K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum Grade 5 First Quarter/ First Grading Period Matter Content

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K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Grade 5




2. Changes that Materials Undergo


Materials undergo changes due to oxygen and heat


The learner uses local, recyclable solid and/ or liquid materials in making
useful products.


The learner investigate changes that happen in materials under the following
2.1 presence or lack of oxygen; and
2.2 application of heat


S5MT – Ic – d – 4
Chapter 2- Changes that Material Undergo

Lesson 1: Changes in Matter

Duration : 2 days

I. Objectives:
1. Describe changes in materials under different conditions.
2. Cite the conditions/factors that bring about changes in materials.

II.A. Materials
2 pieces of bond paper candle
Pair of scissors match
Alcohol lamp bottle

B. References
Science and Health 5, SD Publishing Inc.
Science for Daily Use 5, TM, textbook

C. Process skills: Observing, Describing, communicating, investigating, explaining

D. Values integration: Be cautious (Take reasonable care to avoid risks)

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement
1. Have the pupils look at the two pictures (same pictures). The first picture
was taken some years back, the second picture is the recent one
2. Instruct the pupils to compare the old picture with the recent.
3. Ask: What changes have taken place in this particular place (Brgy.
4. Have the pupils to fill up the chart
Say: List down all the materials that have changed.

Old picture Recent Picture

5. Call 3-4 pupils to discuss their answers.

6. Present the lesson:
There are numerous changes occurring in the environment every second.
Some of these changes are very noticeable while others are not.
Today you will do an activity that will help you understand how
materials undergo changes.
B. Exploration
1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Set norms to follow during group activities.
3. Introduce chapter 2- Changes that material undergo, lesson 1: changes in
4. Provide the material to each group
5. Go around and follow up the conduct of activity by each group
6. Remind each group that they will be presenting their gathered data in
class after finishing their activity.

What to do:
Caution: Be careful in handling the alcohol lamp when it is lighted.

1 Blow the balloon. Tie the end to keep the balloon in shape. Observe the
size of each balloon before and after blowing.
2 Cut a piece of bond paper into two equal parts. Leave one piece of bond
paper untouched. Compare the sizes of the cut part with the uncut piece
of bond paper.
3 Cut the uncut piece of bond paper into different shapes. Observe what
happens to its sizes.
4 Light the alcohol lamp and burn the other half of the piece of bond paper.
Compare the burned paper and the paper.
5 Light the candle and put it into a bottle to secure it in place. Observe what
happens to the candle. Then put off the flame.
6 Write your observations in the data table describing the changes you have
observe under different conditions.

Material Condition Changed observed

C. Explanation
Ask the group to present their data and answer the guide questions.
Suggested answers:
1. What do you noticed with the size and shape of the balloon after
blowing? (the size and shape change)
2. Compare the sizes of the uncut paper with the paper that was cut in
half.( the cut paper is smaller)
3. What happened to the paper after cutting it in different shapes?
(the paper got small)
4. What were the changes in questions 1, 2 and 3. What was the
condition that made them change? (heat, cutting, blowing)
5. What happened to the burned paper? (became ash)
6. What made them burned? (flame)
7. What have you noticed with the candles while lighted? It melts
8. What condition that made it changed? (heat)
9. What are the changes you have observed under different conditions?
10. What did you learn in this activity?

D. Elaboration
Help the pupils construct and express their understanding. At this point they
should be able to say/ understand that

Materials undergo changes. It may be in shape, sizes, or state of matter

without changing its kind. It may be a changed in composition in the
production of a new substance.
When force is applied, the material changed in shape and size but the
material is still the original material, this is called a physical changed.
Heat can also change the material’s composition. Hence, when a piece of
paper is burned, the material changed into ash. Ash is a new material. Ash
is a new material that cannot be used for writing. This changed is called
chemical changed.

E. Evaluation
Is it Physical changed or Chemical change?

_________________1. Pounding of grains

_________________2. Burning of the leaves
_________________3. Butter melts
_________________4. Cotton is burned
_________________5. T-shirt is cut

IV. Assignment
List down 5 changes that your community has undergone.

1.______________________ 5.___________________

Chapter 2: Changes That Material Undergo

Lesson 2: Physical Change

Duration: 4 Days

I. Objectives:
1. Observe that no new materials are formed in Physical change.
2. Show that physical change may take place in materials.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials upon application of

II. A. Materials
Activity 1:
Piece of cloth, piece of paper, toothpicks, straw, popsicle sticks,
Activity 2:
Water, alcohol lamp, naphthalene balls, tin can, plastic for ice candy,
Ice cube

B. References
Into the Future: Science and Health 5,TM, Textbook,
Abiva Publishing, author Peralta-Peralta

C. Processes Skills:
Observing, Communicating, describing, identifying, investigating

D. Values Integration
Be cautious. Take reasonable care to avoid risks.
III. Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
1. Jigsaw puzzle of different materials (tree, jar, box)
2. First group to complete the puzzles, wins the game

Today you will do an activity that will help you understand more of
physical change
B. Exploration
What to do:
1. Divide the class into small groups
2. Set norms to follow during group activities.
3. Introduce Lesson 2:Physical change
4. Provide the materials to each group
5. Go around and follow up the conduct of activity
by each group.
6. Remind the group that they will be presenting their data in class
after finishing their activity.

Activity 1: Observing Physical Change

What to do:
A. -Get the piece of cloth and scissors.
Cut it into pieces using the desired shape.
Paste it on 1 bond paper.
B. Get the piece of paper.
Crumple the piece of paper
Paste it on1 bond paper
C. Get the popsicle sticks
Make a house out of the popsicle sticks.
Paste it on 1 bond paper.
D .Get the toothpicks.
Make a design out of the toothpicks.
Paste it on 1 bond paper.
E. Get the plastic straw.
Cut it into desired shapes.
Make a flower out of the shapes
Paste it on 1 bond paper.

Activity 1
1. What happened in each activity? What changed that can be noted?
2. Was there a new substance formed? Why?
3. What kind of change is this?

Activity 2- Observing Physical Change

(Change of State)
What to do:
1. Put water in the plastic and place it inside the freezer for 20
minutes. Observe what happens.
2. Place the ice cubes on a saucer for few minutes. Observe.
3. Pour water on a tin can and place the can over the flame for about
15 minutes. Observe what happens to the water inside the can.
4. Place the naphthalene ball on a piece of paper that was kept in the
bookshelves for 1 week. (keeping it should be done in advance and
should announce to the class)
5. Write your observations in the data table.

situations Changes that condition Kind of change

Freezing of water
Melting of ice
Burning of water
Naphthalene ball

1. What change did you observe when you placed the water in the freezer?
2. Describe the ice cube on a saucer? Why?
3. What happened to the water in the tin can? Where did it go? Why
4. What happened to the naphthalene ball? Why?
5. Place the naphthalene ball on a far side of the room. Can you detect its
smell even from afar? What does it mean?
C. Explanation:
Ask the group to present their data and answer the guide questions.
Suggested answers
Activity 1
1. What happened in each activity?(they changed)
2. Was there a change in each activity? (yes)
3. What was the changed that can be noted? (size, shape, texture)
4. Was there a new substance formed?(none)
5. What kind of change is this? (Physical change)
Activity 2
1. What happened to the water in the freezer?( the water turned to ice
water)Why? (Because of the low temperature/ cold)
2. What can you say to the ice cube on the saucer?(it turned to water/ it
melted). Why? (because Of heat)
3. What happened to the water in the tin can? (it disappeared/it’s gone)
Where did it go? (air)
Why? (it was changed to gas)
4. What happened to the naphthalene ball?(the size changed/became
Smaller) Why? ( because Of temperature)
5. Can you smell the naphthalene ball from afar? (yes)
What does it mean?(the smell indicates their transformation of gas

D. Elaboration
Help the pupils to express their understanding, at this point in time they
Should be able to understand that
Physical change occurs when materials undergo change in shape,
size, texture without changing the composition or a change in substance.

The application of HEAT, FORCE and PRESSURE can cause a material

to undergo physical change.
Materials can change from one state to another. Solid can change to
liquid, liquid to solid and solid to gas. These are physical change that may be
brought about by the absorption or release of heat.
In physical change, no new substance is formed.

SOLIDIFICATION or Freezing is the process of changing of form from liquid to

solid .It is brought about by low temperature. Ex. Water to ice.
LIQUIFICATION is the process of changing of form from solid to liquid. It is
brought about by absorption of heat. Ex. Ice to water
EVAPORATION is the process of changing of form from liquid to gas. It is
brought about by the absorption of enough heat. Ex. Water to gas
SUBLIMATION is the process of changing of form from solid to gas. It is
brought about by the absorption of heat. It is the state of matter from solid to
gas without passing the liquid state. Naphthalene balls release chemicals
through sublimation, the longer they are exposed, the more they turn to gas.
Here are some examples of physical change:
Change from quarrying, dissolving sugar, melting cheese, water cycle

E. Evaluation
Which of the following shows physical change, put a check before the number.

______1.boiling of water ______6.burning of rubber

______2.Ripening of fruits ______7.breaking of rocks
______3.cutting firewood ______8.rusty roof
______4.mixing water and ice cube ______9.melting of spoon
______5.souring of milk ______10. Melting of wax

IV. Assignment

What activities at home show physical change. Write them below.

_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
_________________ __________________
Chapter 2: Changes That Material Undergo
Lesson 3: Chemical Change
Duration: 2 days

I. Objectives:
1. Show that chemical change may take place in materials.
2. Observe that new material is formed in chemical change.
3. Investigate changes that happen in materials upon application of heat.
II. A. Materials
Paper, 2 empty metal can, matches, white sugar, alcohol lamp, wet
rag, Eggshells, vinegar

B. References
Science for daily Use 5,TM and Textbook,
Into The Future: Science and Health 5, TM and
Teacher’s Guide, Developing Science Concepts Through Learning
Activities 6, Science Links, Rex bookstore by Evelyn Larisma, Jan Jason

C.Processes skills
Observing, describing, investigating
D.Values Integration: Be cooperative

III.Learning Tasks
A. Engagement
Play a game. Question and answer portion
1. Each group has its own color flag to raise
2. Raise the flag if they know the answer
3. the first group to make 3 points wins the game
Question 1.change form from solid to liquid.
2. change form from solid to gas.
3.change form from liquid to solid
B Exploration
1. Divide the class into groups. Tell them to do lesson 3, Activity 1,
Observing chemical change
2.Let each group answer all the questions in their assigned activity.
3.Guide the pupils as they perform the activity.

Activity 1- Observing Chemical Change

What to do:
1.Burn a piece of paper in an empty can
2.Pound an empty eggshell into small pieces.
Place the pieces on a saucer.
Add a teaspoonful of vinegar into them,
3.Put a spoonful of white sugar in another empty can.
Burn the sugar using a alcohol lamp,

C. Explanation
Allow them to share their own answers and the result of their activities.

Questions and suggested answers:

1 .What changes took place when you burned the paper?(it formed ashes)
2. Did it form a new substance? (yes)
3. What was formed when you added vinegar to the broken pieces eggshells?
4.what does this indicate?( a carbon dioxide was released in the air)
5.describe the color, appearance and smell of burnt sugar.(it’s black, taste bitter
It has distinct smell)
6.Did white sugar change into something else? What was it?(yes, carbon)


A chemical change differs from physical change. In a chemical change, new

and different materials are formed. The new materials formed have properties
different from the original properties .Acids and absorption of heat are two factors
needed for chemical change to occur .
When the materials burned, they turned black, unlike the original substance
.Burning requires application of heat .It may or may not be applied for a change
to happen. the presence of bubbles, change in color and release of heat
Indicate a chemical change.
When a material undergoes a chemical change, the new material formed cannot
be brought back to its original form. Chemical change is an irreversible process.
Examples of chemical change are rotting mouse,ripening of mango,
Burning of chop woods,production of electricity,photosynthesis,decaying

Put a check before the number that shows a chemical change.
______1.Leaves are decaying
______2.Water is boiled
______3.Garbage is burned
______4.Sewing the socks
______5.rotting tomatoes

Read something about the compost pit.Find out the chemical change that garbage
Chapter 2: Changes that Material Undergo
Lesson 4:Observing Chemical Change
Duration: 2 Days

1. Observe that new material is formed in chemical change
2.Investigate changes that happen in materials in the presence or lack of
Water,nails,steel wool, one half glass of milk

B. References
Science in Our World 5, Vibal Pub. , Norma Abracia,Evelyn Sarte
Science and Health 5,SD Pub.,Carmelita Coronel

C, Values Integration
Help parents do household chores

A. Engagement
1.Arrange jumbled words, meaning of physical and chemical
2. the first group to arrange it correctly, wins the game

1. Divide the class into group. Tell the to do lesson 4, Observing
Chemical change.
2.Let each group answer all the questions in their assigned tasks
3.guide the pupils as they perform their activity
What to do:
1.Place nails and steel wool on the table.sprinkle some water on them,
Observe them for 1 week.
2.Get an empty can and burn some pieces of paper in it.

Allow them to share their answers and the results of their activities.

Questions and expected answers:

1.Do you see rust forming on them?(yes)
2,What made them rusty?(air and water)
3.what changes happened to the paper?(it turned ash)
4.what are the product or new substance formed in this activity?


The nails and steel wool are made of iron.when wet iron reacts with
Oxygen in the air, rust is produced. Rust is a new substance.
Rust is an oxide that forms when iron reacts to oxygen in the presence
of water.

When a nail is exposed to oxygen and water, rust starts to form on its
Surface. This situation shows OXIDATION, a chemical reaction that is aide
by oxygen. Once a new product is formed, the original material is
When paper burns, the paper reacts with the oxygen in the air. Its
moisture and its changes its color,size, texture and shape. Carbon
dioxide, moisture and ashes are the new substance that form.


Encircle the things that rust.

Metal spoon pad paper straw screw coin penci play money

Hammer keys broom curtain thumbtacks rock ring


Go to the kitchen. Look for some things which undergo physical and
chemical change

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