Laboratory Experiment: LATENT HEAT: Q ML Q J Cal M KG L L L J KG

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Laboratory Experiment: LATENT HEAT

This experiment aims to measure the latent heat of fusion and vaporization of water. There are two set-
ups dedicated for each, latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization of water. The experiment
yielded 2368.144J/g with a 4.79% of error for latent heat of vaporization and the latent heat of fusion
yielded 396.71J/g with a 18.78% of error.

When a solid converts into a liquid or vice versa, the energy it requires to change form is
called the latent heat of fusion. The first statement is just an example of what latent heat is. Liquid
can also change form from liquid to gas and vice versa. The change in these situations are called
phase change. It is a different topic but it is important in this experiment.
Latent heat is the thermal energy required to change the phase of a substance without a
change in its temperature. In other words, this is the heat that is supplied or released to a substance
to melt then vaporize or to condense then freeze. Two very common example of latent heat are the
Latent Heat of Fusion, whenever a substance is changing phase from solid to liquid or liquid to
solid, and Latent Heat of vaporization, whenever a substance is changing phase from liquid to gas or
gas to liquid.

In this experiment these two equations are the most important. Equation 1 can be used whenever
there is a phase change (i.e vaporization, fusion, condensation, or freezing)

Q=mL (1)

where: Q = amount of heat energy absorb/released, J or cal

m = mass, kg
L = latent heat of fusion Lf , of latent of vaporization Lv ,
On the other hand, Equation 2 can be used whenever there is a change in temperature.

Q=mC ∆ T (2)

where: Q = amount of heat energy absorb/released, J or cal

m = mass, kg
C = specific heat capacity,
kg ℃
∆ T = change in temperature, ℃
Both these equations yield the same result of Q , it only varies in the surrounding heat if it is
exothermic or endothermic —whether heat are absorbed or released. These equations can be
equated to:

Heat lost ¿ (3)

Naturally, Heat lost is negative since it loses its heat energy and absorbed by the substance who
gained heat in order to reach equilibrium, hence Equation 3.

To measure the latent heat of fusion and vaporization of water.

Video demonstration clip (see attachment)
Pen and paper


Figure A. Experimental Set-up for Latent Heat of Vaporization

Figure B. Experimental Set-up for Latent Heat of Fusion


Part 1: Latent Heat of Vaporization

Watch the video demonstration and record the data in section D. Data and Results. Note that
this experiment was performed under the following assumptions:
a. The two beakers are identical.
b. The heat is evenly distributed on the surface of the hot plate.

1. Record the mass of the water in the two beaker in Figure A.

m 1=mass of the water ∈beaker on the ¿
m 2=mass of the water ∈beaker on the ¿
2. Place a thermometer on the right beaker.
3. Heat the beakers at the same rate. When the water on the left beaker starts to boil, get the
temperature reading on the thermometer.
T i=initial temperature of the water
4. Wait until all the water in the left beaker evaporates while keeping the thermometer
submerged in the right beaker.
Note: It is important to note here that the same amount of heat is absorbed by both beakers.
5. When all the water in the left beaker is vaporized, record the temperature in the right
T f =final temperature of the water
6. Calculate the amount of heat gained by the right beaker using the recorded values.
7. Assuming that the same amount of heat is used to evaporate the water on the left, we can
determine the Latent Heat of Vaporization from this setup by dividing the heat calculated by
5 ml. This is be the Lv .
8. Compare this calculated value with the standard value of Lv of water and get the percent

Part 2: Latent Heat of Fusion

Watch the video demonstration and record the data in section F, Data and Results.

1. Measure the mass of the empty calorimeter. Record this as m cal .

2. Add 100 ml water to it. Measure the combined mass of the water and calorimeter. Record
this as m cal+ water.
3. Measure the temperature of the water in the calorimeter. Record this as T i.
4. Add ice to the water and stir continuously. Continue adding until the temperature reaches
around 10°C below the initial temperature. Get the temperature measurement of water.
Record this as T f .
5. Get the new mass of the calorimeter after. Record this as m total.
6. Calculate the amount of heat lost by the water using the recorded values. Record this as
Q water .
Note that the heat needed to completely melt the ice is the same amount of heat lost by the
Q ice =−Q water
7. Using the amount of heat lost by water, Q water , calculate the latent heat of fusion of ice. This
will be Lf .
8. Compare this calculated value with the standard value of Lf of ice and get the percent


Part 1: Latent Heat of Vaporization

m 1 in grams 5
m 2 in grams 100
T i in °C 27.7
T f in °C 56
Q gained in Joules 11840.72
Lv ( calculated ) in J/g 2368.144
Lv ( standard ) in J/g 2260 Joules/gram
Percent Error 4.79%

Part 2: Latent Heat of Fusion

m cal in grams 3.41

mcal+ water in grams 102.66
m total in grams 120.20
m ice in grams 17.54
T i in °C 30.8
T f in °C 14.6
Q water in Joules 6958.38
Q ice in Joules 6958.38
Lf ( calculated ) in J/g 396.71
Lf ( standard ) in J/g 334 Joules/gram
Percent Error 18.78%

Some useful formula:

 Q water =m water c water Δ T

 Q ice =(mice )(L v )
|calculated −standard|
 % error= x 100

Using the data in section D, calculate the following:
Part 1:

a) Amount of heat absorbed by the beakers (Q gained )

b) Latent heat of vaporization of water ( Lv )
c) percent error between calculated and standard value of Lv .

Part 2

d) amount of heat lost by the water (Q water )

e) Latent heat of fusion of ice ( Lf )
f) percent error between calculated and standard value of Lf .



1. What advantage might the commercially packaged coolant material have over ice other than
it produces less mess?
-A coolant is a fluid which flows through a device to prevent its overheating, transferring
the heat produced by the device to other devices that use or dissipate it. An ideal coolant
has high thermal capacity, low viscosity, is low-cost, non-toxic, and chemically inert, neither
causing nor promoting corrosion of the cooling system. Some applications also require the
coolant to be an electrical insulator.

2. What is the amount of ice at 0°C that must be added to a 0.50 kg of water at 20°C in order to
bring the temperature of the water down to 0°C?

Qw + Qi =0;
Qw= 4200 x 0,5 x (0-20)=-42000 = -42(kj)

Qw + Qi =-42000 + Msoda x Mice = 0

Mice = 42000/Msoda = 42kj/335 kj/kg = 0,125373kg = 125, 373 (g)

Answer: The amount of ice we should add is 125,373 g

3. Calculate the amount of heat released to reduce the temperature of 500-g steam water from
120°C to 80°C.

Q = m x c x △T

Q = 500 x 4,183 x 40 = 83.66kJ

This will require 83.7kJ of heat energy.

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