Inter Course Project
Inter Course Project
Inter Course Project
Masha Marina
Awlia Rahman Sanusi
Over the past 100 years efforts have been made to produce
new Crossbred strains of cattle in Indian Subcontinent by
crossing Bos indicus breeds with highly developed
temprate cattle.
Crossbreeding of the Sahiwal with dairy breeds is
becoming important in improving production efficiency.
The Sahiwal has been widely used in crossbreeding in
tropical areas because it has high additive genetic merits
for milk production.
The Frieswal breed will
have around 62%
(50.62%) Friesian and
38% (38-50) Sahiwal
Inheritance; was
expected to give 4000
kg milk with 4% butter
fat in a lactation of 305
days and a calving
interval of 13 months
under good
frieswal taurindicus
In dairy cattle, milk yield and composition are typical
polygenic traits.
Phenotypes are continuously distributed and reflect the
joint action of large numbers of polygenes or quantitative
trait loci (QTL) confounded with environmental effects.
In the populations of interest, milk production traits have
narrow sense heritabilities in the 25-50% range.
Most successful QTL mapping efforts described to date
have exploited F2 or backcrosses obtained from parental
populations divergent for the traits of interest.
Study Objective
Milk production traits are important quantitative traits for
dairy cattle.
The goal of QTL mapping is to identify genes underlying
these traits for us to gain a better understanding of their
physiological and biochemical roles and for a more direct
way of genetic improvement.
Material & Methods
…….have any idea??......