SAMPLE of Syllabus 4 SKILLS

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School unit : SMA Negeri …….

Subject : English
Class / semester : XII / I
Topic/Theme : …………………..
Standardized Competence: Listening

1.To understand the meanings in an official and continual transactional and interpersonal conversation in a daily- life context.

No Basic Teaching Materials Learning Indicators Assessment Time Learning

Competence activities allocatio sources
1 1.1 To respond Listening Text:  Pre-listening  Identifying the expression of 2X45 Tape
the meaning in Narratives activities: proposing Pen and recorder
transactional Greeting,  Determining the main idea of Paper Test CD
conversation Recorded Text: Attendaces,A the text. Book:
(to get things The Goose with the pperception  Deciding the specific Look Ahead
done) and Golden Eggs (linking,practi information in the text. 3
interpersonal cing  Deciding the references in the Recorded
(socialization) OR sounds,etc.) text. texts(3)
officially and  Whilest-
sustainably Listening
accurate, Dialogue about
Listening to
fluent, and Expressing proposal:
a tape
acceptable in a
daily life A:”May I propose entitled
contexts something, sir?” The Goose
including the B:”…” with the
expressions of A:”…..” Golden
proposing, B: Eggs
asking for Exercises
something, Based on
regret, Indicators
possibility to do  Post
something and Listening
command. activities

Approved by The teacher,
The school headmaster,

(…………………………………………….) (…………………………………………………)
Format of syllabus (Reading)
School unit : SMA Negeri.………………………………
Subject : ENGLISH
Class / semester : …………………………………………………….……………
Topic / Theme : ………………………………………………………………….
Standardized Competence: READING
9. Understanding the meaning in short functional text in genres of narrative, explanation, and discussion in the context of daily life for
accessing knowledge.

Basic Teaching Time

No Learning activities Indicators Assessment
Competence Materials allocation
9.1 Responding to Complete text: Approach:
meaning in (Transactional  Paper and 2 X 45
officially-and non Method : Students are able to
or pen test. Minutes
officially-short interpersonal Techniques: 1. Identfy the main
functional text text)
using various 1. Pre-activities (5’) sentence in the text.
Title: Lebai
language printed Malang Students observe the picture and read a short text 2. Determine the topic
text accurately,
fluently, and on their hand book and answer some questions of the text.
acceptably in the
about it. 3. Responding or
context of daily-
life for accessing 2. Main Activities (35’) determining certain
 Students read the text aloud. information in the text.
 Students comprehendthe text to grasp the 4. Determining
meaning inside the text. antonymous or
 While reading, they pay special attention to main synonymous of certain
sentences, topic, certain information and some key words in the text.
words or difficult vocabularies in the text.
 Students answer some questions about the text.
3. Final activities (5’)
 Students make conclusión to the course they have
 Teacher gives feedback to students about the
course materials.
 Reflection
 Assignment.

Approved by The teacher,
The school headmaster,
(…………………………………………….) (…………………………………………………)

Format of syllabus (Speaking)

School unit : SMA Negeri………………………………
Subject : ENGLISH
Class / semester : …………………………………………………….……………
Standardized Competence: SPEAKING
2. Expressing the meaning in short functional text and monologue in the genres of narrative, explanation, and discussion in a
daily-life context.
Assessme Le
No Basic Competence Teaching Materials Learning activities Indicators allocatio
nt so
2.1 Expressing the Abduh: Did you Tans Television 1. Pre-activities (5’)
meaning at 8 last night, Jhon?  Paper 2 X 45
monologue text Greeting, Calling the roll, Apperception Students are 
and pen Minutes
using various Jhon: Yes, I did. There was a TV Students observe the picture and read a able to test. book
languages series about Malin Kundang. It  Perform
accurately, short dialogue on their hand book and 1. Identfy the  Ca
was fantastic. ance
fluently, and answer some questions about it. meanings of D
acceptably in the Abduh: Yes, I agree with you.
daily-life context 2. Main Activities (35’) expression of  T
The climax of the story was
using the genres
very painful. The mother was  Students listen to tape recorded aggrement, Reco
of: narrative,
very disappointed with her
explanation, and dialogue. opinion,  M
discussion. son.
 While listening, they pay special feeling. dialo
Jhon : Yes, your right. Well,
attention on intonations used in the 2. Expressing
what are we going to learn in
class this morning? dialogues. aggrement,
 Doing Conversation; in pairs on their opinion,
Abduh: Yeah, we are going to
talk about Malin Kundang too, in seat. feeling.
class this morning.
 Doing Conversation; in pairs in front of 3. Responding
Jhon: Great. class. the expression
 Question and answer about dialoque. of aggrement,
 Students answer some questions about opinion,
the dialogue. feeling.
 In pairs, students perform the expression
of proposing ideas in front of class.
 Individually, students practice using the
3. Final activities (5’)
 Students make conclusión to the course
they have got.
 Teacher gives feedback to students
about the course materials.

Approved by The teacher,
The school headmaster,
(…………………………………………….) (…………………………………………………)

Format of syllabus (Writing)

School unit : SMA Negeri.………………………………
Subject : ENGLISH
Class / semester : …………………………………………………….……………
Standardized Competence: WRITING
10. Expressing meaning in printed monologue in the genres of narrative, explanation, and discussion accurately, fluently, and acceptably
in a daily-life context.
Basic Assessme Le
No Teaching Materials Learning activities Indicators allocatio
Competence nt so
10.1 Expressing the Narrative text: 1. Pre-activities (5’)
meanings in  Paper 2 X 45
Greeting, Calling the roll, Apperception Students are  Han
 Schematic Structure: and pen Minutes
officially and non Orientation: What, who, where Students observe the picture and read a able to book
officially short  Perform
short text on their hand book and answer 1. Identfy the  M
functional text Complication; Major and minor ance
complication some questions about it. genres of the text
using various
2. Main Activities (35’) given text. exam
languages Resolution: Major and Minor
accurately, Resolution to the Problems  Students observe the modeling text. 2. Determinin type

fluently, and  While observing, they pay special g the schematic or re

 Language Function
acceptably in a  Language features: attention to the information and form of structure of the genr
human and non human,
daily-life context. the text. text.  Ta
BKOF, Modeling, Joint  Answer some questions about the text. 3. Determinin Sche
construction, Independent  Determining the genre of the text. g the language struc
 Determining the schematic or generic of features used and
the text. in the text. langu
 Determining the language features of the 4. Writing featu
text. simple Genr
 Staring the process of writing: BKOF, narrative text.
Modeling, Joint construction,
Independent Construction.
 Drafting, revission, finalization.

3. Final activities (5’)

 Students make conclusión to the course
they have got.
 Teacher gives feedback to students
about the course materials.
 Assignment.

Approved by The teacher,
The school headmaster,

(…………………………………………….) (…………………………………………………)

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