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Article history The present study was conducted to find out the present condition of native cattle, their rearing
habit, milk production, fat%, some important reproductive parameters, blood parameters,
Accepted 20 July 2017 climate effects and birth weight of calves and give important suggestion for production
Online release 04 August 2017 constraints. Data was compiled statistically only for tabular, percentage, mean and standard
deviation. Eighty three local cows and 17 heifers were taken under this study from 72 farmers.
Keyword Body weight and condition score, average daily feed intake, daily milk yield, hemoglobin,
packed cell volume, the fat percentage, age at first calving, calving interval and birth weight of
Zebu cattle the local calves were 173.23 ± 32.03 kg and 2.55 ± 0.34, 12.5 kg (fresh basis) and 7.72 kg (DM
Production performance basis), 1.43 ± 0.58 kg., 7.8 ±1.00 (g/100 ml), 52 ± 52.10 (%) and 57.6 ± 9.1g/kg, 52.8 ± 13.32
Climate months, 417.6 ± 109.5 days, 14.43 ± 2.56 kg respectively. Average number of eggs of parasite
Semi- integrated was 53 per gm of feces. So considering the trial parameters indigenous cows rearing under
rural condition was a profitable practice in selected areas minimizing effect of climate stress
*Corresponding Author and thrives well in hot and humid temperature maintaining phenotypic and productive
performance of Bangladesh.
MA Hossain
[email protected]
How to cite this article: Hossain MA, Khan MAS and Hashem MA (2017). Phenotypic and production performance of indigenous zebu cattle (Bos
indicus) under hot and humid temperature in Mymensingh district. International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 4(3): 49-57.
Hossain et al., International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 2017, 4(3):49-57 50
factor for lower fertility during summer in tropical Description of animal site
environments. It reduces the length and intensity
of estrus (Jordan, 2003.). The competence of One typical village named - Boira which is about
oocyte for fertilization and subsequent two kilometer away from BAU; Mymensingh
development is reducing times of the year Campus had been selected for the study. The
associated with heat stress (Al-Katanani et al., villagers are mostly resource poor small household
2002.) and depression in conception rate in hot farmers out of 22% were landless but every family
environment has been documented (De Rensis & has some indigenous cattle. The village was well
Scaramuzzi, 2003). The blood parameters may communicated from the University; the farmers
reflect the influences of thermal stress and the were very interested for this study. Constant visit
physiological state of dairy cows. and collection data from farmer’s level was easy
for better communication. The cows of villagers
Assessment of PCV and Hb concentration was are generally used for multipurpose like dairy,
included in metabolic profile test amongst other draught and meat. Rice straw was the main source
biochemical constituents of blood (Steinhard et al., of the animals as residual part of crop. Very little
1994.). Haemoid-concentration may occur during roadside green grass were used as succulent feed.
hot weather. Toharmat et al. (1998) reported an Wheat bran, oil cake and common salt were fed to
increase in PCV value hemoglobin concentrations the animals by the comparatively better off
during summer that could be associated with farmers. Animals are mainly stall feed and
dehydration. A higher susceptibility to infections sometimes tethered.
has been observed in cows suffering from heat
stress (Webstar, 1983)). Research is needed to Numbers of animal in study
evaluate physiological performance of dairy cows
under tropical conditions, so that the patterns of Seventy two individual farmers having 83
responses to climate stress and physiological state indigenous cows and 17 heifers were taken for this
can be established. The information obtained can study. Baseline data were collected having 100
be utilized in adopting environmental control and animals through direct interviewing with 72
nutritional strategies that can alleviate stress and farmers. The animals received as usual feed
improve reproductive performance and milk yield. supplied by the farmers of that area on availability
The findings could also be used to monitor the basis.
health status of cows. In these connections we
have very limited information on the production Average productivity and fertility indices
performance of different types of dairy cows
available in Bangladesh. Therefore, the study was Cows were milked once in the morning. Calves
undertaken to assess the effects of seasonal change were usually tied up at night and they had free
in thermal environment, morph metrics access to their dam during the whole day
characterizations, productive and reproductive .Productivity had been monitored by supplied
traits, blood parameters and stage of pregnancy on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) draft
thermoregulation, growth of calves, and climate data sheets for measurement of milk production
effect of local cows on their survival capacity and changes in live weight, Scottish Agricultural
maintaining phenotypic and productive College grading viz. 1-5 had been used for
performance under local tropical conditions of condition score and from various reproductive
Bangladesh. indices like at first parturition, calving interval and
start of sexual cycle/conception, conception rate,
MATERIALS AND METHODS number of calves boned/ weaned etc.
The experiment was conducted at nearby village of Scheduled visits and sampling
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU),
Mymensingh for one year with 83 local cows and Eighty three cows and 17 heifers had been ear
17 heifers to study the baseline production tagged (1-100) for identification. The cows,
performance of local cattle. calves, heifers and milk yield were weighed daily.
Fecal eggs were examined under microscope for deviation. A number of tables were prepared
parasitism from the collected fecal sample of keeping in view the objectives of the study.
individual animal. Visiting schedule was
maintained daily on the study area. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Determination of Dry matter (DM), crude protein Milk fat(g/kg) 57.6-± 9.1
(CP) and Ash were done according to AOAC Milking per day 1.00±0.00
(1984) in the laboratory of Department of Animal Age at first calves (month) 52.80±13.32
Nutrition. RDP, UDP, digestibility of CP and DM
Interval between calving 417.60±109.50
were done according to Scottish Agricultural (days)
College bulletin (1984).
Age of cows (year) 6.83±1.74
Blood collection and analysis No of parity 2.11±0.93
Birth wt. of calves (kg) 14.43±2.56
Blood samples were collected aseptically by
Age of calves (days) 30.33±17.01
venipuncture from the jugular vein using
disposable syringes and were immediately Body wt. of calves (kg) 18.29±7.34
transferred to test tubes containing Na2-EDTA as NO of heifers=17 Mean ±SD
anticoagulant. The samples were used for Age of heifers (year) 2.79±0.53
hematological measurement using standard Body wt. of heifers (kg) 151.25±31.06
methods (Jain, 1996).
Heart girth of heifers (cm) 126.25±12.21
Statistical Analysis
Balanced nutrition, environmental condition,
Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such parasitic infestation, care and management may
as number, range, percentages, mean and standard also affect body weight. The observed heart girth
of local cows was 131.50 ±7.85 cm and range was winter season (1.93 kg per day). He also found the
123.65-139.35 cm .There was positive correlation highest milk yield in Pabna cows (20.50 kg per
within body weight, condition score and heart day). Bhuiyan and Faruque (1994) studied the
girth. Body weight directly influences by heart performances of local cows under rural condition
girth. Condition of body status and health of and average milk yield was 1.63 kg. Bhuiyan et
animal may influence this factor. Size of animal al. (2012) reported that daily average milk yield of
partially influences the heart girth. Birth weight of RCC was 1.98± 0.08 kg. There are several factors
local calves was found 14.43±2.56 kg. Nahar et al which influence milk production of cows like
(1992) observed the average weight of Sahiwal X quality and quantity of feed, ambient temperature,
Local calves under rural condition was 17.6±0.3 humidity and care of the herd. The mean fat
kg. Hossain and Routlege (1982) reported that the content of local cow’s milk during whole study
birth weight of Pabna milking cows’ calves was period was 57.9 ± 9.1 g \kg. Little information is
16.37±2.20 kg. So, within breed selection of available on fat content of local cow’s milk. Islam
individual superior sire could be an important (1990) studied milk composition of local cows
factor of improving birth weight of calves. from Manikganj district and fat was found 46.9 g\
Bhuiyan et al. (2012) reported that average birth kg of milk. Fat content of local cows were greater
weight of Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC) calves was than that of exotic and cross bred cows due to
14.21 ± 0.27 kg. The means for body length, straw based diet intake of local cows. On the other
height at wither, heart girth, pouch girth, length of hand, production of local cows is low. Fat
tail, switch, neck, ear and head were percentage may be affected by the quality of feed,
83.668±0.590, 91.942±0.55, 113.146±0.738, number of lactation, stage of milking, exercise of
121.181±0.761, 54.196±0.527, 26.098±0.186, animals, season of year as well as quantity of milk
32.705±0.166, 18.131±0.111 and 35.035±0.195 yield. Calves were ties up at night. Calves were
cm, respectively (Kayastha et al. 2011).There are free access for suckling to their dam throughout
several factors which influence birth weight of the day which is good feeling for the farmers for
calves. Genetic background is the most important the better health of calves.
among them. Nutritional status of pregnant dam
and body condition also has remarkable effect on It is revealed from Table 1 that the indigenous
this trait. Sex of calf, twining and season of birth cows in the village condition of feeding and
also affect the weight of calves. The observed management usually show their first reproductive
condition score of local cows was 2.55 ± 0.34 and performance late as compared with exotic, pure
range was 2.0 - 3.0. There was a positive and cross bred animals. Age at first calving was
correlation between condition score and body also high. Age at first calving was calculated from
weight. Environmental condition directly data of birth to the date of first calving in months.
influences condition score. Season and weight of It was found that the age at first parturition of local
the animal may also influence this factor. cows were 52.8±13.32 months. Ghosh et al, (1977)
studied some reproductive parameters of milking
Productive and reproductive traits cows and reported that age at first calving for Red
Chittagong heifers was 39.96±3.96 months. Islam
Average daily milk yield of indigenous cows was and Oliuzzaman (1993) reported that average age
1.43 ± 0.58 kg (Table 1). Initial data shows that at first calving of local cows was 48.72±7.56
the average milk production was minimum under months. Genetic makeup is the main factor which
present situation. Animals were mainly under feed. influences this trait remarkably. Level of nutrition
Cows in the research area were milked only in the supplied during the growing period is another
morning once daily. So, the actual milk production important factor which affects this trait directly.
could have been higher than that of present Environmental condition, parasitic infestation, low
average figure of 1.43 kg/day. Ali (1994) reported quality roughage, care and management may also
that milk production varied according to season affect this trait. Season of birth also have an
and area. He conducted the experiment on local indirect affect on age at first calving. Calving
cattle using data collected from four different areas interval for local cows was 417.6 ± 109.5 days.
of Bangladesh and highest milk was observed in Actual calving interval could have been even
earlier of the present average figure 417 days, From Table 2, in the analysis of feed that sesame
because calves sucked the cows which have an oil cake contains highest amount of DM and
effect on start of estrus cycle of cows after calving lowest amount in green grass. Sesame oil cake also
which ultimately lengthen the present calving contains highest amount of CP (g/kg DM) and
interval. Bhuiyan et al. (2012) reported that lowest in rice straw. In digestibility (Dg) of DM%
calving interval of RCC was 509.89 ± 15.37 days. sesame oil cake contain lowest amount and highest
Islam and Oliduzzaman (1993) found average in wheat bran. UDP and RDP in sesame oil cake
calving interval was 525.0 ± 87.9 days. Various found highest and lowest in rice straw. Ash
factors like breed, nutrition, age, parity, milk yield, contain highest in rice straw and lowest in green
suckling, year and season may influence calving grass. Taher et al. (2002) reported that the DM and
interval (Sharma and Singh, 1980). In zebu cattle CP of rice straw and wheat bran were 910 & 890
calving interval ranged from 366-789 days (Koul, and 121 & 131g/kg respectively. Pathol (1994)
1987). Moreover, most of animals were infested reported that the DM and CP of sesame oil cake
by parasites that could be one responsible factor were 900 and 370 g/kg respectively.
for less milk production and poor fertility.
Suckling blood and damaged liver cause anemia Feed Intake of cows
and abnormal physiology of body. No of eggs of
Fasciola gigantica was counted by Mc Master Daily feed intake has been measured at village
Method and found of average no. of eggs were 53 level of cows. Table 3 shows the feed intake of
per gram of feces. It has been reported in the village level feed. Measurement of daily intake of
literature that parasites usually suck 10-15% of the feed was not always possible during rainy season
host nutrients. due to muddy roads of the village. From Table 3,
highest amount of DM, RDP, UDP and CP were
Chemical composition of feed found in rice straw and lowest in wheat bran (DM)
and in road side grass of other composition.
Table 2
Chemical composition of the village level feed.
Table 3
Average daily intake of feed at the village of indigenous cows.
Table 5
The mean value of temperature (OC), relative humidity (%) and temperature-humidity index.
apparently 26.66 O C. Rising temperature is the parturition is also high. Initial data shows that
most detrimental to Holstein. average milk production is also minimum.
Moreover; most of the animals were infested by
Berman (2005) estimated that effective Fasciolosis which could be important factors for
environmental heat loads above 35 O C activate the less milk production and poor fertility. Overall the
stress response systems in lactating dairy cows. performances of cows, calves and heifers under
The depressing effect of high temperature is much traditional management are not satisfactory. Feed
greater for high yielding cows than that of low supplementation with other interventions is needed
milking cows. The larger cows are more sensitive to increase the production level of local cows.
to environmental temperature. The critical UMMB supplementations have already been
temperature at which the depressing effect of milk introduced in project areas for development
production, feed consumption and on body weight strategies of improvement of phenotypic,
becomes evident is 23.9 OC to 26.66 OC for productive and reproductive performance of local
Holstein and 26.66 to 29 44 O for Jersey cattle. On cows.
reducing temperature from 10 OC to 15.55 OC feed
consumption and milk production promptly returns ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
to normal. The decline in milk production and feed
consumption are more pronounced for Holstein The authors are appreciated to the Department of
than for Jersey. The greater sensitiveness of Dairy Science and Animal Nutrition for providing
Holstein cattle to higher environmental laboratory facilities and constant cooperation to
temperature is shown not only by their greater rate complete this trial successfully.
of decline in milk production, feed consumption
and body weight but also by a greater rate of CONCLUSIONS
increase in rectal temperature and respiratory
activities. The greater sensitiveness is not due to In conclusion, above reveals show that
breeds as such but rather to their greater body performance of indigenous cattle regarding morph
weights. The amount of body surfaces per unit metric characterization, productive and
body decreases with increasing body weight and reproductive traits, blood parameters and climate
the rate of heat dissipation per unit weight must effect (temperature, rainfall and relative humidity
decrease with consequent steeper rises in body etc) as considering the trial parameters indigenous
temperature in large animals as compare to small cows rearing was a profitable practice in selected
ones. areas coping with hot and humid temperature. As a
result, it is possible to improve the phenotypic and
Our local cows can survive easily in hot and production performance of indigenous cows in hot
humid temperature and resistant to fluctuate and humid temperature conditions in selected
temperature and disease control. Their production areas of Bangladesh.
moreover was same in our ambient temperature,
rainfall and relative humidity but their production REFERENCES
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