GE-1-Understanding-the-Self-BEED OBE
GE-1-Understanding-the-Self-BEED OBE
GE-1-Understanding-the-Self-BEED OBE
Department: BEED
Understanding the self is a fundamental course in the General Education Curriculum for tertiary education. It is designed to help the students understand the
nature of identify including factors that influence and shape personal identity.
Today, issues of self and identity are very critical to adolescents. This course conceptualized to aid undergraduate students develop a more critical and
reflective attitude in exploring the issues and concerns of the self and identity for a better and proper way of understanding one’s self. It emphasizes the integration
of personal daily experiences of the students with their learning experiences inside the classroom to encourage them to improve themselves for a better quality of
The first part of this course enables the students to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology,
anthropology and psychology including the more traditional division between the east and the west.
The second part deals with some of the various aspects that make up the self like the biological self, the material self, the political self, the spiritual self and
the digital self.
The third and final part provides a discussion on some issues of concern for young students these days, which are learning, goal setting and stress.
Intended Learning Outcomes Learning Activities
Learning Content Time Allotment Learning Assessment
Learning Objectives (ILO) (Teacher-Learner Activities)
1. Understanding the 1st Week
self/defining the
1.a. How would
In your own words, state
you 1.a Present the questions
1. Explain why it is what is the meaning of self.
characterize 1.b Where you able to answer
essential to understand After doing so, explain
your “self” the questions given to you?
the self how your concept of self is
1.b What makes 1.c Discussion
true with the other selves.
you standout
from the rest?
2. Describe and discuss the 3. Identify, describe Use of 4 A’s strategy in the Identify the contribution of
different notions of the and discuss the discussion of the topic: the following philosophers
most important
A – activity to e done in
conjectures made
relation to the different
self from the points of by philosophers
philosophers from the ancient times to
various philosophers from the ancient
A – Analysis the contemporary period
across time and place times to the
A – Abstraction
A- Application
3. Explain the relationship 3. The self, society and 2nd Week 1. List down your salient Answer the following
between and among the culture characteristics that your questions, cogently but
self, society and culture 3.a Different ways by elementary self, high school honestly. Write your
which society and self and college self. answers on the space
culture shape the 2. After having examined your provided.
self “self” in its different stages, 1. How would you
3.b How the self can be 3rd Week fill out the following table describe your “self”
influence by the
different Similarities Differences
institutions in the of myself in myself
society 2. What are the influences
3.c Different views of of your family in your
self Possible reason for the development as an
differences in me individual?
3. Discussion:
a. self and culture
b. self and development of the 3. Think of a time when
social world you felt you were your
c. Gender and the self “true self”. What made
you think you were
truly who you are
during this time of your
4. Following the question
above, can you provide
a time when you felt
when you were not
living your “self true
self” why did you have
to live a life like that?
4. The Self as cognitive 4.1 State the various 4th Week 4.1 Try to compare how we 4.1 Compare what you
construct. definitions of the look at ourselves against wrote about yourself
4.1 Identify the different “self” according to how people perceive us to those written by
ideas in psychology the different depending on how we your classmates. What
about the “self” earliest present ourselves to them. aspects are similar and
4.2 Create their own psychologists List 10-15 qualities or which are not? Use the
definition of the “self” 4.1.1 Identify the things around the human figure below:
based on the definitions theory of symbolic figures representing you
from psychology interactionism that you think defines who
4.1.2 Describe the you are.
effects of society 4.1.a. Discuss the concept
and culture to the of symbolic
formation of self, interactionism 4.1.a. What aspects are
identity and self- sometimes true or
concept circumstantial? What
aspects are sometimes
true or circumstantial?
What aspects do you
think are not really
part of your
personality? Write
your answers below:
5. The Self in Western and 5.1 Write the top five (5)
5.1 Write the similarities
Eastern Thought differences between Western
5.1 Analyze the and differences
5.1 Differentiate the and Eastern society, culture
perspective of each between Western and
concept of self and individuals in the table
culture and country 5th Week Eastern society,
according to Western below:
about the concept of culture, individual
through against a. (Group Work)
“self” Western
eastern/oriental b. Sharing of ideas by group
Societ Culture Individual
perspectives c. Discussion y
5.2 Identify the
religious beliefs Do you agree with the
5.2 Explain the concepts of and political differentiation between the Eastern
self as found in Asian philosophies that 6th Week East? What are the factors that Societ Culture Individual
thoughts greatly influenced make the Philippines similar y
the mindset of each or different from its Asian
nation or culture. Preliminary Examination neighbors? etc.
5.3 Discussion and
highlighting the
Create your own
Eastern thoughts
representation, diagram or
5.3 Create a representation of concept map of the self
a. Confucianism 7th Week
the Filipino self according to Filipino
b. Taoism
culture. Provide a brief
c. Buddhism
explanation about your
d. (Review on the
Western perspective)
6. The Physical and Sexual 6.1 8th Week Discussion on: (Use the Four 1. Creative Work
Self a. Define physical self A’s strategy) Propose a program in
6.1 Explore the different b. Discuss the different a. What are the factors that school or community
aspects of self and views of one’s determine the sex of an that will raise the
identity physical self individual awareness of the
c. Determine the b. How does the society students and to help
factors that influence shape the sexual behavior eliminate sexually
the change of view of an individual? transmitted diseases
of one’s physical self c. Can we really change our especially among the
6.2 Demonstrate critical 6.2 Discuss the
reflective thought in developmental
integrating the various aspect of the
aspects of self and reproductive
identity system
a. Describe the
2. Debate on:
erogenous zones
6.3Identify the different Agree or Disagree
b. Explain human
forces and institutions 9th Week natural/innate sexual organ Are you in favor of
sexual behavior
that impact the and sexual response legalizing marriage
c. characterize the
development of various among homosexuals
diversity of sexual
aspects of self-identity Asynchronous and transgender?
6.4Examine one’s self
d. Describe sexually
against the different
transmitted diseases
aspects of self discussed
e. Differentiate natural
in class
and artificial
methods of
7. To buy or Not to Buy… 7.1-7.2 Describe the 10th Week 7.1-7.2 Debit Card Challenge SELF
That is the question! components of self Present the lesson through Clothes
7.1 Explain the association a. its constituents Situation
of self and possessions b. the feelings and A very wealthy person gave
7.2 Identify the role of emotions they you a debit card and told you Body
consumer culture to self arouse-self-feeling to use it as much as you want
and identity c. the actions to which to make yourself happy. What
they prompt, self- are you going to do with your
seeking and self- debit card. Make a list of what
preservation you have. Write as many as
you want.
1. What did you feel as you
do the Debit Card
2. Which among the items in
your list you like most?
3. If ever you were given the Immediate family
Regular class attendance
Complete quizzes
Complete periodic examination
Active class participation
Eden Joy Pastor Alata, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib, et. al. Understanding the Self, Rex Publishing 2018