Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Colostrum

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Philippine Journal of Science

149 (3): 635-646, September 2020

ISSN 0031 - 7683
Date Received: 13 Apr 2020

Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Colostrum and

Transient Milk of Landrace, Large White, and Their F1 Crosses
in a Swine Breeding Farm in Laguna, Philippines

Orville L. Bondoc1*, Joemary F. Isubol2,

Adonna Jane C. Rama2, and Aldrin O. Ebron1

1Institute of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science

University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna 4031 Philippines

2International Farms Corporation (INFARMCO), Brgy. San Isidro

Cabuyao City, Laguna 4025 Philippines

This study evaluated the composition (% moisture, % protein, % fat, % solids non-fat or SNF)
and physicochemical properties (density, specific gravity, freezing temperature, conductivity)
of colostrum and transient milk obtained from Landrace, Large White, and their F1 crosses in
a swine breeding farm in Laguna, Philippines. Composition and physicochemical properties
of sow’s milk were invariably affected by the type of milk, sow breed, month of farrowing, and
parity. Colostrum had significantly (P < 0.01) higher % protein (9.19 ± 0.43% vs. 6.89 ± 0.51%),
% SNF (19.11 ± 0.80% vs. 14.58 ± 0.94%), density (75.66 ± 6.65 g/mL vs. 52.63 ± 6.97 g/mL)
and specific gravity (1.070 ± 0.003 g/cm3 vs. 1.050 ± 0.004 g/cm3), but lower % moisture (73.85
± 0.93% vs. 77.77 ± 1.09%) and conductivity (2.95 ± 0.13 mS/cm vs. 3.62 ± 0.15 mS/cm) than
transient milk. Both the density and specific gravity of colostrum were negatively correlated with
pre-weaning mortality (r = –0.30). Parity was negatively correlated with %protein (r = –0.41),
% solids non-fat (r = –0.38), density (r = –0.36), and specific gravity (r = –0.36) of transient
milk. The composition and physicochemical properties of colostrum were not significantly
different (P > 0.05) between pure Landrace and Large White. For transient milk, however,
Landrace had significantly (P < 0.05) higher % protein, density, and specific gravity but lower
% moisture than Large White. “R1 Large White x Landrace” had significantly (P<0.05) higher
density and specific gravity of colostrum than “F1 Landrace x Large White”. For transient
milk, however, “R1 Large White x Landrace” had significantly (P < 0.05) higher % moisture
but lower % protein, % SNF, and specific gravity than “F1 Landrace x Large White”. As %
moisture generally decreases and % fat increases from May–September 2019, % moisture in
transient milk was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than in colostrum in sows farrowing from
May–July only. Percent fat in transient milk was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than in colostrum
in August only. Local pig producers may use these observations in their management to attain
the desired composition and quality of colostrum and transient milk.

Keywords: composition and physicochemical properties, pig colostrum, transient milk

*Corresponding Author: [email protected]

[email protected]

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

INTRODUCTION parturition until Day 4 of lactation because the milk

becomes rather rich in fat on Day 2–4. Mature milk is
Milk production of the sow especially colostrum is defined as milk secreted from Day 10 of lactation through
important to provide the piglet with energy for heat the end of lactation because the composition is essentially
production and metabolism and passive immunity to constant during that period.
help prevent infections (Le Dividich et al. 2005). Early
and high intake of colostrum is especially important for In this regard, the objective of this study was to compare
piglet survival during the early suckling period (Quesnel the composition (moisture, protein, fat, and solids non-
et al. 2012). The piglets’ intake of colostrum and milk is fat) and physicochemical properties (density, specific
dependent on the production of the sow. The ability to gravity, freezing point, and conductivity) of colostrum
produce colostrum and milk is highly variable among sows and transient milk from a local swine nucleus breeding
depending on genotype, parity, age, and bodyweight of farm in Laguna, Philippines using a milk analyzer
sows, as well as nursing behavior and litter characteristics, commonly used in the dairy industry. The composition
and nutrition of the gestating sow (i.e. level and sources and physicochemical properties were then compared
of energy intake) (Farmer and Quesnel 2009). However, among sow breeds (i.e. Landrace, Large White and their
while the genetic improvement of the prolificacy of sows F1 crosses). Their correlations with farrowing and weaning
has indirectly resulted in an increase in milk production records were also determined separately for colostrum
(Renaudeau and Noblet 2001), selection for large litters and transient milk.
had also indirectly decreased birth weight of piglets
and – at the same time – increased competition between
littermates, thereby contributing to reduced neonatal piglet
survival (Theil et al. 2014). MATERIALS AND METHODS
The survival and growth of piglets are also affected by both This study was conducted in compliance with the
milk yield and milk composition (Declerck et al. 2015; requirements of the Institutional Animal Care and Use
Skrzypczak et al. 2015; Vadmand et al. 2015; Craig et al. Committee of the University of the Philippines Los Baños,
2019). In Danish Landrace x Danish Yorkshire sows, milk Laguna, Philippines.
intake had a major impact on the piglet growth rate, whereas
milk composition per se only played a minor role for piglet Experimental Animals and Data
growth in lactation and body composition at weaning A total of 85 milk samples (46 colostrum and 39 transient
(Hojgaard et al. 2020). Poor efficiency in use of sow’s milk milk) were collected from 54 primiparous and multiparous
nutrients rather than a shortage in milk nutrient supply may sows consisting of 15 Landrace, 17 Large White, 13 “F1
also affect the low growth rate of suckling piglets belonging Landrace x Large White” cross,” and nine reciprocal “R1
to the local Iberian breed (Aguinaga et al. 2011). Large White x Landrace” cross at the INFARMCO swine
The components of milk are affected by a variety of breeding farm in Barangay San Isidro, Cabuyao City,
factors, with stage of lactation having the most dramatic Laguna (approx. 14o 14’ 49.69” N, 121o 8’ 34.41” E; see
influence on composition. Mammary secretions from Table 1). Sows were equally managed to fulfil all welfare
the sow during the initial 24 h after parturition are requirements and were kept in individual parturition
generally higher in concentrations of immunoglobulins, pens inside semi-opened buildings about 2 wk before
some microminerals and vitamins, and hormones and farrowing until weaning. Sows were fed manually twice
growth factors, and lower in concentrations of lactose, a day with commercial gestation ration until farrowing
when compared with mature milk. Genetics, parity, (i.e. 3.0–3.5 kg/sow/d) and lactation ration after farrowing
colostrum and milk yield, and ambient temperature also until weaning (i.e. 4.0–6.0 kg/sow/d). The nutritional
affect component the composition of colostrum and milk content (i.e. % moisture, % crude protein, % crude fat, %
(Hurley 2015). crude fiber, % ash, and net energy) were 10.44%, 15.56%,
4.51%, 6.60%, 8.18%, and 2,310.0 kcal/kg, respectively
Unfortunately, colostrum and subsequent milk production for the gestation ration and 10.23%, 15.21%, 4.91%,
– especially in the tropics – cannot be easily measured 5.00%, 7.85%, and 2,440.0 kcal/kg, respectively for the
and evaluated. Reports on milk composition obtained in lactation ration.
tropical countries are uncommon and limited to the general
composition (total solids, protein, fat, and ash contents). Milking from as many functional teats as possible was
performed by hand. Colostrum was collected within the
Following Theil et al. (2014), colostrum is defined as the day after parturition without the use of oxytocin, while
mammary secreta ingested by neonatal piglets until 24 transient milk was collected from the same sow 36–72 h
h after birth of the first piglet. Transient milk is defined after farrowing. Colostrum and transient milk samples
as the mammary secreta being produced from 34 h after

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

Table 1. Number and distribution of sows and sow’s milk samples (by sow breed and milk type).
Milk type Total no. of sow’s milk
Sow breed No. of sows
Colostrum Transient milk samples

Landrace (LDR) 12 12 24 15
Large White (LRW) 16 10 26 17
Purebred sub-total 28 22 50 32
F1 LDR x LRW cross 11 9 20 13
R1 LRW x LDR cross 7 8 15 9
F1 cross sub-total 18 17 35 22
Total 46 39 85 54

(approximately 40–50 ml) were placed in conical tubes Individual sow farrowing and weaning records (i.e. age
and immediately frozen at –20 °C until further analysis. of sow at farrowing, parity, litter size at birth, average
The EkoMilk Ultra ultrasonic milk analyzer (MILKANA piglet weight at birth, weaning period, litter size at
KAM98-2A, Bulgaria) was used to determine % protein, weaning, average piglet weight at weaning, pre-weaning
% fat, % solids non-fat or SNF, density (g/mL), freezing average daily gain, pre-weaning mortality, number of
point (°C), and conductivity (mS/cm) with corresponding stillborn and mummified piglets, and number of piglet
accuracy of ± 0.2%, ± 0.1%, ± 0.2%, ± 0.0005 g/cm, mortality per farrowing at 0–7 d old) were obtained from
± 0.015 °C, and ± 0.2% mS/cm, respectively. The pH the INFARMCO’s sow productivity recording system.
is calibrated at pH 7.00 and 4.00. The results of the
analysis were consistently within the published range of Statistical Analysis
values on the proximate analysis of pig’s colostrum and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients among
transient milk obtained by classical methods in analytical components and physicochemical properties of sow’s milk
laboratories (e.g., Hurley 2015) and thus no further and their relationships with farrowing and weaning records
calibration was made. were determined separately for colostrum and transient
Frozen samples were thawed by placing them in room milk samples using the CORR procedure of SAS (2009).
temperature until melted and water bath of 37 °C for at The general least squares procedures for unbalanced data
least 10 min with occasional stirring to ensure that the were used to examine the principal sources of variation
frozen components are dissolved and homogenized. The affecting each milk property. Statistical significance was
sample is gently mixed inside the conical tube to avoid air set at P < 0.05. The following linear “fixed effects” model
in the sample. At least 10 ml of each homogenized sample was used to determine, using an F-test (SAS 2009):
was transferred to the measuring mug. The milk analyzer
was initially set to the “buffalo milk” measuring mode yijklm = μ + MTypei + Breedj + (Breed x MType)ij +
and cleaned for five cycles, where each cycle lasts for (MoFarr x MType)ik + Parityl + eijklm
about 1 min. The milk analyzer was also cleaned for five
1-min cycles after every 10 samples analyzed or when the where yijklm is the dependent variable (i.e. selected milk
interval between two consecutive measurements is more properties), μ is the overall mean, MTypei is the fixed
than half an hour. In a seldom case of error displayed in effect for the ith type of milk (i.e. colostrum and transient
the results of the analysis, the same 10-ml sample was milk), Breedj is the fixed effect of the jth breed of sow (i.e.
re-analyzed for a second time or a new 10 ml sample Landrace, Large White, “F1 Landrace x Large White”
was used. The temperature and pH of the frozen-thawed cross, and “R1 Large White x Landrace” cross), (Breed x
samples taken right after the analysis were 33.99 ± 2.56 MType)ij is the interaction effect between jth breed and ith
°C and 6.93 ± 1.18, respectively. Percent moisture was type of milk, (MoFarr x MType)ik is the interaction effect
computed as 100 – % total solids, where % total solids between kth month of farrowing and ith type of milk, Parityl
is the sum of % fat and % SNF. Specific gravity (g/cm3) is the covariate effect of the lth parity of the sow, and eijklm
was computed as: (density, in g/mL + 1000) / 100. The is the error term assumed to be normally distributed with
density, specific gravity, freezing point, and conductivity the variance of errors as constant across observations.
or electrolytic conductivity were measured to monitor
changes in milk composition, as is commonly done in The least-square means (and standard error) for each
the dairy industry. compositional trait and physicochemical property were
used to compare between colostrum and transient milk,

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

between sow breeds, and between months of farrowing 0.05). An increase in parity is related to an increase
within the same type of milk. Regression coefficients (no in % moisture (1.04%) and a reduction in % protein
intercept model) were also determined for milk properties (0.41%), % fat (0.35%), % SNF (0.69%), density (2.52
found to be significantly associated with parity. g/mL), and specific gravity (0.002 g/cm3) (see Table 2).
By comparison, Craig et al. (2019) reported no parity
differences in % protein and % fat throughout the different
stages of lactation of Danish Landrace x Danish Yorkshire
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sows. The reduction in % fat per unit increase in parity
reported in this study, however, is similar to the work of
Table 2 shows that the composition and physicochemical
Mahan (1998) who reported a linear decrease in colostrum
properties of sow’s milk were invariably affected by the
fat content as parity advances with the largest decline
type of milk, sow breed, month of farrowing, and parity.
occurring from Parity 1 to Parity 2 in 75% Large White
The type of milk (i.e. colostrum or transient milk) had – 25% Landrace sows. Peters and Mahan (2008) later
significant effects (P < 0.01) on % moisture, % protein, showed a quadratic effect of parity on milk fat between
% SNF, density, specific gravity, and conductivity. Parity 1 and Parity 6, with Parities 3 and 4 having the
lowest milk fat content in Yorkshire x Landrace sows.
The breed of sow had significant effects on % moisture
(P < 0.01), % protein (P < 0.05), % fat (P < 0.01), %
SNF (P < 0.05), density (P < 0.05), specific gravity (P Differences Between Colostrum and Transient Milk
< 0.05), and freezing point (P < 0.05). However, “sow Sow’s milk composition. Table 3 shows that % moisture
breed x milk type” interaction had significant (P < 0.01) in colostrum (73.85 ± 0.93) was significantly (P <
effect on % moisture, % protein, % SNF, density, and 0.01) lower than in transient milk (77.77 ± 1.09). By
specific gravity. This suggests that comparisons between comparison, Theil et al. (2014) reported that % moisture
sow breeds in terms composition and physicochemical (i.e. 100% minus % dry matter) was lowest in early
properties should be made separately for colostrum and colostrum (73.7%), intermediate in mid-colostrum, late
transient milk. colostrum and transient milk (77.6–79.4%), and highest
in mature milk (81.1%). The results were in agreement
The “month of farrowing x milk type” interaction had with the review made by Hurley (2015), who reported that
significant effects on percent moisture (P < 0.05) and % water makes up approximately 73% of the secretion mass
fat (P < 0.01) only. during and immediately after parturition. Water content
then increases to about 80% by 12 h postpartum and
Parity had significant effects on % moisture (P < 0.01),
remains in the 77–81% range throughout lactation. The
% protein (P < 0.01), % fat (P < 0.05), % SNF (P <
increase in water content during the initial day postpartum
0.01), density (P < 0.05), and specific gravity (P <

Table 2. Mean square F tests results for the effects of sow breed, milk type, “sow breed x milk type” interaction, “month of farrowing x milk
type” interaction, and covariate effect of parity on sow’s milk composition and physicochemical properties
“Sow breed “Month of
Milk Sow Pa-
x milk type” farrowing x milk Reg. coeff. (by.Parity) CV (%)
type breed rity
interaction type” interaction
% moisture ** ** ** * ** +1.04 ± 0.30 6.32
% protein ** * ** ns ** –0.41 ± 0.14 26.56
% fat ns ** ns ** * –0.35 ± 0.18 41.90
% solid non-fat ** * ** ns ** –0.69 ± 0.14 23.62

Physicochemical properties
Density ** * ** ns * –2.52 ± 1.09 27.86
Specific gravity ** * ** ns * –0.002 ± 0.001 1.64
Freezing point ns * ns ns ns –0.02 ± 0.02 < 0.00
Conductivity ** ns ns ns ns +0.03 ± 0.04 21.12
Note: “ns” means no significant effect of independent variable (P > 0.05).
* means significant effect of independent variable (P < 0.05).
** means highly significant effect of independent variable (P < 0.01).

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

Table 3. Least square means (± standard error) for composition and

vary too much between individual sows to identify
physicochemical properties of pig colostrum and transient significant associations with different sow and litter
milk factors (Vandmand et al. 2015). Other than supplying
Colostrum Transient milk energy, the protein fraction of colostrum is important in
the transfer of immunity (immunoglobulins), stimulation
of growth (growth factors), and facilitation of fat
Moisture, % 73.85 ± 0.93b 77.77 ± 1.09a digestions (enzymes). However, increasing dietary protein
Protein, % 9.19 ± 0.43a 6.89 ± 0.51b concentration in the sow diet is still needed to increase
Fat, % 7.04 ± 0.56a 7.65 ± 0.66a milk casein and milk protein concentrations since milk
Solids non-fat, % 19.11 ± 0.80a 14.58 ± 0.94b
protein concentration or milk protein to energy ratio are
too low to support the maximal growth of lean genotype
Physicochemi- piglets (Strathe et al. 2017).
cal properties
Percent fat in colostrum (7.04 ± 0.56%) was significantly
Density, g/mL 69.56 ± 3.40a 50.10 ± 4.00b
(P < 0.01) lower than in transient milk (7.65 ± 0.66%),
Specific gravity, g/cm3 1.070 ± 0.003a 1.050 ± 0.004b
although the difference was not significant (P > 0.05).
Freezing point, °C –0.31 ± 0.07a –0.44 ± 0.08a By comparison, Theil et al. (2014) reported that % fat
Conductivity, mS/cm 2.95 ± 0.13b 3.62 ± 0.15a was lowest in early and mid-colostrum (5.1–5.3%),
Note: Least square means (and standard error) in the same row followed by different intermediate in late colostrum, highest in transient milk
letters are significantly different from one another (P < 0.01). (9.1–9.8%) and lowest in mature milk (8.2%). Based on
a review of 16 colostrum and five milk studies, Hurley
(2015) reported that the fat percentage of colostrum at
parturition ranges from 4.9–10.9%, with an average of
occurs as a result of the rapidly declining concentration 6.4%. Milk fat concentration increases from parturition
of proteins, primarily immunoglobulins, which is only to Day 2, with milk fat percent ranging from 6.5–12.9%,
partially offset by the increase in lactose content during the with an average of 10.1%. Together with lactose, the
same period. Conversely, the total solids content is highest fat in colostrum provides the main source of energy
during the initial 4–6 h after parturition and then declines as piglets are born deficient of energy but, at the same
to about 20% of the mass of the mammary secretions by 12 time, have a very high energy requirement for physical
h. The transient increase in total solids to 22–23% on Days activity, thermoregulation, and heat production in the
2 and 3 reflects a peak of the fat percentage that occurs at muscle tissues (Theil et al. 2014). In this study, fat is
that time. Total solids then remain at approximately 19% the most variable of the components of sow’s milk with
through the remainder of lactation (Hurley 2015). a coefficient variation of 41.90%. Since % fat can be
influenced by the diet, supplementation of dietary fat to
Percent protein in colostrum (9.19 ± 0.43%) was sows has commonly been investigated as a strategic tool
significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in transient milk (6.89 to increase milk fat content and thereby litter performance
± 0.51%). By comparison, Theil et al. (2014) reported (Theil et al. 2014). For example, Farmer and Quesnel
that % protein was highest in early and mid-colostrum (2009) showed that the concentrations of fat – as well as
(12.2–17.7%), intermediate in late colostrum, highest proportions of specific fatty acids including fat-soluble
in transient milk (6.1–7.3%) and lowest in mature milk vitamins and some minerals in colostrum and milk – are
(4.7%). The most pronounced changes in % protein affected by the composition of the feed during gestation
occurred from early to late colostrum. According to Hurley and lactation. Fat percentage in colostrum of Landrace
(2015), concentrations of total protein in sow mammary × Large White sows was also significantly affected by
secretions are highest at parturition, ranging from 7.7– colostrum yield, with higher percentages of fat being
16.7%. In contrast, the total protein content of milk at found in colostrum of low yield sows (Foisnet et al. 2010).
2–3 d after parturition is in the 5.4–10.4% range. Similar
results on % protein were reported by Klobasa et al. (1987) Percent SNF in colostrum (19.11 ± 0.80 %) was
in their study of the composition of sow milk in German significantly (P < 0.01) higher than in transient milk
Landrace. They reported that colostrum has a higher crude (14.58 ± 0.94%). The results were similar to reports of
protein and whey protein than transient or mature milk, SNF content in earlier studies to estimate the nonfat milk
but lower levels of caseins. The high protein content in components, primarily representing protein, lactose, and
colostrum is due to the presence of immunoglobulins ash. It may also contain minerals (mainly calcium and
(IgG, IgA, and IgM isotypes) and albumins. However, phosphorus), acids, enzymes, and vitamins (mainly B12
while immunoglobulins represent most of the % protein in and riboflavin). However, more recent studies have either
colostrum, immunoglobulin concentrations in colostrum reported each major milk component separately or focused

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

on measuring one or two specific components, such as fat Percent protein is not correlated (P > 0.05) with % fat in
or immunoglobulin content (Hurley 2015). pig colostrum and transient milk but is highly positively
correlated (P < 0.01) with % SNF (i.e. r = +0.98 in
Overall, the constituents of colostrum and transient milk in colostrum and r = +1.00 in transient milk).
this study fall within the range of estimates reported in the
literature summarized by Hurley (2015). By comparison, Correlation among physicochemical properties of
primiparous and multiparous commercial crossbred sows sow’s milk. Tables 4 and 5 show that density is highly
in Australia were found to have largely similar colostrum correlated (P < 0.01) with specific gravity in colostrum
and milk composition profiles in terms of IgG, total (r = +0.98) and in transient milk (r = +1.00). Density
protein, fat, or total net energy content throughout the and specific gravity were positively correlated (P <
lactation period (Craig et al. 2019). 0.01) with freezing point (r = +0.75) in colostrum and in
transient milk (r = +0.36). Density and specific gravity
Physicochemical properties of sow’s milk. In this study, were positively correlated positively correlated (P < 0.01)
density is the most variable of the physicochemical with conductivity (r = +0.75) in colostrum and transient
properties sow’s milk, followed by conductivity and milk (r = +0.36).
specific gravity, with coefficient variation equal to
27.86%, 21.12%, and 1.64%, respectively. Density of Correlation of sow’s milk composition with
colostrum (75.66 ± 6.65 g/mL) was significantly (P < physicochemical properties. Table 4 shows that density
0.01) higher than in transient milk (52.63 ± 6.97 g/mL). and specific gravity were negatively correlated with
Specific gravity in colostrum (1.070 ± 0.003 g/cm3) was %moisture (r = –0.49) and % fat (r = –0.36) but positively
significantly (P < 0.01) higher than that of transient milk and highly correlated with % protein (r = +0.97 to +0.98),
(1.050 ± 0.004 g/cm3). Colostrum has higher density and % SNF (r = +0.93) in colostrum. Table 5 shows that,
and specific gravity than transient milk due to lower for transient milk, density and specific gravity were
water content. This is in agreement with Hurley (2015) negatively correlated with % moisture (r = –0.63 to –0.64)
who showed that sow colostrum at parturition starts at but positively and highly correlated with % protein and %
approximately 1.06 g/ml, reflecting the high concentration solids non-fat (r = +0.98). Density and specific gravity of
of total protein (rather than the amount of fat) at that time. transient milk were not correlated (P > 0.05) with % fat.
It then declines within the first day and stabilizes at about Unlike the dairy industry, which depends on milk density
1.035 g/mL throughout much of lactation. to indicate deviations from the normal milk composition
due to addition of water, the results of this study imply that
The freezing point in colostrum (–0.31 ± 0.07 °C) was measures of density and specific gravity in sow colostrum
higher than in transient milk (–0.44 ± 0.08 °C), although and transient milk are largely due to % protein and % SNF,
the difference was not significant (P > 0.05). The freezing rather than % fat.
point was slightly higher than the freezing point (–0.56 °C)
for mature milk of sows reported by Sheffy et al. (1952) Freezing point in colostrum was negatively correlated (P <
[as cited by Hurley (2015)]. 0.05) with % moisture (r = –0.37) but positively correlated
(P < 0.01) with % protein (r = +0.73), and % SNF (r =
Conductivity in colostrum (2.95 ± 0.13 mS/cm) was +0.74). The freezing point was not correlated (P > 0.05)
significantly lower (P < 0.01) than in transient milk (3.62 with fat percent in colostrum. The freezing point in transient
± 0.15 mS/cm). The difference in conductivity is similar milk was not correlated to % moisture, % protein, % fat,
to Whittlestone (1952) [as cited by Hurley (2015)] who and % solids non-fat. The results imply that freezing point
showed that conductivity increases during the initial day in colostrum is influenced more by % protein and % SNF
of parturition and then declines slowly to about Day 16 of and, to a lesser degree, by % moisture. By comparison,
lactation, where the average conductivity measured from the freezing point of cow milk is also used as a means to
10 sows is estimated at 3.25 mS/cm. determine if water has been added to the milk.
Conductivity in colostrum was positively correlated
Associations of Composition and Physicochemical
(P < 0.05) with % moisture (r =+0.65) but negatively
Properties of Sow’s Milk with Farrowing and
correlated with % protein (r = –0.35), fat (r = –0.46), and
Weaning Records
% SNF (r = –0.38). On the other hand, conductivity in
Correlation among sow’s milk components. Correlations
transient milk was positively correlated with % protein
among sow’s milk components were similar for colostrum
(r = +0.46) and % SNF (r = +0.44) but not correlated
and transient milk. Tables 4 and 5 show that % moisture
(P > 0.05) with % moisture and % fat. While % protein
is negatively correlated (P < 0.01) with solid components
and % SNF contribute almost equally to the measure of
such as protein, fat, and solids non-fat (i.e. r = –0.74 to
conductivity, the protein and SNF concentrations are
–0.60 in colostrum and r = –0.77 to –0.56 in transient
negatively correlated with conductivity in colostrum but

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficients among colostrum composition and physicochemical properties, with farrowing and weaning records.
Colostrum composition and physicochemical properties
% % %
% moisture Density Specific gravity Freezing temp. Conductivity
protein fat SNF
% moisture – –0.60** –0.64** –0.65** –0.49** –0.49** –0.37* 0.65**
% protein – ns 0.98** 0.97** 0.97** 0.73** –0.35*
% fat – ns –0.36* –0.36* ns –0.46**
% solids non-fat – 0.98** 0.98** 0.74** –0.38**

Density – 1.00** 0.75** ns
Specific gravity – 0.75** ns
Freezing point – ns

Farrowing and
weaning records
Age at farrowing ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Parity ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Litter size at birth ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Piglet weight at birth ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Litter size at weaning ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Piglet weight at
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pre-weaning ADG ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pre-weaning mortality ns ns ns ns –0.30* –0.30* ns ns
No. of stillborn ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
No. of mummified
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
No. of piglet
mortality per litter ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
(0–7 d old)
Note: “ns” means correlation coefficient (r) is not significantly different from zero (P > 0.05); * means r is significantly different from zero (P < 0.05);
* means r is significantly different from zero (P < 0.01).

positively correlated with conductivity in transient milk. piglet weaning weight of 8.39 ± 1.45 kg. The average
The results imply that the disparity in conductivity, which pre-weaning daily gain, pre-weaning mortality, and the
measures the changes in the concentration of ions in the number of piglet mortality per litter was 0.207 ± 0.038
milk depending on its composition, is largely a result of kg/d, 17.25 ± 16.23%, and 1.81 ± 1.77 piglets per litter,
the differences in % protein and % SNF (rather than % respectively. The average age of the sows and parity was
moisture or % fat) in sow colostrum and transient milk. 2.34 ± 0.89 yr and 4.11 ± 1.88, respectively.
Correlation of milk components and physicochemical Composition and physicochemical properties of colostrum
properties with farrowing and weaning records. In this were not correlated (P > 0.05) with the sow’s age at
study, a total of 544 piglets were produced from 54 litters farrowing, parity, litter size at birth and at weaning, piglet
(i.e. average litter size at birth was 10.07 ± 1.88 piglets) weight at birth and at weaning, pre-weaning growth rate,
from May–September 2019, with average piglet birth number of stillbirths and mummified piglets at parturition,
weight of 1.47 ± 0.24 kg. A total of 446 piglets were and number of piglet (0–7 d old) mortality per litter. However,
weaned 33.4 ± 2.1 d after farrowing (i.e. average litter pre-weaning mortality was negatively correlated (P < 0.01)
size at weaning was 8.26 ± 2.59 piglets), with average with density (r = –0.30) and specific gravity (r = –0.30).

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

Table 5. Pearson correlation coefficients among transient milk composition and physicochemical properties with farrowing and weaning records.
Transient milk composition and physicochemical properties
% % % Specific Freezing
% moisture Density Conductivity
protein fat SNF gravity temp.
% moisture – –0.75** –0.56** –0.77** –0.63** –0.64** ns ns
% protein – ns 1.00** 0.98** 0.98** ns 0.46**
% fat – ns ns ns ns ns
% solids non-fat – 0.98** 0.98** 0.32* 0.44**

Physicochemical properties
Density – 1.00** 0.36* 0.44**
Specific gravity – 0.36* 0.44**
Freezing point – ns

Farrowing and weaning records

Age at farrowing ns –0.34* ns ns ns ns ns ns
Parity ns –0.41* ns –0.38* –0.36* –0.36* ns ns
Litter size at birth ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Piglet weight at birth ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Litter size at weaning ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Piglet weight at weaning ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pre-weaning ADG ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Pre-weaning mortality ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
No. of stillborn ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
No. of mummified piglets ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
No. of piglet mortality per
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
litter (0–7 d old)
Note: “ns” means correlation coefficient (r) is not significantly different from zero (P > 0.05); * means r is significantly different from zero (P < 0.05); * means r is
significantly different from zero (P < 0.01).

Similar findings were reported by Quesnel et al. (2012) The negative correlation between parity and % protein
who reviewed the importance of high intake of colostrum can be indirectly due to the positive relationship between
containing high % protein (i.e. high concentrations of milk yield (not measured in this study) and parity, and the
immunoglobulins) than in milk in reducing piglet mortality. negative correlation between milk yield and % protein.
However, it will be difficult to connect the physicochemical In the former, Beyer et al. (2008) showed that milk
properties with pre-weaning mortality, which the significant production of Large White x German Landrace sows
correlation suggests, especially if colostrum yield and piglet increases with parity, and the largest difference is found
intake are difficult to measure on-farm and are, therefore, not when comparing gilts with sows of 2nd parity. Craig et al.
considered in the study. (2019) further explained that multiparous sows produce
more milk once lactation is established due to having a
Composition and physicochemical properties of transient larger udder and being able to convert more energy into
milk were also generally not correlated (P > 0.05) with milk production compared to the primiparous sow, who
sow and litter records, except for age at farrowing and is still partitioning energy into her own maturation and
parity. Age at farrowing was negatively correlated (P growth. In the latter, Vadmand et al. (2015) showed that
< 0.05) with percent protein (r = –0.34). Parity was low milk protein concentration in Danish Landrace x
negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with % protein (= –0.41), Yorkshire sows was associated with a high milk yield
% SNF (r = –0.38), density (r = –0.36), and specific gravity due to a dilution of secreted milk protein due to increased
(r = –0.36). Sows at higher parities are thus expected to milk production without a concomitant increase in the
have lower % protein, % SNF, density, and specific gravity synthesis of milk solids.
in its transient milk.

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

In general, the estimates of density, specific gravity, “R1 Large White x Landrace” sows had significantly (P
freezing point, and conductivity in sow colostrum and < 0.05) higher density (78.44% vs. 61.82%) and specific
transient milk are largely influenced by % protein and gravity (1.078 g/cm3 vs. 1.062 g/cm3) of colostrum
% SNF. than “F1 Landrace x Large White” sows. For transient
milk however, “R1 Large White x Landrace” sows had
significantly (P < 0.05) higher % moisture (85.58% vs.
Effects of “Sow Breed x Milk Type” Interaction
76.54%) but lower % protein (3.71% vs. 6.65%), % SNF
Table 6 shows that the composition and physicochemical
(8.28% vs. 14.06%), and specific gravity (1.026 g/cm3 vs.
properties of colostrum were not significantly different (P
1.046 g/cm3) than “F1 Landrace x Large White” sows. The
> 0.05) between pure Landrace and Large White sows. For
advantages of “F1 Landrace x Large White” sows over
transient milk however, Landrace sows had significantly
“R1 Large White x Landrace” sows especially in terms of
(P < 0.05) higher % protein (9.76% vs. 7.45%), density
% protein and % SNF in transient milk reflect maternal
(75.66 g/mL vs. 52.63 mL), and specific gravity (1.076
quality (reciprocal effects). This implies the preferred
g/cm3 vs. 1.053 g/cm3), but lower % moisture (72.75%
use of Large White sows mated to Landrace boars in the
vs. 76.72%) than Large White sows. These differences
production of F1 crossbred gilts.
observed between Landrace and Large White sows
indicate that selection strategies could be used to improve No clear differences in the average composition and milk
% moisture, % protein, density, and specific gravity of properties of colostrum were noted between purebred and
transient milk. crossbred sows, implying that heterosis in these traits due
to non-additive genes by crossbreeding is not important.
Between F1 crossbred sows used as specialized dam
Furthermore, the composition and physicochemical
lines in the production of triple-cross market hogs, the
properties of both colostrum and transient milk were

Table 6. Least square means (± standard error) for sow’s milk composition and physicochemical properties in colostrum and transient milk
produced by different sow breeds
Colostrum Landrace (LDR) Large White (LRW) F1 LDR x LRW R1 LRW x LDR
Moisture, % 73.71 ± 1.68bc 72.25 ± 1.56bc 73.90 ± 1.70bc 75.56 ± 2.00bc
Protein, % 9.05 ± 0.80ab 9.33 ± 0.72ab 8.32 ± 0.78ab 10.07 ± 0.92a
Fat, % 7.34 ± 1.01a 8.41 ± 0.94a 8.46 ± 1.02a 3.94 ± 1.20a
Solids non-fat, % 18.95 ± 1.44a 19.34 ± 1.34a 17.64 ± 1.46a 20.50 ± 1.72a

Physicochemical properties
Density, g/mL 68.67 ± 6.14ab 69.29 ± 5.71ab 61.82 ± 6.21b 78.44 ± 7.30a
Spec. gravity, g/cm3 1.069 ± 0.006ab 1.069 ± 0.006ab 1.062 ± 0.006b 1.078 ± 0.007a
Freezing temp., °C –0.30 ± 0.12a –0.34 ± 0.12a –0.55 ± 0.12a –0.02 ± 0.15a
Conductivity, mS/cm 2.95 ± 0.23a 2.86 ± 0.22a 2.62 ± 0.24a 3.38 ± 0.28a

Transient milk Landrace (LDR) Large White (LRW) F1 LDR x LRW R1 LRW x LDR
Moisture, % 72.25 ± 1.82c 76.72 ± 1.91b 76.54 ± 2.14b 85.58 ± 1.92a
Protein, % 9.76 ± 0.86a 7.45 ± 0.88b 6.65 ± 0.99b 3.71 ± 0.89c
Fat, % 7.20 ± 1.09a 7.87 ± 1.14a 9.40 ± 1.28a 6.14 ± 1.15a
Solids non-fat, % 20.55 ± 1.57a 15.41 ± 1.64b 14.06 ± 1.84b 8.28 ± 1.65c

Physicochemical properties
Density, g/mL 75.66 ± 6.65a 52.63 ± 6.97bc 46.18 ± 7.81cd 25.92 ± 7.03d
Spec. gravity, g/cm3 1.076 ± 0.007a 1.053 ± 0.007bc 1.046 ± 0.008c 1.026 ± 0.007d
Freezing temp., °C –0.28 ± 0.13a –0.28 ± 0.14a –0.71 ± 0.16a –0.50 ± 0.14a
Conductivity, mS/cm 3.86 ± 0.26a 3.55 ± 0.28a 3.72 ± 0.30a 3.34 ± 0.29a
Note: least square means (and standard error) in the same row followed by the same letter are not significantly different from one another (P > 0.05).

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

similar (P > 0.05) between pure Large White and “F1 Percent fat in transient milk was significantly higher (P <
Landrace x Large White” crossbred sows. 0.01) than in colostrum for sows farrowing in the month
of August 2019 only. Percent fat was not significantly
While the composition of sow milk from different breeds different between colostrum and transient milk for
in other countries has been studied for a long time, very sows farrowing in May, June, July, and September
few studies reported significant effects of sow breed 2019 (P > 0.05). The transition from May–September
on milk composition. In the USA, for example, % fat marks the end of the hot dry-summer season going into
in colostrum was higher in Chinese Meishan sows than the cooler wet-rainy season. In the Philippines, this is
crossbred sows representing several breeds of European usually associated with a drop in maximum ambient
origin (Alston-Mills et al. 2000). In Canada, % fat in temperature (from about 33–34 °C to 28–29 °C), which
non-colostrum milk was higher in Meishan-derived sows may result in better appetite and higher sow feed intake.
than Yorkshires (Farmer et al. 2001). Later, Farmer et The significant differences in % moisture and % protein
al. (2007) reported greater protein concentrations in between colostrum and transient milk from May–
colostrum from Duroc sows compared to Landrace and September may indicate the effects of environmental
Yorkshire sows. The same study found no significant conditions in the tropics on the composition of pig’s
differences in % fat in the colostrum of Belgian milk. The results are similar to reports conducted in
Landrace/Pietrain, Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire. In other countries describing the detrimental effects of
the French West Indies, % protein and % fat in milk of hot environments on sow’s milk composition, milk
Large White sows was higher than in local Creole sows yield, and piglet performance. In France, for example,
(Gourdine et al. 2005). In Belgium, the percentage Renaudeau and Noblet (2001) reported the negative
of fat in colostrum was higher in Hypor sows than in effect of hot (29 °C) constant ambient temperatures
PIC, Topigs, and Danbred commercial crossbred sows on milk yield of multiparous Large White x Landrace
(Declerck et al. 2015). In Italy, the lactose and metabolite crossbred sows but higher dry matter and energy contents
content in colostrum was higher in Large White than without a change in the protein content of milk. They
Landrace and Duroc sows (Picone et al. 2018). emphasized the importance of creep feed supply to
Reports describing physicochemical properties of improve pre- and postweaning growth of piglets in hot
colostrum and subsequent milk from different sow breeds climatic conditions. In the tropical humid climate of
are also very limited (Hurley 2015), unlike in the dairy the French West Indies, Gourdine et al. (2005) reported
industry where they were often used to detect cows’ health similar milk yield and dry matter content but higher %
problems and milk adulteration. fat of sow’s milk during the hot season (26.0 °C, 85%
RH) than during the warm season (23.8 °C, 85% RH)
for both Large White and Creole breeds. In addition to
Effects of “Month of Farrowing x Milk Type” the reduction in milk yield, the high ambient temperature
Interaction and relative humidity in the tropics is also related to the
Table 7 shows that % moisture generally decreases while reduction of voluntary feed consumption and reduced
% fat increases from May–September 2019. Percent ability of the sow to mobilize maternal body reserves.
moisture in transient milk was significantly higher (P < In Italy, Picone et al. (2018) suggested that different
0.01) than colostrum in sows farrowing from May–July temperatures occurring during the year (i.e. farrowing
2019 only. However, % moisture was not significantly season) affected sow’s metabolism and, in turn, can also
different between colostrum and transient milk for sows affect colostrum composition.
farrowing from August–September 2019 (P > 0.05).

Table 7. Least square means (± standard error) for percent moisture and percent milk in colostrum and transient milk of sows farrowing at
different months of the year
Percent moisture Percent fat
Colostrum Transient milk Colostrum Transient milk
May 2019 76.32 ± 2.13b 84.20 ± 3.57a 4.01 ± 1.28x 4.55 ± 2.14x
June 2019 74.16 ± 1.72b 81.95 ± 1.62a 5.48 ± 1.03x 5.10 ± 0.97x
July 2019 74.59 ± 1.21b 80.97 ± 1.34a 5.04 ± 0.72x 5.39 ± 0.80x
August 2019 72.39 ± 1.61a 71.43 ± 2.00a 8.63 ± 0.96y 12.78 ± 1.20x
September 2019 71.81 ± 3.85a 71.81 ± 3.85a 12.03 ± 2.31x 10.43 ± 2.27x
Note: least square means (and standard error) in the same row (for % moisture and % fat) followed by the same letter are not significantly different from one another
(P > 0.05).

Philippine Journal of Science Bondoc et al.: Composition and Properties of
Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FARMER C, QUESNEL H. 2009. Nutritional, hormonal,
This research was supported by grants from the Philippine and environmental effects on colostrum in sows. J
Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program under Anim Sci 87: 56–65.
the Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Program FOISNET A, FARMER C, DAVID C, QUESNEL, H.
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INFARMCO Swine Breeding Farm, San Isidro, Cabuyao tion. J Anim Sci 88: 1672–1683.
City, Laguna for supplying their animals, feeding, care of
the animals, and for their assistance in the sampling of GOURDINE JL, BIDANEL JP, NOBLET J, REN-
milk and diets. The authors would also like to thank Ana AUDEAU D. 2005. Effects of breed and season on per-
Rose Ramos and Mark C. Agsunod for their valuable formance of lactating sows in a tropical humid climate.
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There is no conflict of interest between the authors and
other people and organizations.

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Vol. 149 No. 3, September 2020 Pig Colostrum and Transient Milk

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