicators to measure progress towards project objectives of improving community and household assets for drought-vulnerable people. Data will be collected through household surveys, focus groups, and observations to assess outcomes such as increased agricultural yields and access to water. Progress will be evaluated annually and shared with stakeholders to inform project decisions. The plan also establishes methods and responsibilities for monitoring training activities and infrastructure development over the course of the project.
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CRS PAKISTAN- Drought Mitigation through NRM/Watershed Management (Sindh- Baluchistan)
M&E Plan April 5, 2011
Proframe Element Indicators (add definitions) Data Collection Means of Analysis Use of Information Method Frequency of Collection Person who will collect data Respondent s (who to talk to) Type of analysis Compa rison groups for communicati on and decision- making SO 1: Drought-vulnerable households benefit from improved community and households assets.
Improved community assets are; productive agri-land, clean water sources, water system for agricultural activities, improved Pasture land, and healthier livestock)
60% of targeted communities have improved quality of pasture land Improved quality;
40% of target farmers have 25% increase in annual yield
60 % of targeted HHs have increased access to sufficient and clean water for both domestic and agricultural water harvesting. Access:
M&E and Program management team to analyze Targeted households (Women Men)
Community groups Qualitative and Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
District vs. district To see project impact and lays the foundation for long term/future programming.
To report donors
To reflect monitoring findings in project meetings. IR 1.1: Women and men in target communities adopt water-efficient agriculture and livestock practices.
50% of targeted farmers adopt at least 2 out of 5 water-efficient agricultural practices.
(Water efficient agriculture practices are; water preservation irrigation methods, utilization o drought-resistant crop varieties, proper land leveling, proper deep plowing, and use of certified seeds.)
50% of targeted farmers adopt at least 2 out of 5 livestock management practices.
(Livestock management practices are; fodder management, vaccination, raring of drought resistant animals, animal shed management, misstates care with proper animal milking methods.)
EOP (Evaluation) HH level sample survey FGDs Direct observation
Monitoring HH monitoring survey Direct observation.
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E to analyze
Targeted farmers (Women & Men)
Targeted women for kitchen gardening Qualitative and Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
To review the progress made against indicators
To see the behavior change in the targeted individual
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions. CRS PAKISTAN- Drought Mitigation through NRM/Watershed Management (Sindh- Baluchistan)
M&E Plan April 5, 2011 50% of the targeted women have established their kitchen gardens. Proframe Element Indicators (add definitions) Data Collection Means of Analysis Use of Information Method Frequency of Collection Person who will collect data Respondent s (who to talk to) Type of analysis Compa rison groups for communicati on and decision- making IR 1.2: Target communities manage water resources equitably and efficiently. 75% of the targeted households report using sufficient and clean water to meet their HH needs.
75% of the targeted communities storing the harvesting rain water properly.
70% of Water Management Committees implement their water operation and maintenance plan. EOP (Evaluation) FGDs, HH surveys
Monitoring HH monitoring checklist WMC monitoring/follow up EOP MOP
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E and Program management team to analyze Targeted households (Women Men)
WMC/com munity group Qualitative and Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
Commu nities Vs commu nities To see project impact and lays the foundation for long term/future programming.
To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions IR 1.3: Target communities adopt appropriate rangeland management practices. 75% of targeted communities follow social fencing principals.
(Social fencing means; mutually agreed on grazing lands, plan for rotational grazing, protection of newly planted fodder shrubs and trees, implement their plan for sustainable grazing).
75% of targeted communities have planted at least 70% of the drought resilient tress in their pasture lands. EOP (Evaluation) FGDs HH level sample survey
Monitoring Households monitoring/ Post distribution monitoring
Direct observation EoP MoP
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E to analyze
Community groups
HHs Qualitative and Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
To review the progress made against indicators
To see the behavior change at community level
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions. CRS PAKISTAN- Drought Mitigation through NRM/Watershed Management (Sindh- Baluchistan)
M&E Plan April 5, 2011
Proframe Element Indicators (add definitions) Data Collection Means of Analysis Use of Information Method Frequency of Collection Person who will collect data Respondent s (who to talk to) Type of analysis Compa rison groups for communicati on and decision- making IR 1.4: Women and men in target communities treat and protect their water for domestic use
80% of the targeted households men, women and children are using drinking water treatment option.
80% of the targeted households are practicing at least 2 water filtering and water protection behaviours. EOP (Evaluation) FGDs HH level monitoring surveys Direct observation
Monitoring: HH monitoring checklist Direct observation EOP MOP
Every six month of each year
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E and Program management team to analyze Targeted households (Women Men and children)
Qualitative and Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
To review the progress made against indicators
To see the behavior change in the targeted individual
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions. Output 1.1.1: Farmers have increased knowledge and skills on water-efficient agricultural practices 60% of trained farmers increased their knowledge, skills and score 70% in the post test with compare to pre-test.
Monitoring Pre and post test Participants attendance sheet Training report EoP MoP
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E to analyze
Targeted farmers (Women & Men)
Targeted women for kitchen gardening Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions. Output 1.1.2; Target households have increased knowledge and skills on sustainable livestock management
60% of trained farmers increased their knowledge, skills and score 70% in the post test with compare to pre-test. Monitoring Pre and post test Participants attendance sheet Training report EoP MoP
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E to Targeted farmers (Women & Men)
Targeted women for Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant CRS PAKISTAN- Drought Mitigation through NRM/Watershed Management (Sindh- Baluchistan)
M&E Plan April 5, 2011 analyze
kitchen gardening and inform project team to make decisions. Proframe Element Indicators (add definitions) Data Collection Means of Analysis Use of Information Method Frequency of Collection Person who will collect data Respondent s (who to talk to) Type of analysis Compa rison groups for communicati on and decision- making Output 1.1.3: Targeted women are provided with kitchen gardening training. # of targeted women have received training and tool kit for kitchen gardening.
60% of trained women increased their knowledge, skills and score 70% in the post test with compare to pre-test. Monitoring Pre and post test Participants attendance sheet Training report EoP MoP
SOs & SSO to collect
SSO to compile
M&E to analyze
Targeted farmers (Women & Men)
Targeted women for kitchen gardening Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women
To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions. Output 1.2.1: Targeted communities constructed or repaired their water storage and water collection infrastructure. (hand pumps, wells, water reservoir, tanks) # of water wells and hand pumps are repaired or constructed in the target communities.
# of water reservoir constructed in targeted communities. Monitoring Final scheme completion report Construction monitoring checklist Weekly
After each community water wells, water reservoir and Hand pumps construction Technical team to collect and compile
Completion report reviewed by Project manager Technical team
Community groups Quantitativ e analysis --------- To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions.
Output 1.2.2: WMCs have formulated their operation and maintenance plan for their water infrastructure. # Of WMCs formulated their O&M plan.
Monitoring Review of O&M plans After each O&M training completion Respective field team to collect and compile WMCs Quantitativ e analysis WMCs Vs WMCs To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions. CRS PAKISTAN- Drought Mitigation through NRM/Watershed Management (Sindh- Baluchistan)
M&E Plan April 5, 2011
Proframe Element Indicators (add definitions) Data Collection Means of Analysis Use of Information Method Frequency of Collection Person who will collect data Respondent s (who to talk to) Type of analysis Compa rison groups for communicati on and decision- making Output 1.2.3: WMCs are formed and received capacity building training on organization management. # of WMCs formed in the targeted communities.
# of WMC received capacity building training on organizational management.
Monitoring WMC registration list WMC training record After each WMC formation
After each WMC training Respective field team to collect and compile WMCs Quantitativ e analysis WMCs Vs WMCs To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions.
Output 1.3.1: Target communities have received training on improved pasture management techniques.
100% of the targeted communities have received training on improved pasture management techniques. Monitoring: Training record After each community training Respective training team to collect and compile Targeted communities groups Quantitativ e analysis Commu nities Vs commu nities To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions.
Output 1.3.2: Targeted communities have received drought resilient trees for their pasture lands.
100% of the targeted communities have received drought resilient trees for their pasture lands.
Monitoring: Distribution record Warehouse record
After each distribution Distribution team to collect and compile Targeted communities groups Quantitativ e analysis Commu nities Vs commu nities To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure CRS PAKISTAN- Drought Mitigation through NRM/Watershed Management (Sindh- Baluchistan)
M&E Plan April 5, 2011 lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions.
Proframe Element Indicators (add definitions) Data Collection Means of Analysis Use of Information Method Frequency of Collection Person who will collect data Respondent s (who to talk to) Type of analysis Compa rison groups for communicati on and decision- making Output 1.4.1: Target household have and use selected treatment option for drinking water. # of target households received selected drinking water treatment options. Monitoring: Distribution record Warehouse record
After each distribution Distribution team to collect and compile Targeted communities groups Quantitativ e analysis Male Vs Female HHs To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions.
Output 1.4.2: Target household have received hygiene training on water treatment and protection. # of target households trained on water treatment and protection. Monitoring: Training record After each training completion Respective field team to collect and compile Households (Men & women) Quantitativ e analysis Men Vs Women To review the progress made against indicators
To ensure lesson leant and inform project team to make decisions.
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