Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE (Production of Rice) Truth

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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Identify the processes of rice production.

 Value the different processes in producing rice.
 Classify the different tools use in the different processes.


TOPIC: Production of Rice

MATERIALS: power point presentation, laptop, chalk and IM’s.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s activity

Good morning class! Good morning class!

Let us all stand and let us pray. (The assigned student will lead the prayer.)
(Assign one of the students to lead the

Arrange your chairs and pick up the piece Yes Sir!

of papers under your chair.

(Checking of attendance)

A. Motivation
How are you today class? We are great sir!

I’m glad to know you are great class! No Sir!

Have you drunk a cold water after you ate
your breakfast?

That is good class because today you are Okay Sir!

going to sing.

Okay, I will divide the class into four

groups and each group will be given one
lyric to sing a song. Using the lyric given
to your group you will copy a tune of any
song that you know and sing it. I will just
give you 2 minutes to think a song that
you are going to copy its tune. Okay sir!

(The teacher will divide the class into four


Any question? None Sir!

Your timer starts now.
(After 2 minutes)
Times up!
Let us hear the song of group 1. (The 1st group will sing their song with the
given lyric “Harvesting”.)
Very Good Group number 1.
Let us give a round of applause to the first (The students will clap their hands.)

What is the title of the song you have All of me Sir!

sung class?

A beautiful song, eh? Yes, It is Sir!

Okay, Let us hear the second group. (The 2nd group will sing their song with
the given lyric “Rice”.)
Very Good!
Let’s give a Manny Paquaio clap for group (The students will perform the Manny
number 2. Paquaio clap.)

What is the title of that song? Rewrite the stars Sir!

That song is for duets right? Yes Sir!

I do loved songs like that too.

Okay, Let us hear group number 3. (The 3rd group will sing their song with the
given lyric “Farm”.)
Excellent group number 3!
Let us give them a round of applause. (The students will clap their hands.)
What is the title of that song? Dive Sir!

That song is for broken hearted right? Yes, It is for broken hearted Sir.

I hate songs like that, it makes me cry. We feel you Sir!

Okay, Let us hear the last group. (The 4th group will sing their song with the
given lyric “reek”)
Very Good group number 4!
Let us give them a round of applause. (The students will clap their hands.)
What is the title of that song? Oppa Gangnam Style Sir!

I think that was one of the popular songs Yes, It is Sir!

in Korea.
Who is the artist of that song? His name is “Sai”, he is a Korean star Sir!
I think that guy became an internet
sensation in 2012.

Are you familiar to those words given to Yes we are Sir!

What do you think is our topic for today? Production of rice Sir!

Very Good!
Our Topic for today is about the
production of rice.

B. Analysis (The student will read the definition from

What is harvesting? Kindly read. the Instructional Material: Harvesting is
the process of gathering a rice crop from
(Instructional Material) the fields.)

What do you know about harvesting rice The rice crop can be harvest by cutting
crops class? the grain, Sir!

Correct! We harvest rice crop by simply

cutting them!

What do we use in cutting crop or grain? Reaper Sir!

Sickle Sir!
Scythe Sir!
Very good!

What do you prefer to use? Reaper Sir!

Why do you prefer using reaper in It is because it makes the job easier and it
harvesting? is not laborious Sir!

Yes, it makes the job easier and it not

laborious because you will just hire a
driver that will manipulate the reaper.
But reaper is rarely used in harvesting. Reapers are rarely used in harvesting rice,
Why? crops due to the cost and availability Sir!

Very good! Reapers are rarely used by the

farmers because most of them can’t afford
to buy one.

When do you think the rice crop is ready When the rice crop reaches maturity, at
to be harvested? around 105-150 days crop establishment
Correct! Around 105-150 days of crop
establishment it is ready to be harvested.

After harvesting, the next is threshing.

Kindly read it. (The students will read the definition of
threshing from the presentation: Threshing
(Instructional Material) is the process of loosening the edible part
of grain from husk and straw to which it
is attached.)

What is your idea about this process It is the separating the grain from a plant,
class? typically with a flail or by the action of
revolving mechanism.

It is the separation of the grain from the

plant through manual and mechanism
Manual method uses Threshing rack
How do we use manual method? wherein the plant is being rub
continuously until the seeds are
separated to the plant, Sir!

Very good! That is one way of manual

method. Mechanical method uses machinery that
How about mechanical method? can thresh the rice.

What do we call that machinery? Thresher Sir!

Very good! We call that machinery a


Which of the two method is more

appropriate to use?
I think the Mechanical Method Sir!

Why Mechanical Method is more It is because when we use manual

appropriate to sue? method it will be hard for us to finish the
job immediately while if we use machinery
the threshing can be quickly done.

Correct! It is because using machinery only needs

Any other idea? 3 laborers so it is not laborious while if we
use “Manual Method” we will be needing
10 or more laborers, Sir!

Very good!
Machinery are truly helpful to us,
especially for farmers

Do you agree with me? Yes Sir!

After threshing the next is “drying”. (The students will read the definition of
Drying from the presentation: Drying
(Instructional Material) means spreading grains under the sun,
on mats and pavements.)

Have you experience this kind of process Yes we did Sir!

in your homes, class?
It is true that it is hot and kills my back
How was the feeling doing this process? but I feel good, because it is for our own
sake, Sir!

Correct! It is not enough that we just No sir, spreading the grains is not
simply spread the grains and the job is enough, we need also to stir it for the
done. grains to be completely dried.

Very good! We need also to stir it so that

pieces of it will be dried Yes Sir!

Am I right?
Of course sir! We need to guard it is
Do we need to guard the grains we are because there is a tendency that the
drying? chicken will mess it so we are needed as a
scare person of the chicken when we are

Very good! That is the reason we need to

guard the grains we are drying.

After drying the next is “milling”. Kindly

read. (The students will read the definition from
the presentation: Milling is the process of
(Instructional Material) removing the husk and produce edible
rice that is sufficiently milled or polished.)

What is your idea about this process A rice milling system can be a simple one
class? Anyone? or two step process.

What are these steps? One step milling, Sir!

Two step process

Very good! How is one step milling? The husk and bran removal are done in
one pass.

Correct! How about two step process? It is removing the husk and removing the
bran separately done.

Very good! So there are two processes the

one step milling and the two step process.
How do we produce good quality milled To produce quality milled rice, the paddy
rice? should be good equipment well
maintained, and the operation should
have appropriate skills

Correct! It is important that the paddy

should be good equipment are well
maintained and most important is the
operator should be an expert on his job so
that there will be no problems in
processing or milling the rice.

Is it clear to you class? Yes Sir!

And the last process is “storing”. Kindly

read everybody. (The students will read the definition of
storing from the presentation: It is a
(Instructional Material) storage facilities take many forms
depending on the quantity of grain to be
stored the purpose of storage, and the
location of the store.)

What do you think do a good storage

should include?
Protection from insects, rodents and
Correct! It should be free from pests.
What else? Ease of loading and unloading

Yes it must be for an easy loading and

unloading. Efficient use of space.

Any other idea? For the sacks of rice to be organized the

Why do we need to be efficient in suing sacks of rice from rain Sir!
The storage must be covered

Very good! Another one. It must be covered to protect the sacks of

rice from rain
Correct! Why the storage is must be

Very good! It must be covered to prevent

the moisture re-entering the grain after
drying. The rice will lose quality Sir!

What will happen if it is moisture?

Very good! So there is a lot of things to be

considered in rice production. We need
these things to produce high quality rice? None Sir!

Any question?
Very good!

C. Abstraction

What are the processes in rice Harvesting!

production class? Threshing!
And storing sir!

It is the process of loosening the edible

Very good! How is harvesting? part of grain from husk and straw to
which it is attached.

It is the process of spreading the grain

How about drying? under the sun on mats and pavements

It is the process of removing the husk and

Very good! How about milling class? produces an edible rice grain that is
sufficiently milled or polished.

The sacks of rice must be in a good

Correct! And the last is storing. storage system.

None Sir!
Excellent class!
Any question!


D. Application
Classify the following tools if it is for
harvesting, threshing, drying, milling and
1. Reaper
2. Scythe
3. Fish Net
4. Reek
5. Thresher
6. Tricycle
7. Sickle
8. Sacks
9. Hat
10. Harvester


In a one half sheet of paper, give at least 10 tools use in the production of rice
and write their uses.


For you, what is the most feared thing by the farmers for their rice crops?

Prepared by: Noted by:

Dean Chastneil Pascua Mrs. Mary Jane Balignasay
Student Teacher Critic Teacher

Ms. Consolacion L. Aquino



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