GE-1-Understanding-the-Self-BEED OBE

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Tomas del Rosario College

Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City

Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

Department: BEED


COURSE TITLE: Understanding the Self

Understanding the self is a fundamental course in the General Education Curriculum for tertiary education. It is designed to help the students understand the
nature of identify including factors that influence and shape personal identity.
Today, issues of self and identity are very critical to adolescents. This course conceptualized to aid undergraduate students develop a more critical and
reflective attitude in exploring the issues and concerns of the self and identity for a better and proper way of understanding one’s self. It emphasizes the integration
of personal daily experiences of the students with their learning experiences inside the classroom to encourage them to improve themselves for a better quality of
The first part of this course enables the students to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology,
anthropology and psychology including the more traditional division between the east and the west.
The second part deals with some of the various aspects that make up the self like the biological self, the material self, the political self, the spiritual self and
the digital self.
The third and final part provides a discussion on some issues of concern for young students these days, which are learning, goal setting and stress.


3 Units
54 hours (18 weeks)


1. Provide opportunities for students to gain new skills for practical application of the concepts learned that aim to help them become better and significant
individuals of our society.
2. Help the students understand the nature of identity including factors that influence and shape personal identity.
3. Analyze the effects of various factors identified in psychology in the formation of the self.
4. Design personal goal adapting – Locke’s goal setting theory.
5. Create a representation of the Filipino self.

Note: 9th Week and 11th Week asynchronous


Intended Learning Outcomes Learning Activities
Learning Content Time Allotment Learning Assessment
Learning Objectives (ILO) (Teacher-Learner Activities)
1. Understanding the 1st Week
self/defining the
1.a. How would
In your own words, state
you 1.a Present the questions
1. Explain why it is what is the meaning of self.
characterize 1.b Where you able to answer
essential to understand After doing so, explain
your “self” the questions given to you?
the self how your concept of self is
1.b What makes 1.c Discussion
true with the other selves.
you standout
from the rest?

2. Describe and discuss the 3. Identify, describe Use of 4 A’s strategy in the Identify the contribution of
different notions of the and discuss the discussion of the topic: the following philosophers
most important
A – activity to e done in
conjectures made
relation to the different
self from the points of by philosophers
philosophers from the ancient times to
various philosophers from the ancient
A – Analysis the contemporary period
across time and place times to the
A – Abstraction
A- Application
3. Explain the relationship 3. The self, society and 2nd Week 1. List down your salient Answer the following
between and among the culture characteristics that your questions, cogently but
self, society and culture 3.a Different ways by elementary self, high school honestly. Write your
which society and self and college self. answers on the space
culture shape the 2. After having examined your provided.
self “self” in its different stages, 1. How would you
3.b How the self can be 3rd Week fill out the following table describe your “self”
influence by the
different Similarities Differences
institutions in the of myself in myself
society 2. What are the influences
3.c Different views of of your family in your
self Possible reason for the development as an
differences in me individual?

3. Discussion:
a. self and culture
b. self and development of the 3. Think of a time when
social world you felt you were your
c. Gender and the self “true self”. What made
you think you were
truly who you are
during this time of your
4. Following the question
above, can you provide
a time when you felt
when you were not
living your “self true
self” why did you have
to live a life like that?

4. The Self as cognitive 4.1 State the various 4th Week 4.1 Try to compare how we 4.1 Compare what you
construct. definitions of the look at ourselves against wrote about yourself
4.1 Identify the different “self” according to how people perceive us to those written by
ideas in psychology the different depending on how we your classmates. What
about the “self” earliest present ourselves to them. aspects are similar and
4.2 Create their own psychologists List 10-15 qualities or which are not? Use the
definition of the “self” 4.1.1 Identify the things around the human figure below:
based on the definitions theory of symbolic figures representing you
from psychology interactionism that you think defines who
4.1.2 Describe the you are.
effects of society 4.1.a. Discuss the concept
and culture to the of symbolic
formation of self, interactionism 4.1.a. What aspects are
identity and self- sometimes true or
concept circumstantial? What
aspects are sometimes
true or circumstantial?
What aspects do you
think are not really
part of your
personality? Write
your answers below:

4.3 Identify and discuss 4.3 Answer this question: - If

the important you are who you are, then
factors in creating who are you that makes
our self-concept. you who you are? (oral
a. social interaction recitation)
Do a research and list ten
b. group affiliation Construct an/a organized
(10) things to do in order to
4.3.1 Identify and Diagram similar to the one
boost your self-esteem or
describe the two below:
improve your self-esteem.
types of self. Family
Cite your sources. Analyze
4.3 Analyze the effects of Hobbies
which of those tips are
various factors identified
more likely to backfire and
in psychology in the
make someone’s conceited
formation of the “self”
or narcissistic and revise
Self Religion them in order to make the
statements both helpful to
the individual as well as
society in general.

5. The Self in Western and 5.1 Write the top five (5)
5.1 Write the similarities
Eastern Thought differences between Western
5.1 Analyze the and differences
5.1 Differentiate the and Eastern society, culture
perspective of each between Western and
concept of self and individuals in the table
culture and country 5th Week Eastern society,
according to Western below:
about the concept of culture, individual
through against a. (Group Work)
“self” Western
eastern/oriental b. Sharing of ideas by group
Societ Culture Individual
perspectives c. Discussion y
5.2 Identify the
religious beliefs Do you agree with the
5.2 Explain the concepts of and political differentiation between the Eastern
self as found in Asian philosophies that 6th Week East? What are the factors that Societ Culture Individual
thoughts greatly influenced make the Philippines similar y
the mindset of each or different from its Asian
nation or culture. Preliminary Examination neighbors? etc.
5.3 Discussion and
highlighting the
Create your own
Eastern thoughts
representation, diagram or
5.3 Create a representation of concept map of the self
a. Confucianism 7th Week
the Filipino self according to Filipino
b. Taoism
culture. Provide a brief
c. Buddhism
explanation about your
d. (Review on the
Western perspective)
6. The Physical and Sexual 6.1 8th Week Discussion on: (Use the Four 1. Creative Work
Self a. Define physical self A’s strategy) Propose a program in
6.1 Explore the different b. Discuss the different a. What are the factors that school or community
aspects of self and views of one’s determine the sex of an that will raise the
identity physical self individual awareness of the
c. Determine the b. How does the society students and to help
factors that influence shape the sexual behavior eliminate sexually
the change of view of an individual? transmitted diseases
of one’s physical self c. Can we really change our especially among the
6.2 Demonstrate critical 6.2 Discuss the
reflective thought in developmental
integrating the various aspect of the
aspects of self and reproductive
identity system
a. Describe the
2. Debate on:
erogenous zones
6.3Identify the different Agree or Disagree
b. Explain human
forces and institutions 9th Week natural/innate sexual organ Are you in favor of
sexual behavior
that impact the and sexual response legalizing marriage
c. characterize the
development of various among homosexuals
diversity of sexual
aspects of self-identity Asynchronous and transgender?
6.4Examine one’s self
d. Describe sexually
against the different
transmitted diseases
aspects of self discussed
e. Differentiate natural
in class
and artificial
methods of
7. To buy or Not to Buy… 7.1-7.2 Describe the 10th Week 7.1-7.2 Debit Card Challenge SELF
That is the question! components of self Present the lesson through Clothes
7.1 Explain the association a. its constituents  Situation
of self and possessions b. the feelings and A very wealthy person gave
7.2 Identify the role of emotions they you a debit card and told you Body
consumer culture to self arouse-self-feeling to use it as much as you want
and identity c. the actions to which to make yourself happy. What
they prompt, self- are you going to do with your
seeking and self- debit card. Make a list of what
preservation you have. Write as many as
you want.
 Questions
1. What did you feel as you
do the Debit Card
2. Which among the items in
your list you like most?
3. If ever you were given the Immediate family

chance in real life, to have Home

one among the list, which
will you choose? Why?
(There six questions to be
answered for further
7.3 Go back to your Debit card
challenge list. Put a mark
7.3 on the left side of each
a. Identify the self to item.
things started in our 11th Week With the following
infancy stage when categories
we make a B – if the item is related to 1. Create a collage of
distinction from self your body your treasured
and environment and Asynchronous C – if the item is related possessions
others who may with clothes 2. You may use symbols
7.3 Appraise oneself based
desire our F – if the item is related or or pictures of your
on the description of
possessions. intended to your family treasured possessions
material self
b. Prove that the H – if the item is related 3. Put a short note why
possessions that we with home you treasure them
dearly have tell Answer the following
something about who questions:
we are, our self- a. Which among the
concept, our past and categories you have the
even our future most in your list?
b. What do you think
these things tell you
about yourself?
8.1 Recall – When was the
first time you realized that
8. Supernaturals: Believe it 8.1 Identify various there is a higher being than
or Not religious practices yourself?
8.1 Show various religious and beliefs 12th Week - How old are you then?
practices and beliefs 8.2 Describe self in What made you believe that
8.2 Discover self in relation relation with there is higher being?
with religious beliefs beliefs Midterm Examination (Further Discussion on
various religious practices and
8.3 Find and create meaning 8.3 Explain ways of Draw:
in life findings meaning Make a poster about a
of life. situation that made you
believe in the existence of Video Clip – Make a video
higher being clip with reflection on any
of the following topics:
Observe similarities and a. Filipino rituals and
differences on each other’s ceremonies covering all
13th Week
experiences expressed in the regions of the
art works Philippines
b. Modern – day
More discussions on: expression of spiritual
a. Religion being
b. Rituals
c. Beliefs
d. Customs and practices
14th Week Using the Four A’s strategy 1. Reflection Paper
discuss the following: - Reflect on Viktr
1. Logotherapy: Frankl’s sources of
a. By creating a work or meaning of life
doing a deed.
b. Experiencing 2. Make a documentary
something or about a World War II
encountering someone
c. Attitude we take
toward unavoidable
2. Frankl’s sources of Filipino survivor, how
Meaning she/he survive the war
a. Purposeful Work
b. Courage in the face of
c. Love
9.1 Bring out your pictures or
illustrations that show
9. The Political Self and what being a Filipino is
9. Analyze and
Being Filipino about?
describe the Filipino 9.1 Make an acrostic which
9.1 Determine the - How do the pictures remind
identity will describe you, in
Filipino Identity: you of your being a
9.1 Identify different relation to your being
Values, Traits, Filipino?
Filipino values and a Filipino
Community and - Are you proud of being a
Institutional factors Filipino? Why and why not.
* Further discussion on the
unique, traits of the Filipinos
15th Week
9.2 Discussion on the
following hallmarks of our
being a Filipino using the Write a reflection paper by
power point: answering this question:
9.2 Reflect on your
a. Proverbs
9.2 Establish a democratic selfhood in relation
b. superstitions How can becoming a better
culture to your national
c. myths and legends Filipino influence your
d. heroes and icons duty to becoming a better
* How to be a good Filipino: version of yourself?
a. Discussion on how being a
Filipino affects yourself.
10. Who Am I in the 10.1 Define online 16th Week Activity (3 facts, 1 fiction) Creative Work
Cyberworld? (Digital identity - Construct four sentences Form groups with three to
Self) 10.2 Compare real that should start with “I four members.
10.1 Determine the identity versus am”
Digital Self: I, me, online identity - Three of the four In a slogan or poster about
myself, and my user 10.3 Describe the sentences should be true becoming a responsible
ID online identity influence of about yourself. You can Internet user.
10.2 Describe the Internet on talk about your
selective self- sexuality and characteristics,
presentation and gender strengths, weaknesses, Research Work
impression accomplishments, Search from the library for
management personalities and the guidelines used in
10.3 Discuss the impact behavior identifying fake news share
of online - One statement should be in class the result of your
interactions on the a lie – something that research work and your
self you just made up about own insights about fake
yourself. Make the news:
activity more fun by
making your classmates
believe that the
statement is true.
- What have you learned
from the activity? Etc.
- Applying the same
activity in the virtual
world or cyberworld,
how do people portray
themselves online?
- What are the things you
want others to share
- Further discussion on
the topics:
a. Selective self-
presentation and
b. Gender and
sexuality online
c. Performing Gender
Activity: Scenario:
1. Answer the Metacognitive
Awareness Inventory and You are about to study for
11. Managing and caring for evaluate yourself as a your final examinations
11.a.a Explain how
the self learner. and it is as if the universe
learning occurs
11.a State and understand - Do you agree with the conspired for a heavy final
11.a.b Enumerate
the theoretical results of your MAI? week, all your subjects
underpinnings for Why or Why not? provided at least three new
managing and - Make a list of your “Top reading materials and
and studying
caring for different 5 Tips/secrets for topics one week before the
techniques 17th Week
aspects of the self studying based on your examination period.
personal experiences.
- Share your answers in Create a diagram or
class. schedule using at least five
11.a.c Identify the of the metacognitive
11.b Acquire and hone
metacognitive strategies, skills and
new skills and Discussion on the other skills
techniques that studying techniques on
learnings for better and learnings that can help in
you find most how you would prepare for
managing of one’s exercising metacognition
appropriate to the next seven days before
self and behaviors
yourself. your final exam.
11.c Apply these new 11.a.d On each designated box, draw 1. Using Canfield’s quote
skills to one’s self Set goals for success your envisioned on success of the
and functioning for - The importance “Future self” who would you beginning of this
a better quality of of goals be: lesson, identify the
life - Bandura’s self 1. Five years from now elements of Bandura,
efficacy 18th Week Dweck and Locks
- Dweck’s
(growth vs. 2. Ten years from now
- Locke’s goal
2. Make an artistic
setting theory
organizer to
differentiate fixed
C.1 Take 3. Twenty years from now
mindset from growth
charge of one’s
minder of Dr. Carol
Dweck. Highlight the
C.1.a stressors
definition, description
and responses
and characteristics
C.1.b sources of - Outline your plans on
coping how you will make your
3. Make your dream
and envisioned self into
Final Examination Board, 5 years after
strength reality
college graduation
C.1.c Stress and - Discussion on the self-
Filipino efficacy Theory by the
different psychologist

 Regular class attendance
 Complete quizzes
 Complete periodic examination
 Active class participation

 Eden Joy Pastor Alata, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib, et. al. Understanding the Self, Rex Publishing 2018

1. Wolfson (2015) The Chemistry and Cinema of Desire

2. Demetrio, Fernando, Zialcita. The Sould Book, GCF Book (for Unpacking the Self)
3. The Power of Habit at http./www/

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


Instructor Department Chair



Vice President for Academics, Student Affairs and Extension Services

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