Subject: P.E 4 - Team Sports/ Game: First Attitude. New York: Mcgraw-Hill
Subject: P.E 4 - Team Sports/ Game: First Attitude. New York: Mcgraw-Hill
Subject: P.E 4 - Team Sports/ Game: First Attitude. New York: Mcgraw-Hill
1. History
2. Terminologies
3. Facilities and Equipment
a. court
b. net
c. ball
4. Rules of the Game
a. scoring procedure
b. violations
5. Safety Principles
a. Basic/Advanced Skills.
Alvarez, M., (2011). Physical education 4 : team sports. Mandaluyong City : Books Atpb.
Crean, T. and Pim R. (2007). Coaching team basketball : develop winning players with a team-
first attitude. New York : McGraw-Hill.
Davis, B. (2005). Physical education and the study of sport. USA: Jan Roscoe Publication.